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Chapter 1003 Avoid Water Beads

"I know this is cruel, but in order to keep the secret and prevent the secret from spreading, we must do this," Wei Bin said coldly.

"Wait a minute, Earl Wei, what do you mean by this? Are you trying to kill someone?" The captain suddenly trembled. "Wei Bin, are you trying to silence someone?"

The captain is not a fool. What method can be used to ensure that this secret will not be spread? There is only death! Only dead people cannot speak. No other means can have this effect. No matter how tight they guard them, there will still be a risk of the villagers escaping, and this is never allowed! Therefore, the safest way is to kill them. As long as they die, it will be over once and for all!

"That's right, we have no other choice but to do this!" Wei Bin said firmly.

"Earl Wei, could it be that from the moment you took the initiative to protect the villagers that day, did you already plan to kill them?" the captain said tremblingly!

Wei Bin is so cruel! No matter how difficult it was for the officials of Middle-earth, no matter how worried that the news would be leaked, no matter how worried and frightened they were, they still had no murderous intentions towards these villagers, but what about Wei Bin? Just when they were discussing how to deal with these villagers, he immediately had murderous intentions. He was too cruel!

"But, Count Wei, if you do this, aren't you afraid that the officials of Middle-earth will blame you?" the captain asked.

"Haha, am I not handling their funeral affairs for them? I know that they are also worried that the news will spread from the mouths of these villagers, and my approach has completely dispelled their worries, and they also There is no need to take responsibility, because the blame falls on me, so how can they blame me?" Wei Bin explained.

"This" the captain still seems a little hesitant and a little unbelievable. Unexpectedly, Wei Bin, who has always been positive, actually has such a side.

"Now only these villagers know about Yamatamon's cannibalism. As long as they die, no one will know. In this way, I can go out with the Yamatamon openly in the future. The Yamatamon is mine. A big help, I can't live without it. Now is the time to sacrifice my ego and achieve my goals. Although these villagers died, their death was worth it. As long as I have the help of Yamatomon, I can go there in the future. Save more people! Speaking from a young age, we in Middle-earth are being harassed by the Japanese pirates every day, and people are dying at the border every day. If I can rely on the help of the Yamakimon to wipe out the Japanese pirates in one fell swoop, then we How many fewer people die every day at the border line? Is their life not life? Speaking more broadly, Middle-earth is always under the threat of the dark plane. The predecessor of Yamatamon is Yamata-no-Orochi. If we can get the help of Yamata no Orochi, how many fewer people can we die when facing the invasion of the dark plane in the future? The death of these villagers is valuable, if you really feel sorry for it , then please go back and ask the city lord for permission to erect a martyr tombstone for them!" Wei Bin explained.

"Let Count Wei decide everything!" After hearing Wei Bin's words, the captain didn't say anything.

Because he knows that what Wei Bin said is very reasonable. Although it is not very fair to these villagers, it is indeed beneficial to the human race as a whole. If it is for the sake of the overall situation, then Wei Bin is so There is nothing wrong with doing it, there are not so many fair things in this world!

"There's no need for you to take action, just leave it to me!" Wei Bin said. It's really difficult for these Nirvana players to take action. If they don't know about it, then maybe it's okay to let them kill some villagers, because To the people of Nirvana, these villagers are just some data, and they are not really allowed to kill people!

But if they know why they want to kill these villagers, but still let them do it, then to be honest, this will definitely increase their psychological burden! Because they know in their hearts that they kill people to silence them. In this case, they will not only kill the data, but also dirty their hearts!

After saying that, Wei Bin summoned Yamatamon from the contract scroll, "Do it, Yamatamon!"

"This is the Yamatamon! Hero Wei Bin, why is the Yamatamon here? Why can you summon the Yamatamon?" A villager asked tremblingly.

"Earl Wei, are you the one behind the arrest of our children to feed the Yamata Beast?" It seems that some villagers have understood Wei Bin's intention. Wei Bin seems to want the Yamata Beast to kill them!

