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Chapter 1042 Hunting Nirvana

Xiongba really made a good calculation. Even if he lost money, he only lost a set of equipment with a limit of six or more. But once the sincerity of the Soochow Empress Master is verified, he will make a lot of money!

"But the gang leader, even if he really wants to abandon the dark side and join the bright side, but he is not trustworthy. He is a typical wallflower. When he saw that Nirvana City was owned by us, he hurriedly Betray Nirvana and join us! But what if we lose Nirvana City one day in the future? Then will he betray us and join the new owners of Nirvana City? He is just a wallflower who is greedy for welfare. He will go wherever there is welfare. This kind of person is unacceptable!" He strongly opposed killing people without showing blood.

"Haha, Lao Sha, I know what you are thinking. You are worried that if the Soochow Empress gains my trust, your status in Aoshi will be reduced accordingly. Am I right? I told you You, if you want to keep your status, you have to make some achievements. Status is earned by yourself, not by suppressing others! If the empress of Soochow is really credible, then why don’t I use him? ? If I don’t use him, wouldn’t I become a fool? Furthermore, you said he is a coward who is greedy for welfare? In this world, nine out of ten people are cowards. Do you think that person is so easy? Have you met? If he is not just a wallflower, but also has strength, how many people like him are there in the world? Furthermore, the more he is greedy for welfare, the easier it is to control him, and the easier it is for him to contribute to Aoshi! Aoshi Different from the national conditions of those weak forces, for those weak forces, they not only need strong players, but they also value perseverance and loyalty very much, because they are very weak and may be destroyed at any time. So they need those who should remain loyal to the gang even if the gang is facing a crisis of extinction, because only if they can hold on, the gang will have the possibility to survive! But for people like us, it is almost impossible For the large forces that have been wiped out, the requirements for loyalty are not as high as those of the smaller forces, because we will almost never reach the point of destruction, and as long as we cannot reach that step, those wallflowers, even if they are deep in their hearts, They seek advantages and avoid disadvantages, but they still will not betray Aoshi. As you just said, once Nirvana City changes hands again, the empress of Soochow will betray again and go to the new owner! Even if he really So what if this happens? Will we, Aoshi, get to that point? As long as we don't get to that point, does it mean that the Empress of Soochow will not betray us and will always be used by me? Haha, for me If Aoshi really declines one day in the future, then even if he doesn't betray Aoshi, it will be difficult for Aoshi to make a comeback. So, is he just a faggot? It has no impact at all on us!" Xiongba explained.

It has to be said that Xiong Ba's vision is indeed more profound than that of killing without blood. Putting aside his prejudice against the Empress of Soochow who kills without blood, even if he has no objection to the Empress of Soochow, his vision is not as good as that of Xiong Ba. Regarding this point, from Some clues can be seen in Xiongba's words just now!

Xiongba's thinking can be said to be very clear. I don't care whether the Soochow Empress is a faggot or not, whether he will accompany Ao Shitong to life or death, even if he can't, so what? How many people in this world can accompany their gang through life and death? Which one doesn't fly away separately when disaster strikes?

So what if the empress of Soochow is just a wallflower? Could it be that in the future, when Aoshi is dying and on the verge of extinction, if the empress of Soochow does not betray him, will Aoshi be saved? impossible! No gang can turn the tide just by one person! If Ao Shi really dies one day, then no matter whether the Soochow Empress betrays Ao Shi or not, it will make no difference to Ao Shi's ending!

Since the ending is the same, why should we care if he is just a loser? Only those weak forces will care about these things, because the demise of the gang is something very close to them. They are very likely to reach this point in the future, so they naturally have to guard against it from the beginning!

But Ao Shi is different. There is a high probability that Ao Shi will not reach that step, and even if he does get to that step, it doesn't matter whether there is a wall, even if there is no wall, if he has really reached that step If we take one step forward, we will perish even if we should perish!

Only living in the present is the kingly way. If the Soochow Empress can bring great help to the current proud world, then he must be used. At least with the development now, even the Soochow Empress is suspected of being a faggot. , that Xiongba can still use the help that the Soochow Empress brings to Ao Shi to obliterate the behavior of being a loser in the future. As long as Ao Shi develops and grows, will he still be a loser? Who doesn't want to be in a powerful gang?

There is such an example, Shang Yang’s reform during the Qin Dynasty!

