Game, Second autumn
15 Let hell start. Begin. Forget it.
"My new master sure is strange." thought Jade while following the grumbling man. She had received love, meat, head pets, scrubs, targets for her endless fury, new types of poisons that her master kept making and didn't know where to throw...
"This human is made for me!"
Was the conclusion she reached. Throwing himself on to the orc infested dungeon alone after completing it once was enough proof that they were alike.
He wasn't alone though. And now that the curved one wasn't around anymore she was tasked with eating her targets alive. She couldn't bite their balls off though. She didn't like that, but it apparently was necessary to get money out of the corpses, and balls of gold were better them golden balls.
Or at least her father said so, she had never gotten a contract before, so she had no idea that the material world could be so fun.
It did shock her when everything was so different then what she was told about by her older brothers and sisters, but it also made her happy to be able to attract envious gazes instead of making everyone fear you.
Not just the humans and other thingys with legs, but everyone she got home everyone was so envious of her! At this rate she'd be able to start in the contest for the next family head.
"Master, we can't go in there! It's too dangerous!"
She had to protect her stupid human someway!
She didn't expect him to kneel and look into her eyes with a vacant expression.
-Listen Jade, in this world there are people who are born so they can do whatever they want just because they are naturally beautiful, and there's those of us who can only strive to get that spot where others will notice us. That is what I am doing!
If this was a dating game, then Aki would've just gotten +20 on affection from Jade. She barked and they went inside the orc village.
As he started cutting off the balls of the orcs with magic and levitating the balls sack with telekinesis, Aki's storage magic started getting filled up as he neared the entrance of the village again.
-This is a lot more than four sacks. Guess I will be paying a visit to teacher Gunther today. Mumbled Aki after checking his inventory.
He intended to spend the rest of his day learning alchemy after that, to master a recipe is much better than learning it after all. There was just one thing.
-That… well, let me try to greet him. He did so and the buff man who was chopping some orcs down waved at him as he defeated the last one.
He sniffed something and looked strange at Aki, who raised a brown and didn't question what the orc smelled. He wasn't going to antagonize a level 100, most likely, warrior with a superior addaptative capability.
They did meet later though.
-Excuse me, I've come to sell some herbs. Uh? Aren't the guy from before? Asked the orc with his raspy voice while struggling to pass through the door.
-Are you alive? That was Aki sounding all excited about the new visit and talking in english. -That would be me, yes.
-You are the owner of the shop? He seemed confused and his expression said "While also being a young warrior?"
-No. I am the owner's apprentice and just solved his money problems after my last dungeon delve. He went to finish some businesses and left me to attend the shop for a while. He explained.
-Can I still sell my herbs? The orc sounded worried.
-He left a list of herbs and prices, so unless you have a super rare one then there's no problem. Aki explained. The orc sighed in relief.
-Then I'd like to sell these and get some healing potions. Korath (as in kô-ra-at) put some pouches on the counter and said so.
-Five times of herbs, all cataloged, about 354g, 273g…
Aki started using a magic tool to measure the weight of the bags and checked the price. His calculations fast.
-And here's the payment. Say, do you need healing right now? He asked as the orc weighted the money pouch.
-Some light wounds I dressed myself on the journey but haven't fully healed, yes. Why, are there no healing potions? Asked the orc.
-There are, and they are as expensive as any other potion I assure you. I just assumed it'd be troublesome for you to go looking for a healer and would like to know if you would mind me trying. Aki said with a matter of fact kind of tone.
-Do you even have the mana? The orc raised a brown.
Instead of answering, Aki took one of his daggers and stabbed right through his palm, the part without bones right between the fingers. He showed it to the orc as it immediately started to heal.
-You do this often? The orc seemed disturbed by the fact a healer would so easily stab themselves and not show any change in expression. Even though he could see Aki's level and basic class.
-Not really, I just haven't reached the level where I can just regrow my fingers yet and that's how I learned you prove you're a good healer, so… he trailed off and shrugged. -You may not pay if you don't get properly healed, but I assure you I can detect if you try to lie about that.
-I won't. The orc said drily and followed Aki inside as he placed a sign saying he would come back in five.
