After saying this, Su Wei started his work!

The four people in the office were still looking at each other, not daring to make a sound!

After all, everyone knew that when Su Wei started working, it must be a very important job....

With his current status, being delayed for even a second means wasting time, and even more so money!

They had no choice but to lower their heads and continue playing this game of Sheep the Sheep, which they didn’t know when they could pass!

After all, as long as they successfully completed Sheep the Sheep once today, they would get a bonus of 5,000 yuan!

Anyway, there was nothing else to do, so let’s do it!

At this time, in Teacher Piao’s live broadcast room, he was also playing this game of Sheep the Sheep!

However, while playing the game, the corners of his lips rose unconsciously, and he was obviously laughing at the angry reactions of the fans! When the fans in the live broadcast room saw Teacher Piao’s appearance, they were so angry that they cursed!

【Damn it, you pig, we treat you as a brother, but you recommend this idiot to cheat us? It's really a rip-off!】

【Damn, you are pitting your brothers, right? What the hell is this? I have been playing for an hour and I haven’t even finished it. What the hell is this?】

【Damn it, I've played it over fifty times and now I can even recite the advertising slogans. I'm speechless. What the hell is this?】

【What kind of company designed this game? Do you guys like to eat oil cakes? They designed such a beastly thing!】

【Is there anyone who can find out what the hell the design of these crappy games is? It's too ridiculous, right?】

【Damn it, when I do something else now, all I can think about is curly sheep. What the hell is this? I am speechless!】


Many players were cursing in the live broadcast room without any image!

After all, this thing is too speechless. No matter how good your skills are, no matter how good you are at operation and observing the chess pieces below!

As long as you are unlucky, you will lose!

Moreover, Su Wei clearly wrote in the game announcement that this game contains a great deal of luck, and people with bad luck cannot pass it!

"What the hell, what is this? I died when I only had a dozen left!"

Teacher Piao died again. He sighed helplessly and said,"Is this game a scam to get advertising fees? What the hell?" Teacher

Piao had to watch the ads several times every time. Even if this ad was only one cent!

The advertising fees received were an extremely terrifying figure!

"Damn it, I have to find out which company made this game"Sheep Le Ge Yang"!"Teacher Piao was so angry that she threw her phone on the sofa behind her and said angrily,"This is too infuriating!"

Not only Teacher Piao, but also other anchors' live broadcast rooms.

All the anchors who played"Sheep Le Ge Yang" were cursing without any image in the live broadcast room!

They all said that this was a game to cheat advertising fees, a rubbish game that ruined my youth and lost my money!

(Time is money, there is nothing wrong with saying this!)

Because of the fermentation of major top anchors and Internet platforms,"

Sheep Le Ge Yang" has quickly become popular, and even ranked second on the hot search!

【What exactly is Sheep the Sheep? Can anyone really complete this game?

Many players are also confused about this. Can the game Sheep the Sheep really be completed?

【Damn it, I've been playing this game for two hours, and I didn't do anything for the whole two hours. I just kept losing, watching ads, then watching ads again, and losing again. It's so speechless. What kind of crappy company made this game?】

【Whenever I close my eyes now, I think of that curly sheep and that magical music. It's so speechless!】

【Brothers, do you have any cheats to clear the game? Share them with us!】

【Forget about the cheats to pass the level. Now no one in the country knows if there is anyone who can pass the level. I am speechless!】

【Damn, I just saw someone on the little broken station, and there were only six left. It turned out that three of them were eliminated, and the other three were different. Isn't this too ridiculous?】

【What? I'll go check it out?】

【Is there such a thing? Can this game really be completed? This is just a scam, speechless!】

【I am speechless. I watched that video. The player was extremely angry and very furious. You could hear it!】


A large number of players flocked to the small broken station and saw the video in the comments just now!

The title of the video is, the developer of the sheep came out to give an explanation, this can't be passed?

It can be seen that the player is very angry!

But it is understandable that he was only one step away from success and lost because of luck!

【Come on, let’s go, let’s go. Sheep is just a scam game. They just want us to watch ads and make money from advertising fees!】

【I am speechless. I don't know why those anchors all played the same game. Are they trying to collect bribes?】

【Don’t talk nonsense. I, Director Han, am also broadcasting live now. Be careful that if you say this, others will tell you that you are slandering me!】

【How much money can this small advertising company give? It doesn't cost much to develop this game, right? How can they hire so many big anchors to promote it? Impossible?】

【Don’t fucking let me know which company made this game. If I knew, I would definitely buy it!】


As the topic fermented, more and more people joined the team of sheep!

In Mihuyou Company, Su Wei raised his head and saw that he had completed the task!

The progress of the task has reached 100%!

【Ding! Congratulations to the host for completing the task and receiving the reward!】

【Reward: The next game released by the host will be fully promoted! 】

Seeing the reward, Su Wei nodded with satisfaction.

He turned his head and saw the four people still working hard, smacking his lips!

Su Wei just stood up and was about to stretch when he heard a cry of surprise from his office!

Ning Xi and Jiang Jun both raised their phones and shouted to Su Wei

"Oh my god, I'm done!"

""Boss, I passed the level!"

Both of them looked at each other in surprise. No one expected that they would pass the level at the same time!

Su Wei took their phones and saw that they had indeed passed the level successfully!

He could understand Ning Xi's luck, but why was Jiang Jun's luck so good?

Little did he know that meeting Su Wei was Jiang Jun's greatest blessing in his life!

After checking that the two people had passed the level, Su Wei also transferred 5,000 yuan to each of them. This was agreed upon!

And Su Wei asked the two people to send the screenshots to him, so that he could use them!

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