Ke'er was stunned when she saw the boss' words!

She even thought she had seen it wrong, so she looked at it a few more times!

After confirming that it was correct, Ke'er smiled bitterly twice helplessly!

As the saying goes, laymen watch the excitement, experts watch the doorway. Most netizens in the live broadcast room think that the iceberg beauty is the most difficult to deal with!

But only some people saw this rational analysis!

This kind of performance artist is the most difficult to deal with!

Their thoughts are always unpredictable, and you don't even know whether he is happy, angry, sad or happy in the next second? Maybe you were talking to him well in the last second, and he started crying in the next second.

Or he got angry, laughed, and so on.

These artists with unpredictable personalities are the most difficult to deal with, and they will get into trouble if you are not careful!

So when Ke'er saw the boss choose Su Wei just now, she was stunned!

She didn't want to choose Su Wei the most in her heart.

But if there is no accident, then there will be an accident!

Ke Er smiled at the camera and said,"Boss, I'll go negotiate with them. Wait a minute!"

Ke Er walked towards Su Wei with the camera in hand, attracting a lot of attention along the way!

Even if those middle-aged and elderly people don't play the Internet, they understand some of the tricks of young people.

It can only be said that they can't keep up with the times....

Ke'er walked to the table where Su Wei and his friends were sitting and said with a smile,"Sorry to bother you guys!"

Su Wei looked in the direction of the voice and saw Ke'er filming them with her phone.

"I am a singing anchor, I want...."

Before he finished speaking, Su Wei took off and hid behind Cai Yu!

He cursed in his heart, my outfit is perfect, why can I still be recognized?

It's really unlucky!

He thought that the anchor recognized him and was going to use his traffic. He had seen too many such things in his previous life.

Small anchors use the traffic of big anchors to boost their own popularity!

If it were usual, Su Wei would definitely come forward and greet everyone to bring traffic or something.

He didn't care about these.

But now the situation is very special, and he must not be recognized!

But this behavior is very strange in the eyes of others, and the eyes of people around are attracted.

But combined with Su Wei's outfit, everyone is not surprised!

The indoor temperature is not low, it is normal for everyone to take off their coats!

He directly wrapped three layers inside and three layers outside, which can only be said to be too cool!

Su Wei patted Cai Yu and whispered:"Cai Yu, put on the mask quickly!"

Cai Yu is also a public figure now. If he is recognized.

Indirect recognition, isn't that sending?

Upon hearing this, Cai Yu had to put down his chopsticks and put on his mask. Don't ask what Su Wei said, just do it!

If you are a brother, then support him!

And Su Wei's weird behavior, in Ke'er's eyes, is determined to be a performance artist.

Or a not-so-normal performance artist...

Seeing this, the viewers in the live broadcast room were speechless!

【Is this guy a little bit mentally ill? Look at what's going on here? Who would jump up when they see the camera and say something?】

【It's really hard for Ke'er, but for the sake of the ten super fires, I'll still give it a try.】

【I can only say that the boss is really good at judging people!】

【I feel that this performance artist is more pleasing to the eye than the icy beauty next to him!】

【Dude, did you make a typo? This performance artist is more attractive than an iceberg beauty? I think you are out of your mind!】

【Hey, hey, hey, don't be like this, maybe she is...Do you like this?】、

【Awesome, I really can't hold it in...】


Ke'er was also a bit troubled. This performance artist was really hard to deal with!

But soon, she adjusted herself and said with a smile:"I just want to ask one of you to sing a song. Just the little rabbit, or two tigers!"

Hearing the singing, Su Wei's head shrank even more!

Let them do this kind of public thing.

Cai Yu should be a good singer. The Su sisters are learning from Teacher Yang Yang.

Singing should not be a problem.

As for myself, forget it.

Just when Su Wei was about to make an excuse, the system appeared!

【Ding! Congratulations to the host for triggering the emergency task and singing two songs in the live broadcast room, causing a sensation!】

【Mission rewards: Proficiency in singing, suona, guzheng, erhu, guitar and piano!】

【Mission failed: The host's identity is exposed, and it is much more difficult to hide his identity at the comic convention! 】

Listening to the system prompt sound in his ear, Su Wei was stunned!

He thought:"System, you have changed. You used to support me silently, but now you are actively pitting the host!"

【It was not easy for the host in the early days of starting a business, but now everything is getting better, right? We have to find some fun for the host!】

【What if I become stupid from making games and doing my job every day?】

【Isn't this for the host's mental state? So why not become a superstar?】

"Damn, what a lie!"

Find something else to do in the boring life of making games?

Seeing this, Su Wei could only bite the bullet and agree.

However, speaking of superstars, he took out his phone and searched the name of the song.

If it's not there, then it's easy to deal with....

I hope the music level in this world is not as good as in the previous life.

On the other side, Ke'er negotiated with Cai Yu.

Ke'er hoped that Su Wei, the performance artist, could come out and sing a song for her, even if it was a song by Alphabet, Two Tigers would do.

Whether it was good or bad, it was all fine.

The boss only told her to let Su Wei sing, without specifying what song to sing, whether it was good or bad, these were loopholes!

And Cai Yu also had his own considerations. Before Su Wei came, he said to keep a low profile!

If he showed up in the live broadcast room to sing, even though the other party was a small anchor.

But if his identity was exposed, then Su Wei would be exposed.

So he has always used inconvenience as an excuse.

Seeing that the negotiation was not going to work, Ke'er quickly softened and said,"Good brother, I know this guy is not convenient, but this is really important!"

Ten super fires may be nothing to Su Wei and Cai Yu.

But it is very important to her!

"No means no!"

Su Yun'er was still looking at her, so Cai Yu quickly refused!

Just when Ke'er was thinking of other ways, Su Wei stood up from behind Cai Yu.

"I promise you, I will sing a song!"

Ke'er's eyes widened when she heard that!

This guy is indeed a performance artist. He was so noisy just now, but now he agrees to it?

Su Wei walked into Ke'er's camera and said to the netizens in the live broadcast room:"I will bring you a good work, I hope you will like it!"

Author's words:

Due to special reasons, it was not released yesterday!

There are four chapters in total including yesterday and today, don't worry, there will be no less!

I also hope that everyone can support me and generate electricity for love. By the way, the author has no manuscripts saved, I will send them to you after class today!

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