Game within game of online games

Chapter 1036: Resigning as Gang Leader

"How are you doing, my smart Miss Linlin!" Brother Li asked.

"98, 0, 1, 0, 1" Linlin said, puffing out her proud chest.

"I'll go! You cheated, you must have searched on your mobile phone! Otherwise, how could you have calculated the best distribution plan in such a short time?" Brother Li said with great fear, if Linlin really calculated it by herself If the result is , then this is too terrible. What kind of computing power is this? Isn't this too scary?

"Haha, I knew you would say that. If I tell you the idea of ​​​​solving the problem, will you be convinced? Even if I search online, I can only find results. I just want to remember the idea of ​​​​solving the problem. , I can't finish it in just one minute, how can I remember it?" Linlin said.

"Okay, if you can tell me your idea, then I will obey you! How about I stay with you tonight?" Brother Li still didn't believe that Linlin could analyze such a difficult problem in such a short period of time. question!

"First of all, the proposition of this question is very simple, that is, help the first pirate come up with a distribution plan, and this plan must be agreed by at least two of the other four people, because there are a total of five people in their team, and he He must agree with himself. Next, he only needs to find two more people to agree with his distribution plan to be considered successful. If he only gets one person who agrees with his plan, then there will only be two people who ultimately support his distribution plan. That’s it, one is the one he just pulled, and the other is himself! In this case, he will be thrown into the river to feed the fish! Next, we must combine the third step and the premise of assigning tasks Conditions are used to lay out the distribution plan! What is the significance of the third step? It seems that the third step is useless! In fact, it is not the case. In fact, the third step is to tell us that the following four pirates actually fight They don’t really want the distribution plan of Pirate No. 1 to be implemented. Who doesn’t want to hold the distribution rights in their own hands? Of course, the prerequisites are supplemented. These five pirates all have enough sense, and they will all choose the best option. The distribution plan that suits them and is most beneficial to them, so even if they don’t want it to be distributed by Pirate No. 1, they have to agree to the distribution plan by Pirate No. 1 as a last resort, because if it is distributed by another person, then They got fewer gems in the end! The above is my analysis of the topic. As for how pirate No. 1 should distribute these gems? First, assuming that the names of these five pirates are abcde, and the first pirate is a, then , how should a allocate these gems to get the support of at least two pirates among the other four pirates? Only if the allocation plan he proposes is the best allocation plan for those two pirates, can he With the support of two pirates, he must ensure that the plan he proposes is more beneficial to those two supporters than the plan proposed by B after his death. Otherwise, he will What supports you? People just vote you to death. Wouldn’t it be nice to support B? This also happens to deduct the question that every pirate is extremely smart and rational! So how should pirate A distribute these 100 gems? It is impossible to swallow these 100 pills by himself without giving points to the pirates behind him. The four people will throw him directly into the river to feed the fish, so how should he distribute it? If you think about this distribution plan from the front, it is very difficult. It is difficult to find the best allocation plan, so here, I use the backward method! If you use the backward method to analyze the allocation plan, it will be much easier!

First of all, if the first four pirates die, then the fifth pirate can monopolize the 100 gems. This is what e wants to see most! But is this possible? Absolutely impossible! Because when there are only two people, d and e, left, d will definitely set the distribution plan to 100,0, and d will take 100 gems for himself, leaving no gems for e! Because according to the rules of the game, as long as the voting results reach half, the distribution plan will take effect, so D will 100% swallow these one hundred gems!

And since these five pirates are extremely smart and rational, E will definitely not be willing to distribute it like this. If D is assigned, he will not get any! However, e is the next family of d, and e has no ability to kill d. Therefore, e cannot let d distribute it anyway. d is simply the evil star of e!

In order to prevent d from allocating, e must ensure that the plan of c or b and a is passed. No matter who it is, d must not be allowed to allocate the plan. In other words, a can die and b can die, but c , must not die in the eyes of e, because pirate e knows that if pirate c’s plan is rejected, then only two pirates, e and d, will be left in the end, and pirate e will definitely get nothing!

