After the news of the 1.5 version preview live broadcast was released, players came to watch!

Not only to get the 600 original stones, but also to be the first to know about the news of the new characters of Genshin Impact........

The next night at 18:55 Dragon Country Time.

Genshin Impact hadn't even started live streaming yet, but many people had already come to leave messages under the live streaming room.

Countless players came to leave messages under the live streaming room. The original base of Genshin Impact players was very large, and the Lantern Festival attracted many new players.

Now the live streaming room is more lively than any previous version.

The barrage in the live streaming room has never stopped!

【Ahhh, why isn't it seven o'clock yet? I can't stand it anymore, I want to see Eula, I want to see my new wife!】

【Where is my wife? I want to see my Eula wife, please let me in! Ahhhh, I want to see my Eula wife!】

【Hurry up, hurry up, can you do it earlier?...】

【It’s always like this with Genshin Impact. It’s so annoying that they never mention this in advance. It makes me so mad!】


In the barrage, most of them are gentlemen in the original god!

They are all here for Eula, or it should be said that they are all here for the rough stone.

You are just greedy for the rough stone body, you are cheap!

Soon, the time came to 8 o'clock in the evening of Longguo.

The door of the live broadcast room opened on time.

In the video screen, Zhongli was seen sitting on the chair, and behind them was the theme of this 1.5 version, Yufei Raochen Ge!

When everyone saw the people in the live broadcast room, they were a little surprised!

Wasn't it said that the new version would have Eula's wife?

Why is there only a social loser sitting in the live broadcast room? This must be fake....

Of course, I was even happier when I saw Zhongli in the live broadcast room. What does Zhongli's appearance in the live broadcast mean?

It means that Zhongli will be reproduced soon. When he reproduces, those who don't have Zhongli will be able to taste the sense of security that Zhongli brings to them.

【What the hell? Social loser! Oh no, it's our Rock King, so doesn't that mean Rock King is going to be re-engraved? Great!】

【I’m a newbie and haven’t drawn Geodude yet. Please quickly replicate Zhongli! I want to get a Zhongli!】

【With Zhongli, I don't have to worry about the abyss in the big world anymore. This is really surprising, woo woo woo..】

【Grandpa, please reprint it soon, that's not right, what the hell? Grandpa is going to reprint it in the next version?】

【Right, wait? Doesn't that mean I have to choose between my wife and Zhongli? 】

Everyone realized later that Eula and Zhongli were reproduced and launched together, which led to another choice for players.

Should I choose a beautiful and powerful new wife, or a beautiful and powerful social loser! @Of course, this social loser gives people a full sense of security!

【Damn it, Mihoyo, you guys are doomed to die. I'm so busy. Aren't you just trying to reap our wallets?】

【All seven gods need to be drawn. Those who haven't got Zhongli and Venti should pay attention. Hurry up and draw one, otherwise you will regret it later!

Players thought that new characters would only be released one by one, but they didn't expect that a new character would be paired with a popular old character. This also makes people very entangled!

Which one should I choose? But if this happens, I don't know when the next reprint will be....

Or do you choose to have them all? But if you want them all, your wallet will definitely not be able to bear it.

However, the original short video and various strategy bloggers have said that if conditions permit, then take down all seven gods, the strength is very high!

But high strength cannot be regarded as beauty!

High strength cannot be eaten, but beauty can be eaten as spiritual food!

And after playing the game for so long, everyone has discovered a truth!

That is to say, the auxiliary is iron, and the C position is changing!

The C position has been replaced, but the auxiliary is still the same.

For example, Bennett, Xiangling, Xingqiu, Little Cat, Diona and other four-star auxiliary are very awesome.

Not to mention Zhongli and Wendy, who are five-star auxiliary.

The strength of these two can be said to be very awesome!

In the live broadcast room, the video screen continued.

Zhongli smiled and greeted everyone, and said:"Hello, everyone, I am your old friend, Zhongli's voice actor Peng Bo!"

"After holding several Mondstadt Tea Parties, this special 1.5 version show finally came to our Liyue!"

While saying this, Bloomberg even applauded himself!

The scene was a little awkward for a while...

"Since I have taken on the important task of conveying information about the new version to everyone this time, I naturally cannot let you down!"

"This issue of Liyue Gathering will also bring you the latest information on version 1.5!"

Zhongli took a sip of tea and said to everyone:"Let's not talk too much, let's take a look at the new version of PV!"

In the new version of PC, there are not only new plots, new monsters, and new characters, but also a very important thing, that is the Dust Song Pot!

After the new PV was played, the first set of redemption code benefits were released!

After the redemption code ended, Zhongli said to the camera:"Let's take a look at the new characters together!"

【Wuhu, my new wife is coming, my wife Eula, my wife Eula, Shashasha!】

【Man, even though it's night time, you haven't slept yet, have you? Are you daydreaming already?...】

【I am really looking forward to it. I have been looking forward to it for so long. It doesn't matter if I wait a little longer....Ahhh, my Eula, please come out soon!】

【After so much anticipation, it’s finally here, let’s open our eyes!】

【Oh, huh? Is it Xiaodao who is licking his butt to open your eyes?】


First, the Mihoyo logo, the flickering candlelight!

Accompanied by a brisk background music, an elegant woman stood by the lake in Mondstadt!

This woman was the protagonist of this game, the new character Eula Lawrence.

This straight body, coupled with slender thighs, half-exposed back, and the ribbon on the chest!

Immediately, the gentlemen in the live broadcast room had golden light in their eyes and tears flowed from their mouths.

【This is so beautiful. Never mind, I don’t need my wallet anymore. I’m just going to recharge my Eula!】

【Ahhh, I'm in a bad mood and my wallet is empty. I want Eula and Zhongli. Is there any big guy who knows how to choose?】

【Come, come, I will teach you how to make a choice with your hands, hahaha!】

【I don't care, I want them all, I have money! If Mihoyo can produce more characters like this, I will buy them if I like them! 】

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