Game, Second autumn
18 The uses of slaves 101
-It seems like the first part has finished. We shall have an half hour break and resume our activities after that time. All guests are welcomed to do as they please inside the permitted area, but please remember that is negotiable in certain house terms. Even though the man sounded servile, there was an implied treat to remember the people they weren't in their turf.
-Now's the time. Don't just stand there, get me on air! I want to show that idiot that I can actually sing. Primus was smiling like a little girl who just played a prank.
-You start in 5, 4, 3, 2, 1… *acoustics with a piano, saxophone, trumpets and Google Ben mirst bist du schoen for a good music from the thirties.*
-Of all the boys I've known, and I've know some. Until I first met you, I was lonesome…
A reverberating feminine voice sounded through all the "cabins" that chose to turn this little show on. They were very surprised to hear many instruments very well cordened, a melodious voice, an amazing song and things their little noble mind could never expect or truly understand.
Later, in hell, a succubus who normally had a deadpan face was making a big "O" with her mouth while looking at the screen in front of her.
-He is going to use that dress next time. She decided.
-Hah… how are my reviews? Asked Primus while drinking water she summoned.
-Lots of 5s, mostly 4s and some 3s, but lots are asking for bis. Said the surprised bunny girl, who was now dressed like a cowgirl. She'd have the full set if there was some rope around.
"Nothing personal", "not dead yet", "chosen one", Google cause those are good, she took three music's from her rock playlist and sung them. For someone that heard all those songs a couple hundreds of times it is nothing hard to remember how to, but to tone your voice and follow the correct ritim, you'd normally take some practice in professional singing.
Of course, a dexterity status of 115 and the Persuasion skill can do wonders for a nerd that never trained. She even got the singing skill.
There is the issue of how the translation went on for the people watching, but they seemed to enjoy it if the donations and propositions they were making were any indication.
The sound effects were actually the easy part to do since she doesn't go anywhere without her cellphone.
Yeah, it doesn't have any function besides storing data, taking photos and checking for webnovels, so it actually passed the requirements for a reward for completing the forest of beginning.
I mean, the forest was currently the possession of demons, so of course they have to give a reward too, but the dungeon is unable to not give anything worth the effort done.
Guilda actually just asked to have a message delivered to her family, since she actually didn't have much contribution to whatever Aki did in the test of will. Aki wasn't able to get that done exactly because it was too little, by the way.
So he did something better. He kept posting his novel even in another world. With another name and unable to give much info to his family. His uncle already found it and even started asking about his nephew.
He also contacted the police, but every hour the signal comes from a different place and it is not possible to trace the true origin of it fast enough. Truly, have a good luck trying to break a code made by demons. It is also a lot more recommendable then this s…
Back to bussines, Primus kept using Mina as his model to test various clothes, which she kept in her inventory together with the normal clothes and between the ingredients and weapons.
-Why do you even have pirate clothes? Asked the very much naked bunny girl.
-To use as disguises later on. And to do cosplay when I am feeling like it. Ignore the word you don't know what means, aren't you having fun too? Primus put the pirate clothes in front of the girl and moved her gaze to the full body mirror, which you could have alredy guessed she carries around.
-I told you I am not a monster. She said before slapping the bunny's butt cheeks. -Now let's see which of us looks better as the captain. There's still a more than an hour till the slaves appear and even more before the surprises begin. Don't look at me like that, if they did not commit any crime before they will be freed and given money and clothes, besides a job offer.
-Now, the moment many of you were waiting for, the secrets of the bazaar. While some guest have monopolized parts of the auction, everyone has a chance in the bazaar. Please, remember that you can only bid five times per item and each guest can only participate in three disputes. Announced the man in obsidian. -For the first surprise, we have a dragon egg! The starting bid is a measly 10,000 gold gentleman, who shaw take this beauty home?!
The platform started liberating a small blizzard with ice crystals that gave a resplendecent and eerie aura to the golden egg that appeared when a trap door opened in the middle of the stage and had the egg the size of a head lifted up so all could admire.
-Twenty, fifty, a hundred, two hundred… A million from mister 56! Is there anyone who intends to cover such proposal?!
