Magic City, Mihoyo Company.

Su Wei looked at the data on the computer screen and said with a smile:"Cai Yu, guess what everyone chose?"

Cai Yu thought for a while and asked softly:"Very simple?"

Su Wei nodded and looked at the computer.

He was not surprised that Cai Yu would guess this, after all, the original god is really very simple now!

There are no difficult decryption, disgusting decryption, etc.

There is no time-consuming task, such as the forest book that is longer than some main lines!!!

That is really disgusting!

"but..."Su Wei stroked his chin and opened the Shark Live Broadcasting Platform. He turned his head and said to Cai Yu:"Have you completed the new main quest?"

New main quest?

Cai Yu thought about it. He had not done the new main quest recently.

After all, he is so busy every day. He just needs to spend some time to complete a quest on his account at night!

But he decided to forget about the main quest since it is so long.

But... the original God was made by his department. Even if he has not eaten pork, has he seen pigs run?

Even if he has not played it himself, he has seen bits and pieces during the production process.

"We will meet again eventually?"

Su Wei nodded and said with a smile:"Yes, we will meet again eventually. Can you find out if there is any Genshin Impact anchor who is doing this task now?"

"Isn't it hard to find?"

There are not many live broadcasts in the morning. Although Genshin Impact is very popular, there are few main quests.

Especially with so many quests, there is only one We Will Meet Again. Isn't this a bit difficult?

So Su Wei and Cai Yu searched like looking for a needle in a haystack.

After searching for a long time, they didn't see a Genshin Impact anchor doing the main quest, let alone one doing We Will Meet Again.

"Oh, I am so speechless!"

Su Wei turned around, and there was no one doing the main storyline. It was so boring!

Seeing this, Cai Yu comforted him:"Hey, the only time you see live broadcast as the main storyline is probably when the version is updated, watching Ying Yueyue and Lettuce and others!"

"By the way, Cai Yu, didn’t Tencent launch a pesticide some time ago?"


Cai Yu frowned when he heard this. He didn’t remember Tencent selling pesticides.

Seeing his expression, Su Wei emphasized:"I’m talking about the King of Pesticides!"

After Su Wei’s reminder, Cai Yu nodded repeatedly.

"Are you talking about the King of Pesticides? Yes, what's wrong?"

"It's okay."

Su Wei opened other live broadcast platforms and found the Pesticide anchor Shuye!

Seeing that Su Wei found a King of Pesticide anchor, Cai Yu asked in confusion:"Su Wei, why are you looking for the King of Pesticide anchor?"

"Keep reading!"

The leaves on the screen pushed down the crystal on the other side!

After seeing that he had gained another star, he raised his arms and shouted,"Get off work!!!"

The two words"get off work" were too confusing for Cai Yu.

They just came and ended the broadcast?

Isn't this too unfortunate?

"Su Wei, don't look at this anchor, he just went off the air, let's just go play Genshin Impact!"

Su Wei shook his head, he didn't understand what Leaf meant by"going off work".

As the saying goes, pesticides are work, Genshin Impact is life!

Leaf going off work means stopping broadcasting pesticides and starting broadcasting Genshin Impact!

There are no other anchors at the moment, just watch Leaf!

Su Wei still prefers Leaf's live broadcast style, which is real, bold and interesting!

And the one who wipes his mouth with a curtain, that one is more real!

More down-to-earth!

Cai Yu patted Su Wei on the shoulder and whispered:"I am Emperor Liu Ming, so fierce!"

"What's your Emperor's Six Lives worth?"

Su Wei threw his phone to him and said,"Come on and see the damage?"

"Come on!"

The two of them created a team room. The first one to come up was Cai Yu who took out his six-life Zhongli!

The copy was naturally the Ruotu Dragon King!

Although Cai Yu's Zhongli was slightly inferior, with only 40,000 HP, a bit rubbish!

But as a six-life Zhongli, the style of fighting Ruotu Dragon King was completely changed!

No matter how Ruotu Dragon King attacked, their HP did not move at all!

It could even overflow.~

"Did you see it? This is the real Martial God Zhongli!"

Su Wei nodded and said,"It does have that flavor, but my evaluation is that he is the best of the brothers!"

"Tsk, the best of brothers? Let me see yours!"

Cai Yu took the weapon from Su Wei and saw that his Zhongli's health was not as high as his.

And his pairing was actually Princess, Rosaria, Bennett and Zhongli!

What kind of team is this?

Cai Yu was stunned. As a result, he found that Su Wei's Bennett's sixth life was not yet activated!

This red dot made him very unhappy!

However, he was stopped by Su Wei. He took a look at Su Wei's Zhongli.

The Homa rifle he brought...

This is different from the mainstream now. The mainstream now is to bring the Black Tassel Spear!

Black Spear and then 2,000 Rocks plus life and other random things. This is basically the mainstream!

When Cai Yu saw that Su Wei had all the talents, he was stunned!

"What are you doing?"

"Oh my god? Crowns are free?"

Cai Yu was speechless. Su Wei had told them at the beginning that crowns should not be used carelessly!

The characters in the back are more cost-effective. In the front, you only need to choose Bennett's ultimate move and Zhongli's elemental combat skills!

But he came up and chose three first!

"Of course, this is the authentic God of War Zhongli!"

Su Wei opened Zhongli's holy relics, four pale explosion damage head attack cup physical cup, which made Cai Yu dumbfounded!

Then Su Wei found the frozen tree, used Bennett's elemental combat skills and elemental burst to break the shield and increase the attack!

Use Rosaria and the princess to create superconductivity and reduce physical resistance!

Finally, switch to Zhongli's shield and normal attack, each of which has an output of over ten thousand!

Cai Yu's eyes popped out, and he was surprised:"Is this how you play games?"

"Otherwise, who told you that Zhongli’s exclusive holy relic must be Qianyan?"

Speaking of this, Su Wei switched to Zhongli’s exclusive weapon and asked:"Guess why I designed Guanhong as an attack? Instead of life?"

In the world view of the original god, Zhongli is not only the god of contract, but also has the reputation of the god of war!

So Su Wei is the real god of war Zhongli!

The price is that the training cost is a bit high, and the difficulty is greatly increased compared to the blood cow Zhongli!

After all, the blood cow only needs to stack life mindlessly!

Cai Yu gave a thumbs up and said in a deep voice:"You are amazing, you....You, you told us to play Blood Bull, and you secretly played the Martial God style!"

Speaking of this, Cai Yu handed the phone to Su Wei and said:"I have a wish, that is, I hope you can train me, I also want to play the Martial God Zhongli!"

"Tui, Si Cangbai, Homa Guanhong are all fine, go and play by yourself!"

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