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Chapter 175 What you drive is not a boat, but a tank

Obviously, the news that One Piece received before is reliable. The Forbidden City will pass through the sea monster area today to occupy the island mine! In front of him, the Forbidden Peak was fighting fiercely with sea monsters.

"Captain, let's wait until they are both injured before we attack!" This was originally their original plan, to wait for the opportunity, take advantage of opportunities, and gain maximum benefits with minimal battle losses!

"No! We take the initiative! Our goal is not to defeat them, but to capture their warship. If the warship is damaged because of their battle with the sea monster, then we will have to spend money to repair the ship!" After that, Wei Bin walked to the artillery console.

"Advance at full speed! Target the Forbidden Peak Fleet!" Under the leadership of Banxia Qingge, the three ships launched a charge against the Forbidden Peak Fleet.

And the Forbidden Peak saw the incoming Pirate King.

"This adventure group is really annoying. They are causing trouble again and again. Let me keep them all today! Everyone obeys the order and withdraws from the sea monster area. Notify the second fleet to attack. Be sure to keep these three ships for me. Remember "Hold on, I want a boat! Don't sink it for me!" Leng Ningchong, deputy gang leader of the Forbidden City, personally led the team.

Wei Bin took out the Blue Sea Silver Wave Ring. From the first moment he stepped onto the warship, the Poseidon skill had been activated.

Poseidon: 1. Poseidon's Wrath: Causes wave interference in the designated sea area within the attack range, lasting 5 minutes. Cooling time 1 hour.

2. Lightning storm: A lightning storm strikes the designated sea area within the attack range, causing damage with attribute attack 5. The cooldown time is 1 hour.

3. Calm seas: There will be no wave interference or lightning storms in the sea area where your fleet is located.

4. Hull strengthening: The durability of the Poseidon holder's fleet ship is increased by 30, the defense is increased by 20, and the movement speed is increased by 30. Exclusive to the King of One Hundred Weapons.

5. Advance bravely in rapids: The ship on which Poseidon is located can temporarily increase its movement speed by 100, which lasts for 10 seconds and has a cooling time of 1 hour. Exclusive to the King of One Hundred Weapons.

The first three skills are skills possessed by all holders of the Blue Sea Silver Wave Ring, but the last two skills are only possessed by Wei Bin, the King of Hundreds of Weapons.

"Brothers, use grape bullets to kill all their gunners. Focus on the brig first! If the enemy escapes, use chain bombs!" Wei Bin said loudly.

No sailor is required to steer a ship, only the captain and second officer can steer the ship. As the price of ship's artillery increases, the attack distance and basic damage will also increase. There are only three types of artillery shells: heavy shells, chain shells and grape shells.

The purpose of heavy ammunition is to destroy the hull of enemy ships. If you want to completely sink the opponent's ship, please choose this type of ammunition.

Chain bombs can effectively destroy the mast of an enemy ship, reduce or even stop the movement of the enemy ship, and cause less damage to the hull shell.

Grape bombs can effectively kill a large number of enemies and cause less damage to the hull shell and mast.

Wei Bin's purpose is to capture the warship, and heavy bombs must not be used. He must first use grape bullets to eliminate the opponent's active forces, and then use chain bombs to restrict the opponent's movements before capturing it.

Cannonballs are classified into the above categories. To put it bluntly, different cannonballs have bonuses to different aspects. For example, when using chain bombs, both the ship's durability and the damage to the player are reduced by 20, but the damage to the mast is increased by 20. Heavy shells cause an additional 20 damage to the ship's durability, but reduce the damage to the player and mast by 20. Grapeshot causes an additional 20 damage to the player, but reduces the damage to the ship and mast by 20.

When they were about to enter the shooting range of both sides, Wei Bin activated the Poseidon Aura. For a time, the durability and movement speed of the three ships were increased by 30.

"what's the situation?


Why did it suddenly become faster? Ship durability and defense are also increased! what's going on? asked a crew member.

And the same question is plaguing them all in their minds!

Banxia Qingge looked at Wei Bin, all this could only be caused by Wei Bin! Unexpectedly, Wei Bin is really secretive!