In addition, Pirate C must also know in his heart that Pirate E understands this situation, because everyone is an extremely smart pirate. Therefore, as long as pirate e is given a little sweetness in c's distribution plan, even if it only gives him a gem to prevent him from leaving empty-handed, then no matter what distribution plan proposed by pirate c, pirate e will vote for him. !


Because now there are only three pirates, cde, on the field, and pirate d definitely wants to distribute it himself, because as long as he distributes it, it will be monopoly! So pirate d will definitely not agree to pirate c's plan, and he also knows that it doesn't make any sense whether he agrees or not, because he knows that pirate e will definitely vote for pirate c! If pirate e disagrees with pirate c’s plan, pirate c will definitely be executed. When pirate d is next assigned, he won’t get even a hair! Therefore, pirate c only needs to give one gem to bribe pirate e. He will not pay attention to d's feelings at all, so there is the following distribution plan, 99, 0, 1, that is, pirate c is given 99 gems. , pirate d received 0 gems, and pirate e received 1 gem!

In pirate c's distribution plan, he will not give gems to pirate d, because no matter how many gems he gives to pirate d, pirate d will not agree, because as long as pirate d kills pirate c, then d will The pirate can then allocate the gems. At that time, all 100 gems will be his, so no matter how many gems pirate C gives to pirate D, it is meaningless. In addition, the pirate is sensible enough. Since pirate C gives as many gems to pirate D, It’s all meaningless, so why give it to him!

Regarding the distribution plan of Pirate C, Pirate D must be well aware of it, because they are all a group of extremely smart pirates! Therefore, Pirate D cannot let Pirate C allocate these gems under any circumstances, because if Pirate C is allowed to allocate them, he will not be able to allocate a single gem! Therefore, when pirate b distributes the plan, even if pirate b only gives pirate d a gem, pirate d will give him a vote of approval. Having a gem is better than not having one, right?

And Pirate B also understands Pirate D's little thoughts, so when Pirate B distributes the plan, Pirate D will undoubtedly become the target of his wooing. As long as Pirate D is on his side, then he counts it as his. One vote equals two votes. If the ratio is two to two, his distribution plan will pass!

So the distribution plan for pirate b is 99 gems for himself, 0 gems for pirate c, 1 gem for pirate d, 0 gems for pirate e, 99, 0, 1, 0!

And Pirate C and Pirate E will definitely not be happy with the distribution of Pirate B like this! Because they didn't get a word in the end, pirate c and pirate e couldn't let pirate b distribute it anyway. They had to support pirate a's distribution plan. That is to say, pirate a only needed to give pirate c and pirate e every word. If a person gets a gem, Pirate C and Pirate E will support him, because they have no choice. They get a gem. It is better than pirate A being thrown to death and letting pirate B distribute it. Both of them have a gem. If you don't get it, you have to be strong, right?

Therefore, for pirate a, the best allocation plan is that pirate a gets 98 gems, pirate b gets 0 gems, pirate c gets 1 gem, pirate d gets 0 gems, and pirate e gets 1 gem! That is 98,0,1,0,1.

Finally, I thank you for treating me as a pirate! "Linlin said her ideas for solving the problem domineeringly!

"Hey, nanny, am I really doomed to not be able to leave tonight? Who are these people in your family? How can they actually do it in such a short time?


Isn't it too perverted to analyze such a difficult question in just one minute? You spent more than one minute explaining your problem-solving ideas to me, right? Are you still human? What a high IQ it takes to be able to do this! "Brother Li felt as if he had been hit by dimensionality reduction, and he couldn't come back to his senses for a long time!

"If that's the case, then I'll sleep on the sofa and you sleep on the bed, okay?" Brother Li expressed his willingness to admit defeat!

"How can that be okay? You also sleep on the bed. If this spreads out, it won't be said that I abused you! It's not like I don't have a bed at home! Besides, haven't you fantasized about living with me before?" Linlin said evilly Said with a smile.

Linlin's words really hit Brother Li's soul!

To be honest, Brother Li has really fantasized about himself and Linlin living together countless times in his mind. Even if he does nothing and just lies quietly like this, it is enough to make Brother Li daydream! Which man has not fantasized about living with his goddess?

