Game within game of online games

Chapter 13 Where did the poor guy come from?

"Bad chicken! What seems important to you may not be liked by others. It's like a piece of grass. What you're doing is not called dedication, but called wishful thinking. Such people are often very selfish!" At this time, Wang Bin came over to Wang Shuai and said sarcastically.

When Wang Shuai heard this, he thought, hot chicken? How dare someone talk to me like that? Wang Shuai looked at the source of the voice: "Hey! Who did I think it was? It turned out to be Brother Dabin, his defeated general. How is Brother Dabin doing recently? Is he still living in a shabby house on rented land in a slum area? Poor money Even if you are poor, you will never be able to turn around in your lifetime! Why, are you jealous because I gave Tiantian a car? A BMW costs more than one million, which is more than your salary for a year, hahahaha! "

"It seems shameful to use your parents' money to please others? That's all you've got! Your behavior makes me, a poor man, very disdainful. In my opinion, the beggars on the street are better than you. After all, they have paid. It’s all hard work and face, but you’ve got nothing to do but get a good pregnancy!” Wei Bin didn’t even look back after saying that, and continued walking towards the Audi store in front.

Wang Bin didn't even look at him, which made Wang Shuai almost explode with anger, but he didn't dare to show it in front of An Jing: "Okay, Brother Da Bin, you are so arrogant after not seeing each other for several months. I don't know what capital you have to dare to talk to him like this." I shouted, I heard that you are also playing "Dragon" recently, I want you to know that not only am I better than you in reality, but I can still crush you in the game, and we will meet sooner or later!"

Wang Shuai's family is rich, so he often organizes alumni gatherings. At yesterday's party, Wang Shuai learned from one of Wang Bin's classmates that his love rival is also playing Tianlong, but he doesn't know what the game is called. He will definitely let him know when he finds out in the future. He looks good!

Tranquility didn't say a word from beginning to end. Tranquility has been in surprise from the moment Wang Bin appeared. When did Wang Bin become so courageous? How dare you talk to Wang Shuai like this? From the first day Wang Shuai appeared in their world, Wang Bin had been tolerant and withdrawn, until he gave himself up to Wang Shuai. Looking at Wang Bin's leaving back, An Jing couldn't help but feel taller.

Unfortunately, it was too late. Both parties had already met their parents and were getting engaged next month. If you had had the courage you have today, how could you have ended up in this situation?

Families like hers are all about being well-matched, and marriage matters are decided by the parents. But if Wang Bin could stick to the bottom line and marry An Jing to Wang Bin, there might still be some room for maneuver! Thinking of this, Tranquility's eyes couldn't help but moisten, and she felt extremely aggrieved, but Wang Bin didn't see all this.

Wang Bin walked on the road, constantly improving his plan in his mind.

"Tiantian, if you endure it for a few more days, no one will be able to take you away from me! I will get your parents' approval!" ??


I don’t care whether the people I love will reunite in the end, I just want to be with you in this life!

Wang Bin first walked into the Audi 4S store. As soon as he entered the door, he was greeted by an enthusiastic service staff.

"Hello boss, welcome to your visit!" Wang Bin was very surprised. There is no one else with this title! The life of a rich person is indeed enviable, and he will be respected wherever he goes.

Wang Bin subconsciously stretched out his hand to meet the service staff's hand: "Hello!"

But what happened next was shocking.

"Where did you come from? Are you sick?" The service staff withdrew his hand and looked unhappy. After meeting Wang Bin, he faced a middle-aged man behind Wang Bin and said, "Hello boss, What car would you like to see?”

Insulting people? Is this how you open your business?

"Brother, what do you mean by insulting someone?" Wang Bin asked.

"How many more meanings can there be? You look like you are dressed like a beggar. Can you come here to look at the car if you can afford it? Look at the boss behind you. He is in a suit and leather shoes. He looks like a big boss!" The service staff really brought the image of the snob to life.

According to common sense, as a service staff, you should not say such stupid things. Emotional intelligence aside, the management system of the 4S store does not allow service staff to say such things. Once accepted, If you complain, just pack up and get out! But the service staff in front of him was different. He was the manager's brother-in-law. He gave the neatly dressed man behind him face by showing contempt for Wang Bin. If nothing else happened, the man behind him would definitely pick up a car. As for the car, he has tried this method time and time again.

"Haha, you are really looking down on others. How do you know I can't afford an Audi? Call your manager. I want to ask him how your 4S store sells cars!" Wang Bin became more and more unhappy when he saw this person.

"No need to call, I'm right here. Hello, guest. First of all, I apologize to you on behalf of this employee. This matter is our fault!" The manager came from not far away and said politely.

"Your attitude is like a manager! Are all car sellers as good as him now? You think I can't afford a car, right? Well, I will buy it for you today! But don't worry, I won't I will buy it from you!" After saying that, he was about to walk out the door.