-Now… wow dude, you're ripped, and I mean that on the bad meaning, how many blades did the thing that attacked you have?! Said Aki as the orc took off his sleeveless black shirt that barely covered his muscles and pectoral. To make the situation a little easier since most healing spells require contact with the target.
-Two. A bitchy elf thought it was a good idea to attack first and don't listen when I tried to talk. The orc complained.
-Well, you better have had fun with the fight, because whoever this fucker's was had backup. There's a tracking spell on you. Aki stated, getting the orc to turn over with wide eyes.
It seemed that his back didn't hurt enough to stop him even though it was looking like minced meat, because he got Aki's neck with one hand while at it.
He wasn't trying to threaten any John Doe though. Aki had stabbed his arm with the knife on sole of his boot. Which he had paralyzing poison on. Having a sugar mama is certainly good.
The orc didn't let go though. Between the dagger next to his neck and the poison, he had much more resistance to the later.
-There's two ways this is going to end. Started Aki. One, you let disarm that spell because I don't want an assassin guild in this city, or two, I get a very big XP bonus and get a loan to play for this place. He tried to sound Intimidating, and he did, just not enough to hide his fear.
He wasn't sure if he would kill the orc first or if he would adapt to his tricks before that.
Luckily, Korath just laughed and released him before sitting down again.
-I have been on the run because of this sigil for some time, you are not the first to notice it, but the first who dares say they can dispel it. The orc had a smile on his face, but it didn't reach his eyes.
-Fuck me if I can't even do that much. I'd joins the machines of the third timing death mage out of pure shame for not being able to break a curse cast on flesh after all I've read and done. Said Aki while raising his voice. Which surprised the orc, half because of the young man's confidence and the other half because he swore to something he had no idea what was supposed to be.
-Though I cannot say it won't hurt more than having your thing ripped right out of your waist and shoved down yourself. Aki informed
-That, is strangely specific. The orc said, having passed many tortuous trial, he never heard a healer say something like that.
-Yeah, the pain is bad, but the humiliation, sadness and need to kill yourself while at it and so on, will be about the same as that. He explained.
-Can I… the orc tried to ask.
-Nope. Aki touched his shoulder and started. He entered a meditative state and started putting telekinetik needles into the man's back, where the mark is.
As Aki started to hit the main mana points in the mark, which overlapped with the target, the orc started screaming.
Holes started forming in his back and Aki started healing the man at the same time he destroyed his back muscles. Everything would be very simple, but to break a curse he'd need to flare it for a while.
His eyes burning with the mana channeled into then, Aki focused into the main points of the spell.
Like a bomb or tumor, a spell could go awry when you try to disarm it simply because it is in it's nature. You cut the wrong thing from connecting to the mana condenser, distributer or receptor and you will have a spell backlash right at the spell.
That, of course, is not something easy to do even for this Mc. It is simple to weaponize this, you just cut the wrong thing and a spell will at least lose some of its power, if it doesn't fail or explodes, but for that you'd need a clear view and contact to a spell, which isn't exactly easy to do while fighting a magician.
While it is considered a very unsafe process, there certainly are those who would be able to dispel the mark and study spell composition in a level much higher than Aki. Not like this orc would be able to meet such people though.
While this may simply be BS to say that it is hard and there is a magic academy, it is all still true.
The orc stopped screaming after one minute by the way. He just stood there, looking at something between the sofa's cushions.
The process took about five minutes, as the spell drained the target's mana to stay active and send a wave signal from time to time that needed certain mana detection tools to detect. You could receive it with a radio or something too, sure, but good luck with that while in this world.
Or in english, Aki had to hurt Korath's mana channels to complete the dispelling process in a way that would not leave his mana leaking for the time the mana in that part took to disperse itself. It was faster to heal it after taking it off.
The healing itself took about ten minutes, after all it was a delicate area of the body. When it ended Aki actually had to throw cold water into the man's face so he would wake up.
-Got some levels? The young man asked with a kind smile.
-I am not paying you. The orc slowly said.
-And so he said he was staying up for today to keep training alchemy with the very smiley master of his. He thought it'd be important to send notice. Finished Guilda.
-That is good to know. Then, what will you do today? There was this cute bakery that I… Happily said Cleo.
-Eh? Isn't it better to take one of your daughters? Asked the surprised Guilda.
-Well, Aki seems to really like you, so I thought we should be friends too. Explained the blonde and young looking top model.
