Game within game of online games

Chapter 110 Battle for Luoyang Territory

In the loser group, two loser gangs of the same level compete with each other after each battle. In the end, the gang that loses all four games will be eliminated. The remaining gangs will win the state city, county city and wild city respectively according to the level and number of wins and losses. . For example, the gang that failed in the fourth game won the first three games and only lost the battle for the royal city, so it directly occupied the capital after the end; for example, the gang that failed in the third game only needs to win the fourth duel. You can also occupy another state city, and the gang that failed in this case will directly occupy the county city, and so on! The final rewards obtained by occupying different levels of city pools are different.

Our goal is to occupy the Luoyang Royal City of the Stone Forest Kingdom, which is the first place!

Each battle consists of five battlefields, namely heaven, earth, humans, gods, and ghosts. A maximum of 100 gang members can enter each battlefield, and only 400 people can participate in each gang. At this time, you must make full use of the game. The rule is that we don’t need to win all five games. We just need to successfully avoid the battlefield where the opponent arranges the main team, imitate Tian Ji’s horse racing, use the strong to defeat the weak, and win three games!

After entering the battlefield, there will be a battle flag in the center of the map, which can be captured by touching the battle flag. After capturing the battle flag, if the owner does not change within 10 minutes, the team that captures the flag will win the battlefield in advance. If it fails to win in advance, at the end of the half-hour competition, the gang that owns the battle flag will win the battlefield. If no gang occupies it, the battlefield will be a draw. " ??

Feng Yun Wuji thoroughly understood the activity rules introduced by the NC, and the rest was just details. He could only formulate a specific combat strategy by experiencing it once in person!

"Wuji's analysis is very thoughtful, but our goal is not just five wins and three wins, I want to win all 20 battlefields! Because the rules also say that the winner can receive up to a certain amount of gang funds and technology points as rewards, so there are High means low. I guess this is related to the number of games we won. Besides, I made a bet of 100,000 gold with the Return of the King from the next city, so if we encounter them, we must win five games!" This is an unspoken rule of the game. It was something that no one could predict, and only Wei Bin knew it and revealed it to them from the description of the game rules!

"Since only 400 people can participate in the battle, but there are five battlefields, so in combat deployment, we need to distribute the combat power evenly without knowing the opponent's distribution. We cannot leave a battlefield empty! I will find a way to synthesize some gems later. Talismans and inlaid talismans do not require everyone to be inlaid with gems. They only need to inlay the most critical gems. For example, Emei Shaolin only needs to inlay rubies and defensive stones. Other sects will allocate them as needed according to the situation. The formation of Wuji's main group How's it going?" Wei Bin asked.

"Everything has been arranged. I have been scanning the auction house's skill books these days. Now the main team has six or seven skills, including 20 people from Emei who belong to Yueluo Xishan, and 15 people from Qianlong Shamei's Beggar Clan. There are 10 people from Wudang in the three-ringed moon formation, 25 people from the Xingxiu team in the double group attack, 10 people from the Tianshan Mountains in the eagle striking the sky, 10 people from Xiaoyao in the eight formations, 5 people from Shaolin in the Luohan formation, 10 people from the Tianlong team in Sanyang Kaitai... These people have been equipped with corresponding levels of imperial gift suits and sect suits! I have evenly distributed them to each team. Since we want to win completely, I will adjust the deployment later and distribute them evenly to each team. The battlefield!" Feng Yun Wuji explained.

This is the real big picture! Being able to coordinate the overall situation and know all the information, big and small. Only by knowing your actual situation can you make reasonable arrangements and gain the upper hand on the battlefield!

"What about hero guidance?" Wei Bin asked.

"According to your request, I previously prohibited them from choosing


Hero guidance, until just now, I have distributed the hero guidance routine system you explained to everyone. Now most of them have the strength to defeat the 20th floor! "Not everyone can summarize these guidance routines, because they don't know what guidance they have for those skills they don't have, so how can they analyze and summarize the routines? Only when you learn a certain skill can you know the guidance during the guidance. What are the four guiding effects of this skill? It can be said that except for Wei Bin, no one else in the gang will be able to summarize these routine systems for a long time in the future!

In previous lives, most people had problems with skill guidance. For example, a certain skill guidance seemed very powerful, but this guidance may not necessarily cooperate with other skills to form a routine. They took many detours because they were greedy for the current power. , just like a doubles match, no matter how strong you are individually, it won’t help if you don’t cooperate with your teammates, you will still lose in the end! But this is unavoidable. After all, how do early players understand the skill routine system? They haven't even learned all the skills! Even if there is a skill that is not fully learned, it may affect the routine system of their sect, but Wei Bin directly saves them this detour, allowing them to be far ahead of others in skill guidance!