As we all know, Shang Yang's reform was a reform that strengthened the country and the army. However, Shang Yang's reform had a relatively shortcoming, that is, it was a wartime reform that was more inclined to a period of chaos!

Yes, it is a set of wartime reforms. In an environment where various countries are eyeing each other and conquering each other, this set of reforms is very awesome!

However, if it were put into a peaceful era, the effect of this set of reforms would be greatly attenuated, because its scope of application is wartime. It was originally a product that came into being during wartime. If you will If applied to peaceful times, it will definitely be greatly reduced!

So here’s the question. During the birth of Shang Yang’s Reform, the Qin State was indeed in a period of war. At this time, can you refuse to implement Shang Yang’s Reform because it is not suitable for its popularity after Qin unified the world? Absolutely not. It is indeed not suitable for the management of the country after the unification of Qin, but what era is it now? This is a time of war. Even if it is not suitable for peacetime, wouldn't it be enough for you to change the law after you have truly unified the country? You can't just reject Shang Yang's reforms that are suitable for the current country because they are not suitable for the country in the future, right?

Isn't this the problem faced by Xiong He in front of us? The Empress of Soochow is indeed suspected of betraying the enemy again in the future, but he is currently useful to Aoshi. You can't refuse to use him now just because he may betray the enemy in the future, right? How stupid a person can make such a decision!

Therefore, Xiongba's vision is still deeper and broader than killing without blood!

In this way, killing people without blood. Although he did not want the Soochow Empress to join Aoshi from the bottom of his heart, he was unable to refute the truths Xiong Ba said. In the end, he could only shut up, follow Xiong Ba's arrangements, and send people to monitor After all, every move of the Soochow Empress has entered the inspection period for the Soochow Empress. Every next move of the Soochow Empress is related to whether Xiong Ba can trust him!

And after leaving the domineering Soochow Empress, he soon found his first prey!

That is Wei Bin’s wife, Tranquility!

Since he was about to submit a petition to Xiong Ba, he naturally had to be ruthless and start with the people closest to Wei Bin!

I saw the Empress of Soochow quietly approaching An Jing who was doing a task. As An Jing was focused on analyzing the task, she didn't notice the Empress of Soochow who had quietly approached her from behind!

When he was still about 40 meters away from Tianjing, the Soochow Empress decisively activated the dual-burst state of Wind and Thunder + Destruction in All Directions. After the dual-burst state was in place, the Soochow Empress decisively teleported towards the country with one move. Teleported in the direction of tranquility,

Wind and Thunder: The fearless posture of the king, strengthens own skills, increases the skill damage, iron caltrops, annihilation in all directions, and floating light effects by 50, lasting for 10 seconds. Kill any target while the effect lasts, and increases the duration of the attack effect by 5 seconds. The maximum increase is 20 seconds, and the cooling time is 80 seconds.

Destruction in all directions: status skill, which increases understanding by 11 points every second for 15 seconds, with a cooling time of 80 seconds.

Glimpses: The night-walking posture of a demon, performing incomparable movements, performing incomparable moves, teleporting to a designated area, damage and movement speed increased by 50 within 4 seconds after teleportation


, cooling time 50 seconds.

Then, the Empress of Soochow used a move of Super Bloodthirsty + Heavy Rain Pear Blossom Needle to blind Tranquility, and at the same time, the damage will increase again in the next 8 seconds!

Torrential Pear Blossom Needle: Tang Sect's shocking and supreme skill, using hundreds of tiny and dense silver needles as a hidden weapon to cause massive damage and blindness for 3 seconds to the target. The knowing damage is increased by 50 within 8 seconds after using the skill.

This knowing damage increase is only effective when there is a knowing hit. If there is no critical hit, it has no effect. However, the Soochow Empress has already accumulated the double burst state. His knowing attack at this time It must have exceeded Xuanyuan Aai's understanding defense of 100 points, otherwise he wouldn't have attacked so rashly! He knows how powerful Xuanyuan Aai is, or in other words, he knows how powerful the core members of Nirvana are. Therefore, even if he wants to kill the core members of Nirvana, he must be fully prepared. He cannot If there is the slightest mistake, for example, my understanding is already 90 points higher than the opponent's understanding defense. With a knowing hit rate of 90, it should be no problem, right? How could I be so memorized and happen to trigger that 10?

