If young people don't work and earn more money while they are young, how can they support their families in the future?

How can they marry, have children and support their parents? They have to pay off mortgages and car loans!

This is all based on one foundation, the Dragon Country Currency!

As long as the Dragon Country Currency is in place, everything will be useless!......

In a blink of an eye, it was the day of the update of Genshin Impact 1.3.

Everyone was waiting in front of their phones and computers early, waiting for the launch of Genshin Impact at 11 o'clock!

At this time, Su Wei was sitting in the office, watching the chat in the Genshin Impact group chat on his phone, and couldn't help laughing out loud.

【Genshin Impact, oh Genshin Impact, why haven’t you finished updating for such a long time? I can’t live for even a moment longer!】

【Woo woo woo, everyone says that Genshin Impact is a bad thing, bad because it is trying to harm my wallet, but I can't live for a moment without it!】

【(Emojis from the elderly on the subway)】

【Damn it, it’s already 10:55:50, why isn’t it done yet? No, it’s already 10:55:51!】

【Ahhhh, Genshin Impact, Genshin Impact, my Genshin Impact, why haven’t you updated yet? I feel like every second feels like an age now, ahhhh!】


Su Wei looked at the group of players in the Genshin Impact group chat and laughed. This was a Genshin Impact group chat he had just joined out of boredom.

Every day he would check what everyone was talking about in the group chat. After all, most of the opinions would be expressed by players on social platforms! He wanted to collect first-hand intelligence and then lead the team to make changes, so this was one of the reasons why he was in the Genshin Impact group chat! As he watched, Su Wei also sent a red envelope of 100 yuan into the group chat.

【Brother Dawei: (Congratulations on your prosperity and good luck)】

A red envelope was sent in, and the entire group chat fell into a brief silence!

Then the group chat was filled with exclamations, all kinds of dad, boss, thank you boss, dad, give me another, boss, give me another, these words are endless!

Usually, if someone can send a ten-yuan red envelope in the group chat, they are all big bosses!

If you can grab a penny in the red envelope, it means thank you boss, I love you!

What's more, Su Wei's red envelope is a hundred yuan. For Su Wei's current net worth, this hundred yuan may not be a big deal, but it still caused a great shock to everyone in the group chat!

After sending this red envelope, Su Wei quickly disappeared!

Time soon came to eleven o'clock in the morning in Longguo, and a large number of players poured into the game.

The group chat fell into silence again, but soon, the first person who took a screenshot of the card drawing came back!

He sent the picture, and the accompanying text was not distorted, very good, I love you Mihuyou!

Of course, some are happy while others are sad. Some people who got a small guarantee came out to post pictures, saying,"Ahhh, it's wrong, woo woo woo, I'm so miserable!"

Of course, there are also some dogs who posted pictures of ten consecutive double yellows or even three yellows in the group chat.

After seeing these pictures, the group chat fell silent, and then everyone became jealous.

【European dogs don’t get housed, ahhhh, I’m going to kill you, ahhhhh, I’m so mad, I’m so mad, I’m so mad!】

【Ahhhh, I'm so jealous, double yolk, why do you all have double yolk, I feel like I'm the only one in the world who has never had double yolk!】

【Woo woo woo, I also want a double yolk. I haven’t had a double yolk yet. I’m so envious!】

【Damn it, why why why why, why are you all so European, I’m so annoyed, I’m so mad! 】

Remarks like these also appeared in the group chat. Su Wei smiled at these remarks and then left the group chat.

In his previous life, he was also a member of this group chat, waiting for the launch of Genshin Impact to draw cards, and then posting pictures to show off or complain.

But now, everything is different.

And at this time, Shin’s live broadcast is the most interesting, and a large number of viewers are pouring into Shin’s live broadcast room!

They have heard of this fanatical Xiao fan, Shin. On the Genshin social platform on the Internet, photos of Shin licking the screen of Xiao have been circulated wildly!

At this time, the number of people online in Shin’s live broadcast room has also reached an unprecedented height!

But Sin doesn’t care about it, there is only Xiao in front of him!

"Hello everyone, I'm Shin!"Shin greeted everyone skillfully, and then said:"The time is now 11:25, and the 1.3 version of Genshin Impact has also been updated!"

He opened the teleportation anchor point and came to Wangshu Inn. Since he wanted to draw Xiao, he must have come to a metaphysical place!

Shin opened his own wish interface and saw that his original stones had reached a full 40,000 original stones. You can see how determined he is!

"Ah, Xiao, I must draw a full-life and full-power Xiao today!"

Shin was talking, and his panting sound was heard in the microphone, which sounded very intimidating....

After all, which normal person talks with a wheezing sound? This is already a yandere, senior!

After a brief greeting, Shin said to the camera:"Yoshi, let's get started!"

His mouse landed on the ten-pull, and said:"Xiao, please be sure to come, although I also want Qiqi to come, I also want Qiqi to come!"

Players who are familiar with the character constellations, or have specially learned about them, know it!

The effect of the fourth constellation of Captain Qiqi is to reduce wind resistance. It can be said that it is the only wind auxiliary in the current version, and the cost is very high!

Of course, there is another auxiliary that fits Xiao, that is Albedo in the snow mountain version. Albedo's constellation also increases damage, and the cost is also very high!

But Shin didn't know this at the time, otherwise he would definitely draw out all of Albedo's bone marrow!

"This is what I think in my heart, so please, start drawing now!"

"Start drawing!"

Shin clicked the ten-draw button, and the stream of light just ended, Shin said to the camera:"It's okay to come right away!"

When he saw the purple, Shin comforted himself:"Well, it's just the beginning, there's nothing we can do."

Soon, there were two more ten-draw purple buttons, and no results were achieved. Shin's expression was a little ugly, and he said:"It's only thirty draws, why isn't it coming yet?"

"It's not easy to ship out only 30 pieces...."

After comforting himself, Shin made some adjustments and then started drawing randomly!

"Ah, next is the fourth tenth company, or about the 40th company, right?"

"Well, is it about time for us to come here?"

"Can I come now?"

When he saw the purple, he felt so hot that he felt bad,"Mmmmmmmm, if I want to come, it will take about fifty rounds!"

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