Game, Second autumn
26 Back and forth
In the divine realm of the goddess of kindness, a soul appeared in front of the sad goddess. His breath ragged and holding his neck with fear in his eyes, Shinji nervously looked around.
-Goddess... sama? He was confused. Everything happened so fast he thought it was a dream. Or maybe the divine spirit was taking control of his body and…
-Child, you have died. There's no way around it. The champion of blood has defeated you in direct combat, I cannot help you get back. Ameng explained, sadness apparent in her words.
-Is… is that so? He didn't know how to react. Without his command, his knees buckled and tears flew out of his eyes like a river.
-It's ok child, you did well. None could've done better in your situation. The goddess held him in her embrace and soothed the poor soul until he stopped crying. -Your time will come Shinji, but before that, there's something you need to see.
-Yes? He was confused. Didn't she say there was no way for him to go back?
-Even if I can't resurrect you, one of the other champions can. While he is still alive, there is hope. I shaw allert the others, they won't be taken by surprise like this. Her voice still soft, she told him, hope rekindled in his eyes.
-What can I do to help? He said.
-Train, child. For when you are called they will need more than the power you can offer now. She smiled at him.
-It shall be done goddess-sama!
Back to Aki.
[*Ding* Feat of strength accomplished! Skill maker: Expertly use a technique not registered at the system. The system thanks you for your cooperation. +5 in all attributes.]
[Special action has been performed! Artillery technique is now level 1]
-So the ennanics didn't create heavy artillery or magic cannons, that is informative, but I truly have to thank the guy who failed to make this technique too and the guy who started cannons in this world. Is there something you can do about that, sir god of chaos? Aki said while checking his notifications after the battle. He wasn't really expecting an answer though.
[Yup ;) ]
In the old kingdom of dwarfs, in the hall of great creators.
In the tomb of King Edmund II, the black, because gunpowder was always on his face or because the huge black balls he made with metal magic were the last things his enemies saw before dying, I don't know which, anyway, his grave started to shine.
Texts in old ennanic and common appeared on both sides of his stone sarcophagus and the polished stone turned into a lead sculpture.
The black metal was shining even though no light was present in the tomb.
When the current dwarf king appeared running into the tomb of his great grandfather, he couldn't help but be shocked.
It was like someone had took a perfect picture of his ancestor in his prime and flawlessly engraved it into the sepulcher.
The king didn't dare open the coffin, but when he found the letters at the side he was totally shocked.
[May this man and inventor have pride and keep his head high wherever his soul may go, for his dreams were accomplished and he will forever be recorded in the system as the one closest to reaching one of the most powerful weapons to ever strike fear. ]
No need to say the man was afraid. Someone had completed a magic impulse cylinder that could actually function? That thing that was supposed to launch hard matter at an outstanding speed and kill tens per shot?
The dwarf runned away and immediately called for a royal court with the clan chiefs.
Granted, he did not know the real thing was not supposed to be usable against things that were around level 100, but even them he would still fear one of those that could be enchanted, launch different types of ammo, even just the caliber that Aki used would make him shit his pants…
People tend to think that bullets wouldn't be so effective on a fantasy world, but what about the ones that can be used to launch a bullet at mack 10 or one that could cause a black hole to temporarily form?
Truth be told, Aki didn't exactly make a true cannon, he just made tubes open at one side that had the other side's closing piece of metal able to be sent flying through it.
Really, it is not a cannon, but it has various enchantments on it that make the ammo inside accelerate to a point where they are close to the sound barrier.
The closing part can be easily replaced and the enchantments are something that will stay, so this is basically another type of heavy artillery weapon. One that is not functional without a heavy support of magic.
The main reason the dwarf King of old wasn't able to create one of these or even a normal cannon that passed the system's criteria, was because they were either too weak or too fragile, to a point where he died while getting close to something similar to making a 70mm model, but the gunpowder ended destroying it and caused a chain explosion.
While it may sound idiotic, it is quite normal, since he was dealing he highly explosive materials to obtain better results and no one he trusted wanted to help in his research.
It is kind of idiotic Aki couldn't make a proper explosion chamber, or find the actual recipe for smokeless gunpowder in this world, he was already making a fucking magic cannon, he didn't think of using the weaker version.
The only thing he could really do was a gun barrel that was indestructible from the inside, so he just molded it into into what the circuit was supposed to look like. Though that allows for some very big "bullets" to be fired.
