Game, Second autumn
20 In the process of advertising, using cute animals and beautiful woman helps.
While one may chose to contract an incubus, that is rare as fuck, so they are mostly ignored. Many other reasons aside, that's basically all you need to know about demons.
Oh, almost forgot, they don't like to be ordered around. Though that's not a problem in this case.
"This the best job I got in centuries."
"Right? I almost didn't remember how long has it been since a master of mine left carcasses for me. Almost."
"Idiots, he is obviously trying to make us trust him. Later will come the menial tasks and sex."
"While I certainly hope you're wrong, I heard this is the guy that is fucking the young bitch boss that recently got to the company. Ya all at least not killing him by the pussy"
"Wait, what?! Where did Shirley shove her head this time? She always has the best stuff!"
"Oh, she's been complaining a lot about not being able to talk with anyone that has a full contract you hear? Though I normally rough her up before she says much. Danm her mouths tight."
"You're milkyblack63? And I thought my finder name was bad. I actually get the milky part, but why black? You're white as fuck."
"Who said I am the one who ends up black? Hahaha!"
"Urg, fiends"
"Oh, please continue miss 63, I certainly would love to know what the closest person to my girlfriend likes."
That was a conversation between the demons through the mental link of the contract they shared, one which Aki held partial control over while on the field. Not that he needed that to make a spiral fiend, which are a sub-species closely related to pride, to talk about her exploits in bed.
Personally to him of course. Shirley is Mi's secretary by the way.
"Now everyone, I have good and bad news, of which you can go and thank miss 63 for. The bad one is that we will be ending our slaughter earlier on. The good one is that I am giving you all a luxury day. Fiends are scheduled to go to the orc dungeon, all the ass and fights you can get. Beholders, except Mark, will be going to the library from the academy, don't fuck anyone too much. Succubi will receive money and you may go do whatever you want with it if you don't kill anyone. Hellhound s are to have a spa day, you will understand what is a spa day later, but you will like it. Stalkers can go back to the manor and wait inside the room after the big red door where we will give you all lots of meat according to the preferences stated before. If you do shit I know how to punish you."
A collective cheer later and everyone but Mark runned in the
direction of the city gate. He was to keep killing monsters until he died for the day. Demons can always be ressumoned after all.
Really, dude couldn't even fill a complain about his job, because for that a demon had to die a certain number of times under the warlock that summoned it with his or her own hands.
See demons are quite resilient, even if their brain melts away, they will still take two or three second to die, a whole minute if it is a specialy sturdy fiend, and Aki carries plenty of magic crystals with him, each a with a spell ready for use. At the moment he had prepared a healer versions of his normal arsenal.
It was not very useful against enemies that wouldn't allow him to open his inventory, besides being expensive. It did help when he was the support or not the one using it, while it could very easily be sold for a few times the initial cost and helped his Enchanting level.
How many Arcane mages with the Grimoire skill do you think there are? To begin with, the process needed one of the parts to have a certain mastery of the skill or spell that will be engraved normally asks for a master in enchanting and a master of the skill with at least some enchanting training, which can downgrade the item for obvious reasons.
But why am I talking so much about this random subject? Because Shirley is into some heavy shit. Seriously, Aki is not even using the same words as the fiend and whole sentences of his would have to be classified into 18+ for violence, never mind the sexual part.
Anyone in the orc dungeon for the rest of the day could confirm that. Be it the ones watching or the orcs, they'd get baffled at the moment they saw the sprawled limbs and anuses around miss 63.
One could even see a scene similar to MOP where an orc and human first fought against each other and before they could get the kill, they'd be hit by a strong black and white warrior. The black was dried blood though.
In this case all sides died though. Imagine the shock of whoever found the corpses. Oh, even the dungeon wasn't fast enough to stop that from happening. There weren't any recognizable human corpses at that point though. Problem prevention, fiend edition.
Aki even congratulated her later. He was in such a good mood that later he called her over again to get a reward.
-Boss? She was prideful, but she was getting paid and was an adult. To a certain level.
