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Chapter 101 Inlaid gems

Soft silk hat: internal and external defense +120, strength +40, physical strength +40, required level 30.

Brilliant Clothes: Internal and external defense +75, upper blood limit +650, dodge +32, physical strength +25, concentration +25, movement +16. Physical strength +25 rubies required level 20

locust stone


Grade Excellence

Attack +100

Strength +124 (raw strength 155)

Aura +124 (Original Aura 155)

Physical strength +124 (original physical strength 155)

Concentration +124 (original concentration 155)

Kung Fu +124 (Original Kung Fu 155)

Red Flame: Fire damage dealt to targets with HP greater than 70 is increased by 15.

Falling Stone: Damage to the blinded target is increased by 18.

Unyielding: Immune to attacks that cause the health volume to be less than 10, lasts for 6 seconds, and can only be triggered once every two minutes.

Hidden Weapon Body Protection: Comprehend this skill at level 40.

At this time, Wei Bin's attributes are explosive. His attributes are almost twice that of a level 27 or 8 player. In a fight, it's really like having two swords per child! In this way, he is more confident about next week's territory battle!

In fact, level 40 is a watershed for players, because a new copy of Piaomiao Peak is released at level 40. The drops in Piaomiao Peak can upgrade the hidden weapons and skills. The hidden weapons given in the level 30 mission are all ordinary grades. Yes, only 20 of the original attributes are inherited. As the grades of excellent, outstanding, outstanding, and perfect increase, the proportion of inherited original attributes increases by 20. The perfect grade can inherit 100 of the original attributes. Each level of hidden weapons increases by 5 points. Full attributes. A level 40 hidden weapon has 200 points of full attributes. This means that a perfect level player has 160 more full attributes than an ordinary one, and the higher the level, the greater the gap. In addition, there is the problem of skill compatibility. , the gap is getting bigger and bigger! It can be seen that the hidden weapon is definitely a piece of equipment that can widen the gap between players!

Hidden weapon skills are also different. Every time a hidden weapon reaches a certain level, a skill will be learned, but the skills learned are random. Different skills can be washed out in each skill position. For example, the first skill, Wei Bin's is to create fire. The increase in attribute damage can be completely converted into an increase in ice attribute damage. The second skill is to increase the damage to blind targets, which can be converted into increased damage to targets with sealed holes, so that it is more compatible with the skills of your own martial arts! In addition, each skill is also divided into levels, with white being the lowest and orange being the highest. The orange bonus is almost twice as high as the ordinary one!



Bin gave away all the extra soft silk hats to Chongzi and other core group members, and put the rest in the gang warehouse for the gang members to exchange for points.

"Have you heard about it? Nirvana's gang warehouse even has level 30 equipment, and they are all five- and six-star handmade equipment, with extremely high attributes!" The equipment that Wei Bin just put in the gang warehouse soon became It was passed on from ten to ten, until it reached He Wushuang's ears!

"Hmph, it's just some junk equipment. We will have it sooner or later. Once we finish defending the city, we will start a full-scale war against them!" He Wushuang has not dared to attack the people of Nirvana these days because he still has concerns. He was afraid that Wei Bin would come out and cause trouble during the defense of the city, but in the end he failed to calculate it. Wei Bin had already planned it. He would definitely pay back the chaos during the defense of Nirvana City intact. of!

The next plan is to use the materials sent by Old Man Tianji to inlay stones.

Wei Bin first took out some wishing springs from the gang warehouse, and then came to Taihu Lake in the north of Baishi City. Based on the impression in his memory, Wei Bin quickly found the legendary wishing tree.

This is a towering tree covered with various kinds of pearl agate. Just getting close to it can feel a coolness flowing through the body. Wei Bin entered the wishing pool and took out 7 wishing springs from his backpack. , I saw the wishing spring flying on its own like a living creature, and finally turned into seven colorful rays of light and merged into the wishing tree.

System: You have obtained level 3 ruby ​​1

Got the ruby! Then, Wei Bin repeated his old trick and exchanged the remaining 42 wishing springs into rubies. Then Wei Bin came to Gem Artisan NC!

If classified according to attack characteristics, the nine sects are divided into four groups. Among them, the main attribute of Tianshan and Emei is ice, the main attribute of Mingjiao and Xiaoyao is fire, the mysterious attribute is Wudang and Shaolin, and the poison attribute is Beggar Gang. , Xingxu, Tianlong Sect has all four attributes, and adding the corresponding main attributes can greatly increase the output. At the same time, if you increase the attack of other attributes for the mysterious attribute sect, you can slightly increase the output, which is the secondary attribute!

The gap between the main attribute and the secondary attribute is reflected in the coefficient. The main attribute coefficient of each sect is 6, the secondary attribute coefficient is 4, and Tianlong's all attribute coefficient is 5. The attribute attack damage of the coefficient is 200 points of ice in a certain Tianshan Mountain. attack and 100 fire attack, then hitting a target without resistance can cause 2006+10041600 damage. It can be calculated from the data that if a piece of equipment simultaneously +100 ice attribute and

If it is a fire attribute, then the benefits it brings to the Tianshan Sect and the Tianlong Sect are the same. If a piece of equipment also has +100 ice, fire and poison attributes, the benefits it brings to the Tianlong Sect will be higher than that of the Tianshan Sect! This reflects the advantage of Tianlong Sect. It can cultivate all four attributes and its output is much higher than other sects. Of course, this is very dependent on equipment.

