Game within game of online games

Chapter 1012 Senior Brothers

The so-called extra reward that Jiumozhi talks about is actually just a piece of pie. It is a pie that Jiumozhi draws for players all over the world. In the previous life, no one defeated Jiumozhi in a competition. Who is Zhi? Is it possible that anyone can defeat it? He has been in the world for many years and has already developed his abilities and accumulated countless combat experience and skills. How can a player defeat him?

Therefore, since Wei Bin cannot defeat Jiumozhi, why not use this competition to gain some favor with Jiumozhi?

After a business exchange, Wei Bin and Jiumozhi fought together again. This time, Wei Bin took the initiative. He was the main attacker, while Jiumozhi was the defender. Wei Bin kept stabbing with his sword. Jiumozhi either dodged or blocked Wei Bin's attack with his Zen staff. In short, Wei Bin never hit Jiumozhi once!

"Senior is really good at movement. Even my fake punches can't hit him. I really admire him!" Wei Bin stopped and praised him again! In order to be able to praise Jiumozhi to the sky, he did not hesitate to use his fake punches to praise Jiumozhi on the grounds that even the fake punches could not hit Jiumozhi!

"Hahaha! What you used was indeed a fake punch! Wei Bin, what is your relationship with the Mirror Master of Mechanical City?" Jiumozhi asked.

"Back to the seniors, Master Mirror is the master of the junior. The fake boxing of the junior was learned from Master Mirror. It's a pity." At the end of the sentence, Wei Bin's mood became depressed. His depressed mood was not just a pretense. What came out was a true expression of true feelings!

"What's a pity?" Jiumozhi asked hurriedly.

"Unfortunately, not long ago, Master Mirror Image has already left Hexi!" Wei Bin said.

"What? Mirror Master is dead?" Jiumozhi said in surprise.

"That's right, Mirror Image Master knew that his end was coming, so he hurriedly accepted me as his disciple and taught me his set of fake fists. Unfortunately, I was not able to obtain the true inheritance of Mirror Image Master and failed to use the fake fists. Practice until you are perfect!" Wei Bin said with great regret.

"Hey! God is jealous of talents, God is jealous of talents!" Jiumozhi also showed a hint of pity!

"What? Senior also knows Mirror Master?" Wei Bin took a look. Doesn’t Jiumozhi also know the Mirror Master? If he really knows the Mirror Master, wouldn't the two of us have some common topics that can resonate?

"Honestly, Mirror Image Master is half of my teacher. In my life, I have had many masters to learn martial arts, and Mirror Image Master is one of them. I also learned fake boxing from him, did you know , in the fight with you just now, why was it that I was always able to avoid your fake punch? You know, the fake punch is a physical technique that makes you stronger when you are strong. The stronger the opponent, the higher the hit rate of your fake punch. , however, one kind of person is an exception, that is, if the opponent also knows how to fake punches, then the effect of your fake punches will be greatly reduced. And if the opponent not only understands fake punches, he also learns the principles of fake punches. Among them, if you understand the tricks to resist fake punches, then your fake punches will be useless, because he knows the direction from which your fake punches will appear, so he can always avoid your fake punches!" Jiu Mozhi explained.

"Senior, are you already proficient enough to resist fake punches? Who else in the world is your opponent?" Wei Bin praised Jiumozhi again, and directly praised Jiumozhi to the sky!

"Haha, I only know a little bit about it! Alas, it's a pity that the Mirror Master has gone to the west! It's such a pity that I haven't even had time to bid him farewell!" Jiumozhi seems to have stopped discussing. After all, the atmosphere has been heightened here. If we continue to fight, it will be somewhat disrespectful to Mirror Master!

"Senior, in fact, Master Mirror has some final words for you!" When Wei Bin heard that Jiumozhi was so sad, could he use Jiumozhi's feelings to draw something between him and Jiumozhi? What about the relationship?

