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Chapter 231 Not enough energy

Everyone's group attacks were exhausted, and the six of them had to use single-target skills to slowly advance!


"It hurts so much when I hit someone with this monster! It must have 20,000 attacks, right?" The speaker was a Shaolin graduate who had reached the third year of his career. After training, his extraterrestrial defense was as high as 7,000, and his blood volume was as high as 50,000. It’s a Shaolin that uses all its strength!

"Not only is the attack high, but the defense is as high as 8000. If it weren't for the blessing of the moon's blessing halo, I'm afraid I wouldn't be able to break through the defense of these spies!" said a player.

This is also one of the reasons why Wei Bin chose the Blessing of the Moon. The defense of the monsters in this crusade mission is too high. They must have an attack bonus aura to assist them, such as other attack speed auras, blood recovery auras, etc. Well, it doesn't help this task at all. If you can't even break the defense, what's the use of adding more?

"Who says it's not the case! But look at the gang leader and the others. Every time the blood bar drops a little bit of blood, the gang leader and the gang's external defense is so high!"

For a time, they were full of longing for their future...

Ten minutes later, the Hundreds cleared out the hundred spies outside the outpost. Under the leadership of Wei Bin, the Hundreds came to the wall of the outpost!

"How are we going to pass the gang leader level? This is too dense, isn't it? It's no wonder they all follow you!" Die Wu saw some clues.

"Brothers, please listen carefully. This level has extremely high requirements for our cooperation and our equipment. Let me tell you how to fight! The dark sentinels inside the city gate are very different from those outside. These The sentinels are very densely distributed. If we attract monsters in the past, as long as we enter their hatred range, they will definitely come out in force. Judging from the strength of the spies outside, they must be very strong, so I have an idea, After a while, Wuji, you activated the charge skill of the artifact. We who were five or above ignored the sentries rushing out in front and rushed directly to their city gate. We blocked the city gate with our bodies. The sentries who rushed out of the city gate before Our large troops will deal with it, and then we will make way for a small gap at a time, release five to ten sentries, and then let the brothers eliminate them, dividing the group of sentries and annihilating them!" Wei Bin explained the tactics of this level. , this is a very mature tactic. In previous lives, basically every gang that attacked Dark Sentry used this routine!

When he was about to enter the Sentinel's hatred range, Wei Bin shouted: "Accelerate!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Feng Yun Wuji immediately activated the artifact skill Charge. The movement speed of everyone in the team increased by 100. At the same time, several people rode with a bonus of 80


The fast-moving mount rushed out like a cannonball! What is the concept of a movement speed bonus of 180? It's like a car passing in front of you, giving people a strong visual impact!

Soon, several people met the sentries rushing out of the city on the way. After several people were attacked, the mounts were taken back by default. At the same time, the white horse passed the gap, a reed crossed the river, eight steps chased the toad, and the sunflowers followed the sun. After various acceleration skills were activated, several people rushed towards the city gate without fear of casualties!

Finally, when their respective acceleration skills ended, several people arrived at the city gate, just in time to block the city gate!

"Clear the monsters, hurry up! Show us the results of our usual training! Cooperate well!" Feng Yun Wuji said. He usually gave guidance on the Shen Tu Army's cooperative fighting. Now facing so many high-intensity wild monsters, he couldn't help but I sweat a lot! These are more than twenty dark sentinels!

Dark Sentinel

Level 45

HP 1.5 million

I saw 15 teams each picking a sentinel to fight each other. The Bull Demon King and other players who were blocking the city gate found that there were still five sentinels missing and no one was around to kill them, so they relied on their range advantage to kill them. Pulled over, the Bull Demon King pulled one, he used a kitchen knife to cut the wire and pulled one out, Xuanyuan Aai Ai and Die Wu each pulled one out. There was a sentry who was out of the 20-meter range and no one could pull him out. They could You can't leave the city gate to pull monsters, otherwise it will be more difficult to end it once the wild monsters inside rush out!

Wei Bin had an idea and decisively opened the Yangguan Triple Layer. At this time, the knowing value was as high as 130, which was definitely a critical hit with a knife. Then he followed up with the long-range attack Hanmei Blooming. Under Zhenwu's guidance, the Hanmei Blooming attack range was as high as 21 meters, and it was hit hard after a critical hit. After setting the cooling time, he pulled back the last escaped sentry, preventing this sentry from causing chaos in the crowd!

However, although these internal skills are also very high in external defense, they pale in comparison to Wei Bin! In order to relieve the pressure on the Emei people, Wei Bin used Hanmei Blossom to pull them over one by one.


"Everyone, feel free to fight. It's just that the blood volume is a little thicker, and the offense and defense have not changed!" Wei Bin said.

"Gang Leader, how many monsters are there behind me? Medicines cannot be used here. I am running out of energy. I have just used high-level blood stains once."

