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Chapter 224 A bicycle turns into a motorcycle

Sputtered 38800, 38800...sputtered a bunch of people

Ji Bing Ning killed 69600, 69600... Twelve numbers floated up, and a large open space was cleared instantly. After the super bloodthirsty, in order to avoid being focused on the fire, Wei Bin retreated a few steps and then changed places! He needs to take a shot and change his position. His output is so eye-catching that he can easily be targeted by the opponent's Big Emei!

It is estimated that Wei Bin is the only one in the audience who can play back and forth with the opponent!

Soon, another neighbor of Emei, the Mingjiao, rushed over. After all, Emei's attack was low, and everyone wanted to squeeze it. Moreover, the Mingjiao's attack was high, so they weren't too worried about Emei's increased health! But soon, the Ming Cult was pushed back, and the number of people was different! The number of Mingjiao in Baishi City is estimated to be about half of that in Emei. How can they possibly defeat them? Huashan Sword Discussing is not a fair one-on-one competition, but a competition between entire sects. Some sects have an advantage by having a high explosive rate, but having more people in Emei is also an advantage!

Similarly, Tianshan's other neighbor, the Xiaoyao Sect, quickly pushed Tianshan back after the Tianshan Sect's first wave of sneak attacks were successful. Xiaoyao is one of Tianshan's natural enemies. Isn't it just fun to just set up two formations to attack Tianshan? Not to mention that Xiaoyao's Luoshen Tu can add a burn effect, and Tianshan can't even run away even if he wants to! And once Tianshan appears, what comes is the trick of traveling in Xishan. Most people’s travel in Xishan is a pointer with a 100 chance of magnification. Basically, if you hit it, you will die!

Why didn't Wei Bin attack Xiaoyao? Isn’t that uncomfortable?

However, although Xiaoyao had all the advantages, he still did not block the entrance to the Tianshan camp and kill him, because it was impossible! The entrance to the camp is large enough for thousands of players to enter and exit at the same time, so how could it be blocked? After Tianshan dies, he can support the door. What about Xiaoyao? It takes about ten minutes to run!

In other battlefields, the major external martial arts sects are basically suppressed and beaten. There is no way, who can let others have the strength? Often when the two sides have just come into contact and launch the first wave of charge, the external martial arts sect has not yet rushed to the internal martial arts sect. A large number of them have already died! The follow-up troops had just rushed forward and were controlled again. Although they were not dead, they blocked the way of the brothers behind them! What about the inner strength sect? Even if the front row is controlled, they can still output remotely. This advantage is simply too great!

A one-sided advantage began to form, and the central battlefield began to become lively!

At ten minutes, the points of each sect in Baishi City are:

Wu-Tang Clan 100,000

Xiaoyao Pai 80,000

Emei Sect 80,000

Tianlong Sect 70,000

Xingxiu Sect 70,000

Tianshan Sect 60,000

Mingjiao 40,000

Shaolin Sect 40,000

Beggar Gang 40,000

Tangmen 10,000

"What the hell, what's going on? Why is Wudang number one? Why is Tianshan so far behind? Tianshan can become invisible, so he should be able to kill a lot of people, right?" For a moment, everyone who had suppressed Tianshan was stunned. No wonder. It was their first time to participate. Who could have imagined what the scene would be like? They only knew that Tianshan had a high explosive power and that they could fight and escape, but they never thought that instead of escaping, it would be faster to die and directly return to the starting point to resurrect! Therefore, invisibility, without the blessing of Emei, is useless except for the first wave of sneak attacks!

"What the hell? Are motorcycles turning into cars? Yesterday I just followed the leader of the Wei gang and turned his bicycle into a motorcycle. I didn't expect it to change again today! Xiaoyao faction, go to hell!" This player originally only had 10 gold in his hand yesterday. , the result was that after betting on the Nirvana team, it suddenly became 40 gold. If Wudang today


If you win, won't you get 80 gold?

Everyone who defeated Wudang, especially Tianshan and Xiaoyao's other neighbor Shaolin, began to target Xiaoyao. They bet on Wudang to win. You Xiaoyao are in second place, and you are chasing people behind. I can't even sleep well!

Similarly, anyone who bets on Xiaoyao and wins starts heading towards Wudang! Emei's head count is still close to that of Wudang, so its supporters won't seek personal revenge!

In the Wudang Clan's large force in the Baishi City Division, there are two existences with a maximum of five - Lin Qianhong and Die Wu. Wei Weibin gave the equipment in the trophies to Die Wu and the Lion King and also equipped them with a set of five. They basically ordered who they were. Death, the killing speed is not inferior to that of Wei Bin. Wei Bin still needs to run to the opponent to kill. They can attack many people with just two steps! And long-range combat is different from melee combat. There are so many people, and there are so many ballistics that it is impossible to know who killed the person. You can fish in troubled waters without being targeted. Wei Bin is different. Every time he kills someone, he is by his side. He immediately kills someone. He was targeted!