"No, there's Chenchen. Aren't you two still sleeping together? Besides, your mother is still at home. Can you take care of your image? We haven't had much trouble yet!" Brother Li said firmly as before. .

"Hehe, what a coincidence. My mother went to my grandma's house to take care of her today, so" Linlin looked at Brother Li with a wicked smile!

"That's great!" Brother Li said ecstatically.

Seeing Brother Li so happy, Linlin thought that Brother Li had agreed to her arrangement, so she became happy too! But who would have expected that Brother Li hasn’t finished speaking at all!

"I'll sleep in your mother's house!" After saying that, Brother Li strode towards Linlin's house!

"Chenchen, go home!" After saying that, Linlin took Chenchen's little hand and returned home contentedly!

Although she had a failed marriage, today she has found her true love, and the most important thing is that this man not only loves her, but also loves the child who is not his biological child. If she can meet such a man, she will not What are you waiting for after getting married?

That night, Brother Li didn't sleep for a second!

Not only was he immersed in this dreamlike reality, but most importantly, he opened the surveillance video of Linlin's house at night while Linlin was sleeping in her dream, because he wanted to confirm something!

The next morning, when Linlin opened the door, Brother Li had already prepared a loving breakfast for her and Chenchen!

"I want to ask you a question!" Brother Li said seriously.

"What's the problem? Do you need to be so serious?" Linlin asked.

"Do you still remember that we accompanied the gang leader to a place called the Forgotten Land to perform a mission a few days ago?" Brother Li asked.

"Of course I remember it, but I don't know what happened. After I came out of there, I lost the memory of the Forgotten Land!" Linlin replied.

"Listen to what you said, you just lost the memory related to the Forgotten Land, right? What about the memory in reality? Do you still remember the memory in reality?" Brother Li asked again.

"Of course I remember, what's wrong? Is there any problem? It sounds like you don't remember what you said? How is this possible!" Linlin asked.

"It's okay, I'm just asking casually!" Brother Li said calmly.

If this is really the case, then everything can be explained! Why does Linlin repeatedly show such an abnormal attitude? Why did Brother Li clearly see from the surveillance camera last night that Linlin had not climbed out of the nutrition bin at all, but Linlin insisted on saying that she remembered what happened in reality in those days? Why did she lie?

Because this world is not Brother Li's original world at all, this is clearly the place of oblivion!

Linlin in the real world would never do such outrageous things, let alone deceive him!

The reason why all these things happened is because this is simply the Land of Forgotten, and he has never left the Land of Forgotten!

Wei Bin deceived him. To be precise, it was Wei Bin in the Forgotten Land who deceived him. The Forgotten Land was basically a world exactly like the real world, except that everyone in the Forgotten Land was fictitious. What came out was fabricated based on his memory, and the development of the world was developing in the direction he expected. Otherwise, how could Linlin do so many things he hoped to happen?

Brother Li recalled what the Tianshan Child Elder had said before he came in. Only by sticking to your heart and never forgetting your original intention can you always succeed. This is really a test of a person's determination. If you are not careful, You will be deceived by the beauties created by this false world, and you will never want to leave! It makes people reluctant to return to reality! This forgotten place is not only very confusing and makes people unable to distinguish between true and false, but even if you find out that this place is false, you are not willing to leave here. No wonder, only by not forgetting your original intention can you always succeed!

In this way, Brother Li has spent his whole life in this fictional world.

In another world, Linlin also expressed the same emotion and made the same decision.

Following Linlin and Brother Li, Xuanyuan Aai, as the deputy gang leader of Nirvana, became the fifth person to enter the Forgotten Land Teleportation Formation!

"Here is" Xuanyuan Aai was exactly the same as when the previous few people entered the teleportation array. They also entered and exited in seconds, just like passing through a door. There was no difference at all between before entering and after coming out!

"The mission is finally completed, brothers. This mission is thanks to everyone. Without everyone's help, I would never have been able to complete the mission so smoothly!" Wei Bin said excitedly.

"What? It's done? Gang leader, we haven't even gone to the Forgotten Land yet, how come it's done? Are your brains showing off?" Xuanyuan Aai showed the same doubts as the previous few people.