At the first moment when he entered the firing range of both sides, Wei Bin fired the first shot!

brigantine speed

Defense 5000 · Maximum number of gunfire

Durability: 500,000 Maximum number of people: 100


"Damn, that's awesome. The shot fired by the leader of the Guard just now destroyed the 8,000-horse brig on the opposite side. It's so cool, haha!" At this time, news came from the sentry tower. After everyone heard the news, they were all stunned. I'm so excited! What is the concept of eight thousand durability? In other words, after adding the 20 damage reduced by the ship, the original damage should be nearly 10,000 damage. What is the concept? In other words, Wei Bin's attack is as high as 15,000! And their attack power is only about 6,000.

And if this damage hits the opposite player, including the chain bullet bonus of 20, it should be 12,000 damage!

Of course, Wei Bin's attack at this time was only 12,000, and the other 3,000 damage was caused by his ice attack!

What they didn't know was that the cannonball fired by Wei Bin not only caused more than 10,000 external damage to the opponent's players, but also triggered the double attack of the Bihai Yintao Ring, directly crippling one of the players!

"What happened? What was it just now?" The disabled player was a little confused.

Immediately afterwards, they were greeted by a salvo of 15 artillery shells!



After one round, the opponent's ketch was directly destroyed by more than 10,000 durability, and the worst was the players, four players were directly killed! This is only the output of one of their ships, and there are two sloops behind that have not yet entered the range.

"Well, the leader of the Wei Gang is still awesome!" Without comparison, there is no harm. They can barely destroy the opponent's ship with one shot, and their durability is only about a quarter of that of Wei Bin!

"Brothers, fight back, use grape bullets, I want a warship!" said Zijin Dian, the deputy gang leader of Zijin Dian.

Wei Bin stopped moving after seeing the opponent withdrawing from the sea monster area. He was obviously going to fight back!

Wei Bin casually used Poseidon's Wrath, and saw a huge wave violently set off in the sea area within the area of ​​​​the seven ships on the Forbidden Peak. Dozens of cannonballs did not hit the Pirate King's fleet. Instead, due to the sudden attack of the waves, they fought. One's own ship was hit.

"Damn it, are you blind to the ship next to you? We are not in the same direction as the Pirate King's fleet, how did you hit us? Are you a mole when you step on the horse!??"

"Who are you talking about when you step on a horse? Did I do it on purpose? If it hadn't been for a sudden huge wave, the cannonball wouldn't have missed it!"

However, the waves did not stop, and the seven ships on the Forbidden Peak kept rocking on the waves.

"Gang leader, I don't know why there was a huge wave suddenly, our cannon

The bullet can't be aimed! "At this time, voices came one after another, making Leng Ningchong realize that something was wrong.

"Evacuate this wave area first!" Leng Ningchong directly issued an evacuation order. After all, it is not a problem to be beaten like this all the time!

"Sorry, Gang Leader, our boat can't move at all, the waves are too big!" Suddenly, Leng Ning felt an ominous feeling. How can we fight this? If you hit, you won't be able to hit the opponent, and you may also hit your own people. If you don't hit, you will only get beaten? Evacuate and you can’t evacuate!

"Inform the Second Fleet to come over quickly for support!" In desperation, we can only count on the support of the Second Fleet!

The One Piece fleet is outputting without pressure, and can kill five or six players in the Forbidden City in almost every round, and their rate of fire is 10 seconds, which means that they can kill five or six of them every 10 seconds. Player!

"What's going on? Why are our people hitting our own people on the other side? Where did such a big wave come from?" Not only the people on the Forbidden Peak were in a state of confusion, but even the Pirate King's own people were confused, but they didn't care why they appeared. In this scene, aren't they happy that there is a live target in front of them for them to practice?

In just over a minute, all the players on the brig where Leng Ningchong was located were killed and injured! The brig still had nearly 50 durability left, and they didn't wait for the support of the Second Fleet until they died!

Seeing that there was no movement from the ketch, Wei Bin began to order an attack on those sloops.

sloop speed

Defense 4000 · Maximum artillery fire

Durability 300,000 Maximum number of people

The following dhows were much easier to deal with. In just five minutes, none of these seven ships was spared, and the entire army was wiped out! The One Piece fleet suffered 0 casualties.

"Hahaha, it's great. We destroyed seven warships on the Forbidden Peak with zero casualties. It's so cool!" Each member of the One Piece adventure group relaxed their brows after being insulted by the Forbidden Peak.

"Guild Leader Wei, thanks to you this time, we were able to defeat the Forbidden City!" Banxia Qingge said.

Wei Bin was not in a hurry to capture the ships, because behind them, the support fleet from Forbidden Peak had already arrived. With five sloops, the maritime power of Forbidden Peak was evident!