How does one mold something unbreakable? I said indestructible before? Fuck semantics, this thing is an alloy of steel and mithril. Unless you use some ridiculous power, it is practically unbreakable while solid, so Aki liquefied and gasefied it during the process.
Again, fuck the correct chemical process' name, I ain't looking a conversion table again and the author is lazy, look it up yaself!
While Aki doesn't have demon king fragments, he can very well imitate the idea with his own version, so he went on and made the cylinders. Not like he'd be able to kill an actual golem of orichalcum though.
Of which you might have noticed, but the one he used to launch Guilda was not the same thing, so he had to use a huge explosion to send her with a slightly lower speed.
Back to the aftermatch.
Everyone was going home already, and with that I mean that Aki got some mana potions and started casting a mass teleportation spell Cleo had given a written version of to him.
While at that the demons were talking among themselves and Guilda was put into a comfy bed and tucked into good sheets. The captives were quiet and apparently depressed.
Some of the mages were kind of shocked at Aki for trying to cast a mass teleportation alone, but seeing him take various materials from his inventory, they instead started asking themselves how much money this guy had to just throw hundreds of gold coins to teleport. That's more than ten times the normal cost, you know?
Getting to the manor, Aki asked Bea to take care of Guilda them dispersed the demons and went to the captives, who were all cuffed and having their magic drained.
Looking around it didn't take long to find the Japanese girl who looked apatic. When he directed himself to her though, the frightened soldiers started trying to shield her with their bodies.
-Calm down idiots, she is passing through a traumatic event, so I will just knock her out so she has a dream full of answers to all this. There, done. You can all relax, you will be sent back to your kingdom after swearing a few oaths and everything will be ok. If you don't then we will do it the hard way. Think well.
After doing a laid back announcement, Aki started carrying the unconscious girl like a potato sack.
-Oi! What do you think you're doing!? Screamed a blue eyed blonde woman who seemed specially affectioned to the otherworlder.
-I am taking her to her new room. You all may go, but she will stay. That is not negotiable, and the next time we fight against your kingdom, I won't be merciful again. When you see your king, give him this. He took a letter out of nowhere and put it between the blonde's breasts.
They were huge and he needed something to show he was the one in command here, so what better way than to shame the one who spoke up.
No sexism. If it had been a man than he would've put it in his pants. He hadn't decided which side, but that didn't happen, so…
When Aki gently laid the sweetly dreaming girl on the very comfortable bed, he didn't dare do anything to her, but when he tried to leave she caught his arm and started crying.
He thought something bad happened in the dream, but when she got a faint smile in her face and started muttering "Shinji" repeatedly, he guessed it was the opposite.
Not bothering to entertain the strange girl who would've likely gotten into a wet part of her dream any moment now, Aki left the room and got a pocket watch to tell him when five hours had passed so he could come back to have a talk with the girl living a possible future she'd have if she didn't come to this world in her dreams.
He had time, so he took a shower, had a meal and called his girlfriend to see if she'd like to watch the record of the fight with him.
-Come on, it's a short video! Don't you want to see your boyfriend looking cool? I know, I just wanted to brag and talk to you for a bit. Is it really that bad I wanted to show off to my girlfriend? Oh sure, I'd love to, I've never watched the series with the bank robbing guys, but people on earth said it was really good at least. Though those masks are a bit… right? If I was going to stare at some butt than I'd choose yours and you know that. Just because I like badass females doesn't mean that… *TRIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII…*
-Arg, yeah, have to go look at the girl, she should be waking up by now. Hey, isn't this the first time I am the one hanging because of work? Nah, it just doesn't sit well when you compare our jobs since I have so much fun with this and it makes you sound so much more mature than me. Hey, I am very mature! Of course it isn't, how can you compare a human one to a demon's, the scale is just different. I know worrying like this doesn't make me more of an adult, but…
He opened a door and pressed his finger against his lips to indicate to the girl who just woke up that he was on the phone, which actually shoked her.
-I know. No, you're awesome. My eyes are not getting itchy, it's just your imagination. Good luck with your mother, I have to go, bye. *Sniff* And his tears went back without falling.
-You didn't see or hear anything before this, understood? Good. Now, I know you're still sad and shocked with everything, but we have to talk. The other captives have been sent back to the kingdom they come from, but we can't let you go nor can we send you home or something like that. Do you have anything you want to know? He slowly said to the girl with flowing black hair and a doll face.