Combining low-level gems with high-level gems requires three to five low-level gems + gem synthesis talismans. If three low-level gems are used to synthesize, the success rate is only 50%. If four low-level gems are used to synthesize, the success rate is 100%. Seventy-five, if five gems are involved in the synthesis, the success rate is 100%.

When the first level gems are combined with the second level, it must be five in one, because compared to the price of the synthetic talisman, the gems are too cheap. A single gem synthesis talisman requires hundreds of first level gems, and the second level is combined with the third level. When the time comes, it makes sense to choose. Players who like adventure can choose four-in-one or three-in-one. The reason is exactly the opposite from when combining the first level with the second level. The second level gems are definitely more expensive than the combined talisman.

But old players all know that don’t touch Tianlong’s chances, whoever touches them will go bankrupt! So Wei Bin chose the five-in-one method, synthesizing a total of 6 third-level moonstones with fire resistance +6, and then carved the third-level moonstone with gem carving talismans. After the carving was completed, it became fire resistance +10. , named Pure Moonstone.

Wei Bin took out the supplies that Old Man Tianji had traded from the previous few times from the gang warehouse, and now it was finally time to put them to use! A total of 5 level 3 garnets, 6 level 3 pure kyanites, 5 level 3 alexandrites, and 5 level 3 tiger eye stones were synthesized, and then three holes were punched into each piece of equipment with horns. According to one According to the principle that only one gem of the same type can be inlaid on a piece of equipment, he inlaid pure kyanite, alexandrite, and tiger's eye stone on offensive equipment, and inlaid ruby, garnet, and pure moonstone on defensive equipment. Among them, the hidden weapon is a special piece of equipment. It can be inlaid with both offensive and defensive gems. Wei Bin finally inlaid rubies, pure moonstones and pure kyanites on the hidden weapon.

This set consumed a total of nearly one-sixth of Wei Bin's supplies. The last batch of supplies he requested was the quantity set for six or seven people, in order to build a high-level all-round team!

After inlaying gems, Wei Bin's equipment attributes have been greatly improved: ??

Weapons, rings, amulets, necklaces, bracers:

Ice Attack +33 Pure Kyanite

External Attack +180 Tiger Eye Stone

Understanding+3    Alexandrite

Clothes, hats, shoulders, gloves, shoes:


Stamina +30  Ruby

Fire Resistance +10  Pure Moonstone

Internal defense +180 garnet

hidden weapon

Stamina +30  Ruby

Fire Resistance +10  Pure Moonstone

Ice Attack +33 Pure Kyanite

In total, Wei Bin added 198 ice attack, 900 external attack, 15 understanding points, 180 physical strength, 60 fire resistance, and 900 internal defense! Wei Bin had his own considerations when setting gems. He chose garnet instead of emerald to increase dodge or spinel to increase external defense. This is because internal defense has always been his shortcoming, and external defense is There are rubies that can be added, and Tianshan's dodge is also very high. It can be seen from the level 30 martial arts suit. Tianshan's suit increases strength and movement, unlike the Shaolin martial arts suit that increases strength and physical strength. The movement itself is Increased dodge. Secondly, he chose moonstone instead of emerald because his next plan must have fire resistance!

Following the reminders from several messages, Wei Bin knew that the eight sneak attack gangs who defended the city had also sent supplies, but most of them were gems and horns. At this time, they had also understood the value of the Wanling Stone, and I also figured out the purpose of the treasure map, but I had no choice but to sign the contract, and I had to pay for any broken teeth! In the end, only the minimum quantity required in the contract was delivered, a total of 80 rare treasure maps, 80 treasure maps, 80 low-level gem synthesis symbols and 80 gem inlay symbols! There are also more than 80,000 gems and more than 30,000 horns, filling the gang warehouse to the brim. These gems may seem like a lot, but when combined with the third-level gems, there are only more than 3,000, which is only enough to create a group of 100 people!

Wei Bin almost laughed out loud. Just 10 rare treasure maps cost one thousand gold. How low is the probability of finding a rare treasure map? Currently, Nirvana’s 10,000-person gang has only donated 16 tickets! Those silly gang leaders don’t know yet! Tianxie even got double supplies.

Is Wei Bin afraid of their revenge? Of course not, revenge depends on strength. If you don’t have strength, you deserve to be cheated! Wei Bin cheated them, who did they cheat? You can only trick your own gang members or other players, it’s the same!

The next step is to let the dragon be born! Wei Bin started a journey of digging for rare treasure maps. He spent half a day and finally dug out more than ninety treasure maps. Every time he entered the cave, he would get a dragon ball, and the rare treasure map and the ordinary treasure map What's the difference? The former must enter the tomb, and as long as a book is published, it must be a high-level skill book. An ordinary treasure map has a very low probability of entering the tomb, and the book that is opened is just an ordinary skill book!

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