-As I said over the phone, I'd like to reward you. He said to the much taller woman with horns who had a confused expression at being guided to darker and darker dungeon inside the manor.
-Good torture room, could get a change here and there but it's overall usable. The sadic torturer commented.
-It's yours if you like it. He replied to her.
-Really? What's the catch? She was a fiend, but it didn't mean she didn't learn anything through life, besides her subspecies being smarter than normal.
-You can only torture the people you're told to and we will be recording every detail. He said with his unchanged business smile. -All of them cute or beautiful though. Of course.
-Not so bad, if you can hide my face them I am in. She agreed easily.
-I don't think that will mascara the who you are, but to hide your dick would reduce the audience, so no can do that, your face is OK though. You alredy have your first guest by the way. Come in piece of shit! He explained.
As he called, a petite cat girl entered the room and meekly presented herself with fear all over. She wore nothing but rags covering her little figure, but was clean and well fed. Her eyes darted all around while she trembled.
-You are not to talk unless ordered to. Now, you may test his asshole if you want, but no breaking until the recording, ok? He harshly said before calmly turning to his subordinate with his normal demeanor.
-Wait, his? She noted with confusion.
Instead of answering, he lifted the slave's piece of cloth to show his crotch. While he tried to resist, Aki had higher strength and easily showed the cat's dong.
-Well, I am seriously reconsidering my targets now. The fiend admitted while checking the beast person up and down. -Why the hate though?
-I hate rapists the most. No offense to demons, but those that don't actually have a compulsion to do so are in the same level as bugs to me. The tipe that needs to be squashed under a heel for a long and tortuous amount of time. So I count on you to do that.
-No offense, but you sure this a rapist? She asked while holding the slave upside down by one of it's legs.
-You can believe me, who bought this criminal slave acused of more than a hundred **** cases, or him, your new fuck toy for however long he can last. Wanna make a bet? He smirked.
-It depends, what kind of bet? She was interested in it and it was fairly obvious.
-I will bet he is a rapist and we will find out during one of your sessions, while you will bet that he is merely a cute face that is wrongly acused. Whoever loses pays the other 500. Deal? He extended his hand.
-Deal. She accepted and shaked his hand, right before it caught fire to symbolize a demonic contract in the old way.
-Easiest five bucks I ever got.
-I'm fine with either way.
"Your idea was actually very good, having a spire fiend murder fucking a tomgirl did wonders for the first episode. Even I couldn't tell it was a guy from afar. The publicity was huge. Who'd guess it was also a rapist! Thirteen hours straight until he confessed all his crimes while begging her to stop. That was priceless, even me and Dona got into it halfway through." Said Sara.
"It's good to know your wife also liked it sister. Do I…"
"No, you won't get a raise because of that. But I own you one. We have been…"
"Problems of a open relationship? Out of mood for each other? You know, I am sure Mi and I would be able to hold you up some time for you two to have a date."
"Not now, she has a test in another week!"
"Really? And I just asked her if she needed help with something, since she sounded so loaded."
"Yeah, that's why I am telling you. She is the type that doesn't tell others and tries to solve things herself."
"Thank you sis. I will try to think of something to get part of her workload off her back."
"Don't thank me yet. I just want my little sister to be happy and you are her first real try. I have to go."
"Have a nice day."
"You too"
Both were already used to exchanging fake pleasantries, so they ended the call in such a business like way. After getting out of bed at mid night, Aki got such call out of nowhere and ended wide awake, so he went for a snack at the kitchen.
-What are you two doing? He asked a nearly naked Guilda and Tina who were having a full blown dinner while using loose robes.
-What are you doing here? Guilda closed Tina's robe while eyeing Aki.
-I asked first. Besides, you two were having a good time and sleeping while I and Mina worked. I just got a call from the big woman and was congratulated for a good idea, we ended talking about Mi and I got something on my mind and got hungry so I came to the kitchen to see if I can find something to knock me out. That's good enough for you?
She actually got embarrassed from that. It totally made her sound like the younger and irresponsible of the two. She knew he did that purposely to make her look bad in front of the new girl. She quite liked her bubbly personality too, so she had to solve this.