"Sir, please stay. I think you just misunderstood me. I mean you are wearing ragged clothes. If you can't afford it, can you please stop making trouble? We are very busy every day. I don't see anyone here. Are there so many real bosses looking at cars? They are our Gods! As for you, are you embarrassed and exposed now that you have turned around and left? If you want me to say, leave as soon as possible, it will save you a while to swipe your card. The money is even more embarrassing!" While stepping on Wang Bin, he also promoted the status of other customers, making them feel that they were superiors and respected, but the surrounding customers not only did not feel because of the image of the two managers as snobs It's disgusting, but it makes me feel physically and mentally happy. Who doesn't like other people's praise? Who doesn’t like to be flattered by others? There are even some customers who originally planned to borrow money to buy a car, but now they have started to borrow money to buy the car in full. After all, who wants to be looked down upon and looked down upon at this time? Wang Bin's experience has been seen by them!

It can be seen that the manager's words are very skillful. It is obviously not the first time. It has almost become an alternative marketing method!

"Okay! You're awesome! Just wait!" Wang Bin secretly made up his mind that when he got rich, he would buy this 4S store and fire the two managers!

The life of the poor is difficult, and contempt and disdain are everywhere in their lives, but the poor have nothing to do about it.

"What's going on? I seem to hear a quarrel outside. Is someone quarreling?" At this time, a middle-aged man with a big belly walked in, holding a briefcase in his hand, and a big sign on his wrist. I couldn’t buy a gold watch without having hundreds of thousands!

"Boss, you're here. You may have heard something wrong!" At this time, the manager hurriedly came up to greet me!

When Wang Bin heard that he was the boss, he would kill himself if he did any unjust deeds. This time, the two managers finally came into contact with each other!

"Are you the boss? It's really unlucky!" Later, when faced with the boss's inquiry, Wang Bin didn't say much. Instead, he went out and walked into the Land Rover 4S store next door. Wang Bin picked up a Land Rover worth over 1 million yuan. The main reason is that the interior space is large and the horsepower is sufficient. It is just a means of transportation. There is no need to buy a very good car. Now is the time when money is most needed and cannot be wasted. But it cannot be too shabby. After all, there are still a lot of snobbery in many places.

Later, Wang Bin drove the Land Rover to the entrance of the Audi 4S store. The owner of the Audi 4S store had not left yet and was having a meeting with his employees.

"No wonder your car sales have not been increasing. Just because these two contemptuous owners work here, the sales volume can be


It’s weird when you go up there! "Wang Bin said nonsense in a serious manner. How does he know the sales volume of this 4S store? But as a boss, more is definitely better. No matter how high the sales volume is, it will be too little. Who would think too much money!

Wang Bin's words successfully attracted the boss's attention.

"Brother, what do you mean by this? You might as well make it clear. When you went out just now, I asked you if you didn't say a word and now you're back. Is there something wrong?" the boss asked.

The two managers, who had just breathed a sigh of relief when they saw Wang Bin leaving, now had their hearts in their throats again. Before the manager could interrupt, Wang Bin took the lead.

"Actually, it's nothing. The manager of your store has a good attitude and should get a raise! I can't afford an Audi, so I can only make do with a Land Rover. You go ahead, I'm going home!" Although Wang Bin didn't point it out, But when it comes to this, anyone with some emotional intelligence can guess what's going on, let alone the big boss!

"Manager Pang, what is going on?" the store owner asked.

"Boss, didn't this customer say that I have a good attitude, but regarding the salary increase, I will definitely perform well." The manager said in an attempt to conceal it.

"Do you think I'm stupid? He brought a Land Rover over to demonstrate as soon as he left our house. Do you think that because of his simple clothes, you look down on people who can't afford an Audi?" the boss said in a low voice.

"It's nothing, boss, how could I say that?" The manager pretended to be innocent.

"Hmph! I asked you why the store's performance has been declining day by day since you came here. It seems that the rumors I heard about you a few days ago are all true! A Biao, take him to the small dark room! Let's let him He did it!" After saying that, the boss's bodyguard picked up the manager and dragged him towards the dark room. Which company's big boss doesn't involve himself in the dark? There are still ways to do this.

In this way, after being severely beaten, the two managers with bruises and swollen faces were successfully fired by their boss. Look at me, I look at you, these two people who share the same problem, do you regret that you looked down on Wang Bin in the first place?

It was almost noon when Wang Bin returned home. He made a phone call and spent 5 million to order a nutrition warehouse from the government. The 1 million nutrient solution was enough for him to use for half a month. These things are all monopolized by the federal government, which can be described as huge profits. With the nutrient compartment, you don’t have to worry about your health. Just add nutrient solution and only eat one meal a day. Otherwise, three meals a day will be too slow, and you will suddenly suffer from physical function problems while fighting. Do you think the phenomenon of hunger is embarrassing?

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