"What are your last words for me? Wei Bin, just now you were asking him if he knew the Mirror Master, and now you say that the Mirror Master had some last words for me? What if the Mirror Master really had some last words for me? , then why did you ask such a question just now?" After hearing Wei Bin's words, Jiumozhi immediately became alert!

Facing Jiumozhi's questioning, Wei Bin was not surprised at all, nor did he feel nervous or panicked because his lie was exposed!

Yes, now that you know that Mirror Master left me some last words, then you still ask me if I know Mirror Master? Is not this contradictory?

Regarding this point, Wei Bin has actually already dealt with it.

"Senior, please allow me to speak slowly! In fact, Master Mirror Image's last words were only one sentence, and his last words were not meant for one person! And just now, I also knew , what he said is also for you!" Wei Bin said.

"How do you say this?" Jiumozhi asked.

"Senior, before he died, Master Mirror Image told me that he had never had many apprentices in his life. If I meet my brothers in the future, let us unite!" Wei Bin made up a random reason and sent Jiu to Mo Zhi was prevaricated!

When Jiumozhi heard this, he realized that it was so. It turned out that Master Mirror's last words were directed at all his disciples. In this case, it can naturally explain why Wei Bin just didn't know that Jiumozhi and Master Mirror knew each other, and said that Mirror Image The master had last words for him, and later said that Wei Bin had just learned that these words were also meant for Jiumozhi!

Because the last words of Master Mirror were spoken to all the disciples of Master Mirror, and just now, Wei Bin knew that Jiumozhi was also a disciple of Master Mirror!

After listening to Wei Bin's words, Jiumozhi suddenly felt a lot more favorable towards Wei Bin. You know, they are now brothers! Moreover, not only were they brothers, Wei Bin was also the one who finally died for their common teacher!

And why did Wei Bin say something about Mirror Master? Why do you say those last words? In fact, it is just to get close to Jiumozhi. He wants to use these words he fabricated to gain Jiumozhi's favor and unity. After all, our master has said that we must unite. If you dare to violate it, then you are You don’t respect your teacher anymore! You will bear this infamy!

"Before the teacher died, was there anyone else guarding him? Where did the teacher go to the west?" Jiumozhi asked.

"The teacher passed away in the burial ground. Do you know that the teacher is also a senior member of the tomb-keeper clan?" Wei Bin asked in return.

"I heard the teacher mention it, but the identity of the tombkeeper family is quite special, so he didn't reveal too much to me!" Jiumozhi said.

"Senior, to be honest, the teacher was approaching his end, so before he died, he passed on his identity as a tombkeeper to me. Now I have taken over his job and work for the tombkeeper clan! "Wei Bin said.

"What? The teacher passed on his identity to you? If you think of it this way, you should be the disciple that the teacher relies on the most!" When Jiumozhi heard this, he immediately felt a little respectful towards Wei Bin. After all, Wei Bin got If Wei Bin is not outstanding, can he pass on the identity of the tomb keeper family to Wei Bin?

And these are what Wei Bin wants!

Why did Wei Bin tell Jiumozhi this without answering the question? Why did Wei Bin ask Jiumozhi if he knew about the tombkeeper clan? Wasn't he just trying to lure Jiumozhi towards the Tomb Keeper clan? Didn't he just want to direct the conversation to the Tomb Keeper clan and then tell Jiumozhi that he had received the inheritance from his teacher? Isn't it just to gain Jiumozhi's respect?

After all, I am still trying to get close to Jiumozhi to improve my friendship!

"How can a junior who is not talented dare to take on this title? In terms of achievements, among the many disciples of the teacher, who can compare with the predecessors?"


As for you, you are now the national teacher of the Tubo Kingdom. You were not at the teacher's side at that time. If you were there, then how could I have anything to do with this inheritance? Senior, I think the meeting between the two of us is destined. How about I just return the identity of the tomb-keeper clan to you! "Wei Bin said with a smile.