"No! The person who captured your children before was Xiongba, not me, but now I am the one who wants to kill you," Wei Bin said.

"Why? Why is this happening?" asked another villager.

"Because you are the only people who know about Yamatomon's cannibalism, and now I have subdued Yamatomon, in order to ensure that the news of Yamatomon's cannibalism is not spread, and also to ensure that Yamatomon can appear in the future. In people’s sight, you must die,” Wei Bin explained.

After listening to Wei Bin's words, the villagers realized that their deaths were to allow the Yamatamon to appear in an upright and fair manner and to reduce negative public opinion.

"Let's do it." After saying this, Wei Bin turned his back. It seemed that he still had the last trace of conscience in his heart. He didn't want to see the miserable situation of these villagers!

"Is this our gang leader?" Xuanyuan Aiai thought to himself.

"The gang leader has changed. He has become more decisive. As long as his own interests are threatened, he will do something even if it is against his own conscience." Bing Yuehan thought to himself!

"At this time, the gang leader is still thinking about us. He is afraid that we will have a psychological burden, so he decided to do it himself." He cut the wires with a kitchen knife and looked at the villagers seriously!

"Haha, the gang leader has grown up! Since ancient times, which generation of emperors has never killed people in vain? For the sake of the overall situation, decisiveness in killing is a necessary quality. Sometimes even if you know that doing so will stain your own heart, you still do it Do it!" Feng Yun Wuji cast an approving look at Wei Bin!

At this moment, the emotions of the members of Nirvana are very complicated, but one thing is common, that is, they know that Wei Bin has been carrying a heavy burden for them. Wei Bin has shouldered too much for them.

Wei Bin gave an order, and the eight heads of the newly summoned Yamata Beast bit towards these innocent villagers. Since there were so many villagers, the Yamata Beast had no time to chew and swallowed them in one bite. Get in!

Soon, these villagers were swallowed by the Yamatamon one after another.

"Earl Wei, if I have nothing else to do, I will leave first. However, I don't know how I should return to the Lord of the City after I go back?" the captain asked. To be honest, he really didn't know how to return to life. After all, At that time, what Wei Bin promised to the city lord and the king was to take them to an isolated place to prevent their news from spreading. But now? Wei Bin simply didn't fulfill his promise as he promised, so the captain didn't know how he should return to life. Did he lie for Wei Bin? Or report it truthfully?

"Just report it truthfully. I believe the Lord of the City will understand!" Wei Bin said.

Wei Bin did this not only for himself, but also to prevent the secret from being exposed. It is also good for the officials of Middle-earth. Moreover, Wei Bin has done all the dirty work. The Lord of White Rock City has What reason to blame him?

"Okay then! Earl Wei, take care!" After saying that, the captain turned and left.

Shortly after the captain left, the Nirvana people embarked on the journey again, and they were going up the mountain!

"Gang leader, these villagers are dead, why are we still going up the mountain? Isn't going up the mountain just a cover?" Xuanyuan asked.

"Haha, eh, eh, you still


I don’t understand my husband very well! "Tianjing snorted and laughed.

"What do you mean?" Xuanyuan Ai Ai asked with a confused look on his face.

"Do you think my husband really killed those villagers?" Tian Jing said.

"Is this still false? I saw the Yamata Beast eating these villagers with my own eyes! Could it be that what I saw with my own eyes is not the truth?" Although An Jing was already hinting to her that Wei Bin did not kill these villagers, but Xuanyuan Aai was still in disbelief. After all, she had seen with her own eyes what just happened!

"Husband, why don't you release these villagers? They will all be suffocated to death in the stomach of the Yamaki beast!" said Jingjing.

"Don't worry, they will be fine, just let them walk less!" Wei Bin replied.

After a while, everyone arrived at the top of the mountain. On the top of the mountain, a very luxurious village appeared in everyone's sight. There were herds of cattle and sheep, clear rivers, towering city walls, and countless rice. Everything is definitely not comparable to any of their dilapidated villages!