"Damn it, their strength has increased so much!" At this time, Banxia Qingge also discovered the ship on the Forbidden Peak behind him. Just after he finished speaking, he suddenly realized something and smiled instantly. This was not a ship sent to him. ? Just now, the seven ships on the opposite side were beaten by me and were unable to fight back. What are these five ships used for?

"Brothers, aim at the fleet behind you and hit me hard. According to the distance, focus on the closest ones first!" Wei Bin ordered.

Without Wei Bin's order, the other two ships had already discovered the ship behind them. The first second after Wei Bin gave the order, a round of artillery shells had been fired!

The Forbidden Peak Fleet behind them did not show weakness and began to fight back.



? ? ?

"What's going on with the ship on the opposite side? Why is the defense so high?" The usually arrogant Zijin Dian was a little puzzled. When they usually bully some adventure fleets, they can kill at least a thousand durable ships on the opposite side with one shot. Ah, why is this brig's defense so high today?


How did they know that the captain Wei Bin inside was as high as level 42, and their level was only thirty-six or seven, which directly reduced the damage of the ship by 50 to 60%! And even if Wei Bin is at the same level as them, it will be difficult for them to cause much damage to the ship. After all, Wei Bin's artifact skill hull strengthening adds 30 durability, 20 defense and 30 movement speed to the entire fleet, up to 6000 defense. How many schooners can break through defenses?

Wei Bin and his party did not give them a chance to explain. They led the other two sloops and rushed towards the five sloops on the Forbidden Peak, firing cannons as they went! For a time, both sides were firing. This was a naval battle!

Wei Bin's Pirate King took the lead, and coupled with the brig's built-in hatred value, it absorbed tons of damage.

The range of artillery fire from both sides is 0.5 nautical miles, which is about 900 meters, and the speed of the brig is 11 nautical miles. The One Piece fleet also has a movement speed bonus of 30, which means it only takes more than three minutes. , Wei Bin's One Piece rushed to the enemy, and the One Piece's durability was not even half lost, but many players on the ship died, leaving only 20. Players are not affected by the bonus of Wei Bin's artifact, only Can rely on its own attributes to resist.

The two sides were about to collide. Wei Bin made a fierce operation and almost rounded the steering wheel, so that the hull of the ship and the other's hull were perfectly merged without any strong collision. .

"Board the ship! Deck battle!" Wei Bin ordered!

"But, we don't have skills. Naval battles are for the leader of the Wei Gang who has no skills!" Banxia Qingge said loudly. They had just come to the sea to develop. When had they ever experienced such a deck battle? This is too domineering!

"That's because you can't use skills on your own ship, but you can use skills during deck battles!" Land battles are what Wei Bin is good at. After all, naval battles weaken personal combat power too much!

By moving flowers and attacking the sky, Wei Bin turned on the massacre mode. Because Wei Bin's defense was very high, Wei Bin did not suffer any damage during the bombardment, and he almost carried out the deck battle at full status.

On the other hand, on the side of the Forbidden City, due to the relatively low skill requirements at sea, the headquarters did not allocate many skill books and other resources to the maritime branch, so the battle was naturally one-sided!

Not long after, all five dhows were wiped out, with less than 50% damage to the hull, which was still intact!

"Isn't this too exaggerated? Three warships destroyed 12 warships? I can brag about it for a year!" The morale of the Pirate King's fleet is unprecedentedly high. Where have they ever fought such a battle? In their eyes, they often do things like seizing chestnuts from the fire and sneaking attacks while others are in danger, but this is the first time in their lives that the battle is as exciting as today. Even now, even a fool can guess that it is all thanks to Wei Bin. Although they don't know where the wave skills, acceleration, and defense durability skills come from!

"Guild Leader Wei, this battle was too enjoyable, wasn't it? Why don't you, Nirvana, also send people over to develop the navy together? The resources at sea are no less than those on land, and the competition is even smaller!" Banxia Qingge swept away the initial sluggishness. Frowning, I admire Wei Bin even more! However, in the final analysis, the resources at sea are incomparable to those on land. It’s just that their level is still low and all land resources have not been developed!

"Captain Banxia, ​​if you ask me, you should join Nirvana. You can stay and continue to develop maritime resources, and you can also get strong support from Nirvana. Why not?" Wei Bin turned away and asked him to transfer the main force. It is impossible to develop a navy!

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