She didn't say anything for a little, but then she raised her head and asked.
-Why? And just that.
-Because we are enemies and showing our strength can save Guilda's little brother. While we certainly come from earth like you, the demons didn't choose good natured people to be their representatives. If I had been shown the opportunity while growing up, then I'd most likely be some kind of criminal. You may thank my mother and family for actually being strong willed and insisting in teaching me to be a good person.
-Uh, they seem like a good family.
-They are. I also want to go back you know? I imagine you too, so let me tell you a secret, I should be able to open a gate to earth with enough time and resources.
-Eh? She was confused, why was this man who had ruthlessly slaughtered the soldiers who had been nice to her, now being so open?
-It sounds like I want to fool you, right? It's because I want something from you. See, sending people back to earth is something very complex, so if I want to do it, I need someone with an ID from earth in their soul. I am asking for you to be the first person to go. You may ask whatever you want from me, but I need someone to help me in this and it can't be someone from the demonic faction. I can tell you more, but I can't let the goddess watch anymore.
-Goddess-sama… is watching? She was still confused, and this did not help.
-Most definitely. By the way, this is a message to her, please don't be offended. Don't interfere, you hear me bitch! I don't care if you are a goddess or whatever the fuck, I'ma gonna kill you if you try to stop me from seeing my baby sister, then leave you to be raped by demons till your damn divine spark runs out, ya hear me!
He actually held the girl's head and looked directly in her eyes from up close as if they were cameras, so she was much more scared than offended.
In the divine realm of the goddess of kindness, there was a very baffled soul and a confused woman looking at each other.
-It's ok child, it's not the first time I have been insulted, just… I've never seen those so close. His fear and hatred seem very deep rooted. I don't think the demons have brainwashed him, he just… hates the idea of gods. The wise woman explained.
-I don't think there's much we can't do for him. I don't understand how he isn't a champion himself, but he clearly will do anything to reach his goals. Wouldn't it be better to send him back? Asked the worried boy.
-That would be impossible. He needs to die at least once so his karma can be washed away and his soul sent back to the cycle. He is too dangerous to throw at a world like earth, he'd cause immense chaos and death. She was actually afraid for those that would face him if he acted like that towards all his goals.
-Goddess... sama? He was confused. Everything happened so fast he thought it was a dream. Or maybe the divine spirit was taking control of his body and…
-Child, you have died. There's no way around it. The champion of blood has defeated you in direct combat, I cannot help you get back. Ameng explained, sadness apparent in her words.
-Is… is that so? He didn't know how to react. Without his command, his knees buckled and tears flew out of his eyes like a river.
-It's ok child, you did well. None could've done better in your situation. The goddess held him in her embrace and soothed the poor soul until he stopped crying. -Your time will come Shinji, but before that, there's something you need to see.
-Yes? He was confused. Didn't she say there was no way for him to go back?
-Even if I can't resurrect you, one of the other champions can. While he is still alive, there is hope. I shaw allert the others, they won't be taken by surprise like this. Her voice still soft, she told him, hope rekindled in his eyes.
-What can I do to help? He said.
-Train, child. For when you are called they will need more than the power you can offer now. She smiled at him.
-It shall be done goddess-sama!
Back to Aki.
[*Ding* Feat of strength accomplished! Skill maker: Expertly use a technique not registered at the system. The system thanks you for your cooperation. +5 in all attributes.]
[Special action has been performed! Artillery technique is now level 1]
-So the ennanics didn't create heavy artillery or magic cannons, that is informative, but I truly have to thank the guy who failed to make this technique too and the guy who started cannons in this world. Is there something you can do about that, sir god of chaos? Aki said while checking his notifications after the battle. He wasn't really expecting an answer though.
[Yup ;) ]
In the old kingdom of dwarfs, in the hall of great creators.
In the tomb of King Edmund II, the black, because gunpowder was always on his face or because the huge black balls he made with metal magic were the last things his enemies saw before dying, I don't know which, anyway, his grave started to shine.
Texts in old ennanic and common appeared on both sides of his stone sarcophagus and the polished stone turned into a lead sculpture.
The black metal was shining even though no light was present in the tomb.
When the current dwarf king appeared running into the tomb of his great grandfather, he couldn't help but be shocked.
