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Chapter 220 My intestines are so green

The next day, the Baishi City branch of the Buluo Dynasty was disbanded, and its remaining personnel joined the command of the second elder of the He family. The He family initially organized 100,000 people to station in Tianlong, of which 50,000 were led by He Wushuang and 40,000 Led by the second elder, the second elder now leads the 50,000 people after the merger, preparing to fight against the maritime country of Xixia. The second elder made an oath in front of the clan leader to make Nirvana's blood debt repay with blood!

At the same time, Ten Years and Jianyu Jiuzhou formulated a gang alliance in an attempt to confront Nirvana, which had just established five sub-gangs!

"What, we actually joined forces with Ten Years? What does the gang leader think?" The person who spoke was none other than Jian Chi, the leader of Jian Yu Jiuzhou's main force, who had quarreled with Jian Xianzi, the deputy gang leader of Ten Years, at the Resurrection Temple. .

"What? Are we going to join a gang with Jianyu Jiuzhou? Gang leader, they are just a group of savages, what qualifications do they have to join us?" This person is none other than Jian Xianzi.

The two have long had a grudge, so naturally they have opinions about each other!

"Second Elder, with you personally leading the team this time in the He family, we must be very sure of avenging the past!" The person who spoke was none other than Xia Yang. Back then, Wei Bin and Luo Wuji cheated him of two billion. This is not common. Damn it!

"Don't worry, Gang Leader Xia, I will repay you for today's kindness tomorrow!" said the second elder.

Xia Yang contacted the second elder as soon as he learned that the Buluo Dynasty was defeated. With his help, the second elder rescued their people from the Resurrection Temple with the help of Tianshan's ambush from all sides. Among the people left behind by Nirvana at that time There was no high-level person who could see through it, and the Tianshan he sent were all high-level people, so it was difficult to see through it, so he was taken advantage of!

"Look, everyone, it's him, this idiot. He actually thought that Nirvana was going to lose during the defense battle of Nirvana City, so he quickly withdrew the gang. What happened? Nirvana won, hahaha, I laughed to death!"

"Yes, that's him. I was quite envious of him the last time I cleared a dungeon with him. Now it seems really funny, haha. Everyone, come and laugh at him!"

"Haha, for such a snobbish person, Nirvana's welfare benefits are so good, he can't share in the hardships. When I go back, I must tell the gang leader that these people who withdraw from Nirvana must not be accepted. Sooner or later, they will be a disaster!"

Hearing the sarcasm from these people, this player who had previously quit Nirvana wanted to find a mouse hole to crawl into immediately. He would rather be sarcastically called a hole than be called a snobbery!

For a moment, those players who had withdrawn from Nirvana felt regretful. Wouldn't it be better to hold on for a few more minutes? As long as you remain in Nirvana, you will


Of course, she is still a celebrity in the circle, everyone holds her and licks her, but now? Not only is he not praised in the circle, but he is also excluded from the social circle. Who wants to be friends with such a person?

One misstep leads to eternal regret!

"Gang leader, the battle damage statistics are out. Counting the experience gang, our Nirvana has an average of four deaths per person, and a total loss of 100,000 pieces of equipment, including 800 pieces of equipment for level 3 and 10 pieces of equipment for level 5, and a total of 200,000 pieces of equipment harvested. Among them, there are 1,500 pieces of equipment for level three and 30 pieces of equipment for level five! If you don’t count the levels we lost, we can say that we made a lot of money in this battle!" Xuanyuan Ai Ai walked over.

"200 points will be awarded for each death. All three equipments will be used to build the God-Slaying Army, and all five equipments will be used to build the core group. Other equipment will be confiscated! The price will be determined according to the current market! Game Life and the land owners and collaborators who support us, every Every death will be compensated with 2 gold coins!" Wei Bin said, indeed, if the level is not taken into account, they are really making money! The total points issued according to this amount are 40 million, and the alloy coins are about 400,000 gold. A piece of equipment with a minimum of five points is worth 25,000 gold, and 30 pieces of equipment with a minimum of five points are worth 750,000 gold. These 30 pieces of equipment with a minimum of five points are already far more than what he has given to help. Points distributed from the public! Not to mention full three and ordinary equipment!

But Wei Bin couldn't be happy because he couldn't put these full three and full five equipment in the warehouse for people to redeem. He needed to build his own team! After this battle, the importance of the main force group and the core group was once again highlighted. Without the timely rescue of Soochow Empress and other members of the core group, and without the support of the ancient group tactics of the main group, the God-Slaying Army, they would not even be able to reach the teleportation array. Can't even break through!

Without them, Nirvana's battle losses would be far more than this!

And how many points are there for 200,000 pieces of ordinary equipment? Even if a piece of equipment is calculated as 100 points, it only has 20 million points, which is still a shortfall of 20 million. There are still hundreds of sets of level 40 six-star Royal Gift suits and dozens of sets of Ancient Tomb Yan Hou suits in the warehouse. Some Shenyi Stones and other items are worth nearly 10 million points! In other words, there is still a hole of 10 million points to be filled, and Wei Bin is really under a lot of pressure!