-Could it be that neither of them want to go with you? That excuse is very used on earth when people are lonely. Guilda guessed. Correctly.
-HUUEEE… Cried the God-like woman. She seemed like any other young woman crying if not for the form fitting dress and heaven defying looks.
And so, Guilda was forced by her consciousness to actually accompany Cleo on a shopping trip all over town. With them coming back nine hours later.
Now, you may have been asking yourself about this for some time, how is the beyond, hell, the backdoor to the house of the witch from the 13's, the place where all villains do their hair and so on and so forth…
It's quite normal really. Hell's divided in many "circles" with their own peculiarities.
Some have ever burning fire that will consume souls and others have ever warm water that will do miracles to your skin. If you have skin, that is.
Sure, there are lots of condemned souls that vague around for eternity, the people who were sent to hell to be tortured and depravities beyond human imagination.
It's just that not every resident of such place is powerless.
Some demon lords have their own circles where they tower like kings, but it is not that different from private property in Earth. They still have rules.
The strongest and baddest boy is the one that calls the shots, and right now, it is decided that part of his domain is to be a highly advanced civilization that can bring benefits to everyone while offering entertainment.
That, of course, doesn't mean that demons stop being demons, they just use other ways to ease their urges.
-Oh, that ass… said a a buff djinn with his golden horns on his forehead. He wasn't much different from a human if not from the fact he had fire instead of eyes.
-Dude, you better not. Look at her hands. Said a not so visible stalker demon. His spider characteristics over his human base form making it easier to meld with the shadows.
-I see nothing but a pair of soft meat used for pleasure. Said the still lusting demon.
-The ring you dimwit. Look at the ring. That means she is a succubus NOT looking to mate. Explained the stalker.
-She has one in each hand, don't they simply have sentimental value? Asked the tanned prince while flowing his hair back.
-One of them mean she is in a relationship. Said the spider while guarding his compound eyes against the light radiation, as did everyone else looking in the direction of the djinn.
-A succubus!? In a relationship? Certainly you jest! The djinn was flabbergasted and finally turned to look at the general direction of his shy friend.
-Yeah, I am not joking. You've slept for a long time dude. Shit happened in the last millenias while you slept. Explained his more modern friend. -Though it is very rare so no doubt we will, oh, look, a fiend is going to try and flirt with her. Pointed the arachnid man.
As the djinn and other men looked at the fiend, it didn't take much time for her to point a middle finger to it, which happens to have the ring of I don't want company.
The fiend said something and she pointed to her other hand on the running machine.
-A bitch like you is in a relationship? ! Now that is stu…
He didn't get to finish his slander, as he was flung away while in pieces. The groans of pain showed that the attack wasn't just for show, but actually hurt the eternal being of the fiend itself.
Nothing that would kill him, mind you, but the pain was huge even for the highly resistant fiend.
-You owe me one. Said the stalker.
-I do. Supper at your's or my place? I will cook. Said the dazed djinn.
-Do you even have food in your fridge? Asked the spider to his friend, who didn't know what electronics were before yesterday.
-So yeah, I might, or not, have accidently told my secretary to send an assassin guild against your boy. Said a young voice by the "phone".
-It's ok. What's their level bracket? Asked Aranei with her normal uninterested tone while she kept running on the unnamed machine.
-120 to 180… meekly said the young voice.
-If they are not in the two hundred them there's no problem. I will go and tell him immediately. Continued the succubus.
-Eh? But he isn't sleeping right now… asked Aranei's big sister.
-I gave him my number. She was already dialing his actually.
-Moshi Moshi? Did I get that right? I know. I know. Sure let's, I will make the reservations. No, I didn't. No you won't. OK, that's that. I actually called to tell you my sister sent an assassin guild against you. You know? Yeah, there really isn't anyone else. They have a level bracket of 120-180, by the way. You think you can handle it? They should get in town in the next day or the one after that. As I thought. No, I can't delay them. That does sound like you. Try not to die. Of course I do, you're our marketing. And you're an idiot. K, bye.
-Mi, what was that? Asked a confused baba loli.
-I just called him. We're having sushi on saturday and you're coming. She said in a matter of factly tone.
-Eh!? But you know I hate sushi!
