Magic City, inside Mihuyou Company.

Su Wei looked at the news on the computer and murmured,"I wonder if people in this world will degrade Wan Ye to Xiao Shatang."

Of course, when talking about Wan Ye being degraded, we have to mention that heavyweight player!

As he said that, Su Wei took out his mobile phone. He wanted to see if there was a blogger named Xiao Shatang in this world!

What surprised him was that in this ordinary world, he actually found a blogger named Xiao Shatang on the short video platform!

And the style of the video was exactly the same as the one he saw in his previous life!

"What the hell? Are they really going to come up with a rumor that Ye Tiandi is Xiao Shatang?"

That would delay the gaming experience of many players for a long time!

You know, in the previous life, because of the rumor that Wan Ye is Xiao Shatang, Su Wei didn't draw Wan Ye for a long time.

And then when the official reprint came, it took a very long time!

Wan Ye's reprint time is very long, very long, very long, it's really outrageous!

Especially when his reprint is delayed for longer and longer, the players are looking forward to it more and more.

Because Wan Ye is a man who combines the functions of gathering monsters, increasing damage, and exploring the big world!

This is why Wan Ye is later called Ye Tiandi!

Because he is too powerful!

"Should I make a video at that time to teach everyone how to use the Ten Thousand Leaves properly?"

After thinking about it, Su Wei finally decided to let it go.

What if the little sugar in this world is different from the previous life?

What if the video style is similar, but he sees the shining point of Ten Thousand Leaves?

Let it go!

Just when Su Wei was thinking about Honkai Impact 3 and Arknights in the past few days, there was a knock on the door.

"Please come in!"

Cai Yu pushed the door open and walked in, followed closely by Teacher Piao!

Teacher Piao was holding a mobile phone for taking pictures and was waving to it from time to time. It seemed that she was broadcasting live.

"Hello, everyone. I am in Mihuyou Company now. I will take you to see Dawei's office now!"

This was discussed by Su Wei and Teacher Piao. As for why Teacher Piao was chosen for the outdoor live broadcast instead of those outdoor anchors or beautiful anchors, it was mainly because of Teacher Piao's physique. If he came to the outdoor live broadcast, it would definitely be a hit!

After all, he has been sitting in a chair for many years without exercising. Suddenly, the entire outdoor live broadcast room was a surprise!

In addition, among all the anchors, Teacher Piao and Su Wei have a good relationship!

So the last anchor to come was Teacher Piao!

However, Teacher Piao announced to the outside world in his fan group that he had suddenly entered Mihuyou Company.

This was completely to increase the popularity.

The sudden entry into Mihuyou Company was completely different from what was discussed at the beginning.

The sudden attack was very exciting, and the audience also had a feeling of exploration!

At this time, everyone was very excited in the barrage!

【Teacher Piao’s outdoor live broadcast is rarely seen in a thousand years. Where is it?】

【Don’t you guys check out the fan groups? Today, Teacher Piao came to see Dawei to see the real atmosphere in Mihuyou Company!】

【We have just seen that the atmosphere is good and everyone is working quietly. It’s very good!】

【Tsk, maybe it was a script. It’s just a script, what’s so good about it!】

【It’s hard to say. After all, how can I put it? Just now, several employees were excited when they saw Teacher Piao. It doesn’t look like they were acting!】

【Hehehe, Brother Dawei’s office is just ahead. Come on, Teacher Piao, let’s see if there is anything else in Brother Dawei’s office?】

【Hehe, maybe there is a little sister. Young people are so rich and they just like to play around. Maybe Brother Dawei has a beautiful girl in his mansion now!】

【Hey, it suddenly gets exciting, hey!】


"Friends, I'm going to Brother Dawei's office now!"

Teacher Piao changed his previous live broadcast style and spoke in a very soft voice!

I don't know if it was to create an atmosphere or to avoid disturbing people at work in Mihoyo Company.

Teacher Piao followed Cai Yu into Su Wei's live broadcast room, and Su Wei saw that the newcomer was also possessed by the actor!

He hurried forward to greet him, pretending to be very surprised!

"Teacher Piao, why are you here? Come and sit down!"

Su Wei quickly took him aside and treated him well. The whole process seemed real, without a script.

"Teacher Piao, have some tea!"

Teacher Piao took the tea, took a sip, and then put the cup on the table. Then he said earnestly:"I came here suddenly and didn't bring any gifts. Is it okay?"

"It’s okay, it’s okay. Teacher Piao, I still remember the help you gave me before!"

Su Wei looked around and said,"More than a year ago, we were a small studio with three people."

"Who could have thought that one year later, we would have grown to this point?"

Teacher Piao nodded and said with a smile,"Brother Dawei, do you want to say hello to the fans?"

"Of course!"

Su Wei immediately faced the camera and said to everyone:"Hello everyone, I am your old friend Dawei. I didn't put on any makeup or change my clothes today. I am sorry to make you laugh!"

Seeing this, the viewers in the live broadcast room quickly said that it was okay!

Even Su Wei was very happy, and makeup and good clothes were just the icing on the cake.

Su Wei was handsome enough!

There are probably not many handsome, talented and rich men in the world, especially at such a young age!

"Well, in that case, I have a request for you!"

Hearing the request, Su Wei immediately became interested and said with a smile,"Just tell me!"

Teacher Piao glanced around and asked,"Your decoration is nice. We, the fans, really want to see what you have in your office, a young and promising person like you?""

"Of course, go ahead!"

Su Wei sat on a chair nearby, watching Teacher Piao lead everyone to look for things.

It was impossible to see any confidential documents, after all, Su Wei could not keep those things in the company office.

Instead, they were in his system backpack, and no one else would ever find them.

Things like hiding a beautiful woman in a golden house were even more impossible!

As career-oriented men, we will not be interested in women in the short term!

Soon, Teacher Piao led everyone around Su Wei's office.

Except for some ordinary documents and contracts, and Su Wei's spare clothes and shoes, nothing was found.

The water friends in the live broadcast room were a little disappointed, after all, they didn't see any explosive news!

Just when Teacher Piao was about to return to his seat, he caught a glimpse of a water friend in the live broadcast room shouting

【Teacher Piao, quickly look at Dawei's computer! 】

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