After the meeting, Wei Bin contacted Old Man Tianji again: "The war is coming, seniors should take more care of juniors!"

"Oh? Brother Wei is at the height of his power now. Is there anything else I can use for you?" Wei Bin went to the Three Treasures Hall for nothing, and Old Man Tianji smelled the smell of money!

"I am in urgent need of a batch of low-level gem synthesis talismans and inlay talismans. I don't know..." Wei Bin asked.

Old man Tianji is very cunning. In the past five or six days, he has accumulated tens of thousands of low-level gem synthesis and inlaid charms at the price of four or five gold, just waiting to sell them when the price increases in the future! Tianji Pavilion has always not prioritized gang combat power, but focused on building a small number of high-end teams to open up wasteland to obtain new strategies and information to make profits. This was the case with Wei Bin's suit before, so they couldn't consume much supplies at all, so they stocked up on these supplies. He was preparing to make war fortune, but he didn't expect that the war fortune would come so soon. Several gangs had contacted him before, and he had been waiting for the highest price!

"I wonder if you can afford 10,000 synthetic talismans and 2,000 inlaid talismans?" Old Tianji's words made Wei Bin take a breath. Only Tianji Pavilion, a gang that is not known for its combat power, can save so much money. Too much...

"A synthetic talisman costs seven gold and an inlaid talisman costs 14 gold. I want them all!" Wei Bin's answer also surprised him. How much financial resources does this have? The highest price offered by other gangs is only 6 gold and 50 silver. After all, it is already two gold higher than the market price. Anyone would think it is not a good deal if it is higher. But Wei Bin knows very well that when the market matures, the combined talisman will be worth 10 gold. Inlaid The talisman costs 20 gold. Although the gold coins will have depreciated by then, the price-performance ratio should be similar to what it is now, so he doesn’t lose money! What's more, he will definitely win the battle for the territory. When the time comes, he can return the 100,000 gold to Old Man Tianji immediately. If he defeats the Return of the King, he can still earn 100,000 gold! Not to mention the rewards of the territorial battle itself, he, an insider, dared to gamble like this. Who else would be willing to spend so much unjust money!

"But I want to pay after the war. I have already mortgaged Nirvana City. I have nothing to mortgage again! I just hope you can believe me this time!" This is one hundred thousand gold! Old Man Tianji didn’t dare to make a guarantee

, but I have to say that he was indeed tempted! A net profit of thirty thousand gold!

"I don't dare to make the decision on this. I need to ask the gang leader for instructions!" Old Man Tianji said.

"Then I'm waiting for good news for you! No matter what, please believe me. I have made a bet with Return of the King. The loser will pay the winner one hundred thousand gold. I am sure of winning!" Wei Bin was afraid that Old Man Tianji would worry about him. After the war, I couldn't afford that much money, so I got vaccinated in advance.

Next, Old Man Tianji reported the situation here to the gang leader. With the help of Old Man Tianji, the Gang Leader of Tianji Pavilion finally gave Wei Bin a reply after weighing the overall strength of the Nirvana and Return of the King gangs!

"Brother Wei, the total is 98,000 gold, but our supplies are in major cities. Four hundred people are needed to deliver the supplies back and forth, and the travel expenses also cost two thousand gold. Let's do this. The price is one hundred thousand gold, and we will pay immediately after the war!"

"Deal!" A person needs 180 synthetic talismans to inlay level 3 stones. With these 10,000 synthetic talismans, he can create equipment for fifty or sixty people! I have more confidence in winning this territory battle!

As for the gems, more than half of the space in Nirvana City's warehouse is occupied by gems. They are all materials paid for in the past few days. It's good to clear them out now to free up space!

Soon, eight o'clock in the evening will come!

At this time, the combat power ranking of the entire Middle-earth continent: ??