Afterwards, Wei Bin ordered the Yamato to spit out the villagers, and then took the Yamato back into the contract scroll!

Before, the reason why Yamakimon swallowed these villagers directly was not to save time in killing them, but to avoid harming them!

"Count Wei, what do you mean by this? Are you and Yamatomon on the same team? If not, why don't you kill Yamatomon and avenge us? If you and Yamatomon are on the same team , then why did you let us go?" After these villagers came out of the belly of the Yamatamon, they didn't seem to have much resentment. Perhaps, after thinking about it during their time in the belly of the Yamatamon, they had already They have settled down the resentment in their hearts, and their rationality has now prevailed!

"Everyone, first of all, I want to say I'm sorry!" Then, Wei Bin bowed to these villagers!

"You are right. Now I am indeed on the same side as Yamatomon. However, I only just subdued Yamatomon today. Before, the person who captured your children was Xiongba. Now He has been arrested and sent to prison by the White Rock City officials, and he has received the punishment he deserves! And today, I brought you here really to prevent you from spreading the news that the Yamatamon cannibalizes people, because now The Yamatamon has surrendered to me. In the future, I will take him to conquer the world. If the world knows about the incident of Yamatamon cannibalizing people, it will definitely have an extremely bad impact on me. Therefore, in the future, You have to live here!" Wei Bin explained.

"Then why don't you really kill us? Just like you did! By killing us, wouldn't it be possible once and for all? Wouldn't it be possible to fundamentally eliminate the possibility of the news getting out?" asked a villager. road.

"Haha, although Yamatamon has surrendered to me now, I am not Yamatamon after all. You are all a group of innocent people. You have already experienced the pain of losing your son. I really can't bear to let you die in vain again! Besides, you have already experienced the pain of losing your son. , I hope you don’t bear grudges against me, don’t blame me and Yamakimon for getting together. Although you have grudges with Yamakimon, Yamakimon can indeed bring me a lot of help. I will take Yamakimon with me in the future. To fight against the Japanese pirates and the dark plane, I will let the Yamakimon atone for its sins by protecting our human race and save more humans, so please don’t blame me!" Wei Bin continued.

"Count Wei, why are you doing this? We do hate Yamatamon, but this has nothing to do with you, so how can we express our anger at you?"

"Yes, Count Wei, you don't have to feel guilty. We will never blame you for letting Yamatamon go! You are also thinking about the overall situation!"

"Haha, thank you for your enlightenment! With enlightened people like you here, our human race will definitely rise! Everyone, in order to express my apology, I can only wrong you to live here in the future. I will provide you with everything you need in the future. Living here is safe and secure, and at the same time, I have no worries about food and clothing! This is the only thing I can do!" Wei Bin said.

"Earl Wei, in fact, you don't have to be like this. We are not people who don't distinguish between black and white. You don't have to come forward and let us know about Yaqimon's submission to you! You can even kill us. , once and for all, but you didn’t do that. You finally told us. All this is enough to show that you are an open-minded person. Based on this, we will never do anything detrimental to you. Come on, even if we are still in the original village, after we know about your struggle for our human race, we will not spread the news about the Yamatamon eating people!"

"Yes, Earl Wei, please rest assured that we will not betray you. We will live here in peace for the rest of our lives!"

For a time, Wei Bin's magnanimous behavior instantly aggravated the goodwill of these villagers. These villagers are sensible people. They know that Wei Bin can kill them once and for all, and Wei Bin can also do it. Put them under house arrest and prevent Yamatamon from showing up. If Yamakimon doesn't come forward, will they still blame Wei Bin? Just relying on Wei Bin's magnanimity and national justice, they would not blame Wei Bin!

In this way, the disturbance among the villagers calmed down!

On the way back.

"Gang Leader, what are you trying to do with this saucy move? Since your ultimate goal is to let these villagers come here to live, then why do you need to perform a trick to kill them on the road? Do you want the White Rock City official to Do you think you killed these villagers? In order to let them sleep well at night?" Xuanyuan Aiai asked. When she asked, everyone else also looked at Wei Bin. Her question could be said to be They also expressed their disbelief at Wei Bin's operation. Since Wei Bin didn't intend to kill these villagers at all, why did he need to act? He even exposed his relationship with Yamakimon for this. He could completely bypass this link. In this way, wouldn't he have to bear the infamy that would most likely bring him?

