At this time in the YouTube live broadcast room.

Shin is using Xiao to do the tasks of the Lantern Festival version. The Lantern Festival version of Genshin has added a lot of commissioned tasks!

Not only can it increase the feeling of the Lantern Festival, but it can also allow players to obtain more original stones!

Among these tasks, some tasks are to bring back letters to those wanderers who are in a foreign land and cannot return home in time!

There are the Thousand Rocks Army in Liyue Harbor. Despite the arrival of the Lantern Festival, they cannot leave their posts and can only entrust travelers to bring a letter to their families.

Of course, it is not all these regrets, there are also family reunions and happiness!

These tasks are not only games, but also reflect reality.

Isn’t this the case in reality? Although there will always be people who can’t go home during the Chinese New Year!

When domestic and foreign players are doing some tasks, they all have very big feelings. These emotions have never been seen in other games, but they can be experienced in Genshin.

After completing these commissioned tasks, each NPC will leave a sky lantern and write down their wishes!

Wait until the festival comes to release it, and pray for peace and smoothness in the coming year, good weather, and good health for the whole family!

Shin was a little impatient to do these tasks at first, but after he finished them all, he was deeply moved by the game.

"I miss my parents."

"This year I want to go home and celebrate the Dragon Country’s Spring Festival with them!"

"Then make lanterns, write down your wishes for the coming year, and finally release the lanterns with your parents!"

After hearing Shin's words, many viewers resonated with him and recalled their elders and parents at home.

【Woo woo woo, I haven’t been home for a long time. I didn’t even go back last Christmas. This time I must go back and spend the Spring Festival with my family!】

【Let’s learn how to celebrate the Spring Festival first. I have just learned how to write the word"Fu". It is so difficult to write. This Chinese character is even harder to write than our English letters. It really makes me angry!】

【Brother, when you write the word"Fu" and stick it on the door, you must stick it upside down!】


As foreigners, how could they understand the deep meaning of Dragon Country’s Spring Festival?

However, seeing the foreigners’ doubts, the Dragon Country people in the live broadcast room also answered enthusiastically.

【In our Dragon Country, during New Year, we stick the"Fu" sticker upside down, which means blessings have arrived, which means blessings have come to our home!】

【I understand, I understand. Thank you, my friend from Dragon Country!】

【I never thought there is so much knowledge involved in sticking a"Fu" (good luck) sticker. I understand, I really understand!】

【There are many more, such as couplets and"Jiang Taigong has no taboos". I forgot that these were prepared by the elders in the family. I won’t say more. My mother asked me to help!】

【Dragon Country has so much knowledge. It seems we need to study it carefully, so as not to make fun of others during the Chinese New Year. 】

Looking at the comments in the live broadcast room, Shin said to the camera:"I also want to put a big, upside-down blessing character on the door of my house!"

While talking to the live broadcast camera, he was carrying out the task in the game.

Soon, the task came to an end, and the screen suddenly changed, and a new PV animation appeared in front of everyone.

【Wuhu, the new PV is finally coming. These foreigners will definitely be surprised when they see it, it’s so shocking!】

【Here it comes, I have already done this task. This PV is really good-looking, really, really!】

【Wuhu, I really want to see what these foreigners think when they see this game PV, Wuhu, take off!】

【It's just a game PV, it shouldn't shock us, right? What are you thinking?】

【However, Genshin Impact has indeed brought us a lot of shocks, and it seems that it wouldn’t matter if it were a little more. Forget it, let it be. I will be happy if Genshin Impact can get better and better!】

【Yes, yes, yes, I think that's true! 】

A familiar background music sounded, and the animation began.

The moon was high in the sky.

Tonight, the moon was on the branches of the willows, and everyone stopped by the window. The breeze blew on their faces, and even this hazy moonlight made people feel that the trip was worthwhile.

The residents of Liyue Port were standing on the dock nearby.

Many familiar characters were among them, and basically all the Liyue characters appeared here.

They were all watching Yixiao Daotian Zhenjun.

As time went by, Yixiao Daotian Zhenjun's body gradually changed.

Starting with a pair of deer feet, then to its body, head, until the whole body was transformed, its tail also turned into a light blue streamer!

Yixiao Daotian Zhenjun glanced at the residents on both sides of the river, and the residents were also cheering!

Accompanied by the cheers of the residents, Yixiao Daotian Zhenjun moved.

It raised its right foot and stepped into the air, and ripples appeared in the void like the surface of the water.

Yixiao Daotian Zhenjun ran towards the distance, stepping on the sea level as if walking on flat ground, faster and faster!

Soon, it tapped the water with its toes and leaped high into the sky.

It circled in the air and then ran towards Liyue Harbor. As it walked, the sky lanterns in Liyue Harbor also lit up.

Everyone's eyes followed the movement of Yixiao Daotian Zhenjun. Yixiao Daotian Zhenjun flew around the entire Liyue Harbor, and all the sky lanterns lit up wherever he went.

The originally dim Liyue Harbor also became bright.

Then, one sky lantern after another rose, and the entire Liyue Harbor was lit up.

On the small hill in the distance, Xiao was seen sitting here.

He walked to the hillside, sat down, and looked at the sky lanterns all over the sky, with mixed feelings in his heart!

"Xiao-kun is here, Xiao-kun!" Shin shouted excitedly:"Xiao-kun, are you spending the New Year alone, Xiao-kun? Don't be afraid, I will be with you this New Year, Xiao-kun!"

With the opening of the Lantern Festival version, players are getting to know Xiao more and more.

As a Yaksha guarding Liyue, the karma accumulated on his body over the years is harmful to ordinary people, so he cannot live like ordinary people.

Therefore, he is unwilling and unable to contact mortals, and he is very afraid of hurting others because of himself.

In the game, Xiao looked at the sky full of lanterns and smiled.

Shin exclaimed upon seeing this:"Xiao-kun, my Xiao-kun smiled, woooo!"

"This version of Genshin Impact is the best one I have ever seen!"

""Genshin is also the best game I have ever played!"

Shin shouted in the live broadcast room, and the PV on the screen was still playing.

Finally, the figure of Yixiao Daotian Zhenjun appeared again and rushed towards the sky!

Until he was high in the sky, accompanied by a loud bang, the fireworks in the sky bloomed, and the gorgeous fireworks illuminated the entire sky!

The taste of the New Year was passed to the hearts of every player through the game.

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