Rank  Name  Level  Sect   Kingdom   City   Combat power

First place Wei Bin Level 34 Tianshan Stone Forest Kingdom Baishi City 10224

Second Place: The Worm in the Eyes of Money Level 32 Mingjiao Stone Forest Kingdom Baishi City 9856

Third place: Bingyue Hanxin Level 32 Shaolin Stone Forest Kingdom Baishi City 9786

Fourth place: Fengyun Wuji Level 32 Beggar Gang Stone Forest Kingdom Baishi City 9701

Fifth place: Lin Qianhong Level 32 Wudang Stone Forest Kingdom Baishi City 9682

No. 11: Ba Dao Level 30 Beggar Gang White Tiger Kingdom Qiushui City 9556

No. 12 Aunt Wang  Level 30 Mingjiao Xue Muhua of the Suzaku Kingdom 9543

No. 13: Whirlpool      Level 30  Tianshan   Vermilion Bird Kingdom Xue Muhua   9511

No. 14: Ye Ting Feng Yu Level 30 Shaolin Xuanwu Kingdom Xuanwu City 9494

The top ten in the combat power rankings are occupied by Nirvana, but the gap in combat power with those behind them is not big. It can be seen that their equipment and gem levels are similar, but Nirvana and others are better because they have a hidden weapon of excellent grade. All attributes are dozens of points higher than them!

As for the gang rankings, Nirvana ranks first with 10,000 people because it is a second-level gang!

First place  Nirvana  Stone Forest Kingdom White Rock City  60 million

Second place  Xue Muhua  Zhuque Kingdom Xue Muhua


9.8 million

Third place   Qiu Shui Shang   White Tiger Kingdom Qiu Shui City   29.76 million

Fourth place  The Sorrow of Ending the War Xuanwu City of Xuanwu Kingdom  29.55 million

No. 19 Return of the King Stone Forest Kingdom Rock City 28.65 million

The combat power of Return of the King, controlled by Wang Shuai, is not low. It can be said that the combat power of the top 400 gang members should be comparable to that of Nirvana! Return of the King has many gem-studded players, and Nirvana has a high overall level.

"Everyone enters the battle lounge, and the territory battle officially begins in five minutes! This battle is extremely important, and everyone must go all out. We must win every game! After winning, everyone will receive huge rewards! But everyone There is no need to be nervous, it is the first time for everyone to participate, not to mention that our Nirvana has the strongest overall strength. In this first match, we are matched with the 16th-ranked Tianxia Wushuang, the weakest gang, so we will just practice it! Everyone! We must sum up our experience in the first battle and prepare for the next battle!" Later, Wei Bin handed over the right to command the battlefield to Feng Yun Wuji, who specially created one or two chat channels, one There are only these four hundred people in the channel, and the other channel only has the captains of each team.

The system will deliberately arrange a battle between one strong and one weak gang, which can reduce the probability of the two strong gangs meeting as soon as possible, which is very balanced!

After entering the battle lounge, the battlefield selection interface appeared in front of everyone. Feng Yun Wuji said: "Everyone should pay close attention to what their captain said. Choose which battlefield you will enter as soon as you enter it. Don't be careless. Choose the battlefield, and anyone who disobeys orders will be kicked out of the gang!" Those present were all high-level, high-combat-power players carefully selected by Feng Yun Wuji. The quality of such people is generally relatively high, and at least there is no doubt about obeying orders.

Then Feng Yun Wuji said in another channel with only the team leader: "Team 113 chooses the battlefield of heaven, team 1426 chooses the battlefield of earth, team 2739 enters the human battlefield, team 4053 enters the battlefield of gods, and team 5467 enters the battlefield of ghosts!" The top three! Each battlefield has 13 teams, and the last two battlefields each have 14 teams. Although the first three battlefields have fewer people, they have more main force members assigned to them. The combat power of the five battlefields is very balanced.

"After entering the battlefield, the heaven battlefield is commanded by Wei Bin, the earth battlefield is commanded by me, the human battlefield is commanded by the insect in the eyes of Qian, the god battlefield is commanded by Bingyue Hanxin, and the ghost battlefield is commanded by the Bull Demon King!" Under Wei Bin's care, Daliang Taosha, Diewu, Yueguang, Ximen Yibei and others who survived the city defense and the sneak attack on the imperial city, and some outstanding players such as Lu Dongbin all became team captains!

Enter the battlefield.

"Everyone, hurry up to the flag mark in the center of the map to capture the flag!" Each squad leader issued an order! After giving the order, all kinds of mounts began to run towards the flag mark in the center of the map. Most of them were running. Not everyone can afford a mount with forty gold! Among them, the five major commanders, Ximen Yibei and other five Tianshan are leading the way. Among the sect mounts, the 40 gold ones increase the movement speed by 40, and the 300 gold ones increase the movement speed by 60. And their mounts were all bought by Wei Bin for a thousand gold. It is the mount with the highest movement speed in each sect, increasing the movement speed by 80. There are two such mounts in each battlefield!

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