Why did Wei Bin go to such unnecessary lengths?

"Actually, I had no intention of killing these villagers from the beginning. Why did I have to resettle these residents after conquering the Yamatamon? It's precisely because I know that there is a space of its own in the belly of the Yamatamon. As long as the Yamatamon doesn't want to kill them, then they can survive well in the stomach of the Yamatamon. I just want to use this to deceive the officials of Middle-earth. After all, the officials of Middle-earth are not the same as us. , in the future, it is very likely that there will be some conflicts between us. If there are no conflicts between us in the future, that will be fine. If we do have conflicts, then these villagers will be us blackmailing the official's bargaining chip, and then letting them To make concessions, they definitely don’t want these villagers to expose the news, although I don’t want to either, but since the matter is serious, the officials will definitely put the overall situation first and make concessions!” Wei Bin explained.

"Gang leader, are you leaving yourself a backup plan? Strong! Really strong!" Bing Yue Han admired him heartily.

"Haha, this is our gang leader! The gang leader who never kills innocent people indiscriminately and sympathizes with the weak!" Xuanyuan Aiaia thought to himself.

"Haha, the gang leader not only has the courage of an emperor, but also has flexible strategies. The gang leader has indeed grown a lot," Feng Yun Wuji thought to himself.

Inside the Shiroishi Castle Imperial Palace.

"The situation is like this, Lord City Lord, I wonder what we should do next?" the captain asked for instructions.

"Haha, Wei Bin, Wei Bin, you are indeed a decisive person. The king did not misjudge you. Let this matter be like this. People cannot be resurrected after death.

Besides, Wei Bin has sealed the news once and for all for us, so let him go! "The Lord City Lord said.

What can he do about this kind of thing? I can only turn a blind eye!

In the palace of the Lord of Qinglu City.

"Luffy, have you found out the specific location of the Titanic?" Wei Bin asked.

"Go back to the gang leader, we have investigated clearly. I am convinced that the Titanic is silent at that place, but" Luffy said with a confused look on his face.

"Just what?" Wei Bin asked. Wei Bin understood Luffy's ability. On the sea, there were absolutely very few difficulties that could make Luffy frown. Even Luffy's frown was enough to show that what they were doing The troubles and difficulties he faced were definitely far more severe than he imagined!

"Back to the gang leader, I did find a sea area on the ocean with the same topography as the Newfoundland sea. I carefully compared it with the real place where the Titanic sank. I firmly believe that the Titanic did sink there, but The Titanic has sunk to the bottom of the sea. It is simply impossible for us to dive into the bottom of the sea and salvage the Heart of the Ocean! First of all, after many years, we are not sure whether the Heart of the Ocean is still there on the ship. In the boat, perhaps after being washed away by the sea water, the Heart of the Ocean may have been washed away to other places! The second and most difficult problem is that we players cannot enter the water. As long as the players enter the sea, they will continue to lose water. Blood, if it was just a shoal, then we might be able to explore it, but the place where the Titanic sank is the deep sea. I'm afraid we would have been drowned before we even dived into the bottom of the sea. We don't have enough blood to go deep. Under the sea!" Luffy said sadly.

A few days ago, when Wei Bin told Luffy about exchanging the Heart of the Ocean for the Red Alert Eye, Luffy followed Wei Bin's instructions to explore the sea area where the Titanic sank. But after some After the investigation, Luffy felt more and more that it was almost impossible to salvage the Heart of the Ocean. Among them, the most fatal factor was that players could not go into the sea, and players could not swim by default. If a player falls into the sea, he will continue to lose blood at a rate of 10,000 blood per second. He will be drowned when his health bar reaches zero. This directly blocks Wei Bin from going deep into the sea to salvage the Heart of the Ocean. Thoughts, the ocean is so deep, even if you have millions of blood, you still can't reach the bottom of the sea alive!

