When preparing, Ke'er suppressed her inner joy and kept telling herself that she must perform well this time!

This is her big chance to turn over from a small anchor!

But she thought about it, why did Teacher Piao suddenly check on her?

"Could it be..."

The more she thought about it, the more surprised she was. Could it be that the anchor friend that person just mentioned was Teacher Piao?

Otherwise, how could it be such a coincidence?

She had just told him about the Ten Hot Posts, and Teacher Piao happened to come to check on her.

The condition for listening to a song was Ten Hot Posts?

You know, even if Teacher Piao was checking on a big anchor, he would wait until the big anchor finished performing before giving gifts.

She was just a small anchor, why would Teacher Piao do that if it wasn't that person just now?

Soon, a bold idea came to her mind.

The person just now was the founder of Mihuyou Company, Su Wei!

Now, except for Su Wei, there is no one else on the entire network who can have such a good relationship with Teacher Piao.

And when that person just now sang, his voice was especially like Brother Dawei!

Patting her face, she took a deep breath and thought to herself:"Come on, Ke'er!"

"This is my chance!"

Then she threw herself into the live broadcast. After today, her life will change drastically because of Su Wei's casual move.......

On the other side, at the hotel entrance

"What? I told you that you only booked two rooms?"

Su Wei shouted.

But soon, he realized his mistake and said,"What's wrong with you? Why did you only book two rooms?"

"Because there are so many people visiting the Hangzhou Comic Exhibition recently, all the hotels nearby are fully booked. I got these last two rooms by using my connections!"

Cai Yu said,"Two rooms, just for one night!"

"Okay, okay, I'll stay in the same room with you for one night!"

After the words fell, Su Yuner didn't know what was wrong with her. She walked behind Cai Yu, hugged him and said,"No, no, I don't want to be separated from Cai Yu!"

"I want to share a room with Cai Yu tonight!"

Upon hearing this, the atmosphere in the room suddenly stagnated, and even passers-by stopped to watch.

Su Wei glanced at the passers-by around him and couldn't help swallowing his saliva.

What's wrong with this girl at this late hour?

Cai Yu tried to smooth things over and said,"Su Wei, look at this, I...."

He took out his cell phone and said to Su Wei,"Look at this room, it's very big, like a presidential suite. If you really can't make it, you can sleep on the sofa tonight and let Su Yunqin sleep in the room."

Su Wei wanted to punch Cai Yu now, thinking,"Is this human language? Are you really going to betray your brother?"

"I don't have any objection. I'm a man anyway. I'm just afraid that Su Yunqin won't agree."

Su Wei was so happy at this moment!

He used this reason to evade them. This way, he appeared to be a gentleman and showed his position!

He didn't have any problem anyway.

If Su Yunqin agreed, he would agree!

If Su Yunqin disagreed, he couldn't be blamed. At most, he could find an Internet cafe to spend the night.

In the past, he had fallen asleep in front of the computer many times because of playing games.

It didn't matter if he spent one night there.

Su Yuner heard this and smiled even more! Just as she was about to speak, Su Yunqin on the side spoke.

"I have no objection either!"

"See, she just said...Hmm?"

Su Wei looked at Su Yunqin in surprise.

It seemed that he had never thought that Su Yunqin had no objection?

Now he could only curse in his heart, these women don't play by the rules? When men and women are in the same room, the girls are the ones who suffer!

At this moment, Su Wei heard the system prompt sound

【The small system reminded the host that this was something they had planned long ago, so that the host and Su Yunqin could have an in-depth communication!】

【Note that it was Su Yunqin herself who proposed in-depth communication!】

【For the sake of the host, Cai Yu even cancelled two of the four rooms he had originally booked! 】

Su Wei had already thought that the system was here to add insult to injury, and was about to curse in his heart when he heard the system's words.

The system reminded him, woo woo woo, Su Wei thought to himself:"It's worthy of being my good system, come on, kiss it!"

【Stop, the host should deal with the next situation, this system can't help! 】

Su Wei nodded and thought:"Okay, I already have a mature plan in mind!"

As the saying goes, the higher the virtue, the higher the evil!

Now Cai Yu is teaming up with a woman to trick his good brother, so...

I can only take advantage of the situation!

"All right, since no one has any objections, let's go!"

The group entered the hotel and got their room cards, and came to the room number on the card. They entered the room in pairs.

Arriving in the hotel room, Su Wei looked around. It was not much different from an ordinary person's home.

If it were in his previous life, he would not even dare to think about the price for one night!

Soon, Su Wei went straight to the living room.

He sat on the sofa and touched his butt under the sofa. He couldn't help but sigh:"This sofa is so soft, it must be comfortable to sleep on!"

"I will also change the one at home later!"

After the voice fell, Su Yunqin came over and said:"Actually, you can let me sleep on the sofa!"

"That won’t work, how can a girl sleep on the sofa!" Su Wei turned his head to look at Su Yunqin and asked:"By the way, don’t you want to have a deeper exchange with me?"

"Tell me, what's the matter?"

Su Yunqin was surprised when she heard this, and thought to herself,"How did he know?"

"Did he hear what I said when he was singing just now?"

Su Wei reached into his pocket and said,"Since we want to have a deeper discussion, I'll go in!"

Go in?

Su Yunqin swallowed her saliva. What was he talking about?

Under her gaze, Su Wei took out his���

After opening"Genshin Impact", Su Wei looked up at Su Yunqin who was in a daze and said,"Why are you standing there? Log in! I'll enter your world and guide you. I'll kill any dungeon!"

? ? ? Su

Yunqin frowned slightly and said softly,"I don't play Genshin Impact...."

"Don't you play Genshin Impact?"

Su Wei stroked his chin and asked,"Then can you play Honor of Kings? The one from Tencent!"


"Are you interested in anime? Your Lie in April, Anohana, Akame ga Kill or something like that? Let's watch it together?"

"not interested"

"So what do you know? I only know these things. I can only communicate superficially about other things, not deeply!"

At this time, Su Yunqin had lowered her head and murmured,"What you said...I won't be uninterested"

"sky...Then what do you want from me?"

Su Wei stroked his forehead, thought for a while, and the corners of his lips curled up!

"Then let's play poker!"

Author's words:

It's really annoying, how do I play this card, the author was killed violently, leave your lineup and tell me what's awesome, I don't even know what lineup to make now....

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