It's easy to understand. When you just enter the teleportation array, you will come out from the other end of the teleportation array in the next second, just like passing through a door, and then Wei Bin will tell you that the task has been completed. Who else wouldn't be confused? Are you kidding me?

"This mission is quite special, and the map of Forgotten Land is also quite special. Do you know why it is called Forgotten Land? It is because it has the power to erase players' memories. We have been in Forgotten Land for more than ten days. , but the moment we came out, all of us had our memories erased in the Land of Oblivion. Even I only knew that everyone had our memories erased. As for the specific details of how we were erased, I don’t remember anything except memories! But forget it, the mission has been completed anyway!" Wei Bin explained.

After Wei Bin finished speaking, Xuanyuan Aia subconsciously looked at the time in the upper right corner of her game interface. It had indeed been more than ten days, but this was too strange. Xuanyuan Aia was the same as the previous people. In her heart There is an unspeakable doubt!

At this moment, Wei Bin's video call rang.

"Gang leader, you are finally back. Just now, Ao Shi launched a general attack on our Nirvana!" Feng Yun Wuji, who was responsible for staying behind, said hurriedly.

"Haha, has the war finally started? What strategy did Ao Shi adopt this time? Attack Nirvana City? Or fight with us?" Wei Bin asked.

"No! Xiongba seems to have a long memory this time. He did not come to attack our Nirvana City directly. He should be preparing to fight with us! Because just now, Xiongba has announced a bounty for our Nirvana and called on the entire Middle-earth big

Players from Lu come together to deal with our Nirvana. Their bounties are very high. Now many neutral players have launched a siege on our Nirvana! He probably wanted to kill us so hard that we couldn't leave the city, and use this method to break up our nirvana! "Feng Yun Wuji explained.

"Haha, Xiongba has learned to be smart this time! But don't worry, since Xiongba wants to play, then we will play with him! Haha, pass on, don't get too entangled with those neutral players, our focus It's the one who attacks Aoshi! In addition, inform our fleet to cheer up and stay vigilant at all times. Since the land battle has begun, the naval battle is probably about to happen soon!" Wei Bin ordered.

"Okay, brothers, the war has begun! Let's go!" Wei Bin raised his arms and took the lead to Nirvana City!

"Hey, you don't want a reward?" Just when Wei Bin was in a hurry to return to Nirvana City, the Tianshan Child Elder suddenly stopped Wei Bin and said, "You have completed the task. You don't want a reward?"

"Oops, I almost forgot in a hurry, thank you senior for reminding me! I chose to add the Zhenwu guidance to increase the splash target!" Wei Bin said.

Immediately afterwards, Wei Bin handed over the Chonglou Wrist to Tianshan Tonglao. After Wei Bin completed the task, the other two rewards were already distributed to Wei Bin by himself, because those two rewards were fixed! , no choice! The two rewards of getting a skill pointer are different from those of Awakening Chonglou Wrist. It is up to Wei Bin himself to decide which skill to add a pointer effect to, so Tianshan Tongmao must We have to wait for Wei Bin himself to nod, not to mention the Chonglou Wrist. The Chonglou Wrist is on Wei Bin's body. If he doesn't take off the Chonglou Wrist and give it to Tianshan Child Elder, how can Tianshan Child Elder give it to him? Awakening?

When everyone decided to leave again.

"Wait!" Just when everyone was about to return to Nirvana City, Xuanyuan Aai suddenly stopped everyone again.

"What's the matter, eh?" Wei Bin asked.

"Gang leader, stop pretending! You are not my gang leader at all! What I said is right, right?" Xuanyuan Ai Ai said with confidence.

"I'm not your gang leader? What's wrong with you? Didn't you hear just now? Wuji said that Ao Shi has declared war on us. If we don't come back quickly, it will be too late! Let's talk about it later!" Wei Bin said.

"Gang Leader, please stop acting, I already know everything!" Xuanyuan Aai continued to say calmly.

"Hey, what's wrong with you? Why do you just come back from the Land of Oblivion? You seem to be a different person!? What aroused you?" Tranquility hurriedly stepped forward!