Moreover, Luffy has already conducted tests. Players cannot use skills in the sea. At the beginning, people thought that skills could only be used on a boat. However, after Luffy's test, he found that players could not use skills in the water either. Using skills, looking at the sea country, skills can only be used on land or on small islands in the ocean. This means that even if they have millions of health, they still cannot dive into the seabed, because in the sea it is Those who cannot use the Pure Heart and Universal Good Mantra to increase their blood, if they can use the Pure Heart and Universal Good Mantra, then maybe they can actually sneak into the seabed, because their blood limit is high, three or four million, and one move of Pure Heart and Universal Good will do it. A good spell can restore 30,000 to 400,000 blood, and the blood loss rate in the sea is 10,000 per second, which is completely treatable!

But you can’t add blood to the sea, so what else can you do? After five or six minutes, they will still die, but within five or six minutes, can they dive to the bottom of the sea, find the heart of the ocean, and come ashore alive? Obviously not!

"It doesn't matter, this is not important, as long as you find the place, okay, you gather the fleet, let's set off!" Wei Bin said confidently, Wei Bin naturally has a way to survive in the sea!

"What? Gang leader? Do you have a way to survive in the sea? Can you still do this?" Luffy immediately guessed Wei Bin's trump card. Since Wei Bin is so confident, it means that Wei Bin definitely has a way to survive in the sea!

"Haha, I'll take you to a place!" After saying that, Wei Bin strode towards the door!

Soon, Wei Bin and others led the Dusk Fleet out to sea!

"Damn it, is the Dusk Fleet planning to cause trouble? It actually dispatched a thousand warships at once?" said a player at the port.

"It must be. Except for the fleets that destroy hostile forces, the Dusk Fleet has never dispatched a thousand warships at once. I don't know which force will suffer!"

In fact, whether it is the Dusk Fleet or the Nirvana Fleet, they rarely go out in groups on weekdays, because there is no need. Apart from fighting, what else is worth dispatching a thousand warships at once? Fight the boss? What kind of boss requires a thousand warships to be dispatched? If they can't defeat the boss, no matter how many warships are dispatched, it will be useless. And if it is a boss that they can defeat, then there is no need for a thousand warships at all. , as long as a thousand warships are dispatched, they will definitely destroy a certain player's fleet!

As the thousand warships of the Twilight Fleet advanced all the way, they soon arrived near the sea area where the Titanic sank. Along the way, the Twilight Fleet encountered many sea monsters, but due to the Twilight Fleet's There were a relatively large number of warships, so we successfully reached our destination without losing a few warships!

This is why Wei Bin must bring a large force here instead of bringing a hundred or so warships, because the closer to the place where the Titanic sank, the more sea monsters there will be. When it sank, the ship was carrying a lot of gold and silver treasures. Do you think only players are interested in gold and silver treasures? No! Sea monsters are also interested in treasures. If Wei Bin brings fewer warships, they will most likely not be able to reach here and will be destroyed on the way. But bringing a thousand warships is not a problem. Same, with their firepower, they can destroy these sea monsters as quickly as possible, thereby reducing casualties!

"This is it! Okay, a dozen of us will go into the sea together. Follow me closely and don't get separated. The others will cover us on the warship and help me kill the sea monsters that can be killed!" Wei Bin said.

"Wait a minute, gang leader, the Titanic did not sink here. Its specific location is one sea mile ahead. It will take us a few more minutes to arrive!" Luffy took a look and realized that was wrong. It wasn't here. Did you get off the boat early?

"That's right, it's here. Let's not go to the Titanic first. Let's dive into the bottom of the sea from here. There is an NC that can sell goods there. We can buy water-proof beads there. With the water-proof beads, we can We went to explore the Titanic safely and safely!" Wei Bin said.