This is a flaw! If the opponent is just an ordinary person, then there is no problem for you to do this. After all, there is a big gap in strength between the enemy and us! But what if the opponent is a player of equal strength to yourself? Then you must be fully prepared to make sure nothing goes wrong before taking action, because everyone is about the same strength. You just got the upper hand. If you can't kill the opponent in seconds, then once the opponent comes to his senses, it may happen at any time. They will kill you, or they can run away if nothing happens. No matter which one they are, these two consequences are unacceptable to a good killer!

Therefore, in order to ensure that he could kill Tian Jing with one blow, the Empress of Soochow waited for his understanding value to increase to 100 points beyond Tian Jing's understanding defense before taking action. If a hunter wants to succeed in hunting, then It must be a one-hit kill!

Next, is the strongest blow from the Soochow Empress!

Thousands of arrows fired!

Thousands of Arrows: The damage is increased by 50, causing a large amount of damage to up to 6 units within a radius of ten meters. The cooldown time is 30 seconds.

How much has his damage stacked up to at this point?

Wind and thunder increase the damage by 50, Floating Light increases the damage by 50, Heavy Rain Pear Blossom Needle increases the damage by 50, Ten Thousand Arrows Increase the damage by 50, this already increases the damage by 200! In other words, with this blow, the Soochow Empress will cause 300 damage to Tian Jing!

What is the basic damage of Soochow Empress?

A poison attack of 10,000 and an internal power attack of 40,000, and a poison attack of 10,000 is 60,000 poison attribute damage. Counting the damage increase of 30 from hidden weapons, that is 78,000 poison attribute damage.

And with the help of super bloodthirsty, his internal power attack has been directly doubled to 80,000, while Tian Jing's internal power defense is only 30,000, so the Soochow Empress can cause 50,000 internal power damage to her! Combined with the poison attribute damage, the initial damage is 130,000!

With the blessing of many damage-increasing skills, the damage is multiplied by 3. In other words, with just one strike of thousands of arrows, the Soochow Empress caused 390,000 damage to Tianjing!

To be honest, this figure is too miserable for the Soochow Empress. Apart from the core members of Nirvana, who can he do such a little damage when he hits? Even against players with a limit of six or more, Soochow Empress is sure to kill them with one blow. With more than 400,000 HP, it only takes two hits to kill a player with a limit of six or more! But when dealing with Tianjing, it only caused more than 300,000 damage, only one-tenth. I have to say that the core members of Nirvana are really strong! It was only from this moment that the Empress of Soochow truly realized how powerful his former comrades were!

And for Tranquility, this number can be said to be very scary! Because there are few people in this world who can kill one-tenth of their own health with just one blow. For her, someone who can kill more than 300,000 of her health with one blow must be very worthy of her attention!

But at this time, Tranquility was under the blind control of the Empress of Soochow, so she couldn't help herself, so she really couldn't look back to see who was attacking her!

Three seconds later, Tian Jing's blood volume had dropped to one-third. At this time, she woke up from her blindness. She suddenly turned around and saw that the person who attacked her was none other than her former teammate Dong. Empress Wu!

"Is it you? Why? Why are you attacking me? Don't we have to be enemies if we can't be comrades in arms?" When Tian Jing saw that the person who attacked her was the Empress of Soochow, her heart immediately dropped. Thinking that the Empress of Soochow was so heartless and unjust, they had fought back to back together. Now, just after leaving Nirvana, they turned around and pointed the finger at themselves! Thinking of this, An Jing's face was filled with disappointment and regret!

"Haha, stop talking nonsense. I'm here to take your dog's head on the orders of the leader of the Xiongba Gang. Why don't you die quickly?" the Soochow Empress said fiercely. Although he was talking, there was nothing on his hands. He was idle, but continued to attack Tianjing while talking.

Between words, Tranquility's blood volume was only a quarter left!

"You actually defected to Aoshi? You traitor, let's see how I deal with you!" When An Jing heard this, it was okay for you to leave Nirvana. I can think that you went to find another job, but what about you? You actually surrendered to the enemy? And he immediately pointed the blade at his former comrade. Thinking of this, An Jing instantly became extremely angry!