Wudang's aura growth is 5, Xiaoyao's is 4, and Emei's is 2. Wudang's high attack must be the fastest to kill people. Although Xiaoyao has amplification, the cooldown time has been extended to 50 seconds. Unlike Wudang, the skill cooldown is not that long.

Central battlefield.

The major internal martial arts sects gathered together and launched a chaotic meat grinder-like battle. Countless projectiles were launched at the same time, like missiles, directly blasting a group of players on the other side into slag, and the players behind them hurriedly The position has been filled!

Just like this, one after another, one after another, no one can do anything to anyone, because there are too many people, which sect does not have millions of players grinding meat here? There is no way to kill them all!

This is the reason why Wei Bin dare not come. This is the world of internal martial arts. As long as Wei Bin dares to show up, he will definitely only live for eight seconds! Because his orange hidden weapon skills are unyielding!

At 50 minutes, Wei Bin has died three times. At this time, the rankings of various martial arts are:

Wu-Tang Clan 800,000

Xiaoyao Pai 750,000

Emei Sect 700,000

Tianlong Sect 520,000

Xingxiu Sect 500,000

Tianshan Sect 480,000

Mingjiao 400,000

Shaolin Sect 380,000

Beggar Gang 360,000

Tangmen 90,000

"These damn Xiaoyao!" In the battlefield, he could only speak through the sect channel and nearby channels. Wei Bin couldn't do anything to kill Xiaoyao in the gang less! He was very conscious about cutting wires with a kitchen knife and hung up the phone early. Anyway, he was already the number one Xiaoyao sect in his battlefield, and he also won by betting on Wudang!

In the end, for the sake of conservatism, Wei Bin stayed away from the Emei front and joined the battle on the Xiaoyao faction. He had to suppress Xiaoyao!

With the arrival of Wei Bin, the battle line between Tianshan and Xiaoyao gradually gained some momentum. At this time, there were still a few minutes before the end of the Huashan sword debate. Wei Bin rushed into the crowd desperately! At this moment he no longer needs heads! Because he was already too far ahead of the second-place Tianshan, he rushed in to resist damage. Of course, he didn't want to give his teammates space, he just wanted to save himself from killing a few teammates.

Let Xiaoyao take a few fewer heads!

Seeing Wei Bin rushing into the crowd, the Xiaoyaos couldn't help but kill him! But with Wei Bin's high defense, resistance, and dodge, he managed to hold on for more than a minute before he was beaten to death!

Wei Bin, who was resurrected after death, summoned an 80 mount and rushed over again, using the same routine again, rushing inward to absorb the damage. After being resurrected after death, he rushed towards the Xiaoyao Sect again, and finally headed towards the Xiaoyao Sect for the third time. On the way, the first Huashan Sword Competition came to a successful conclusion!

Wu-Tang Clan 1.1 million

Xiaoyao Pai 1.01 million

Emei Sect 920,000

Tianlong Sect 700,000

Xingxiu Sect 680,000

Tianshan Sect 660,000

Mingjiao 580,000

Shaolin Sect 530,000

Beggar Gang  520,000

Tangmen 110,000

The Wu-Tang Clan deservedly came out on top!

"Uuuuuuuuuah, my money!"

"Hahaha, hee swish, hee swish, hee swish! Oh oh! Hee swish hee swish..."

Some people are happy and some are worried, especially those who listened to Wei Bin's persuasion to bet on Wudang and invested all their wealth in Wudang!

Heed the advice and eat enough! The ancients never deceived me!

System: Congratulations to the Wudang Clan for winning first place in the first Huashan Sword Discussion. Within the next month, players from this sect will receive double the sect’s contribution rewards when completing their sect tasks!

System: Congratulations on winning 2.14 million gold coins!

2.14 million gold coins. From now on, I will drink a bowl of soy milk when I go out, pour another bowl, and smash the bowl!

No, you have so much money and you still drink soy milk?