-And I like it. Besides, he said something about egg recipes so that he could eat too, so I guess he doesn't like raw fish either. Said the kuudere succubus while wiping the sweat from her face with a towel.
"This human is made for me!"
Was the conclusion she reached. Throwing himself on to the orc infested dungeon alone after completing it once was enough proof that they were alike.
He wasn't alone though. And now that the curved one wasn't around anymore she was tasked with eating her targets alive. She couldn't bite their balls off though. She didn't like that, but it apparently was necessary to get money out of the corpses, and balls of gold were better them golden balls.
Or at least her father said so, she had never gotten a contract before, so she had no idea that the material world could be so fun.
It did shock her when everything was so different then what she was told about by her older brothers and sisters, but it also made her happy to be able to attract envious gazes instead of making everyone fear you.
Not just the humans and other thingys with legs, but everyone she got home everyone was so envious of her! At this rate she'd be able to start in the contest for the next family head.
"Master, we can't go in there! It's too dangerous!"
She had to protect her stupid human someway!
She didn't expect him to kneel and look into her eyes with a vacant expression.
-Listen Jade, in this world there are people who are born so they can do whatever they want just because they are naturally beautiful, and there's those of us who can only strive to get that spot where others will notice us. That is what I am doing!
If this was a dating game, then Aki would've just gotten +20 on affection from Jade. She barked and they went inside the orc village.
As he started cutting off the balls of the orcs with magic and levitating the balls sack with telekinesis, Aki's storage magic started getting filled up as he neared the entrance of the village again.
-This is a lot more than four sacks. Guess I will be paying a visit to teacher Gunther today. Mumbled Aki after checking his inventory.
He intended to spend the rest of his day learning alchemy after that, to master a recipe is much better than learning it after all. There was just one thing.
-That… well, let me try to greet him. He did so and the buff man who was chopping some orcs down waved at him as he defeated the last one.
He sniffed something and looked strange at Aki, who raised a brown and didn't question what the orc smelled. He wasn't going to antagonize a level 100, most likely, warrior with a superior addaptative capability.
They did meet later though.
-Excuse me, I've come to sell some herbs. Uh? Aren't the guy from before? Asked the orc with his raspy voice while struggling to pass through the door.
-Are you alive? That was Aki sounding all excited about the new visit and talking in english. -That would be me, yes.
-You are the owner of the shop? He seemed confused and his expression said "While also being a young warrior?"
-No. I am the owner's apprentice and just solved his money problems after my last dungeon delve. He went to finish some businesses and left me to attend the shop for a while. He explained.
-Can I still sell my herbs? The orc sounded worried.
-He left a list of herbs and prices, so unless you have a super rare one then there's no problem. Aki explained. The orc sighed in relief.
-Then I'd like to sell these and get some healing potions. Korath (as in kô-ra-at) put some pouches on the counter and said so.
-Five times of herbs, all cataloged, about 354g, 273g…
Aki started using a magic tool to measure the weight of the bags and checked the price. His calculations fast.
-And here's the payment. Say, do you need healing right now? He asked as the orc weighted the money pouch.
-Some light wounds I dressed myself on the journey but haven't fully healed, yes. Why, are there no healing potions? Asked the orc.
-There are, and they are as expensive as any other potion I assure you. I just assumed it'd be troublesome for you to go looking for a healer and would like to know if you would mind me trying. Aki said with a matter of fact kind of tone.
-Do you even have the mana? The orc raised a brown.
Instead of answering, Aki took one of his daggers and stabbed right through his palm, the part without bones right between the fingers. He showed it to the orc as it immediately started to heal.
-You do this often? The orc seemed disturbed by the fact a healer would so easily stab themselves and not show any change in expression. Even though he could see Aki's level and basic class.
-Not really, I just haven't reached the level where I can just regrow my fingers yet and that's how I learned you prove you're a good healer, so… he trailed off and shrugged. -You may not pay if you don't get properly healed, but I assure you I can detect if you try to lie about that.
-I won't. The orc said drily and followed Aki inside as he placed a sign saying he would come back in five.
-Now… wow dude, you're ripped, and I mean that on the bad meaning, how many blades did the thing that attacked you have?! Said Aki as the orc took off his sleeveless black shirt that barely covered his muscles and pectoral. To make the situation a little easier since most healing spells require contact with the target.