"What? There is a nc at the bottom of the sea? Won't he be drowned?" Xuanyuan Ai Ai screamed out in surprise, but in the blink of an eye, Xuanyuan Ai Ai shut her mouth again because she realized a problem.

If this NC really sells water-proof beads to external parties as Wei Bin said, how could it not have water-proof beads itself? Since he had water-avoiding beads, how could he die?

"Let's go!" After saying that, Wei Bin jumped into the sea first and swam toward the depths of the ocean! The moment Wei Bin entered the sea, some wild monsters surrounded him. Obviously, they were still very interested in human flesh!

During the naval battle, there are two ways for players to die. One is to be directly killed by a cannonball, and the other is when the hull is destroyed and the player falls into the sea and dies!

The second way of death can actually be subdivided into two types. The first is drowning, because players cannot swim by default. As long as they fall into the sea, they will suffer 10,000 points of damage per second. He loses blood at a decreasing frequency until he dies! In the other kind, some people were not drowned at all, but were attacked and killed by sea monsters, which is the group of sea monsters surrounding Wei Bin now. This is why Wei Bin wants to The reason for letting the warship provide fire support to you! Wei Bin can't use his skills in the sea. He is still very resistant to these sea monsters.



Immediately afterwards, more than a dozen core members of Nirvana also jumped down with Wei Bin and sank to the bottom of the sea!

About a minute later, an underwater palace appeared in everyone's sight.

"Damn it, there is an underwater city here? Isn't this amazing?" The bug in Qian's eyes said in surprise.

"Yes, this is an undersea city. In fact, there is not only this one undersea city, but there are several undersea cities in other places. They say they are undersea cities. In fact, they are no different from those on land. The people living here Races are also afraid of the ocean. If they appear in the ocean, they will also die! Therefore, in order to survive, their cities incorporated a large number of water-proof beads during the construction. It is the existence of water-proof beads that This prevents seawater from entering their city! If we have a large number of water-proof beads, we can also build an undersea city!" Wei Bin explained.

"Gang leader, have you already started planning to build an undersea city? What advantages does an undersea city have for us?" Feng Yun Wuji asked in shock, while other forces were still racking their brains to figure out how to build an undersea city. When visiting the city, Wei Bin actually put the plan to build an undersea city on the agenda? Is the gap really too big?

"No! With our current capabilities, we are still unable to build an undersea city. Let's wait until later! But since we are talking about undersea cities, in fact, undersea cities have their unique advantages and charm. On land, there are land resources, and on the sea There are also resources on the sea, and the same is true on the seabed. The seabed also has unique resources on the seabed, but we can’t use the resources on the seabed yet. Moreover, if you want to develop on the seabed, the investment required is very huge. The average person is It is difficult to develop here! So we should wait until later to discuss the plan for the underwater city!" Wei Bin explained.

As they spoke, Wei Bin and the others had arrived at the gate of this underwater city.

"Anyone who comes, please pay ten gold to enter the city!" said a guard at the door.

"What? The ten gold entry fee? Isn't this too expensive? I can't spend the ten gold entry fee on land even in a month!" Little Milk Rabbit said in surprise, the ten gold entry fee, Why don't you go and grab it? The entry fee for cities on land is basically only a few dozen coppers, not even one silver, but it actually costs ten gold here?

"This is an underwater city. Where do you think this is? Do you know how much it will cost to build this city? If the fees are the same as those on land, it will take a lifetime and you will not be able to recoup the cost of building the city!" Wei Bin said, and after saying that, he paid the entry fee for everyone, and everyone entered the city together!

The moment everyone stepped into the city gate, everyone seemed to have suddenly landed ashore and escaped from the sea!

"Wow, it's so amazing! There is such an obvious dividing line between places with sea water and places without sea water? It's really fun! I want to play again!" Tranquility said, and after saying that, she turned around and returned again In the ocean!

This is the wonderful use of water-proof beads. As long as you have water-proof beads, all your actions will be as if you are on land. Since this city was built with a large number of water-proof beads, during the construction of this city, a large number of water-proof beads were incorporated. The location of the city gate forms a very obvious watershed. Inside the city gate, there is really not a drop of water, but outside the city gate, there is a vast ocean. At the junction of the two, a barrier made of water is formed. It's really amazing!

