[What the hell? I didn’t see it wrong, the card pool for the second half of version 1.3 is Aqing. Ahhhhh, Aqing, you stand up, my Aqing!】

【Woo woo woo, my Aqing has finally stood up, Aqing, Aqing is also a up character!】

【I'm really crying. Keqing is entering the up pool. We Keqing fans are so happy. This news is so exciting!】

【But this card pool is only fourteen days long. This isn’t right. How come the card pool that is usually twenty days long is only fourteen days long?】

【It’s the Chinese New Year, so there will definitely be some special things. Just get used to it. Mihoyo will definitely give you corresponding explanations or compensations when the time comes!】

【Don’t ask, if you ask, there is no problem. The compensation is sweet flower stuffed chicken. You can pick the sweet flowers yourself and ask Timi to get the poultry meat!】

【Timmy: Thank you! 】

However, Mihoyo must have his reasons for doing this. Although the players are a little confused, there must be something wrong with the card pool in the past ten days!

I will leave these questions to Mihoyo to explain later!

"Well, as usual, we have prepared three gift packages for travelers in this live broadcast!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone knew that this was the original stone redemption code. Most of the players who came to watch the live broadcast came for the original stone redemption code, and also took a look at the live broadcast revelations!

"Let’s watch a short video first. Then, travelers, you can watch the video while redeeming our Rough Stone gift pack!"

"After the short film, we have more exciting Sea Lantern Festival activities for you!"

【Great, it's the original stone redemption code, let me see, three hundred original stones! No increase in price for more quantity, I like it!】

【Three copies, so this time I gave away nine hundred original stones in total, wuwuwu, I'm really crying, Mihuyou!】

【Mihoyo is so conscientious, giving us so many draw points, woooo!】

【What is this short film? Can I take a look? Is it good? Can you teach us how to climb Dua Lang?】


At this time, a short film appeared on the screen of the live broadcast room.

This short film was the same as the one Mi Huyou had made in his previous life. It was a short film of"It Turns Out You Also Play Genshin Impact", and the background was the small apartment where Su Wei and his friends used to live.

The people in this short film were shot by Su Wei, Liu Hao, Cai Yu, and Ning Xi as a friendly guest!

Liu Hao and Cai Yu were playing table tennis. Cai Yu absentmindedly hit the ball with the racket, while Liu Hao used his head to hit the ball back with the box on his head.

Then, Liu Hao hit the table tennis ball back with a shovel in his hand, and Cai Yu also hit it back with roller skates in his hand!

Liu Hao took out a bigger shovel again and hit the table tennis ball back. This time, Cai Yu even used a bicycle as a racket to hit it back for him!

As if he was irritated, Liu Hao took out a toy gun with his backhand and fired the table tennis ball out.

【Wow wow wow wow, what is this? Is this an official prank? Hahaha!】

【Damn, it turns out what we just watched were all commercials. This is the main feature of this preview live broadcast, hahahaha!】

【It can be seen that Daweige seems a little nervous!】

【The two people who just appeared seem to be the other two founders of Mihoyo, Liu Hao and Cai Yu. They look quite young and handsome!】

【Sisters, do you understand? If you can't get Daweige, it's also good to look at the other two. In the future, these full life and full essence will not be a matter of a word from them, right?】


The scene changed, and four people sat on the sofa and sighed in unison.

"This year has been so boring!"

The four of them looked hopeless and stared blankly ahead.

Liu Hao took out his mobile phone from his pocket and started playing Genshin Impact. Su Wei, who was standing by, saw it out of the corner of his eye and said to Liu Hao,"Xiao Liu, go get something to eat!"

""Oh, okay!"

As he said that, he put the phone on the table, and the original god was still logged on the phone.

Su Wei, Cai Yu, and Ning Xi all cast their eyes on Liu Hao's phone, and then the three of them smiled at each other with meaningful smiles!

At this time, Liu Hao had not realized the seriousness of the matter. He walked into the kitchen, took out the fruit, and shouted to them:"Do you want to eat apples or oranges?"

"Eat them all!"

Liu Hao held up an orange and asked,"Do you want to peel the orange?"

"Peel it in half!"

Liu Hao looked confused and muttered to the camera:"How do I peel it in half?"

When he finished peeling the orange and cutting the apple and returned to his seat, he saw Su Wei and the other two sitting on the sofa playing games with smiles on their faces!

"What are you doing?"

At this time, a sad background music sounded in the short film, and a maid was playing a big mining scene on the TV!

The top of the screen was also marked, Xiao Liu's world!

It seems that after Xiao Ming left, they formed a group to go to Xiao Liu's world and mined all his resources!

【Hahahaha, your mine is gone!】

【Hahahaha, stealing ore hahahaha, shit, the soul of a miner!】

【Hahaha, the maid stole the ore!】

【It really made me cry. They even let the maids do the mining. Hahahaha!】、

【Xiao Liu is so miserable, I feel sorry for him! 】

Since the players in the live broadcast room know that this is just a joke, and minerals don't seem to have much effect in normal times!

However, this scene, coupled with the sad BGM, is indeed very miserable....

The two plates of fruit in Liu Hao's hands fell to the ground. The upper left corner of the video was still standard. The food was not wasted and all was eaten!

He opened his mouth wide, and the whole person was still!

Su Wei and the other two also said to the camera in unison:"Mining!"

On the TV, three Lei Zes were spinning at the same time and approaching the mineral pile on Liu Hao's account, which was full of oppression!

【No, I could barely hold on to the Lei Ze just now, but this Lei���I really live in Bengbu, hahaha!】

【Hahahaha shit, I can’t take this anymore, I’m dying of laughter!】

【Three Lei Ze, is this the feeling of oppression? Hahaha!】

【I can feel it from outside the screen, Xiao Liu's despair and helplessness as he looked at the mines in his own world being dug out. Even though it's so miserable, I really want to laugh!】

【The sense of substitution is very strong, and I'm already getting angry!】

【Duosun, if this giant panda is left to you to take care of, won’t it become starving and thin?】


After the three Lei Ze took away the minerals, a string of words appeared on the screen!

"It turns out you also play Genshin Impact!"

【So you also play Genshin Impact, you are so new!】

【Okay, okay, the main film is over, it’s time for commercials again!】

【Oh my goodness, this is actually the main movie. What I saw before were just commercials. That’s fine now! 】

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