-You and Mina were… ah, I am sorry for asking. Said Tina with a little fear.
-Nope, we were eating cake with tea while talking about life for some time before we collapsed in a food coma. She's sleeping on your room right now. The one you two received and I was supposed to tell you about. Also, I don't know how Guilda painted me to you, but you won't be treated as a slave here. Think of it like a job you have to pass through.
Tina actually didn't know how to react to that nonchalant attitude of his, but actually believed him for some reason.
After that Aki noded and opened the "fridge" to take some milk while turning his back to them.
-Fuck, what is with that mature attitude all of a sudden? Weren't you the one that was super interested in going to the auction like a little kid yesterday? Chimed Guilda.
-Yes, that would be me. Who ever said I am mature? If my girlfriend told me to I'd go to her place right now and act like a…
*Triiiiiiinnnnn. Cacha.*
-Yes honey? Ah, you need more heads to help you with a sudden assignment from college? Of course, what use is a hubby if he can't even help you when you need. I will be preparing the planar-teleportation circle and should appear at your apartment in ten. Anything else? Sara? She called me just now, said she had something to do, but also something about her wife before, if I had to guess they are still in bed right now, so it should be ok to just use that emergence button to startle her for ignoring you. Ah, now that I said it don't… she hung up. Sister sure will be mad ah? Guilda, you tell mama that I went to hell, ok? Bye, fuck all you want.
After the the out of the blue call and Aki teleporting away right after, Guilda didn't even have the chance to retort to his harassment.
He wouldn't be coming back for some time, maybe even spend the night at that succubus' place.
She turned to explain the situation to the confused and embarrassed Tina, but while she was telling her about how Aki had apparently convinced their boss to date him, the angel appeared. On an automatic "wheelchair".
It's a golem, really, but the concept of wheelchairs actually exists in this world since some time ago.
-Hello, I assume you are confused. Guilda said while trying to look welcoming and warm. Though being half naked together with another girl, who had a slave brand, in the same state while walking around the house in the middle of the night didn't help her image a lot.
The angel-kin didn't say anything, just frowned her browns. Guilda noticed that and rapidly went behind her so she could not escape.
-Look, I think there's a misunderstanding here. We actually intend to take you home and help your people. Cleo only touched your wings, didn't she? She really likes fluffy things and I was hoping you'd forgive her. She will take full responsibility if not though. She hastly said with worry in her voice.
Then, it came.
The sobbing, not other kind of thing.
She a mess with snot and tears and screaming. Quite understandable for a sixteen years old girl from a tribe that lives in a pseudo paradise. It's simple, really. If they don't fight, they won't reach too high levels, if they don't reach a certain level, they won't get an easy to notice aura of power.
While that may sound like BS, and it kind of is, it is just that it is harder to conceal high amounts of… Ops, I shouldn't explain that yet. Anyways, they're harder to keep hidden with the barrier than their lower level counterpart.
That being so, it is quite hard to find anything that could find and open the place because of some specifics of the barrier. It was a God that put it up after all.
Uh? If their shield is so good, then why is this girl here? Why are her people in danger?
Simple. They were naive and saved someone. He didn't sell than out, mind you. It took a whole year, but after he was noticed by the wrong people, they slaved him and captured the girl that wasn't able to run away during his visit.
The barrier can only be opened by the inside, so when everyone was prohibited from even getting near the barrier, they gave up on getting inside using the girl and decided to sell her to get attention from people who might want to help. Only after firming themselves in the place, of course.
They didn't expect there would be someone whimsical enough to defeat them for the angel-kin. Those legendary races weren't much different from monsters and had persecuted humanity while in power.
Cloe proved them wrong though. Not that they know that yet. To others she is still a level 283 magician who never fought in public and has built many things for herself in this kingdom. You could say she owns this city. One also can't forget her maids and mainly her head-maid, always masked, an assassin with an unknown level. Or maybe the rumors about horrendous bodies appearing near her house every now and them. Maybe those about her being a secret lover of the elven crown prince too. The things all the slaves she sold said about their torments there were very true though.