However, it's too late at this point! If it were a fair duel between two people, then Tian Jing might still have hope of a 50-50 draw with the Soochow Empress, but the Soochow Empress is an assassin. He appeared as a sneak attack. When Tian Jing controlled the When she recovered, she only had a quarter of her health left. How could she compete with the empress of Soochow who had full health?

Therefore, within a few seconds, Tian Jing fell into a pool of blood. Before she died, Empress Soochow felt the deep hatred in her eyes. This kind of hatred came from the bottom of her heart. This kind of hatred came from her heart. The hatred even goes beyond her hatred for Xiong Ba. She hates Xiong Ba only because of the lineup, but her hatred for herself is because she betrayed Nirvana!

That's right, his departure cannot be said to be looking for another job, but a betrayal because he joined Aoshi!

"Haha, a dead man still talks so much!" After saying that, the Empress of Soochow left the scene of the crime with an expression on his face. His cold and ruthless facial expression made it seem as if he was really an assassin!

This is the Tang Sect! The first Tang Sect on the Middle-earth continent!

What Tian Jing didn't know was that although she fell in a pool of blood, the blood in the pool of blood flowed from the heart of the Empress of Soochow.

"This doesn't look like an act. The calm look in his eyes seems as if he really wants to kill the Empress of Soochow. This kind of hatred can never be performed by acting!" After the Empress of Soochow left. Finally, a proud Tianshan player appeared.

"I think so too. Moreover, from the moment Tian Jing saw the Soochow Empress, her facial expression was extremely complicated. She never imagined that she would be attacked by the Soochow Empress! It seems that this is not a script! "Another Tianshan faction player echoed.

Yes, the two of them were sent by Xiong Ba to monitor the assassination of the Empress of Soochow. What Xiong Ba wanted was more than just a result, because the result could be faked. In case the Empress of Soochow and Nirvana had discussed it, through Stage a cruel trick to defraud his trust? Then isn't he going to be tricked?

Therefore, in order to prevent himself from being deceived by the empress dowager's scheme, Xiongba must

He had to be very cautious. He had to see with his own eyes the details of the assassination of the core members of Nirvana by the Soochow Empress. Only in this way could he have a basis to judge whether the Soochow Empress was pretending to surrender or sincerely congenial!

And these two Tianshan faction players have just recorded the entire battle process of Soochow Empress and sent it to Xiongba!

"Haha, those little expressions and those little eyes don't look like they were staged!" After seeing Tranquility's reaction and the conversation between the two, Xiongba laughed with satisfaction.

"Gang leader, Nirvana is very cunning, we have to guard against it!" he reminded.

"Haha, okay, it's better to observe more! Be careful with the ten thousand year ship!" Xiong Ba said, it makes sense to kill people without seeing blood. Nirvana is really too cunning. From the beginning of the server to now, he has been in Nirvana a lot. It is said that once bitten by a snake, you will be afraid of the rope for ten years. Even if a tyrant cherishes his talents and really wants to recruit the master of Soochow, he must be very cautious. He is right to kill without showing blood. Is the tranquility staged? He must watch more videos of Soochow Empress killing others!

As time went by, the Soochow Empress hunted and killed Nirvana's core members one after another. You must know that the Soochow Empress is a Tang sect himself, and his strength is not weaker than the core members of Nirvana. In addition, Due to the high explosive power of Shang Tangmen and the killer potential of sneak attacks, the Soochow Empress has never failed in this hunting game!

And the videos of the Soochow Empress hunting down the core members of Nirvana were also sent to Xiong Ba one by one by the two surveillance personnel sent by Xiong Ba!

I have to say that the Empress of Soochow is so powerful that even the Blood Sea Demon Lord and Ximen Yibei, the two Great Tianshan Mountains, could not escape his clutches in the end. Are you awesome at being able to become invisible? Can you escape by becoming invisible? Don't be kidding, in front of the Tang Sect, the empress of Soochow, even the Tianshan faction players will have a hard time escaping, because the Tang sect is poisonous, and the poisoned Tianshan players cannot become invisible!

In this way, the Soochow Empress hunted all the core members except Wei Bin ten times. Every time he killed the other party, the guilt in his heart became stronger, and the deeper his heart became. Being condemned by his own conscience, especially when he heard his former comrades insulting him, he felt like his heart was being cut by a knife, and he was in great pain!