"You are not my good sister. If I guessed correctly, I should still be in the Land of Oblivion, right? You people are not real people at all. I have not left the Land of Oblivion at all! How about it, 2 Bit, am I right?" Xuanyuan Aai said with certainty.

"What nonsense are you talking about?" Tranquility asked.

"Haha, do you have to ask me to come up with evidence? Okay! I'll tell you why I said this! First of all, Tianlong's system simply cannot have the ability to erase players' memories. This is too perverted. Right? If Tianlong's system can erase the player's memory, wouldn't this be tantamount to a blatant provocation to human rights? Why should a machine erase the player's own memory? How can the Federation attach so much importance to human rights, how can it lift a stone? Smashing my own feet? This is one! Second, even if Tianlong's system really erases the memory of our players! Then why am I the only one who is confused when I come out from the other side of the teleportation array? You guys You don’t even have a doubtful expression on your face. Maybe you can explain it because I asked you the doubts in your heart on your behalf, but you have to have a little expression on your face, right? You act as if everything is taken for granted, like A look that you should have known for a long time! Is this what a person who has lost his memory should have? Thirdly, I don’t know why, I seem to have not only lost the memory of the game these days, I even can’t even remember it. I can’t recall how I spent these days in reality. It’s impossible for Tianlong’s system to erase even my memories in reality, right? Fourth, before entering the teleportation array, Tianshan Child Mother clearly said If you want to come back, you only need to find her and shout three times, I want to go home. Even if the system can erase our memories in the game, logically speaking, we will not shout three times. The memory of me going home has also been erased, right? We are all going home, and the system at least wants us to know that we are really going home. Otherwise, in such a realistic world like the Land of Oblivion, It is so confusing to us. If we are not allowed to know clearly that we have returned to the real world, won't it make us doubt life for the rest of our lives? Just like the heroine in Inception, she We will lose ourselves, not knowing whether we are in a place of oblivion or in the real world! Therefore, even if the system erases our memories, it must at least retain the memory of when we shouted three times that I want to go home. Memory, right? The last point is also the most powerful evidence. I have also used actual actions to prove this. That is, if we players say something like the system, reality, etc. in front of the NC, If so, then we will be severely punished, because the system stipulates that we cannot reveal to the creatures in the game that their world is false and a bunch of programs constructed by us. But in fact? I don’t know. I said so many words about system and reality in front of Tianshan Child Elder, but there was no punishment at all. This is enough to show that this world is simply false. I am still in the land of forgetfulness. The land of forgetfulness should be It’s just something like a dungeon. Everything in the dungeon is false. As long as the player leaves the dungeon, the things inside will disappear. Players cannot enter the same dungeon. Because of this, I When he said some system-like words in front of the Tianshan child in front of him, he was not punished accordingly! Am I right in saying that? "Xuanyuan Aai said with great confidence.

"I really don't know what you are talking about? Hey, what's wrong with you?" Wei Bin asked.

"Haha, I understand. You are just a bunch of data. Your mission is to confuse me and make me think that this is the real world. Even if I have seen through it, you still won't admit it. I shouldn't say that. Wrong?" Xuanyuan Ai Ai said.

"Hey, you're crazy. Now Nirvana is facing a blow from the proud world. At this juncture, as the deputy gang leader, can you please don't let your guard down?" Wei Bin said seriously.

"Okay, I understand! If that's the case, just beat them!" Xuanyuan Ai Ai said. After saying that, don't walk towards Wei Bin and others!

"Yes, this is like the deputy leader of our Nirvana!" Wei Bin said, and then everyone returned to Nirvana City to fight against the invasion of Aoshi!

In the end, the wheels of history are always surprisingly consistent. Nirvana not only withstood the blow of Aoshi, but also successfully survived the impact battle. However, after Nirvana successfully impacted and became a major force, Xuanyuan Aai made a Amazing decision!