All criminal slaves though.
Oh, almost forgot, they don't like to be ordered around. Though that's not a problem in this case.
"This the best job I got in centuries."
"Right? I almost didn't remember how long has it been since a master of mine left carcasses for me. Almost."
"Idiots, he is obviously trying to make us trust him. Later will come the menial tasks and sex."
"While I certainly hope you're wrong, I heard this is the guy that is fucking the young bitch boss that recently got to the company. Ya all at least not killing him by the pussy"
"Wait, what?! Where did Shirley shove her head this time? She always has the best stuff!"
"Oh, she's been complaining a lot about not being able to talk with anyone that has a full contract you hear? Though I normally rough her up before she says much. Danm her mouths tight."
"You're milkyblack63? And I thought my finder name was bad. I actually get the milky part, but why black? You're white as fuck."
"Who said I am the one who ends up black? Hahaha!"
"Urg, fiends"
"Oh, please continue miss 63, I certainly would love to know what the closest person to my girlfriend likes."
That was a conversation between the demons through the mental link of the contract they shared, one which Aki held partial control over while on the field. Not that he needed that to make a spiral fiend, which are a sub-species closely related to pride, to talk about her exploits in bed.
Personally to him of course. Shirley is Mi's secretary by the way.
"Now everyone, I have good and bad news, of which you can go and thank miss 63 for. The bad one is that we will be ending our slaughter earlier on. The good one is that I am giving you all a luxury day. Fiends are scheduled to go to the orc dungeon, all the ass and fights you can get. Beholders, except Mark, will be going to the library from the academy, don't fuck anyone too much. Succubi will receive money and you may go do whatever you want with it if you don't kill anyone. Hellhound s are to have a spa day, you will understand what is a spa day later, but you will like it. Stalkers can go back to the manor and wait inside the room after the big red door where we will give you all lots of meat according to the preferences stated before. If you do shit I know how to punish you."
A collective cheer later and everyone but Mark runned in the
direction of the city gate. He was to keep killing monsters until he died for the day. Demons can always be ressumoned after all.
Really, dude couldn't even fill a complain about his job, because for that a demon had to die a certain number of times under the warlock that summoned it with his or her own hands.
See demons are quite resilient, even if their brain melts away, they will still take two or three second to die, a whole minute if it is a specialy sturdy fiend, and Aki carries plenty of magic crystals with him, each a with a spell ready for use. At the moment he had prepared a healer versions of his normal arsenal.
It was not very useful against enemies that wouldn't allow him to open his inventory, besides being expensive. It did help when he was the support or not the one using it, while it could very easily be sold for a few times the initial cost and helped his Enchanting level.
How many Arcane mages with the Grimoire skill do you think there are? To begin with, the process needed one of the parts to have a certain mastery of the skill or spell that will be engraved normally asks for a master in enchanting and a master of the skill with at least some enchanting training, which can downgrade the item for obvious reasons.
But why am I talking so much about this random subject? Because Shirley is into some heavy shit. Seriously, Aki is not even using the same words as the fiend and whole sentences of his would have to be classified into 18+ for violence, never mind the sexual part.
Anyone in the orc dungeon for the rest of the day could confirm that. Be it the ones watching or the orcs, they'd get baffled at the moment they saw the sprawled limbs and anuses around miss 63.
One could even see a scene similar to MOP where an orc and human first fought against each other and before they could get the kill, they'd be hit by a strong black and white warrior. The black was dried blood though.
In this case all sides died though. Imagine the shock of whoever found the corpses. Oh, even the dungeon wasn't fast enough to stop that from happening. There weren't any recognizable human corpses at that point though. Problem prevention, fiend edition.
Aki even congratulated her later. He was in such a good mood that later he called her over again to get a reward.
-Boss? She was prideful, but she was getting paid and was an adult. To a certain level.
-As I said over the phone, I'd like to reward you. He said to the much taller woman with horns who had a confused expression at being guided to darker and darker dungeon inside the manor.