Wei Bin's rhetoric can be said to be so awesome, so incredible!

First of all, Wei Bin's first sentence was a response to Jiumozhi's previous statement that Wei Bin was the teacher's most trusted disciple. Jiumozhi praised Wei Bin as the teacher's most trusted disciple out of politeness, but Wei Bin could never Accept this title? He can't say, yes, that's right, I am the disciple that the teacher relies on the most, otherwise the teacher would not pass on the identity of the tombkeeper family to me!

Can Wei Bin say that? How low does a person have to be in terms of emotional intelligence to say something like this? Wei Bin definitely can't bear this title! As a person, you must be humble! Therefore, Wei Bin responded as soon as he came up, saying that I can bear this title. You were not with the teacher at that time. If you were there, what would it be like for me? The implication is that you are much better than me!

And what about behind? What Wei Bin said next was even more remarkable. In order to show that he was not flattering, but sincerely thought so, Wei Bin directly proposed to pass on the identity of the tomb keeper family to Jiumozhi. What a shrewd person Wei Bin was. Man, he knew that even if he said so, Jiumozhi would not take away people's love, and Jiumozhi would not accept his identity as a tombkeeper. If he accepted it, who would he become? Already? Isn’t that deceiving the master and destroying the ancestor? The master has obviously been passed on to someone else, but as soon as the master died, you immediately seized power. If this spreads, won't his reputation be ruined? Those who know the situation know that Wei Bin took the initiative to let him go. If you don't know, you can't talk about him behind his back!

To take a step back, it doesn't matter even if Jiumozhi really accepts his identity as a tombkeeper. In fact, Wei Bin does want to give him this identity. Why? Because Wei Bin is now the patriarch of the Tomb Keeper clan. Although under the constraints of the senior leaders of Middle-earth, Wei Bin is only a nominal patriarch. The real power is in the hands of the Titans, but the nominal patriarch is not Is he a clan leader? You know, everyone in the Tomb Keeper clan supports Wei Bin the most, not Tai Tai!

At that time, Wei Bin did inherit the inheritance from the Mirror Master and joined the Tomb Keeper clan. However, since Wei Bin became the leader of the Tomb Keeper clan, his original identity as an ordinary Tomb Keeper clan member has changed. has been released. In other words, there is always a vacant position in the tombkeeper clan. If Wei Bin wants to recommend someone, it will definitely be approved unanimously!

And if Jiumozhi becomes a member of the Tomb Keeper clan, what impact will it have on Wei Bin?

Needless to say? As long as Jiumozhi joins the Tomb Keeper clan, Wei Bin will become his superior. Wei Bin is his clan leader! Perhaps in circles other than the tombkeeper clan, Jiumozhi is his senior. In terms of qualifications, strength and seniority, Jiumozhi is stronger than Wei Bin, but as long as Wei Bin has an identity that is superior to Jiumozhi If Jiumozhi has to be polite to Wei Bin, then Wei Bin can use his status as the head of the Tomb Keeper clan to manipulate Jiumozhi at will?

Therefore, Wei Bin did not invite Jiumozhi hypocritically. He sincerely wanted Jiumozhi to join the family of gravekeepers. Of course, the possibility of this is very low!

"No, this is absolutely not allowed. How can I steal the identity passed down to you by the teacher? Furthermore, I heard that the tombkeepers also have a special mission on their shoulders. I am now the national preceptor of the Tubo Kingdom. , I am busy with official duties on weekdays, and I have no time to take care of the affairs of the Tomb Keeper clan. If I join the Tomb Keeper clan, something bad will happen! What’s more, since the teacher chooses you as the successor, there must be a teacher. Logically speaking, if the teacher wants to choose me, he will find me even across the ocean!" Jiumozhi decisively chose to refuse.

"Senior, what I'm saying is all from my heart. You don't have to worry. Your martial arts are better than mine. If you join the Tomb Keeper clan, you will definitely be much more useful than me!" Wei Bin said again .