-Two. A bitchy elf thought it was a good idea to attack first and don't listen when I tried to talk. The orc complained.
-Well, you better have had fun with the fight, because whoever this fucker's was had backup. There's a tracking spell on you. Aki stated, getting the orc to turn over with wide eyes.
It seemed that his back didn't hurt enough to stop him even though it was looking like minced meat, because he got Aki's neck with one hand while at it.
He wasn't trying to threaten any John Doe though. Aki had stabbed his arm with the knife on sole of his boot. Which he had paralyzing poison on. Having a sugar mama is certainly good.
The orc didn't let go though. Between the dagger next to his neck and the poison, he had much more resistance to the later.
-There's two ways this is going to end. Started Aki. One, you let disarm that spell because I don't want an assassin guild in this city, or two, I get a very big XP bonus and get a loan to play for this place. He tried to sound Intimidating, and he did, just not enough to hide his fear.
He wasn't sure if he would kill the orc first or if he would adapt to his tricks before that.
Luckily, Korath just laughed and released him before sitting down again.
-I have been on the run because of this sigil for some time, you are not the first to notice it, but the first who dares say they can dispel it. The orc had a smile on his face, but it didn't reach his eyes.
-Fuck me if I can't even do that much. I'd joins the machines of the third timing death mage out of pure shame for not being able to break a curse cast on flesh after all I've read and done. Said Aki while raising his voice. Which surprised the orc, half because of the young man's confidence and the other half because he swore to something he had no idea what was supposed to be.
-Though I cannot say it won't hurt more than having your thing ripped right out of your waist and shoved down yourself. Aki informed
-That, is strangely specific. The orc said, having passed many tortuous trial, he never heard a healer say something like that.
-Yeah, the pain is bad, but the humiliation, sadness and need to kill yourself while at it and so on, will be about the same as that. He explained.
-Can I… the orc tried to ask.
-Nope. Aki touched his shoulder and started. He entered a meditative state and started putting telekinetik needles into the man's back, where the mark is.
As Aki started to hit the main mana points in the mark, which overlapped with the target, the orc started screaming.
Holes started forming in his back and Aki started healing the man at the same time he destroyed his back muscles. Everything would be very simple, but to break a curse he'd need to flare it for a while.
His eyes burning with the mana channeled into then, Aki focused into the main points of the spell.
Like a bomb or tumor, a spell could go awry when you try to disarm it simply because it is in it's nature. You cut the wrong thing from connecting to the mana condenser, distributer or receptor and you will have a spell backlash right at the spell.
That, of course, is not something easy to do even for this Mc. It is simple to weaponize this, you just cut the wrong thing and a spell will at least lose some of its power, if it doesn't fail or explodes, but for that you'd need a clear view and contact to a spell, which isn't exactly easy to do while fighting a magician.
While it is considered a very unsafe process, there certainly are those who would be able to dispel the mark and study spell composition in a level much higher than Aki. Not like this orc would be able to meet such people though.
While this may simply be BS to say that it is hard and there is a magic academy, it is all still true.
The orc stopped screaming after one minute by the way. He just stood there, looking at something between the sofa's cushions.
The process took about five minutes, as the spell drained the target's mana to stay active and send a wave signal from time to time that needed certain mana detection tools to detect. You could receive it with a radio or something too, sure, but good luck with that while in this world.
Or in english, Aki had to hurt Korath's mana channels to complete the dispelling process in a way that would not leave his mana leaking for the time the mana in that part took to disperse itself. It was faster to heal it after taking it off.
The healing itself took about ten minutes, after all it was a delicate area of the body. When it ended Aki actually had to throw cold water into the man's face so he would wake up.
-Got some levels? The young man asked with a kind smile.
-I am not paying you. The orc slowly said.
-And so he said he was staying up for today to keep training alchemy with the very smiley master of his. He thought it'd be important to send notice. Finished Guilda.
-That is good to know. Then, what will you do today? There was this cute bakery that I… Happily said Cleo.
-Eh? Isn't it better to take one of your daughters? Asked the surprised Guilda.
-Well, Aki seems to really like you, so I thought we should be friends too. Explained the blonde and young looking top model.
-Could it be that neither of them want to go with you? That excuse is very used on earth when people are lonely. Guilda guessed. Correctly.