-Good torture room, could get a change here and there but it's overall usable. The sadic torturer commented.
-It's yours if you like it. He replied to her.
-Really? What's the catch? She was a fiend, but it didn't mean she didn't learn anything through life, besides her subspecies being smarter than normal.
-You can only torture the people you're told to and we will be recording every detail. He said with his unchanged business smile. -All of them cute or beautiful though. Of course.
-Not so bad, if you can hide my face them I am in. She agreed easily.
-I don't think that will mascara the who you are, but to hide your dick would reduce the audience, so no can do that, your face is OK though. You alredy have your first guest by the way. Come in piece of shit! He explained.
As he called, a petite cat girl entered the room and meekly presented herself with fear all over. She wore nothing but rags covering her little figure, but was clean and well fed. Her eyes darted all around while she trembled.
-You are not to talk unless ordered to. Now, you may test his asshole if you want, but no breaking until the recording, ok? He harshly said before calmly turning to his subordinate with his normal demeanor.
-Wait, his? She noted with confusion.
Instead of answering, he lifted the slave's piece of cloth to show his crotch. While he tried to resist, Aki had higher strength and easily showed the cat's dong.
-Well, I am seriously reconsidering my targets now. The fiend admitted while checking the beast person up and down. -Why the hate though?
-I hate rapists the most. No offense to demons, but those that don't actually have a compulsion to do so are in the same level as bugs to me. The tipe that needs to be squashed under a heel for a long and tortuous amount of time. So I count on you to do that.
-No offense, but you sure this a rapist? She asked while holding the slave upside down by one of it's legs.
-You can believe me, who bought this criminal slave acused of more than a hundred **** cases, or him, your new fuck toy for however long he can last. Wanna make a bet? He smirked.
-It depends, what kind of bet? She was interested in it and it was fairly obvious.
-I will bet he is a rapist and we will find out during one of your sessions, while you will bet that he is merely a cute face that is wrongly acused. Whoever loses pays the other 500. Deal? He extended his hand.
-Deal. She accepted and shaked his hand, right before it caught fire to symbolize a demonic contract in the old way.
-Easiest five bucks I ever got.
-I'm fine with either way.
"Your idea was actually very good, having a spire fiend murder fucking a tomgirl did wonders for the first episode. Even I couldn't tell it was a guy from afar. The publicity was huge. Who'd guess it was also a rapist! Thirteen hours straight until he confessed all his crimes while begging her to stop. That was priceless, even me and Dona got into it halfway through." Said Sara.
"It's good to know your wife also liked it sister. Do I…"
"No, you won't get a raise because of that. But I own you one. We have been…"
"Problems of a open relationship? Out of mood for each other? You know, I am sure Mi and I would be able to hold you up some time for you two to have a date."
"Not now, she has a test in another week!"
"Really? And I just asked her if she needed help with something, since she sounded so loaded."
"Yeah, that's why I am telling you. She is the type that doesn't tell others and tries to solve things herself."
"Thank you sis. I will try to think of something to get part of her workload off her back."
"Don't thank me yet. I just want my little sister to be happy and you are her first real try. I have to go."
"Have a nice day."
"You too"
Both were already used to exchanging fake pleasantries, so they ended the call in such a business like way. After getting out of bed at mid night, Aki got such call out of nowhere and ended wide awake, so he went for a snack at the kitchen.
-What are you two doing? He asked a nearly naked Guilda and Tina who were having a full blown dinner while using loose robes.
-What are you doing here? Guilda closed Tina's robe while eyeing Aki.
-I asked first. Besides, you two were having a good time and sleeping while I and Mina worked. I just got a call from the big woman and was congratulated for a good idea, we ended talking about Mi and I got something on my mind and got hungry so I came to the kitchen to see if I can find something to knock me out. That's good enough for you?
She actually got embarrassed from that. It totally made her sound like the younger and irresponsible of the two. She knew he did that purposely to make her look bad in front of the new girl. She quite liked her bubbly personality too, so she had to solve this.