Finally, after the goal of hunting down the core members of Nirvana was completed, the Soochow Empress approached Wei Bin, because as long as he killed Wei Bin ten more times, his certificate of surrender would be qualified and handed over to Xiong Ba. This way he can join Aoshi and gain Xiong Ba's trust!

"Why are you doing this? Why do you keep hunting down your former comrades? Have you forgotten? How they protected you and fought alongside you. They would rather let themselves die than let you. Is it a scene of death? Furthermore, even if you leave Nirvana and we are no longer comrades-in-arms, do we need to be enemies? Is it necessary to be so black and white?" Wei Bin said to Empress Soochow .

At this time, the two of them were standing face to face, with a distance of twenty meters between them.

"There is no way, people go to higher places, water flows to lower places, Nirvana is gone, I have to leave, and Aoshi has occupied Nirvana City, development is booming, Aoshi is my final destination, but because of me His predecessor was Nirvana, so Xiongba does not trust me. In order to show my loyalty and sincerity, I must hand over a letter of surrender to him, so I can only wrong you, haha!" The Empress of Soochow licked him The blood on the crossbow is like a murderous devil!

"Why is this? There are better gangs than Aoshi. Why do you have to join Aoshi? Pointing the blade at your former comrades? Don't you feel uncomfortable in your heart?" Wei Bin asked.

"Haha, this is a good question, because I hate Nirvana, and Aoshi is indeed not the best place for me. At the beginning, what I thought was that if I was rejected by Aoshi, I would find another place. The world is so big, Is there no place for me yet? But the moment I saw Xiong Ba, I no longer thought so!" said the Empress of Soochow.

"Why? Why did you have such a big change? What did Xiong Ba give you?" Wei Bin asked urgently.

"Yes, he gave me one thing, and that is trust! He trusts me more than you! When I approached him, he did not reject me because my predecessor was Nirvana, but expressed his trust to me , he believes that I am sincerely sympathetic. What kind of mind and structure is this? Do you have such a mind and structure? Isn’t such a wise master worthy of me abandoning the past and following him sincerely? " said the Empress of Soochow.

"Hahaha! Trust? He trusts you? What international joke are you kidding? How could the old tyrant trust you? You are a core member of our Nirvana. Will he trust a former core member of Nirvana? You treat him as a fool. Are you still big-hearted? Are you smart?" Wei Bin cursed loudly.

"Haha, you don't have to slander the leader of the Xiongba Gang. I know that he trusts me from the bottom of his heart, so don't try to sow discord! Are you trying to sow discord between me and the leader of the Xiongba Gang? Do you want to give up dealing with your Nirvana?" said the Empress of Soochow.

"Hahaha! I didn't expect that you are so good at the game, but your emotional intelligence is so low? I will sow discord between you? Then let me ask you, since Xiongba trusts you, why does he ask you for a certificate of nomination? Why doesn't he directly What about accepting you as the deputy leader of Aoshi? Didn't you say that he trusts you? Has he given all this to you? Wake up!" Wei Bin yelled.

"I knew you would say that. The leader of the Xiongba Gang really trusts me, and the reason why I need a certificate is because other members in Aoshi may not trust me. Not everyone has the same structure and mind as the leader of the Xiongba Gang. Broad, I can understand this. Therefore, for the internal unity of Aoshi and for my future development in Aoshi, I must show my sincerity! And killing you is my best sincerity. Got it!" Empress Soochow said fiercely.

"Haha, you really have low emotional intelligence. You actually believe Xiong Ba's lies. How can he trust you? He just asked you to go to him with a certificate of surrender on the grounds that other people in Aoshi don't trust you. The certificate of submission is simply his intention, what does it have to do with other people in Aoshi?" Wei Bin said.

"You are talking nonsense. You are judging a gentleman's heart with a villain's heart! The leader of the Xiongba Gang is magnanimous. He is definitely not such a person. If he is really such a person, how can Ao Shi become a big force?" Dong Empress Wu quibbled.

"Haha! Then let me ask you again! Even if Xiongba really trusts you, then you just said that Aoshi is not your only choice. Can't you consider other big forces? You must be consistent with your past Are his teammates enemies? Do you have to point the blade at your former teammates?" Wei Bin once again tortured the soul of the Soochow Empress!