"What? Are you resigning as the deputy life leader of Nirvana? Are you kidding yourself? Did we, Nirvana, mistreat you somewhere? Or did I do something wrong?" Wei Bin was sitting in the city lord's mansion, drinking tea. When I was recalling the hardships along the way to Nirvana, I suddenly heard that Xuanyuan Aai was going to resign. Is this okay? Half of Nirvana is counting on you. If you resign, will Nirvana still be able to move? Nirvana has now developed into a big force, with the total number of members reaching 400,000. In less than a month, Nirvana's other two maritime cities will all be upgraded to level five city lord mansions. By then, Nirvana's gang membership limit will reach 600,000 people, a big gang with so many people, without Xuanyuan Aai to coordinate the internal affairs, will Nirvana not collapse?

With such a big team, how many things need to be handled by her every day, and how many revolutionary things need to be developed by her. You can just leave at the drop of a hat. In other companies, if you want to resign, you have to put it forward.


Say hello in the first two months, you have to leave time for my boss to recruit employees. You just leave at the drop of a hat, making it difficult for Wei Bin to do it!

"Gang leader, Nirvana has successfully passed the impact battle. It can be said that it has passed the most difficult period. The future road can be said to be relatively smooth. Furthermore, our Nirvana's combat effectiveness is greater than those of the same level. The forces are much higher, and Nirvana should not face large-scale wars in the future. After I leave, as long as Nirvana can continue to maintain the various living systems before, it will be the same with or without me!" Xuanyuan Aai said .

"What international joke are you kidding? As you said, Nirvana's war period has passed now, and it is now a period of stable development. Nirvana has finally ushered in a period of stable development. In this period when it needs you most, you How can we leave? Nirvana in peacetime can be without me, but it must not be without you!" Wei Bin repeatedly tried to persuade Xuanyuan Aai to stay. Xuanyuan Aai is a talented woman, but she is known as the "Female Zhuge". , Nirvana has finally ushered in a period of rapid development. At this time, Xuanyuan Aai, who is the most capable, has to leave Nirvana. How can this be done!

"Gang Leader, didn't I say that Nirvana's system is now very stable. As long as you can insist on the perfect implementation of these systems, it will be the same with or without me. What we Nirvana must implement is the rule of law, not the rule of man. , As long as the rules and regulations are still there, as long as people can act in accordance with the law, what difference does it make if there is Xuanyuan Aai or not?" Xuanyuan Aai said.

"Hey, you are wrong to say that. The basis of Nirvana's system is indeed the rule of law, but the system is not static. The system also needs to be updated at any time based on the current situation of Nirvana. If you are no longer here, maybe in the future In one or two years, there will be no problems with Nirvana. However, with the development of the times, these systems will always need to keep pace with the times and need to be updated. If you leave, who will update these systems? Who will come? Maintain the sustainable development of Nirvana! Maybe there won’t be any major problems in a short period of time, but as time goes by, problems will definitely arise in the development of Nirvana! I still say the same thing, Nirvana can develop without me, but it absolutely cannot do without me. You!" Wei Bin continued to study Xuanyuan Ai Ai.

To be honest, what Wei Bin said is both his heartfelt words and the truth at the same time. The current Nirvana can be without Wei Bin, but it can never be without Xuanyuan. Wei Bin is just the helmsman who controls the overall development direction of Nirvana. That's all, but in fact, Wei Bin is just a hands-off shopkeeper on all kinds of specific matters, big and small. There are even some policies and regulations that even Wei Bin doesn't know about, because all of them are handled by Xuanyuan Aai, and Xuanyuan Aai is A great talent for developing gangs! If a gang wants to develop, what does it rely on? It relies on the economy and system, and Wei Bin focuses on the economy, and Xuanyuan Aai focuses on the system. For example, the points system proposed by Nirvana in the early days. If there was no points system, where would Nirvana's early resources come from? ? In short, if you want to develop Nirvana, without Xuanyuan Aai, it will definitely be greatly compromised!

"When something goes wrong in the future, I'll just come back to help. I just don't want to be entangled in Nirvana's daily affairs, because I have a more important thing to do now!" Xuanyuan Aiai said.

In fact, Xuanyuan Aai made this decision mainly because of two factors. First, she did have a big thing to do, and this big thing required a lot of energy from her, which forced her to step down. Nirvana Life's deputy gang leader's responsibility is to focus on her personal career!