He had to give it again. If Jiumozhi postponed it only once and he no longer insisted, wouldn't it mean that it was too hypocritical for him to give Jiumozhi the identity of the tomb keeper clan?

"Wei Bin, let's forget it. The teacher passed on the identity of the Tomb Keeper clan to you, so naturally he has his own ideas. Let's leave it as it is and don't mention it again!" Jiumozhi refused more decisively this time. !

After listening to Jiumozhi's words, Wei Bin shut up and said nothing more.

"Senior, this junior is not talented. Now he has a small influence on the land. Therefore, if senior needs anything in the future, please feel free to ask. I will go through fire and water without hesitation! On the one hand, it shows my respect for my senior. On the other hand, I , I regard it as abiding by the teacher's last words!" Wei Bin said swornly.

In this way, in order to deepen the relationship with Jiumozhi, Wei Bin has been guiding Jiumozhi step by step. What does he mean by this? Does he really want to go through fire and water for Jiumozhi? If Jiumozhi needs it, then Wei Bin will indeed do it, because it can enhance the friendship between him and Jiumozhi!

But the direct purpose of Wei Bin's words was not this, but to reiterate that I will abide by the teacher's last words!

And what is the purpose of Wei Bin once again emphasizing that I will abide by the teacher's last words? What does he abide by? These bullshit last words were simply made up by him to get into Jiumozhi's relationship. What does he abide by? Keeping a last word of your own making?

The reason why Wei Bin once again emphasized that he would abide by the teacher's last words was actually to hint to Jiumozhi to also abide by the teacher's last words and to unite everyone. Since he mentioned unity, now I I came to you for business, you can't refuse me no matter what, right?

This is Wei Bin's fundamental purpose!

"Since the teacher has said it first, we brothers must abide by the teacher's last words and unite tightly. By the way, why did you come to me today for something else?" At this point, Jiumozhi thought suddenly. Get up, Wei Bin came to see you today, didn't he just have something to do?

"Senior, I'm here to see you today. I really need your help with something. Apart from you, I really can't find anyone else!" Wei Bin said one after another.

"Just tell me, we are brothers today. If you have any difficulties, they will naturally be my difficulties. Your matters are my matters. If I can help, then everything will be easy!" Jiumozhi He said cheerfully.

"Then let me speak frankly! Senior, I accidentally obtained a Chonglou Jade here. I heard that senior knows how to awaken this Chonglou Jade, so I came here to ask for advice!" Wei Bin said.

"Chonglou Jade? You actually got Chonglou Jade? You can even get this kind of artifact. Haha, the teacher really did not misjudge the person! The world is so big, this Chonglou Jade is the artifact that many people dream of, but There are very few people who can get it. So far, I have never heard of anyone getting the Chonglou Jade. I didn't expect that it is in your hands today! Haha!" When Jiumozhi heard about the Chonglou Jade, he immediately came The Chonglou Artifact is not only an artifact among players, but also an artifact among the indigenous people of Middle-earth. When Jiumozhi learned that Wei Bin also obtained such When I saw a divine object, I was immediately shocked. I didn't expect that such a divine object was actually obtained by a young junior!

"The junior is not talented, and I am just lucky. Does the senior have a way to awaken it? Or does anyone know who can awaken it?" Wei Bin asked.

"Haha, you found me today, you found me right.

You're a human, it's just Awakening Chonglou Jade, you don't need anyone else, I can do it for you! I have to say that you are indeed very lucky. Not only can I help you awaken this Chonglou Jade, I also have the material Sage Jade needed to awaken Chonglou Jade. Haha, this is the Sage Jade that I have treasured for many years. Originally, I was thinking of waiting for my own Chonglou Jade to awaken one day in the future, but I didn’t expect that you would take the lead today! Haha, what a twist of fate, maybe this is the fate of this piece of sage jade! " Jiumozhi said.