It was like someone had took a perfect picture of his ancestor in his prime and flawlessly engraved it into the sepulcher.
The king didn't dare open the coffin, but when he found the letters at the side he was totally shocked.
[May this man and inventor have pride and keep his head high wherever his soul may go, for his dreams were accomplished and he will forever be recorded in the system as the one closest to reaching one of the most powerful weapons to ever strike fear. ]
No need to say the man was afraid. Someone had completed a magic impulse cylinder that could actually function? That thing that was supposed to launch hard matter at an outstanding speed and kill tens per shot?
The dwarf runned away and immediately called for a royal court with the clan chiefs.
Granted, he did not know the real thing was not supposed to be usable against things that were around level 100, but even them he would still fear one of those that could be enchanted, launch different types of ammo, even just the caliber that Aki used would make him shit his pants…
People tend to think that bullets wouldn't be so effective on a fantasy world, but what about the ones that can be used to launch a bullet at mack 10 or one that could cause a black hole to temporarily form?
Truth be told, Aki didn't exactly make a true cannon, he just made tubes open at one side that had the other side's closing piece of metal able to be sent flying through it.
Really, it is not a cannon, but it has various enchantments on it that make the ammo inside accelerate to a point where they are close to the sound barrier.
The closing part can be easily replaced and the enchantments are something that will stay, so this is basically another type of heavy artillery weapon. One that is not functional without a heavy support of magic.
The main reason the dwarf King of old wasn't able to create one of these or even a normal cannon that passed the system's criteria, was because they were either too weak or too fragile, to a point where he died while getting close to something similar to making a 70mm model, but the gunpowder ended destroying it and caused a chain explosion.
While it may sound idiotic, it is quite normal, since he was dealing he highly explosive materials to obtain better results and no one he trusted wanted to help in his research.
It is kind of idiotic Aki couldn't make a proper explosion chamber, or find the actual recipe for smokeless gunpowder in this world, he was already making a fucking magic cannon, he didn't think of using the weaker version.
The only thing he could really do was a gun barrel that was indestructible from the inside, so he just molded it into into what the circuit was supposed to look like. Though that allows for some very big "bullets" to be fired.
How does one mold something unbreakable? I said indestructible before? Fuck semantics, this thing is an alloy of steel and mithril. Unless you use some ridiculous power, it is practically unbreakable while solid, so Aki liquefied and gasefied it during the process.
Again, fuck the correct chemical process' name, I ain't looking a conversion table again and the author is lazy, look it up yaself!
While Aki doesn't have demon king fragments, he can very well imitate the idea with his own version, so he went on and made the cylinders. Not like he'd be able to kill an actual golem of orichalcum though.
Of which you might have noticed, but the one he used to launch Guilda was not the same thing, so he had to use a huge explosion to send her with a slightly lower speed.
Back to the aftermatch.
Everyone was going home already, and with that I mean that Aki got some mana potions and started casting a mass teleportation spell Cleo had given a written version of to him.
While at that the demons were talking among themselves and Guilda was put into a comfy bed and tucked into good sheets. The captives were quiet and apparently depressed.
Some of the mages were kind of shocked at Aki for trying to cast a mass teleportation alone, but seeing him take various materials from his inventory, they instead started asking themselves how much money this guy had to just throw hundreds of gold coins to teleport. That's more than ten times the normal cost, you know?
Getting to the manor, Aki asked Bea to take care of Guilda them dispersed the demons and went to the captives, who were all cuffed and having their magic drained.
Looking around it didn't take long to find the Japanese girl who looked apatic. When he directed himself to her though, the frightened soldiers started trying to shield her with their bodies.
-Calm down idiots, she is passing through a traumatic event, so I will just knock her out so she has a dream full of answers to all this. There, done. You can all relax, you will be sent back to your kingdom after swearing a few oaths and everything will be ok. If you don't then we will do it the hard way. Think well.
After doing a laid back announcement, Aki started carrying the unconscious girl like a potato sack.
-Oi! What do you think you're doing!? Screamed a blue eyed blonde woman who seemed specially affectioned to the otherworlder.
-I am taking her to her new room. You all may go, but she will stay. That is not negotiable, and the next time we fight against your kingdom, I won't be merciful again. When you see your king, give him this. He took a letter out of nowhere and put it between the blonde's breasts.
They were huge and he needed something to show he was the one in command here, so what better way than to shame the one who spoke up.