Secondly, since Xuanyuan Aai has realized that this world is false and she is still in the land of oblivion and has not yet left, that means that the nirvana here has nothing to do with her, even if it is the nirvana here What does it matter if it is destroyed? When Xuanyuan Aai returns to the real world, isn’t it enough that Nirvana in the real world still exists? Does she need to invest so much energy in developing a false nirvana? No matter how well she develops this nirvana, she won't be able to take it with her when she leaves in the future!

Based on the above two points, how could Xuanyuan Ai Ai still work for the development of this false nirvana? She has to be busy doing her own big business!

Maybe some people want to question, develop your own big career? Since this world is false, what is the use of Xuanyuan Aai developing his career here? Aren’t developing her career and developing Nirvana the same thing? They are all things that will not be brought to you in life and will not be taken away in death. What is the point of developing a career here?

This is wrong, it depends on what career Xuanyuan Aai wants to develop!

"You just said that you have something you want to do. How about this? You tell me what you want to do, and I will arrange for someone to help you complete it. You can continue to stay and help me develop Nirvana, okay?" Wei? Bin said.

"No! What I want to do can only be done by myself. No one else can take my place! Just leave it like this, leader. I have made up my mind and it is unbreakable!" Xuanyuan Ai Ai said.

"What's wrong with you? Since you came back from the Forgotten Land, you seem to have changed. First, you kept saying that this was a false world, and now you gave up on developing such a big and sacred thing as Nirvana. Career, have you forgotten your original intention to develop Nirvana with me? We want to change the world. Is there anything more important than changing the world?" Wei Bin still refused to give up. After all, Xuanyuan Aai is very important to For Nirvana, it is really important!

Xuanyuan Aai's effect on Nirvana is equivalent to Xiao He's effect on the Han Dynasty and Zhuge Liang's effect on the Shu Han Dynasty. They are very good at developing internal affairs. How could they do it without me?

"Don't worry, Gang Leader, as long as the system I left for Nirvana is not tampered with unreasonably and can be resolutely implemented, Nirvana will not have any problems in a short time. Furthermore, although I have resigned, I You are still a member of Nirvana. If there is really a problem with Nirvana's internal affairs, I will not stand idly by. Nirvana is not only your home, it is also my home!" Xuanyuan Ai Ai expressed his attitude!

"Is it really irrevocable?" Wei Bin finally asked Xuanyuan Ai Ai.

"Gang leader, please let me go. Although I am no longer here, my heart is with Nirvana. As long as Nirvana is in trouble, I will return!" Xuanyuan Aai said firmly, although this world is false, Nirvana Even if she is destroyed, it has nothing to do with Xuanyuan Ai, but if one day in the future, Nirvana is really in trouble, Xuanyuan Ai still can't sit idly by, because the big thing she will do in the future is still inseparable. Open Nirvana's support!

"Then after you leave, who can take on the responsibility of managing Nirvana's internal affairs?" Wei Bin asked.

The scene in front of him is very similar to that before Zhuge Liang died of illness, Liu Chan asked Zhuge Liang who could serve as the prime minister of the Shu Han Dynasty after him!

This is Tuogu!

"Gang Leader, you know who is the most suitable, so why bother asking me?" Xuanyuan Ai Ai said.

"No! I still want you to say it yourself! I want to know whether the best candidate in our minds is the same person!" Wei Bin said.

"Then let's write this person's name on our hands!" Xuanyuan Ai Ai said.

"This is a good idea!" Wei Bin readily agreed to Xuanyuan Aai's suggestion.

Next, the two of them each wrote three words on the palms of their own hands with pens, and then they let each other look at the names on the other's palms.


The moment they saw each other's palms, the two of them laughed in unison. It seemed that the best candidate in their minds was exactly the same, Avril Lavigne!

"Although Avril is young, after three or four years of tempering, she is no longer the young girl she was when she first went to college. She has experienced so many ups and downs with Nirvana, and has long since developed the skills to be in charge of Nirvana, Avril has no problem! But the problem is," Xuanyuan Ai Ai said.

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