After listening to Jiumozhi's words, Wei Bin originally wanted to be polite and spend money to buy Jiumozhi's Sage Jade, but then he thought about it, maybe forget it, for Jiumozhi's condescension If someone wants to spend money to buy something, isn't that looking down on Jiumozhi? If he gave Jiumozhi money, that would be an insult to Jiumozhi! So, he finally chose to accept it!

"Bring your Chonglou Jade!" Jiumozhi said.

"Here, senior!" After saying that, Wei Bin carefully handed over his Chonglou Jade.

"Haha, it's indeed the Chonglou Jade. It's strong. It's really powerful! You and I are brothers in the same sect. I can use this Sage Jade to help you awaken today. It's the best place for it!" After saying that, he was confused. After this operation, the Chonglou Jade in Jiumozhi's hands instantly became completely new. Not only did the luster of the appearance become brighter, but even the appearance of the Chonglou Jade underwent some subtle changes!

Later, Jiumozhi returned the Chonglou Jade to Wei Bin!

Chonglou jade

Basic internal and external attack +1952

Blood limit +22536

Gas limit +5797

Mysterious attack +300


Dodge +369

Understanding +22

Aura +203

Physical strength +203

Determination +203

Body skill +56

All attributes +19

The skill paralyzes the target for 10 seconds.

powerful! Invincible!

Before Chonglou Jade awakens, its skill effect is that after hitting an enemy, there is a certain chance of triggering "paralysis" for 10 seconds. However, this trigger chance is actually only 1. After it awakens, it should actually become an active skill. It can paralyze the target for five seconds, just like the Chonglou Jade can seal the target's acupoint for five seconds, but why does the current Chonglou Jade's paralysis time become 10 seconds? Because Wei Bin has already worn all six pieces of heavy building equipment. After wearing all six pieces of heavy building equipment, he has an additional set skill. The skill effect is to double the skill effect of all parts! Therefore, Chonglouyu's paralysis time was upgraded from the original five seconds to ten seconds!

"Thank you, senior," Wei Bin said excitedly.

"Haha, you and I are brothers in the same sect, why are you so polite? Judging from your expression and tone, do you have something else to hide from me? Do you have something else?" Jiumozhi noticed very quickly. Here comes Wei Bin’s anomaly!

"Haha, nothing can be hidden from the eyes of seniors! To be honest, I have another important building here," Wei Bin said.

"What? You still have the Chonglou artifact? How is this possible?" Jiumozhi's eyes widened. He has been living for decades. In all these years, he has never obtained a Chonglou artifact. And today , such a young junior actually owns two Chonglou artifacts? Isn't this too outrageous? There is something like this? Isn’t this God so unfair? It seems that the teacher is not blind when he entrusts the inheritance of the Tomb Keeper clan to him. There must be something in Wei Bin that he cannot reach!

Although Jiumozhi is arrogant, he is also self-aware. He knows that there is a sequence of learning, and there is a specialization in the arts. Although he clearly felt that Wei Bin was not his opponent after the previous confrontation, but in other aspects, Wei Bin Bin definitely has a side that is stronger than him. Although Wei Bin didn't explicitly say where he is stronger than him, he definitely does, but he doesn't know what it is yet!

Seeing Jiumozhi's expression, Wei Bin thought to himself, it's a good thing you didn't know that I already have six Chonglou artifacts on my body. If I let you know, would you be so excited that you get admitted to the ICU?

"That's right, senior, I still have a Chonglou wristband in my hand." After saying that, Wei Bin handed over the Chonglou wristband. He knew that Jiumozhi wanted to see the beauty of this Chonglou artifact from the bottom of his heart. !

"This" Jiumozhi's eyes widened again. He didn't expect that Wei Bin really owned two Chonglou artifacts. Is this horse riding the son of luck? In the whole world, whoever can get a Chonglou artifact can be regarded as a treasure and can be passed down from generation to generation as an ancestral treasure. But what about Wei Bin? I actually got two Chonglou artifacts directly, oh my!

