"Well, I'd better shut up!"

Although Jiang Mulan had already set off on the road to the Land of Sakura, it was still too late to say bad things about others behind their backs. After a brief chat, Su Wei and Cai Yu closed their eyes.

After a long period of high-intensity work, it is really easy to fall asleep once you relax!

The two of them fell asleep on their seats!

Because it was a direct trip from Shanghai to Hangzhou, Su Wei and Cai Yu were woken up by the Su sisters.

Su Yuner patted Cai Yu's face and said with a smile:"Cai Yu, we've arrived at our destination!"

Cai Yu slowly opened his eyes, rubbed his sleepy eyes, yawned and stretched!

"Cai Yu, drool!"

After hearing Su Yuner's reminder, Cai Yu belatedly wiped the saliva from the corner of his mouth!

Cai Yu scratched his head embarrassedly when he found that he was drooling while sleeping.

Su Yuner covered her mouth and chuckled, while Su Yunqin had a stern face as usual!

The two people had completely different views!

Cai Yu nodded, and then he just turned his head and looked at Su Wei!

When he was about to call him to get up, he saw that Su Wei not only did not drool, but even his sleeping posture was very dignified!

""Wow? Are you pretending to sleep?"

Cai Yu said in his heart in shock. In the past, Su Wei would jump off the bed and throw off the quilt twice in one night in the dormitory.

Now his sleeping posture is so weird, you are more dignified than an elementary school student in class!

Why are you pretending?

Cai Yu shook Su Wei and said,"Su Wei, let's go, we have reached our destination, get off the bus!"

After Cai Yu shook him like this, Su Wei woke up staggeringly.

""Are we there?" Glancing at the time on his phone and seeing that it was time for lunch, Su Wei said to them,"Let's go and have lunch!"

He picked up his backpack and got off the car!

Cai Yu and the other two sisters of the Su family were stunned. Wow, they were going to have lunch right after waking up? The two sisters of the Su family were especially surprised!

In their impression, Su Wei, as the founder of a company, should be very serious!

How come he is like a college student now?

It's time to have lunch?

Su Wei had already chosen the place for lunch, which is also a place with beautiful environment and elegant style.

On the way there, Su Wei also admired the scenery of Hangzhou through the car window!

Just as Bai Juyi wrote in"Remembering Jiangnan, Remembering Jiangnan"

"When I think of Jiangnan, I miss Hangzhou the most. I look for osmanthus in the mountain temple under the moon, and watch the tide on the pillow of the county pavilion. When will I visit again?"

This is a true portrayal of the beautiful scenery of Hangzhou.

The environment here perfectly meets the needs of the Su sisters. It is deep and elegant, and it is most suitable for an iceberg beauty like Su Yunqin!

But the most important thing is that Su Wei found that the dishes here are spicy and tasty!

On the surface, it is to meet the environmental needs of the Su sisters. If they know it, they may think Su Wei is very considerate!

But in fact, behind the scenes, this restaurant is spicy and tasty!

I haven't eaten these foods for a long time. The nun Miejue in the company cafeteria has made Su Wei thin!

It was cold, and Su Wei ordered a lamb rib pot, which was tasty and strong! He also ordered a lamb soup, which warmed his stomach and body!

Of course, in addition to the lamb soup, there are several other side dishes. Su Wei ordered the ones that the Su sisters don't like very much.

For example, spicy bullfrog, Jiandesheng fried chicken, hand-torn cabbage, etc....

These are all very spicy and oily foods!

The Su sisters, who always eat light food, won’t even look at them!

So when the dishes were served, Su Wei’s table became the most eye-catching one here!

The Su Wei sisters are indeed beautiful and very eye-catching. Half of the dishes on the round table are their light dishes!

Of course, Su Wei is the most eye-catching!

Cai Yu only wore a mask, he put on the mask, sunglasses and hat!

He hid himself directly!

He was afraid that someone would recognize him!

He looked like a real, uh, to put it bluntly, a two-armed man....

However, as a public figure, even people who don't play Genshin Impact know Su Wei.

After all, how can you not know this person who is on the hot search every now and then? Even big stars are not so diligent in being on the hot search!

Cai Yu listened to the whispers of the people around him, and whispered to Su Wei:"Su Wei, let's have a meal, right?"

Su Wei hurriedly shook his head and said firmly:"No, no, I really can't be recognized!"

As he said, he also picked up a piece of meat, took up the mask, and smiled:"Look, there is nothing wrong with me!"

He can't be recognized. If he is recognized now!

At that time, it may trigger a chain reaction, a butterfly effect!

Some people may be able to associate it with the Hangzhou Comic Exhibition, and they will be able to recognize themselves at the comic exhibition!

Then the sauerkraut dumplings I eat in the future will have no taste!

I can't taste the taste of maternal love!

So no matter what, his identity cannot be exposed today!

Ignoring Cai Yu, Su Wei said to him:"Eat, eat!"

If there is no accident, then there will be an accident!

At the same time, in a corner, a streamer from the Shark platform was also broadcasting live.

The streamer's ID is Tian Ke'er. She has 100,000 fans on the Shark platform and is considered a relatively famous singing streamer.

"Hello everyone, I’m Ke’er, and today I’m going to do an outdoor live broadcast for you!"

Ke’er focused the camera on the dishes on the table, and she whispered,"Wow, look, the dishes on this table smell so good!"

"Listen to me, you will definitely enjoy the food here!"

Seeing this, the viewers in the live broadcast room said that it was indeed very good!

But they watched Ke'er for her looks and singing ability, and they all shouted in the live broadcast room to listen to her songs!

Ke'er sighed helplessly, there was no way she could make a living by live broadcasting!

This kind of environment should be quiet, everyone is eating, it's not good to sing... but...

These are the sponsors in the live broadcast room. If you offend them, you will have no food to eat!

After careful consideration!

So at the request of everyone, Ke'er sang a song!

The song spread throughout the restaurant, and even Su Wei, who was having a meal, was stunned!

He looked in the direction where the song came from!

Cai Yu on the side smiled and said,"This is a pretty good song!"

Su Wei nodded,"It's really good. If it's not good, I will let you go up and argue!"

"why me?"

"Because I can't reveal my identity, I can only give it to you!"


In the corner, after a song, Ke'er looked at the live broadcast room again.

She whispered:"What do you think of my singing? I'm so lucky that no one hit me or scolded me!"

Most of the people in the live broadcast room praised Ke'er!

But Ke'er still noticed a message

【Ke'er, if you can find an amateur who sings well in the restaurant, how about I give you ten super hot ones? 】

Author's words:

Tomorrow, those who understand will understand. I don't know whether I should take a day off....Of course, even if I take a leave, I will make it up to you the day after tomorrow!

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