Stein bid the maximum he could, for there were some items even Cleo wants. Though the actual maximum price that is to be expected is 500,000 and Cleo has three more of these, having more insurance can never hurt.
Though what came next surprised even the announcer.
-What? We had one of these?! Don't play so much my heart please, I am old and may just die in the spot with something like this. Dear guests, it seems like we have reached the climax of our auction! Our next item is something I did not expect to see in this life, much less have the honor to present it to you all. AN ANGEL-KIN! Yes, you heard it right dear guests! One of the legendary and almost extinct races is right here and is right in the reaches of your hands! May the bidding start!
Primus stopped the doing Mina's make up because of the shock and gulped. Even an otherworlder like her knew of the legendary races. Chris was one of them for hell sake!
Those bastards had an infinite lifespan, were immensely beautiful and possessed so many special abilities that they could easily be considered the god's agents. They were hunted down exactly because of how strong they were! For each soldier on their side a 100 of the coalitation of races that fought them were exchanged.
At the end millions had died, but they were defeated, for they numbered too little. No matter who, they could understand that those were monsters to be feared.
-Ten million, twelve, twenty… A hundred million! That can buy you a whole city gentleman! I guess the winner will be… Someone just offered a hundred twenty, but while I said that miss 55 just doubled her offer!
Suffice to say that Cleo had enough money to buy a small kingdom, crow herself queen and cover a great part of the land with gold.
Even if you ask me from where all that came, she is ? Years old! Magic can create metals too, so that is not a problem at all for her, don't even mention the things that are worth more than gold!
They didn't have the money to pay for everything thanks to the angel girl, so Bea had to go and bring more money for then. She was also surprised by the angel, but helped them export the twenty three slaves that were bought back home. The rest would be sent later by the auction house.
The moment they entered the main door Cleo started hugging the angel's wings and carresed it very, and I mean very, fast. She may never have played any touch games, but danm if she's not a professional perverted.
You may imagine the result by yourself, just know that the floor needs plenty of cleaning. Aki and Guilda had already turned back to normal, and Aki didn't put the dress back,.
Guilda said something by Tina's ear and they disappeared, but Aki just stood there filming everything. Mina did not understand what he was doing, but she decided he more than deserved a maw to the face. There's lots of statues with weapons through the house.
He did get hit square on, and his skull caved in too, but it just started regenerating while he stood still. The phone was still filming by the way.
-Disgusting. Said Mina while looking at the man who was having his face grown back out of nowhere.
-Oi, you didn't even know I had a fail safe! Don't do something so dangerous out of nowhere! He berated her after getting totally healed by a spell with trigger condition. Cleo would've resurect him if he died too, but that's expensive, and would take whatever credits he had gotten from bringing her an angel-kin.
-You looked like you deserved it, so I just did. Besides, bad vases don't break easily. She deadpanned.
-And if I didn't you'd have killed your only friend besides your own sister. Anyway, you have any idea how many times she… He was mesmerized, but didn't get hit a second time. He didn't have another time reversal prepared right now.
-It should have alredy reached the thirties. She smiled while trying to hit his head again.
This continued for some more minutes and Mina finally noticed her sister had disappeared.
-Hey, where's Tina? She looked worried.
-You didn't notice she went to the bedroom with Guilda? It's been twenty minutes idiot. Though the sound isolation here is topnotch, so we'd never hear anything. Hey, don't look at me, she doesn't have your sister's contract, I do, she could've refused. He said.
-But she's not… She wanted to say something, but stopped herself after thinking a little.
-You know, some rooms in this house actually have "equipment" for females only. He explained to her.
-That explains somethings. And makes some others weird. Her ears dropped and she seemed a little depressed by memories.
-It's ok, let's have some tea and cake. You can look in what to do latter. He consoled her with a hand on her shoulder.
-Eh? She seemed confused.
-You two are my personal slaves, that means you don't need to work with the others and follow my direct orders. Translating, do whatever you want just don't throw your life away. You will have the chance to go away after one month or until I say so. You two can, of course, stay and be my servants in the same condition, but receiving a salary. You want a slice of orange, chocolate, vanilla, misto, lemon… He trailed off while taking copious amounts of food for himself.