"Haha, you are right. Aoshi is indeed not my only choice. At the beginning, I did think that if I was rejected, I would find another job, but! Why should I be an enemy of Nirvana? Because Aoshi is not I was rejected not because of my personal strength, but because of the aura of nirvana in my body! I can be rejected by Aoshi because of my lack of strength, because that is my own problem, but I absolutely cannot accept it because I have the aura of Nirvana on my body and was rejected! For this reason, I hate Nirvana. It is Nirvana that blocks my way. It is the aura of Nirvana that restricts my freedom! I am against Nirvana today just to wash away Get rid of the aura of Nirvana on my body and the halo of Nirvana above my head. I want the world to know that my Empress Soochow has nothing to do with Nirvana from now on!" The Empress Soochow's voice got louder and louder as he spoke. Confessing to Wei Bin his many dissatisfaction with Nirvana!

"You are really hopeless! Then what do you mean by coming to me today? Are you here to kill me?" Seeing that the empress of Soochow was so eloquent, Wei Bin simply gave up.


Instead of talking nonsense to him, he immediately put on a fighting stance!

"That's right, I came here today to kill you, and at the same time, completely break with Nirvana!" the Empress of Soochow vowed.

"Haha, kill me? Then why don't you sneak attack me like you kill other people? The success rate of sneak attack on me should be higher, right? Do you think you can kill me in a head-on confrontation with me?" Wei Bin asked.

"I can't kill you, let alone a head-on confrontation. Even if it's a sneak attack, I can't kill you. That's why I gave up the sneak attack to save my last bit of face!" said the Soochow Empress.

What he means is that anyway, I can't beat you no matter whether it's a sneak attack or a head-on confrontation, so why don't I just fight you head-on? If I sneak attack you and you kill me in the end, wouldn't I be embarrassed? Anyway, you will die anyway, why not die standing up?

"Haha, stupid, then you can give up killing me. You know you can't kill me, but you still have the courage to give me the level. Isn't this a fool?" Wei Bin laughed.

"Stupid? I think this is loyalty. I promised the leader of the Xiongba Gang that I would kill all the core members of your Nirvana ten times. Now, I have completed 90 points of my vote. I can't give up just because I can't kill you. "Even if I die ten times, I still have to complete this petition!" The Empress of Soochow said categorically. The implication is, I did kill you ten times, but I just can't kill you. Although the results are all different. It's the same. The result is that I can't kill you even once, but the meaning of me not trying and being killed ten times after trying ten times are different. If I give up directly because I know I can't beat you. , if the mission fails, that would be cowardice, but if I finally fail after trying ten times, it can only be said that I am not strong enough. This is a matter of attitude, and this attitude is obviously for Xiongba to see!

"Haha, stupid! Let's die!" After saying that, before the Soochow Empress could break out, Wei Bin took the lead and rushed over. Since a battle today was unavoidable, he took the initiative to take the lead!

The gap between the Soochow Empress and Wei Bin is still very big, so this is a showdown without any suspense, but the Soochow Empress is not going to give up just like that, seeing Wei Bin running towards him. , Soochow Empress decisively activated the dual-explosion state, and at the same time retreated towards his rear, trying to wait for his own explosion period by delaying time!

But Wei Bin obviously would not give him this chance. Seeing that the Soochow Empress began to retreat, Wei Bin made a decisive move and teleported behind the Soochow Empress without a trace, sealing the Soochow Empress at the same time. Immediately afterwards, all kinds of explosive skills were activated. After the acupoint sealing was completed, Wei Bin then connected with the first-level strong control skill. The ten-second strong control skill was naturally impossible for the Empress of Soochow to finish enjoying. Therefore, there was no After a while, he fell to the ground, and the control effect was not over even when he died!

This is the gap! And the hunting trip of the Soochow Empress was finally ended here by Wei Bin!

But the Empress of Soochow obviously did not intend to give up. After his resurrection, he approached Wei Bin again and tried to fight him again. Even if he could not complete the task, he would die ten times and still have to complete it according to the situation. Determination for Xiongba!

However, this time there was no exception. The Empress of Soochow fell to Wei Bin's double ring again!

Just after the Soochow Empress died for the second time, he received a video call from Xiong Ba: "Empress, that's it. Come to the City Lord's Mansion, and I will personally hold a ceremony for you to join the gang!"

"But I haven't completed the task yet, gang leader. My certificate of nomination has not reached the standard yet!" said the Soochow Empress, as if he didn't want to go find Xiong Ba now!