-You and Mina were… ah, I am sorry for asking. Said Tina with a little fear.
-Nope, we were eating cake with tea while talking about life for some time before we collapsed in a food coma. She's sleeping on your room right now. The one you two received and I was supposed to tell you about. Also, I don't know how Guilda painted me to you, but you won't be treated as a slave here. Think of it like a job you have to pass through.
Tina actually didn't know how to react to that nonchalant attitude of his, but actually believed him for some reason.
After that Aki noded and opened the "fridge" to take some milk while turning his back to them.
-Fuck, what is with that mature attitude all of a sudden? Weren't you the one that was super interested in going to the auction like a little kid yesterday? Chimed Guilda.
-Yes, that would be me. Who ever said I am mature? If my girlfriend told me to I'd go to her place right now and act like a…
*Triiiiiiinnnnn. Cacha.*
-Yes honey? Ah, you need more heads to help you with a sudden assignment from college? Of course, what use is a hubby if he can't even help you when you need. I will be preparing the planar-teleportation circle and should appear at your apartment in ten. Anything else? Sara? She called me just now, said she had something to do, but also something about her wife before, if I had to guess they are still in bed right now, so it should be ok to just use that emergence button to startle her for ignoring you. Ah, now that I said it don't… she hung up. Sister sure will be mad ah? Guilda, you tell mama that I went to hell, ok? Bye, fuck all you want.
After the the out of the blue call and Aki teleporting away right after, Guilda didn't even have the chance to retort to his harassment.
He wouldn't be coming back for some time, maybe even spend the night at that succubus' place.
She turned to explain the situation to the confused and embarrassed Tina, but while she was telling her about how Aki had apparently convinced their boss to date him, the angel appeared. On an automatic "wheelchair".
It's a golem, really, but the concept of wheelchairs actually exists in this world since some time ago.
-Hello, I assume you are confused. Guilda said while trying to look welcoming and warm. Though being half naked together with another girl, who had a slave brand, in the same state while walking around the house in the middle of the night didn't help her image a lot.
The angel-kin didn't say anything, just frowned her browns. Guilda noticed that and rapidly went behind her so she could not escape.
-Look, I think there's a misunderstanding here. We actually intend to take you home and help your people. Cleo only touched your wings, didn't she? She really likes fluffy things and I was hoping you'd forgive her. She will take full responsibility if not though. She hastly said with worry in her voice.
Then, it came.
The sobbing, not other kind of thing.
She a mess with snot and tears and screaming. Quite understandable for a sixteen years old girl from a tribe that lives in a pseudo paradise. It's simple, really. If they don't fight, they won't reach too high levels, if they don't reach a certain level, they won't get an easy to notice aura of power.
While that may sound like BS, and it kind of is, it is just that it is harder to conceal high amounts of… Ops, I shouldn't explain that yet. Anyways, they're harder to keep hidden with the barrier than their lower level counterpart.
That being so, it is quite hard to find anything that could find and open the place because of some specifics of the barrier. It was a God that put it up after all.
Uh? If their shield is so good, then why is this girl here? Why are her people in danger?
Simple. They were naive and saved someone. He didn't sell than out, mind you. It took a whole year, but after he was noticed by the wrong people, they slaved him and captured the girl that wasn't able to run away during his visit.
The barrier can only be opened by the inside, so when everyone was prohibited from even getting near the barrier, they gave up on getting inside using the girl and decided to sell her to get attention from people who might want to help. Only after firming themselves in the place, of course.
They didn't expect there would be someone whimsical enough to defeat them for the angel-kin. Those legendary races weren't much different from monsters and had persecuted humanity while in power.
Cloe proved them wrong though. Not that they know that yet. To others she is still a level 283 magician who never fought in public and has built many things for herself in this kingdom. You could say she owns this city. One also can't forget her maids and mainly her head-maid, always masked, an assassin with an unknown level. Or maybe the rumors about horrendous bodies appearing near her house every now and them. Maybe those about her being a secret lover of the elven crown prince too. The things all the slaves she sold said about their torments there were very true though.
All criminal slaves though.
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