After entering the ocean, he swam quietly for a few seconds, then turned around again and swam towards the city gate!

"Anyone who comes, please pay ten gold to enter the city!" The guard at the door said again.

"What? I just left the city? Did you see it when I left the city? It's only been a few seconds and you have to charge me again? Is there anyone like you?" After listening to Tianjing, good guy , I just paid a fee a few seconds ago, and I have only been in the city for three seconds. I want to experience the feeling of entering the underwater city from the water again. Are you going to charge me again? Have you ever done business like this? Isn't this too outrageous for you?

"I'm sorry, as long as you leave the city, no matter how long you have been gone, as long as you want to re-enter, you have to pay a fee!" The guard didn't seem to intend to discuss it with An Jing!

"Okay, if you don't come in, you will be drowned. Pay the money quickly!" Wei Bin urged.

"Damn it, I finally understand why the entrance fee here is so expensive! This is completely forcing people to pay. If you don't pay, you will really die!" Amid the complaints, Tian Jing still paid. got money.

Yes, this is the second reason why the entry fee here is expensive, and that is the threat to life!

You have to think about what will happen if you don't enter the city quickly. Putting aside the tranquility of having experienced reconstruction, among the other players, who are all the people who can come here?

It must be at least a player with a limit of five or more, or a player with a limit of six, right? From the time they entered the water to the time they arrived in this city, it would take them a minute to get here if their purpose was clear. And based on the speed of 10,000 blood loss per second on the sea, you must have at least 600,000 Only with the amount of blood can we reach here alive! Even 600,000 blood is not enough! Because while you are diving, you have to withstand attacks from sea monsters. Maybe when you first enter the sea, the warships on the sea can protect you, but as long as you enter the sea, the creatures in the sea are not affected. Threat of shells! You must have lost tens of thousands of blood along the way, right? Calculated based on 700,000 blood, among the current players, except for those who have experienced reconstruction, who has 700,000 blood? Even in the later stages, when players have risen to more than 100 levels, I am afraid that only those players with a limit of five or more may reach 700,000 blood. For these players, do they lack the ten gold entry fee? The maximum limit is five gems, so what's the difference of ten gold? The most important thing is that when they dived here, they were already endangered. If they didn't enter the city, they would die here! He was drowned in water. If this spread, it would be a shame!

In addition to the threat of death and the high cost of building this underwater city, there are two reasons why the entry fee is expensive. One of them is that the ten gold entry fee is equivalent to the cost of a water-proof bead. Bless you, people will protect you from water, so it’s not too much for you to spend a little money, right? You know, there are also various buildings and various functions in the underwater city. You can experience this place for only ten gold. Is this expensive?

As for the last reason

Everyone followed Wei Bin to a grocery store.

"What? Ten thousand gold for a water-proof bead?" Everyone was stunned. What kind of divine object is this horse riding on? Isn’t it possible to avoid water? Is the cost too high? The effect of avoiding water is not very great. Why don't you grab ten thousand gold?

For an undersea city, water-proof beads are really sold everywhere, because water-proof beads are actually not a regrettable item for an undersea city. Since people can develop under the sea, they want to get water-proof beads. It must have unique conveniences, so even in the grocery store, you can still see the shadow of water repellent beads!

This is why the city entry fee is as high as ten gold, because water-proof beads are only sold in underwater cities. If you don’t enter the city, you can’t buy water-proof beads. Without water-proof beads, you can’t fight monsters, upgrade or mine on the seabed. Various resources, if you look at it this way, isn’t the ten gold entry fee very expensive? If you don’t go to the city, you won’t be able to buy water-proof beads!

"If you want to buy it or not, get out!" the grocery store owner said unceremoniously. Obviously, he had heard this voice more than once. For this kind of person, the grocery store owner didn't want to waste any time!

"Give me eighteen!" Wei Bin said.

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