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Chapter 177 Are you better at land combat than me?

"She is right. If there is another swarm of evil sharks, we will really not be able to bear it. But next time, I will deal with the swarm of evil sharks. You focus your firepower to kill King Shark!" Wei Bin knew that King Shark would only summon 3 The evil shark swarm is just irregular in time. What he hopes is that the Shark King can summon the evil shark swarm later.

With the volleys fired one after another, King Shark's blood volume steadily dropped until there were 39 seconds left.

After a cry, another group of vicious sharks emerged from the water.

"Don't panic, everyone, gather the Fire Shark King and leave the Evil Shark to me!" Wei Bin was more anxious than anyone else at this moment, staring closely at the Shark King's health bar and firing in a salvo, 600,000 HP.

There was another salvo, and at the same time one of our own sloops was sunk, and all the players were killed along with it.

Next, with each salvo, one of our own warships was sunk, hurting each other in this way.

"Guild Leader Wei, this is not a problem! We can't fight them like this!" Banxia Qingge was a little anxious, after all, this is his ship!

But Wei Bin didn't answer his question. What he responded to was a lightning storm. That's what Wei Bin was waiting for! Wei Bin used lightning storm, not

Suddenly, the sky was covered with dark clouds, lightning and thunder, covering the entire nearby sea area. Then, lightnings continued to fall from the sky, severely hitting the evil sharks and king sharks in this sea area. Only two waves of lightning All the evil sharks were killed, and the Pirate King's fleet survived because of the calming skills of Wei Bin's artifact!

King Shark was not so lucky. Lightning bolts as thick as his fingers kept hitting King Shark. King Shark was killed on the spot. At the same time, the lightning storm began to fade away. Time was running out and not missing. , just as Wei Bin calculated, releasing the lightning storm when King Shark has 12 HP left can kill King Shark without overflowing the damage. And if it is released too early, it will not be enough to kill the Shark King. The Shark King will become violent when there is 10 health remaining, and then the group will be truly destroyed! Therefore, Wei Bin hopes that the evil sharks will be released as late as possible, and try to kill them and the shark king at the same time! In this way, King Shark had no time to become violent and died on the spot!

You gain 10 million experience points.

Everyone was still in shock and had not recovered. Is this lightning storm also Wei Bin's skill? Isn't this too scary? If there had been such a wave during the battle with the Forbidden Peak before, no matter how many fleets there were, they wouldn't be enough to kill them!

"Guild Leader Wei, may I ask a question?" Banxia Qingge asked.

"Do you want to ask me about my skills?"

"Yes, Leader Wei, your skills are simply made for naval battles. If we can have a few more skills like this, dominating the mysterious sea will no longer be a dream!" Banxia Qingge confessed that she just wanted such skills. .

Then, Wei Bin shared the attributes of the artifact with Banxia Qingge.

"This is..." For a moment, Banxia Qingge was shocked and did not dare to say anything. He knew that only a few people knew that this weapon was in his hands. This was a guarantee for his safety. If everyone knew about it, The peerless artifact that has just been born is in his hands, which will inevitably cause a wave of worldwide competition, and it will not be an exaggeration to trigger a world war!

If a person shares his artifact with others, he must be a fool, but if he only shows it to a few people, then he is definitely not interested in this.


People are very trusting. Obviously, Wei Bin and Banxia are the latter. Banxia was very moved by this, after all, they had just met!

"Without further ado, let's go to the island first. We'll discuss this later!" Ban Xia Qingge knew that this matter wouldn't be settled in a short time. For now, it's better to occupy the island mine first. The sea is not like the land. That's safe.

After King Shark dies, it will drop directly to the captain of the flagship. If this person dies, it will drop to other captains.

Sage Jade 1

Barque 1

Three masted warship 1

New Mang Talisman 1

Level 40 6-star all-sect set 1

Treasure map of the sea 1

"These things have dropped in total, so let's divide them equally. Among them, the Sage Jade is my mission item. I want the three-masted warship and the new mang talisman. The three-masted sailing ship and these 9 sets of sect suits, the sea hidden The treasure map belongs to you, how about it?" Wei Bin's allocation can be said to be very caring for One Piece. A three-masted warship is worth 2,500 gold, a new mang talisman is worth 500 gold, a total value of 3,000 gold, and a three-masted sailing ship is worth 2,000 gold, and 9 sect suits More than a hundred gold, the treasure map at sea should cost at least five thousand gold, because as long as the treasure is successfully unearthed, it will definitely be worth more than five thousand gold, but it is more dangerous.