Wei Bin expected the Wudang Clan to win the championship. Even without his participation, the Wudang Clan would still take first place. Being the first sect in terms of internal strength growth is no joke! Wudang has high attack, many control skills, teleportation, moderate cooldown, long range, and can focus fire. In short, the combination of various factors determines that Wudang Sect will win the championship! Maybe the Wu-Tang Clan can't do small team battles, but in super large team battles like this, anemia is no longer a problem, because it's a melee, and anyone can attack anyone, and whoever has higher output will get more kills! The next few champions will belong to the Wudang sect, followed by Wudang and Xiaoyao for hegemony, and then with the popularization of the Qingxin Universal Good Mantra, the Emei sect will rise, occupying the first place for a long time, and becoming an unshakable myth! In the end, the wet nurse actually became the ultimate overlord... Looking back at Wudang, with the improvement of level and equipment, Wudang's disadvantages became more and more obvious, that is, low health and low defense. Gradually, the dominance status was seriously threatened by the Xiaoyao sect. Finally, Due to the rise of the Emei Sect, the Wudang Sect completely declined!

Wei Bin, Bingyue Hanxin, Tianjing, Cutting Wires with a Kitchen Knife, Fengyun Wuji, Bug in the Eyes of Money, Soochow Empress, and Diewu all took the first place in the sect in the Baishi City War Zone, with Xuanyuan Aai and Lin Qianhong taking the first place. Ranking second, Bing Xin third, Little Milk Rabbit and Lion King fourth, Nirvana's cutting-edge strength is clearly visible!

System: The top ten in each theater of Huashan Sword Theory can receive the following rewards:

First place: Free attribute points +200, and 1 rare skill book from the sect will be randomly selected.

Second place: Free attribute points +160, randomly draw sect skill book 1.


Third place: Free attribute points +120, randomly select sect skill book 1.

Fourth place: Free attribute points +100.

Fifth and tenth places: Free attribute point rewards are reduced by 10 points.

Participation award: free attribute points +10.

Everyone participates in the prize, which means the first place gets 210 free attribute points!

Wei Bin shook the lottery wheel. This was the second time he shook the skill book. The rare skills of the sect include first-level skills, but only first-level players have a chance to draw them, so even during the first sect war, It was impossible for the first place player to draw a first-level skill, because it had not yet advanced!

The rare skills of the Tianshan sect include Yangguan Triple Layer, Replacement of Flowers and Trees, Living and Dying Together, Orchid Acupuncture Hand, Brightness and Destruction of Heaven and Earth, Ice and Frost, Flooding Waves and Blue Waves, and Siege of Surabaya.

"Stop!" Anyway, the lottery has no rules at all, so Wei Bin called a stop early!

The roaring waves! The roaring waves! Flowing waves and clear waves, say important things three times!

However, the sky still failed Wei Bin, and he crossed the huge blue waves when it was about to stop, and then crossed the siege of Surabaya. Both first-level skills had been missed, and Wei Bin subconsciously felt discouraged.

With the total death!

"Haha, we actually live and die together!" Although I didn't get two first-level skills, it is still very good to draw the life and death together. It can seal the acupoint remotely, and the start time is 3 seconds, which is the same as the Wudang Clan's Flying Immortal. , is a very rare control skill!

Wei Bin added all 210 free attribute points to his physical strength, and his blood volume reached 176548.

"I believe you have received the rewards you deserve. Next, we will proceed to the third link of our national competition, the auction! Please move to the Central Kingdom Advanced Auction House!" Under the leadership of the host, everyone They came to the auction house together, and Wei Bin rented a box at the auction house for 10 gold. The box can protect the owner's private information from being seen during the auction!

"I believe everyone is familiar with the rules of the auction. The highest bidder wins. Credit and barter are not accepted! There are a total of 10 items auctioned in this auction. The prices are from low to high. Next, we will auction our The first item is a level 40 seven-star necklace! The base price is 5 gold! Each price increase must not be less than 50 silver!"

Fengchuan Chain: Basic dodge +33, upper blood limit +2500, spiritual energy +50, physical strength +50, use level 40.

"Damn, Qixing! It's really an eye-opener!" One player exclaimed.

"This equipment is really awesome. It increases the blood limit, increases physical strength, and increases aura. It is perfect. The hardware is really cheap, but I still can't afford it!" Where have most players seen seven-star equipment? This is the first time that seven-star equipment has appeared in the public eye!

"The attributes are indeed perfect, but they are not suitable for us!" Wei Bin regretfully said that except for Feng Yun Wuji and Soochow Empress who died once and are currently at level 43, the rest of their core group are all at level 44. Tomorrow He can reach level 45. Then he can wear his self-made level 45 eight-star necklace. As for the people of the God-Slaying Army, at level 40, they will wear the Royal Gift Suit and the Ancient Tomb Yanhou Suit. The two sets of equipment can complement each other. A seven-star necklace does have a little more attributes, but it loses one set attribute. There is no difference! As for putting it in the gang warehouse, the price at the auction will be very high. Instead of putting it in by yourself, it is better to let them buy it by themselves. Anyway, the price of the points he puts is the same as the gold coins that are successfully auctioned!

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