"That's enough! Come back first! Let's talk after you come back!" Xiongba said.

"Yes, Gang Leader!" After hanging up the video, a trace of satisfaction finally appeared on the face of Soochow Empress!

"Gang Leader, are you really going to do this? I always feel that something is wrong. The behavior of the Soochow Master this time is definitely worth mentioning!" Seeing that Xiongba decisively stopped the Soochow Master's mission and killed people without blood, he hurriedly stepped forward to give him a warning. The empress of Soochow put on eye drops!

However, can Xiongba still not understand his little thoughts? How can Xiong Ba not understand who he is? If he hadn't seen that he was capable of killing people without bloodshed, and he was also a proud elder, Xiong Ba would have kicked him away, because Xiong Ba knew him, and he was too jealous of talents. With him here, those who are truly capable would It is difficult for a capable person to enter the proud world!

"It's now, and you still don't believe in the Empress of Soochow? He would rather be killed ten times to complete the declaration of surrender. If it were you, would you have such courage? Listen again to what he said to Wei just now Bin's dialogue, how tit-for-tat is this? If the Soochow Empress didn't really hate Nirvana, how could he have said such words?" Xiongba explained.

"Gang leader, don't be fooled by him. They are clearly singing a double act. Didn't you hear? He is a domineering gang leader with a broad mind and a broad plan. He knows that we are sending people to follow us. He, he is deliberately acting, he deliberately said some words to show his loyalty to you to paralyze you, gang leader! You must not be fooled!" Killing people without blood, making the final desperate struggle.

"How did he know that I was sending someone to monitor him? This is just your personal conjecture. Okay, that's it. Don't force me to say unpleasant things! Also, when the master comes later, you It's best not to show disgust!" Xiongba said, the implication of which was, I know you are jealous of talents and talents, and you don't want the empress of Soochow to take away your position, so you tried every means to prevent him from joining. I didn't expose you openly. This little thought is already very good, just stop it!

Not long after, the Empress of Soochow came to the City Lord's Mansion in Nirvana City. At this time, the City Lord's Mansion was already filled with proud officials of all sizes!

"Welcome home, Brother Empress!" When Empress Soochow pushed open the door of the City Lord's Mansion, all the members of Aoshi said loudly together.

Yes, this was all arranged by Xiong Ba. Since the Soochow Empress has completed the test Xiong Ba gave him, Xiong Ba will naturally include the Soochow Empress as a proud member!

First of all, he really cherishes talents. He knows that the Empress Soochow is a talented person, and he also sincerely hopes that the Empress Soochow can join Aoshi. This grand sense of ceremony will undoubtedly give the Empress Soochow a great deal. The sense of belonging makes Soochow Empress feel the warmth of home from here! Only when the empress of Soochow regards Aoshi as his home, can he follow Aoshi more wholeheartedly and develop Aoshi!

Secondly, Xiongba intends to entrust the Soochow Empress with important responsibilities. After all, if a talent like him is not reused in Aoshi, wouldn't it be ridiculous? Who among outsiders is willing to join Aoshi? Since the Soochow Empress is going to be reused, it is necessary to help the Soochow Empress establish his prestige in front of many officials and help him gain a firm foothold. Otherwise, it will be difficult for the Soochow Empress to carry out his later work. After all, he comes from Nirvana, Xiongba can let go of his hatred for the Soochow Empress, because he is the leader of a gang, and Aoshi belongs to him. He can put aside hatred for the development of Aoshi, but the same cannot be said for other officials. Everyone here Among these people, there are not a few who have been killed by the Soochow Empress. The Xiongba can not hold grudges, so don't they also hold grudges? Aoshi does not belong to them. Will they put aside their past feud with the Soochow Empress for the sake of Aoshi's development? Maybe not? Therefore, when Xiongba joins the Master of Soochow, he must give him enough face to let other officials know that he values ​​the Soochow Master very much, so that they will not stumbling upon the Soochow Master in the future!

The third reason is that Xiongba is also doing this to Nirvana and other major forces. He is using the Soochow Empress to send a signal to others, that is, how broad his mind is. My thirst for talents is so strong that I even welcomed and valued the former core members of my mortal enemy Nirvana so much. Who else could I not accept? Heroes from all walks of life, why don’t you join us in the proud world?

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