No sexism. If it had been a man than he would've put it in his pants. He hadn't decided which side, but that didn't happen, so…
When Aki gently laid the sweetly dreaming girl on the very comfortable bed, he didn't dare do anything to her, but when he tried to leave she caught his arm and started crying.
He thought something bad happened in the dream, but when she got a faint smile in her face and started muttering "Shinji" repeatedly, he guessed it was the opposite.
Not bothering to entertain the strange girl who would've likely gotten into a wet part of her dream any moment now, Aki left the room and got a pocket watch to tell him when five hours had passed so he could come back to have a talk with the girl living a possible future she'd have if she didn't come to this world in her dreams.
He had time, so he took a shower, had a meal and called his girlfriend to see if she'd like to watch the record of the fight with him.
-Come on, it's a short video! Don't you want to see your boyfriend looking cool? I know, I just wanted to brag and talk to you for a bit. Is it really that bad I wanted to show off to my girlfriend? Oh sure, I'd love to, I've never watched the series with the bank robbing guys, but people on earth said it was really good at least. Though those masks are a bit… right? If I was going to stare at some butt than I'd choose yours and you know that. Just because I like badass females doesn't mean that… *TRIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII…*
-Arg, yeah, have to go look at the girl, she should be waking up by now. Hey, isn't this the first time I am the one hanging because of work? Nah, it just doesn't sit well when you compare our jobs since I have so much fun with this and it makes you sound so much more mature than me. Hey, I am very mature! Of course it isn't, how can you compare a human one to a demon's, the scale is just different. I know worrying like this doesn't make me more of an adult, but…
He opened a door and pressed his finger against his lips to indicate to the girl who just woke up that he was on the phone, which actually shoked her.
-I know. No, you're awesome. My eyes are not getting itchy, it's just your imagination. Good luck with your mother, I have to go, bye. *Sniff* And his tears went back without falling.
-You didn't see or hear anything before this, understood? Good. Now, I know you're still sad and shocked with everything, but we have to talk. The other captives have been sent back to the kingdom they come from, but we can't let you go nor can we send you home or something like that. Do you have anything you want to know? He slowly said to the girl with flowing black hair and a doll face.
She didn't say anything for a little, but then she raised her head and asked.
-Why? And just that.
-Because we are enemies and showing our strength can save Guilda's little brother. While we certainly come from earth like you, the demons didn't choose good natured people to be their representatives. If I had been shown the opportunity while growing up, then I'd most likely be some kind of criminal. You may thank my mother and family for actually being strong willed and insisting in teaching me to be a good person.
-Uh, they seem like a good family.
-They are. I also want to go back you know? I imagine you too, so let me tell you a secret, I should be able to open a gate to earth with enough time and resources.
-Eh? She was confused, why was this man who had ruthlessly slaughtered the soldiers who had been nice to her, now being so open?
-It sounds like I want to fool you, right? It's because I want something from you. See, sending people back to earth is something very complex, so if I want to do it, I need someone with an ID from earth in their soul. I am asking for you to be the first person to go. You may ask whatever you want from me, but I need someone to help me in this and it can't be someone from the demonic faction. I can tell you more, but I can't let the goddess watch anymore.
-Goddess-sama… is watching? She was still confused, and this did not help.
-Most definitely. By the way, this is a message to her, please don't be offended. Don't interfere, you hear me bitch! I don't care if you are a goddess or whatever the fuck, I'ma gonna kill you if you try to stop me from seeing my baby sister, then leave you to be raped by demons till your damn divine spark runs out, ya hear me!
He actually held the girl's head and looked directly in her eyes from up close as if they were cameras, so she was much more scared than offended.
In the divine realm of the goddess of kindness, there was a very baffled soul and a confused woman looking at each other.
-It's ok child, it's not the first time I have been insulted, just… I've never seen those so close. His fear and hatred seem very deep rooted. I don't think the demons have brainwashed him, he just… hates the idea of gods. The wise woman explained.
-I don't think there's much we can't do for him. I don't understand how he isn't a champion himself, but he clearly will do anything to reach his goals. Wouldn't it be better to send him back? Asked the worried boy.
-That would be impossible. He needs to die at least once so his karma can be washed away and his soul sent back to the cycle. He is too dangerous to throw at a world like earth, he'd cause immense chaos and death. She was actually afraid for those that would face him if he acted like that towards all his goals.
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