"I don't know how to awaken this Chonglou Wan, but" Jiumozhi said hesitantly.

"Senior, what's the matter?" Wei Bin asked.

"However, I have heard something. I heard that this Chonglou Wrist is the most powerful one among the six Chonglou artifacts. Therefore, the awakening method of this Chonglou Wrist is definitely unusual, and it can awaken Its people are definitely not ordinary, so you only need to follow this idea to find the person who can help you awaken! I really can't help you with this!" Jiumozhi said regretfully.

"Thank you for your teachings, senior!" Wei Bin thought carefully about something in his mind.

Is the Chonglou Wrist the most powerful part in the Chonglou suit? This is unlikely, right? In the Chonglou suit, Chonglou armor, Chonglou chain, Chonglou shoulder, Chonglou ring, Chonglou jade and Chonglou wrist can be said to have their own merits. They are the best in their respective fields and they all have their own different characteristics. The scope of application is different for each person, so how can they be ranked? How to tell who is the strongest?

And if we had to rank these six pieces of Chonglou equipment, then it wouldn’t be Chonglou Wan’s turn to be the boss, right?

If it must be ranked, theoretically speaking, it must not be ranked by attributes, because the attributes of all Chonglou artifacts are similar, but some Chonglou artifacts that focus on defense will add some defensive attributes, while the Chonglou artifacts that focus on defense will have some defensive attributes. Chonglou artifacts that are good at attacking will add some attack-type attributes, and their values ​​are about the same. Therefore, if you have to rank one, two, and three, then you must rank them based on their respective skills!

But this is very difficult. Their skills are also different. How to arrange them? If we insist on ranking, the skills of Chonglou Ring and Chonglou Jade will definitely not be ranked first, because one of them is acupoint sealing and the other is paralysis. They are skills of the same level. There is no distinction between high and low at all, and the first There is only one name, definitely not both of them!

Next is the Chonglou Chain's lower limit of target resistance. Chonglou's Wrist will disable the third skill of the target's hidden weapon for 3 seconds after hitting the target. Chonglou's Shoulder's damage reduction, Chonglou Armor's will help you every certain time. Resist a control skill.

How to arrange this? If we follow the Chonglou skills before awakening and wearing the Chonglou suit, the Chonglou Shoulder can only reduce 5 damage. The Chonglou Armor resists the skill every 30 seconds. The Chonglou Wrist and Chonglou Chain still have the same effect. , comprehensively speaking, the Chonglou Chain should be stronger, because the Chonglou Chain can increase damage, and the Chonglou Wrist can be ranked second at best. After all, not everyone's third skill of hidden weapons is Not everyone with magical skills is Wei Bin, who can use the target's hidden weapon skills to disable and kill the opponent instantly. If someone else uses the Chonglou Arms, they may not be able to kill the opponent within three seconds. As long as If you can't kill the opponent, then the effect of the third skill that ignores hidden weapons is meaningless. Perhaps for Wei Bin, the effect of Chonglou Wrist is stronger than Chonglou Chain, but for most people If so, the effect of the Chonglou Chain is definitely greater than that of the Chonglou Wrist, and if we rank these two pieces of equipment, they are definitely not


Those who can be ranked from the perspective of Wei Bin can be ranked from the perspective of the public. In other words, if they must be ranked, Chonglou Chain should be ranked first!

But why does Jiumozhi say that the Chonglou Wrist is the most powerful piece of equipment in the Chonglou suit?

Could it be that after awakening, the Chonglou Wrist will become the strongest piece in the Chonglou suit? In other words, after Chonglou Wan awakens, its skill effects will undergo earth-shaking changes?