"I'm afraid there's something wrong with this. This Shark King was originally your mission monster, and if it hadn't been for the lightning storm you used at the end, I'm afraid we would have all fallen here. You are the main output of this battle. I can do other things. Yes, but this treasure map on the sea is too valuable, we absolutely cannot have it!" Banxia Qingge declined.

"Yes, Leader Wei, just listen to our leader. This three-masted sailing ship is worth 2,000 gold!" Master Yuding also stepped forward to persuade her. At this time, she had already changed her previous idea of ​​questioning Wei Bin and replaced it. What is admiration and admiration!

"I'm not in a hurry to develop maritime power, and in the battle just now, you sunk 9 sloops. Furthermore, this maritime treasure map should be limited to the mysterious sea area. I will leave after completing the task. What's the use of holding it? It's better for you to stay and develop your own maritime power. I don't want my allies to be cowardly and easy to bully!" In the end, Wei Bin's distribution was divided!

"Follow my route to the island!" Wei Bin turned around and drove out of the sea monster area along the trajectory he came from.

"Guild Leader Wei, are you lost? We are going back, not to the central island!" Master Yuding was confused.

"The deeper you go into the sea monster area, the stronger the sea monsters become. With the current strength of our fleet, it is impossible to pass through the sea monster area. If we want to pass through the sea monster area, we must be at least level 50 or 60 before we can pass smoothly. Otherwise, Do you think that the huge resources of the central island can be mined by our current level and fleet? At most, we can only mine the resources on the periphery of the central island! I know a channel, right in the center of the storm area, like It's like there is no wind in the center of a tornado. Although this channel needs to be detoured a little further, it is safe. At least it is the best choice until we are strong enough to pass through the sea monster area!" Wei Bin explained without reservation , he doesn’t have enough money to develop in Uncharted Sea yet, so he might as well give a favor to Banxia

Qing Ge, based on his understanding of Pinellia ternata, should be a person who knows how to repay kindness.

"How do you know so much? Haven't you been to the Mysterious Sea a few times?" Master Yuding was curious. Knowing that Wei Bin's various deeds were all on land, it means that he must have not been to the Mysterious Sea a few times. .

"It is indeed my first time here, but our Nirvana land reclamation teams are all over the country, so why bother with a small mysterious sea area?" Wei Bin prevaricates. In fact, he is the only one in the land reclamation team. Any land reclamation team is built on On the basis of strength, if you don’t have strength, why would you want to open up a new land? The losses caused by group destruction are far higher than the gains! With Nirvana's current strength, he is just hanging around in White Rock City. He has no ability to go out of the city to explore the resources outside. However, this reminds him that some people have begun to pay attention to the maritime resources. It is time to use his foresight to develop them. Maritime resources!

"Oh, so that's it!" Master Yuding said cutely.

"Have someone draw a navigation chart. You must strictly follow our coordinates. You may almost be caught in the storm!" Wei Bin said, sending Buddha to the west. He was also counting on obtaining resources from the Pirate King in the future!

Xixia Kingdom is different from other countries. As long as you spend a hundred gold to teleport here, you can directly set the resurrection point at any resurrection stone in Xixia Kingdom, and you can change the resurrection stone at any time. There is a resurrection stone at the port where they go to sea.

An hour later, the Pirate King's fleet first returned to the city to replenish the crew, and then successfully arrived at the port of the central island.

"Okay, let's land! Be careful, follow my route and don't provoke too many wild monsters!" Wei Bin chose a route with lower-level wild monsters and took the lead in clearing the way.

"I remember there weren't so many monsters when we landed on the island last time. What's going on?" Master Yuding asked curiously.

"Normally speaking, if a treasure mine is in an undiscovered state, there will not be many wild monsters around it, but once it is discovered, the number of wild monsters and sea monsters will gradually increase until it reaches the current level, so We must send people to escort us when we transport resources in the future!" Wei Bin told the truth, after all, such rich resources as the treasure mine cannot be easily obtained by players.

There were monsters of about forty levels along the way, until they arrived not far from the treasure mine, where a treasure-protecting beast was wandering nearby, guarding the treasure mine.