-Give me the chocolate one. She chose and started eating with him.
-Now's the time. Don't just stand there, get me on air! I want to show that idiot that I can actually sing. Primus was smiling like a little girl who just played a prank.
-You start in 5, 4, 3, 2, 1… *acoustics with a piano, saxophone, trumpets and Google Ben mirst bist du schoen for a good music from the thirties.*
-Of all the boys I've known, and I've know some. Until I first met you, I was lonesome…
A reverberating feminine voice sounded through all the "cabins" that chose to turn this little show on. They were very surprised to hear many instruments very well cordened, a melodious voice, an amazing song and things their little noble mind could never expect or truly understand.
Later, in hell, a succubus who normally had a deadpan face was making a big "O" with her mouth while looking at the screen in front of her.
-He is going to use that dress next time. She decided.
-Hah… how are my reviews? Asked Primus while drinking water she summoned.
-Lots of 5s, mostly 4s and some 3s, but lots are asking for bis. Said the surprised bunny girl, who was now dressed like a cowgirl. She'd have the full set if there was some rope around.
"Nothing personal", "not dead yet", "chosen one", Google cause those are good, she took three music's from her rock playlist and sung them. For someone that heard all those songs a couple hundreds of times it is nothing hard to remember how to, but to tone your voice and follow the correct ritim, you'd normally take some practice in professional singing.
Of course, a dexterity status of 115 and the Persuasion skill can do wonders for a nerd that never trained. She even got the singing skill.
There is the issue of how the translation went on for the people watching, but they seemed to enjoy it if the donations and propositions they were making were any indication.
The sound effects were actually the easy part to do since she doesn't go anywhere without her cellphone.
Yeah, it doesn't have any function besides storing data, taking photos and checking for webnovels, so it actually passed the requirements for a reward for completing the forest of beginning.
I mean, the forest was currently the possession of demons, so of course they have to give a reward too, but the dungeon is unable to not give anything worth the effort done.
Guilda actually just asked to have a message delivered to her family, since she actually didn't have much contribution to whatever Aki did in the test of will. Aki wasn't able to get that done exactly because it was too little, by the way.
So he did something better. He kept posting his novel even in another world. With another name and unable to give much info to his family. His uncle already found it and even started asking about his nephew.
He also contacted the police, but every hour the signal comes from a different place and it is not possible to trace the true origin of it fast enough. Truly, have a good luck trying to break a code made by demons. It is also a lot more recommendable then this s…
Back to bussines, Primus kept using Mina as his model to test various clothes, which she kept in her inventory together with the normal clothes and between the ingredients and weapons.
-Why do you even have pirate clothes? Asked the very much naked bunny girl.
-To use as disguises later on. And to do cosplay when I am feeling like it. Ignore the word you don't know what means, aren't you having fun too? Primus put the pirate clothes in front of the girl and moved her gaze to the full body mirror, which you could have alredy guessed she carries around.
-I told you I am not a monster. She said before slapping the bunny's butt cheeks. -Now let's see which of us looks better as the captain. There's still a more than an hour till the slaves appear and even more before the surprises begin. Don't look at me like that, if they did not commit any crime before they will be freed and given money and clothes, besides a job offer.
-Now, the moment many of you were waiting for, the secrets of the bazaar. While some guest have monopolized parts of the auction, everyone has a chance in the bazaar. Please, remember that you can only bid five times per item and each guest can only participate in three disputes. Announced the man in obsidian. -For the first surprise, we have a dragon egg! The starting bid is a measly 10,000 gold gentleman, who shaw take this beauty home?!
The platform started liberating a small blizzard with ice crystals that gave a resplendecent and eerie aura to the golden egg that appeared when a trap door opened in the middle of the stage and had the egg the size of a head lifted up so all could admire.
-Twenty, fifty, a hundred, two hundred… A million from mister 56! Is there anyone who intends to cover such proposal?!
Stein bid the maximum he could, for there were some items even Cleo wants. Though the actual maximum price that is to be expected is 500,000 and Cleo has three more of these, having more insurance can never hurt.