This must be the case. Only in this way can it be linked to what Jiumozhi just said. The way of awakening this Chonglou wrist is definitely unusual, and the people who can awaken it are definitely not ordinary either. Only those who awaken it and The method is extraordinary, which is why the Chonglou Arm became extraordinary after awakening, becoming the most powerful piece of equipment among the six Chonglou artifacts!

And if we think along Jiumozhi's train of thought, who is the NPC who awakens Chonglou Wan? This NC must be superior to Jiumozhi in terms of popularity and martial arts skills, and the people who can be superior to him should be counted on both hands!

First, there are the three main protagonists, Qiao Feng, Xu Zhu, and Duan Yu, followed by Wu Yazi, Li Qiu Shui, Tianshan Tong Lao, Xiao Yuan Shan, Murong Bo, and the sweeping monk. These should be the ones there, right? It's probably not the sweeping monk. This man's dragon has never seen its end. No one has seen him. The difficulty of awakening the Chonglou Wan cannot be so high!

Wu Yazi is also unlikely. For players, traces of Wu Yazi are also impossible to find. Next, there are only Qiao Feng, Xu Zhu, Duan Yu, Li Qiushui, Tianshan Tonglao, and Xiao Yuanshan With Murong Bo, there are so many people, where can I find this horse-riding person?

Thinking of this, Wei Bin targeted Qiao Feng and Tianshan Tonglao, because among these people, he only had some interactions with Qiao Feng and Tianshan Tonglao. He had an intersection with Qiao Feng because he had helped Qiao Feng had protected A'Zhu, and he had an intersection with Tianshan Tonglao because he was once a disciple of the Tianshan Sect. He was the first person to join the sect and the first person to join the Tianshan Sect!

"By the way, senior, before I came here, senior Murong Fu asked me to say hello to you, and also asked me to convey something to you!" Wei Bin said.

"Murong Fu? Have you ever met Murong Fu?" Jiumozhi asked in shock again. You know, Murong Fu was known as Nan Murong, Beiqiao Peak. Murong Fu was the most famous and prestigious person in the south. , Wei Bin actually knew Murong Fu? Moreover, Murong Fu was able to ask Wei Bin to send him a message. What does this mean? It means that Wei Bin went to Murong Fu first before coming to him. It means that the relationship between Wei Bin and Murong Fu must be very unusual. If someone with an ordinary relationship can pass the message for Murong Fu?

Thinking of this, Jiumozhi couldn't help but look at Wei Bin again. Wei Bin was an extraordinary person. He could not only obtain the inheritance from his teacher, but also obtain two Chonglou artifacts. At the same time, he also made friends with Murong Fu, and according to Wei Bin What Bin just said is that Wei Bin has a small power on land. If he needs help, he will definitely go through fire and water. Judging from this statement, Wei Bin's power should not be small. The reason why Wei Bin said he is small Being powerful is just humility. He can't pat his chest and say I'm invincible, right? If Wei Bin's power is really very small, would he dare to come to him for such a thing that needs help? Jiumozhi, as the national advisor of the Tubo Kingdom, what kind of things could he not do himself, so he still had to ask others for help? If it is really something that even he can't handle, asking Wei Bin for help would definitely be a big deal, but Wei Bin had just said that you can come to me! What does this mean? It shows that the power behind Wei Bin is not small at all. This Wei Bin is really not simple!

"I'm not talented, I do know Senior Murong Fu. Before I came, Senior Murong Fu asked me to send you a message, Senior. He said that soon he would personally take the Shaolin School's secret knowledge to the Tubo Kingdom to visit the National Master! "Wei Bin said.

"What?" Jiumozhi's eyes widened even more now!

"Yes, that's what Senior Murong Fu said indeed. He said he would come to you with the secret knowledge of the Shaolin School!" Wei Bin once again emphasized the key points of what Murong Fu said. In Wei Bin's opinion, The key point is only four words, that is Shaolin's unique skills!