"For a while, Shaolin and I will take the responsibility. I will be the master, and the Shaolin player will be the assistant. When my blood volume is running out, Shaolin will take turns to roar like a lion. Be sure to control the time interval and don't let Shaolin suffer too much damage. The damage must be evenly distributed, and we try to avoid casualties as much as possible!" This treasure-protecting beast is very different from the treasure-protecting beast in the treasure cave. The stripes on its body are black and white. At first glance, it is not the type to be trifled with. Although Wei Bin has never fought with it, But we can also make a rough guess!

"Guild Leader, let me tell you, you have put in a lot of effort at sea. We are indeed not as powerful as Guild Leader at sea, but our strength on land, especially the ability to defeat bosses, our One Piece adventure group has really not been afraid of. Who! Let me and Ruo carry it this time. Don’t think she is a female Shaolin. She is stronger than me!" The person who spoke was a Shaolin. As soon as he said these words, Wei Bin was ashamed. You are adventurous at sea. The regiment actually said that the sea power is not as good as mine, but the land power is stronger than mine? Did you get the wrong script? \u003c



"If" this female Shaolin is one of the main members of the One Piece adventure group. She is basically present every time she opens up wasteland. Although she is usually sweet and coquettish, she is not ambiguous at all when fighting, which is better than ordinary people. All Shaolin men are fierce!

"Yes, Chief Wei, just give it your full power for a while. You don't have to worry about losing hatred at all!" Banxia Qingge also advised. They said this out of good intentions. After all, they really didn't help much along the way. , and although they discovered this treasure mine, judging from the fact that Wei Bin was familiar with the road and even planned the route, Wei Bin could only have discovered it earlier than they did! As allies, they can't just sit back and eat ready-made food! Is the One Piece Adventure Group shameless?

"In that case, okay!" Wei Bin seemed to have guessed what they were thinking. If he said a few more words, he would inevitably be misunderstood as looking down on them!

Protective beast

Level 40

HP 5 million

"Fat man, attack the monster first, if you are ready to respond!" Banxia Qingge ordered.

As soon as he finished speaking, Fatty Shaolin stepped forward and firmly held back the hatred with a Tiao Hu Li Shan.

"Don't... don't try to lure the tiger away from the mountain!" Wei Bin said it was too late.

When the fat man heard this, he was still wondering, how did you know that I had learned the advanced monster-pulling skill of Tiaohu Lishan? At this moment, the treasure-protecting beast came forward with a claw.


"Damn it, more than half of the blood is gone!" The fat man was so frightened that he quickly activated the muscle-strengthening function and restored 10 blood points in an emergency.

Then there was another claw, and the fat man was left with blood, which would be drained if he touched it again. At this time, a bright light finally lit up from his side. Several rays of light went on, and his blood volume was barely restored. He got half of it, but it was only half of his health, and it still didn't help, because the treasure-protecting beast could hit him with more than half of his health with one claw!

"Control, control, throw your control skills at me!" Banxia commanded.

Seeing that the treasure-protecting beast was about to drop its claws again, Fatty was ready to make a glorious sacrifice.

"No, it's out of control. Fatty, run! We can't control it!" came a voice, but even if Fatty wanted to run, it was too late.

The moment the treasure-protecting beast's claws hit the fat man, a silvery-white light shot into the body of the treasure-protecting beast, freezing the treasure-protecting beast's claws next to the fat man.

Everyone followed the silvery white light and saw that it was Wei Bin's Surabaya Siege, ignoring the first-level skill that exempted him from control.

"Quickly and vigorously output, Shaolin will take turns roaring for a while, and run away after roaring. Don't resist the second attack, and don't use Tiaohu Lishan again. This is suicide!" The mechanism of Tiaohulishan is the same as that of the lion's roar. It is attached to the target within a few seconds. Infinite hatred, but Tiaohu Lishan is an advanced version of Lion's Roar. Lion's Roar is just the most basic monster-pulling skill given by the system when you first join the sect. The rarity of Tiaohulishan is much rarer than Lion's Roar! This directly determines that the priority of the Tiger Leaving the Mountain is higher than that of the Lion's Roar. If a uses the Lion's Roar first, and b uses the Tiger Leaving the Mountain later, then the monster will attack b. If b uses the Tiger Leaving the Mountain first, and a uses the Lion's Roar later, The monster still attacks B. This is the result of adjusting the priority of Hu Li Shan!

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