-HUUEEE… Cried the God-like woman. She seemed like any other young woman crying if not for the form fitting dress and heaven defying looks.
And so, Guilda was forced by her consciousness to actually accompany Cleo on a shopping trip all over town. With them coming back nine hours later.
Now, you may have been asking yourself about this for some time, how is the beyond, hell, the backdoor to the house of the witch from the 13's, the place where all villains do their hair and so on and so forth…
It's quite normal really. Hell's divided in many "circles" with their own peculiarities.
Some have ever burning fire that will consume souls and others have ever warm water that will do miracles to your skin. If you have skin, that is.
Sure, there are lots of condemned souls that vague around for eternity, the people who were sent to hell to be tortured and depravities beyond human imagination.
It's just that not every resident of such place is powerless.
Some demon lords have their own circles where they tower like kings, but it is not that different from private property in Earth. They still have rules.
The strongest and baddest boy is the one that calls the shots, and right now, it is decided that part of his domain is to be a highly advanced civilization that can bring benefits to everyone while offering entertainment.
That, of course, doesn't mean that demons stop being demons, they just use other ways to ease their urges.
-Oh, that ass… said a a buff djinn with his golden horns on his forehead. He wasn't much different from a human if not from the fact he had fire instead of eyes.
-Dude, you better not. Look at her hands. Said a not so visible stalker demon. His spider characteristics over his human base form making it easier to meld with the shadows.
-I see nothing but a pair of soft meat used for pleasure. Said the still lusting demon.
-The ring you dimwit. Look at the ring. That means she is a succubus NOT looking to mate. Explained the stalker.
-She has one in each hand, don't they simply have sentimental value? Asked the tanned prince while flowing his hair back.
-One of them mean she is in a relationship. Said the spider while guarding his compound eyes against the light radiation, as did everyone else looking in the direction of the djinn.
-A succubus!? In a relationship? Certainly you jest! The djinn was flabbergasted and finally turned to look at the general direction of his shy friend.
-Yeah, I am not joking. You've slept for a long time dude. Shit happened in the last millenias while you slept. Explained his more modern friend. -Though it is very rare so no doubt we will, oh, look, a fiend is going to try and flirt with her. Pointed the arachnid man.
As the djinn and other men looked at the fiend, it didn't take much time for her to point a middle finger to it, which happens to have the ring of I don't want company.
The fiend said something and she pointed to her other hand on the running machine.
-A bitch like you is in a relationship? ! Now that is stu…
He didn't get to finish his slander, as he was flung away while in pieces. The groans of pain showed that the attack wasn't just for show, but actually hurt the eternal being of the fiend itself.
Nothing that would kill him, mind you, but the pain was huge even for the highly resistant fiend.
-You owe me one. Said the stalker.
-I do. Supper at your's or my place? I will cook. Said the dazed djinn.
-Do you even have food in your fridge? Asked the spider to his friend, who didn't know what electronics were before yesterday.
-So yeah, I might, or not, have accidently told my secretary to send an assassin guild against your boy. Said a young voice by the "phone".
-It's ok. What's their level bracket? Asked Aranei with her normal uninterested tone while she kept running on the unnamed machine.
-120 to 180… meekly said the young voice.
-If they are not in the two hundred them there's no problem. I will go and tell him immediately. Continued the succubus.
-Eh? But he isn't sleeping right now… asked Aranei's big sister.
-I gave him my number. She was already dialing his actually.
-Moshi Moshi? Did I get that right? I know. I know. Sure let's, I will make the reservations. No, I didn't. No you won't. OK, that's that. I actually called to tell you my sister sent an assassin guild against you. You know? Yeah, there really isn't anyone else. They have a level bracket of 120-180, by the way. You think you can handle it? They should get in town in the next day or the one after that. As I thought. No, I can't delay them. That does sound like you. Try not to die. Of course I do, you're our marketing. And you're an idiot. K, bye.
-Mi, what was that? Asked a confused baba loli.
-I just called him. We're having sushi on saturday and you're coming. She said in a matter of factly tone.
-Eh!? But you know I hate sushi!
-And I like it. Besides, he said something about egg recipes so that he could eat too, so I guess he doesn't like raw fish either. Said the kuudere succubus while wiping the sweat from her face with a towel.
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