Because in the original work, Jiumozhi exchanged secret books with Murong Bo. Jiumozhi used the secret book of the flame knife to exchange the Shaolin secrets in Murong Bo's hands. It is obvious that Jiumozhi is very interested in Shaolin secrets, so Wei Bin once again emphasized the unique skills of Shaolin!

After hearing Wei Bin's words, Jiumozhi suddenly fell into silence. Obviously, his silence was not because Murong Fu wanted to come to him with the Shaolin School's secrets. His silence was because Murong Fu wanted to bring the Shaolin School's secrets. The matter of coming to him came from Wei Bin and he was silent!

What made him silent was that Wei Bin was the deliverer of the news!

You know, Murong Fu came to him with the Shaolin sect's secret knowledge. How confidential was this matter? That is definitely a secret. Although there have been rumors in the world that the Murong family has various secrets in their hands, including the Shaolin sect's secrets. However, this is just a rumor after all. It is impossible for the Murong family to publicly say that I have mastered the secrets. There is Shaolin sect's secret skill here, isn't this looking for trouble?

But today, Murong Fu asked Wei Bin to come to him with this news. What does this mean? This shows that Wei Bin is a person that Murong Fu trusts extremely. Only Murong Fu's confidants can receive this treatment, because only Murong Fu's confidants will not leak this news!

Wei Bin was not only on good terms with Murong Fu, but was also Murong Fu's confidant? Is this okay? You know, this is no one else, but Nan Murong, Murong Fu from Beiqiao Peak, Murong Fu who even Jiumozhi respects very much, Wei Bin is actually his confidant?

This Wei Bin is not an ordinary person. He not only received the inheritance from the Mirror Master, became a member of the Tomb Keeper clan, but also obtained two Chonglou artifacts. He still has his own power on land, and he is also Murong Fu's confidant. This

This Wei Bin is quite awesome!

"May I ask, do you know about the relationship between Murong Fu and Duan Yanqing?" Jiumozhi did not follow what Wei Bin said about the Shaolin School's secrets, but wanted to know more about Wei Bin Regarding his relationship with Murong Fu, he wanted to know to what extent Wei Bin was tied to Murong Fu!

"I'm sorry that I don't know this!" Wei Bin said after hesitating for a moment.

And Wei Bin's expression can be called a divine reply!


First of all, let’s analyze the meaning of these words spoken by Jiumozhi. Jiumozhi asked Wei Bin what the relationship between Murong Fu and Duan Yanqing was. Obviously, why did Jiumozhi ask Murong What happened between Fu and Duan Yanqing? Why didn't he ask about the relationship between Murong Fu and Qiao Feng, and why didn't he ask about the relationship between Murong Fu and the Xixia Kingdom? Why did he choose to ask about the relationship between Murong Fu and Duan Yanqing?

Obviously, Duan Yanqing had just launched a coup and became emperor not long ago. As the national counselor of Tubo, it was normal for him to hear some of Duan Yanqing's methods of restoring the country. Although he could not confirm it, he heard that There are still no problems with some gossip! In other words, Jiumozhi nominally asked about the relationship between Murong Fu and Duan Yanqing, but actually wanted to know whether Murong Fu participated in Duan Yanqing's coup. He wanted to deduce from Wei Bin's next answer, Let's try to figure it out. After all, Wei Bin is Murong Fu's confidant, so Wei Bin's words are more or less reliable!

Because Jiumozhi knew that Murong Fu had great ambitions and had a vague ambition to regain the Yan Kingdom. If Murong Fu participated in Duan Yanqing's coup, it means that Murong Fu had already formed an offensive and defensive alliance with Duan Yanqing. This is a very critical piece of information. You must know that Jiumozhi is the national counselor of Tubo. He is very patriotic. He is in a high position and must understand as much as possible about geopolitics. Like Murong He must be very concerned about such a person! In addition, Murong Fu said that he would visit him with the Shaolin sect’s secrets. What was Murong Fu’s purpose? This is so intriguing!

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