Though what came next surprised even the announcer.
-What? We had one of these?! Don't play so much my heart please, I am old and may just die in the spot with something like this. Dear guests, it seems like we have reached the climax of our auction! Our next item is something I did not expect to see in this life, much less have the honor to present it to you all. AN ANGEL-KIN! Yes, you heard it right dear guests! One of the legendary and almost extinct races is right here and is right in the reaches of your hands! May the bidding start!
Primus stopped the doing Mina's make up because of the shock and gulped. Even an otherworlder like her knew of the legendary races. Chris was one of them for hell sake!
Those bastards had an infinite lifespan, were immensely beautiful and possessed so many special abilities that they could easily be considered the god's agents. They were hunted down exactly because of how strong they were! For each soldier on their side a 100 of the coalitation of races that fought them were exchanged.
At the end millions had died, but they were defeated, for they numbered too little. No matter who, they could understand that those were monsters to be feared.
-Ten million, twelve, twenty… A hundred million! That can buy you a whole city gentleman! I guess the winner will be… Someone just offered a hundred twenty, but while I said that miss 55 just doubled her offer!
Suffice to say that Cleo had enough money to buy a small kingdom, crow herself queen and cover a great part of the land with gold.
Even if you ask me from where all that came, she is ? Years old! Magic can create metals too, so that is not a problem at all for her, don't even mention the things that are worth more than gold!
They didn't have the money to pay for everything thanks to the angel girl, so Bea had to go and bring more money for then. She was also surprised by the angel, but helped them export the twenty three slaves that were bought back home. The rest would be sent later by the auction house.
The moment they entered the main door Cleo started hugging the angel's wings and carresed it very, and I mean very, fast. She may never have played any touch games, but danm if she's not a professional perverted.
You may imagine the result by yourself, just know that the floor needs plenty of cleaning. Aki and Guilda had already turned back to normal, and Aki didn't put the dress back,.
Guilda said something by Tina's ear and they disappeared, but Aki just stood there filming everything. Mina did not understand what he was doing, but she decided he more than deserved a maw to the face. There's lots of statues with weapons through the house.
He did get hit square on, and his skull caved in too, but it just started regenerating while he stood still. The phone was still filming by the way.
-Disgusting. Said Mina while looking at the man who was having his face grown back out of nowhere.
-Oi, you didn't even know I had a fail safe! Don't do something so dangerous out of nowhere! He berated her after getting totally healed by a spell with trigger condition. Cleo would've resurect him if he died too, but that's expensive, and would take whatever credits he had gotten from bringing her an angel-kin.
-You looked like you deserved it, so I just did. Besides, bad vases don't break easily. She deadpanned.
-And if I didn't you'd have killed your only friend besides your own sister. Anyway, you have any idea how many times she… He was mesmerized, but didn't get hit a second time. He didn't have another time reversal prepared right now.
-It should have alredy reached the thirties. She smiled while trying to hit his head again.
This continued for some more minutes and Mina finally noticed her sister had disappeared.
-Hey, where's Tina? She looked worried.
-You didn't notice she went to the bedroom with Guilda? It's been twenty minutes idiot. Though the sound isolation here is topnotch, so we'd never hear anything. Hey, don't look at me, she doesn't have your sister's contract, I do, she could've refused. He said.
-But she's not… She wanted to say something, but stopped herself after thinking a little.
-You know, some rooms in this house actually have "equipment" for females only. He explained to her.
-That explains somethings. And makes some others weird. Her ears dropped and she seemed a little depressed by memories.
-It's ok, let's have some tea and cake. You can look in what to do latter. He consoled her with a hand on her shoulder.
-Eh? She seemed confused.
-You two are my personal slaves, that means you don't need to work with the others and follow my direct orders. Translating, do whatever you want just don't throw your life away. You will have the chance to go away after one month or until I say so. You two can, of course, stay and be my servants in the same condition, but receiving a salary. You want a slice of orange, chocolate, vanilla, misto, lemon… He trailed off while taking copious amounts of food for himself.
-Give me the chocolate one. She chose and started eating with him.
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