Wei Bin quickly contacted Avril and transferred the supplies from the Dusk Goldsmithing Group, including punching props, various fake medicines, Wanling Stones, etc., plus the Wanling Stones that Avril usually purchased, a total of three levels of Wanling Stones.

There are 200,000 spiritual stones and 20,000 level four spiritual stones. Wei Bin directly redeemed the six-star suits, among which the level 30 imperial suits cost 1,000 points and the level 40 suits cost 1,500 points and were put into the gang warehouse. This is nearly three million points worth of supplies.

When he was overwhelmed with worries, Wei Bin suddenly remembered the drawing he had drawn in yesterday's lottery.

Wei Bin came to the low-level forging room in Nirvana City. The forging room is a necessary place for making equipment, and it can increase the success rate by 10.

After Wei Bin learned the pattern of the glass knot, he took out the prepared materials.

Glazed Jade Level 4 10+ Cold Iron Ore 10+ Necklace Making Picture Level 4

Level 4 jade refining is not considered rare at the moment. It will be dropped when you fight monsters. Due to the scarcity of the patterns, this level of refining jade is very cheap! Cold iron ore is a level 4 ore, so this is no longer a problem! Before I went to Xixia to make money, I collected a lot of cold iron ore in order to upgrade my mining skills, not to mention his daily life staff, which was enough for him to use for a long time! As for the identification talisman, this one is probably the cheapest one, because it will be dropped from the simplest copy, which is a chess game. This is something that many people are not willing to get! As for the level 4 necklace crafting diagram, Cangshan has NC sales for sale. Wei Bin has already sent people to buy it at designated points every day. Although the number is not large at present, he has stocked up on several hundred pieces!

The first step is to copy.

Follow the outline and details of the glazed knot on the drawing and copy it onto the production drawing. The more realistic the copying, the higher the chance of success! If you want to build high-star equipment, you must first be able to build it successfully. This first step is crucial! The passing line is 60 similarity. Only when the similarity reaches 60 or above can the creation be successful! The 10 success rate of the low-level forging room is the similarity to this step!

The second step is integration.

Wei Bin placed the refined jade and ore into the building platform one by one, and closed the lid on the top of the platform. Next, there was a 100-second reading time. During the reading process, a cursor will appear every ten seconds. When the reading reaches the cursor You have to press the fusion button when positioning, similar to Audition games. When the reading bar reaches the cursor position, press the space button. The more accurately you grasp the rhythm, the higher your score! In the process of building equipment, each fusion will increase the fusion degree by up to 10. After 100 seconds, the star rating of the equipment will be determined based on the score. A fusion degree of above 90 can create 9-star equipment, and a fusion degree of above 80 can create 8-star equipment.


Star equipment, 7079 can create 7-star equipment, and so on!

The third step is the fine-tuning stage. After the second step is completed, open the platform, put the building diagram in, and then choose to build! To put it bluntly, the fine-tuning stage is the balance stage. Some people are good at copying but not good at fusion, and some people are good at fusion but not good at copying. The third step will transfer the data in the first step to the data in the second step at a ratio of up to 10, provided that the data in the first step after the transfer shall not be less than 60.

For example, a player's second step is a fusion degree of 75. The similarity of the first step is 60, plus the success rate of a low-level forging room of 10, which is a similarity of 70. Then 10 of 70, which is 7, is transferred to the second step, and the fusion The speed became 82, and the equipment that was originally seven stars became eight stars!

If the first step is still less than 60 after adding 10, then the second step will send the highest 10 data to the first step until the first step reaches 60. For example, the first step is 42 similarity, and the second step is 80 fusion. degree, then transfer 10 of 80, which is 8, to the first step. In this way, the first step plus the 10 from the forging room will be qualified, and the result will be seven-star equipment. If 10 is transferred, the similarity of 60 is still not reached. The equipment creation fails!

A simple understanding is that the first step determines whether the equipment is successfully built, the second step determines the star rating of the equipment, and the third step is to add points to the second step while ensuring that the first step can be successfully built! It can be said that this mechanism is a passing training class for rookies and a top-notch training camp for masters!

For the vast majority of players, it is pretty good if both steps can reach 50. Don’t expect the first step to add points to the second step, and you can get high results without delaying! With experience, as long as you destroy a few more pieces of equipment, you can always improve your level, but everyone has a limit. Take Wei Bin for example. In his previous life, he only built a few eight-star equipment, and he could build 8 The number of people with star equipment is only two hands. It is difficult to create 8-star equipment, but it is still no problem to let him create six- or seven-star equipment! The higher the star rating, the harder it is to improve!

Wei Bin started the first step of copying. He first analyzed the outline of the glazed knot and decided where to start. After the pen landed, he started timing. He drew the outline of the glazed knot steadily. Since the time limit was only one minute, he had to Without grasping the rhythm, he had to ensure that he finished the painting within the time limit and also ensured the similarity. Finally, after one minute, Wei Bin completed the first step.

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