Got it! " said an Emei player.

During the crusade mission, medicines for restoring blood and Qi cannot be used, and even the baby's food rations cannot be used. This means that blood recovery depends entirely on Emei, and Qi recovery can only rely on blood stains. However, except for Emei, others rarely give blood stains to babies. Skills, so you can only rely on yourself to control the amount of energy during the process of defeating monsters.

"In Emei, you should use the Qi Chong Qi and the Qing Xin Universal Good Mantra. Everyone stands together and illuminates the group with Buddha's light to increase blood. The thugs also use their own skills to control the remaining amount of Qi and try not to let the damage overflow!" Wei Bin said helplessly! .

In fact, in the previous life, the glorious halo was the standard halo for every gang crusade mission. You must know that in Tianlong, players will not automatically recover their blood and vitality, but the brilliant halo can regain their vitality, so that everyone can be unscrupulous. Use skills. The same is true for the evil halo. A level one evil halo can restore a thousand blood points per second. How impressive is this in the early stage? We don’t even need Emei anymore!

The reason why Wei Bin did not choose the brilliant halo and the evil halo is because the final reward of the crusade mission is not static. The reward in the mission description is only the basic reward. The final reward is the basic reward + additional rewards. The additional rewards are based on the actual completion time. It depends on the length, the shorter the time spent, the higher the reward! For example, if you complete the task in 59 minutes and 59 seconds, you can only get the basic reward described in the task description. If you complete the task in only half the time, the final reward is 1.5 times the basic reward. If you complete the task in 45 minutes, you will get 1. 25 times the base reward!

So in order to get more rewards, Wei Bin did not choose the two god-level assistants of brilliant halo and evil halo, but chose two output halos! The output of Moon Blessing is much higher than the output of a few more skills brought by Brilliant Halo!

Advanced blood stains can sacrifice 50 of the baby's current blood volume and convert the full amount into the owner's energy. This skill works very well the first time, but it starts to be halved the second time, and is halved again the third time. If you don't feed the baby As for rations, they won’t be effective after just a few uses! Therefore, during the expedition mission, Emei must use the skill of Buddha's Light to increase the blood of this group. Although the amount of blood added to the individual is not as good as the Chongxu Nourishing Qi and Qingxin Universal Mantra, it can restore the blood of 12 allies at the same time, and the total treatment amount is far. It is higher than the two, and it can also add blood to the baby, and then reuse the advanced blood stains to achieve the purpose of perpetual motion!

With Wei Bin and Feng Yun Wuji, the two kings of a hundred soldiers, from time to time


After splitting, all the enemies within five meters lost their health, and they received critical hits from time to time. Fifteen minutes later, all the sentries were finally cleared. This speed was already very efficient. If it weren't for these dozen With five or more players blocking the road at the city gate, the group has been wiped out long ago! They are conducting a cross-level crusade. Who among the gangs at this stage would dare to take on the crusade mission of Two Stars? At least you have to conquer a few one-star missions first to sum up your experience before you dare!

"Ahead is the final boss of this mission! Everyone, work hard, we will succeed soon!" Wei Bin encouraged.

"But leader, I have no energy here, so I can only use normal attacks!" said a player.

"I'm not angry anymore, Gang Leader!"

Except for those with blood stains, most people have run out of energy! After clearing these two waves of monsters, no one died, which is already a very impressive record!

"I'm still angry here!"

"I have it too!"

At this time, more than a dozen players stood up. All of these people were from the Xingxiu faction. The Xingxiu faction can be full of energy at any time if they want!

Vein Retrograde: Converts 2 HP into 2 Qi. It can only be used in water escape stance. The cooldown time is 1 second.

God-level skills with almost 0 cd, and with Emei’s health boost, can be upgraded to kill monsters at 0 cost. It can be said to be the most cost-effective sect! But generally speaking, if there is no fixed team, most people don't like to use the skill of Vein Retrograde! Because you lose blood, you have to waste Emei's energy to restore your blood. To put it bluntly, it means using Emei's energy to exchange for your energy. Xingxiu's energy is definitely not as valuable as Emei's energy! How many Emeis have blood stains now? Even if blood stains become common in the future, why are you wasting Emei's milk and asking others to help you regain your breath while others are taking medicine? A lot of people are mentally unbalanced! Of course, it doesn’t matter if you team up with your own people!

Wei Bin deliberately selected these dozen constellations who had learned the retrograde movement of veins to conquer the expedition mission, because he knew that everyone would run out of energy sooner or later!

Next, each of the dozen or so players summoned a blood-stained crocodile, which restored a lot of energy. At least it was enough to defeat the last boss! With Wei Bin's financial resources, he is very concerned about building the core group. Even if he is not an Emei player, he still has a blood sacrifice for the baby to recuperate!

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