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Chapter 235 What? Is there a night light in Nirvana?

Although black iron ore, which is a level six ore, is a native product of Baishi City and costs 40 copper in a grocery store, the ore needs to be collected. Not only can redwood be collected, but it is also dropped when killing monsters. The yield difference is too big! So Wei Bin had to buy it at a high price. Of course, this price is already extremely cheap! After the luminous lantern pattern became popular, the price of black iron ore soared to 5 silver. This was still the price of Baishi City. Other kingdoms with low output could sell it for 6 or 7 silver, which was considered cheap!

The cost of each luminous lantern is about 4 silver, and Wei Bin directly sells it for 50 silver. This is definitely the highest price in the entire history of Tianlong. After the luminous lantern becomes popular, the price will remain at around 20 silver, but Wei Bin is not worried. Well, what is a monopoly? This is the only one, buy it if you like it!

Night falls.

"Holy shit, what's going on? How come the damage from killing monsters has been halved? And the field of vision has also been reduced by half!" A team was upgrading in the army fodder yard.

"Not only was the damage halved, the damage I suffered also increased by 50. Damn what the hell is going on!" The Shaolin players in the team were a little confused.

"Is it related to the new expansion pack during the day? Darkness is coming?" the team leader said.

"Let's retreat quickly. This monster will become stronger at night!" The captain suddenly realized something. ??

But it was too late. They had attracted seven or eight monsters before. Although it would be difficult to fight seven or eight monsters in normal times, as long as they cooperated properly, they could still kill them all without any danger. After all, they were just fodder. The wild monsters in the field are not as strong as the ancient tombs! But since the Dark Night expansion pack came out, it directly announced their doom. Shaolin, who resisted monsters, was the first to bear the brunt. He was beaten to death by these monsters within a few seconds. Once Shaolin died, the other team members were soon destroyed like a tree. After they were all killed, the wild monsters finally fought a comeback!

The first floor of the ancient tomb of King Yan.

"No, captain, these wild monsters have suddenly become more powerful, and their offense and defense have increased a lot!" said a Shaolin player.

"No, it's not that their offense and defense have increased, it's that they have increased damage when they hit us, and we have reduced damage when we hit them!" The person who spoke was the Blood Sea Demon Lord, the leader of the famous adventure group Xue Sha, who had just calculated Damage, if it's just pure defense that increases, then his damage shouldn't be halved, it should just be reduced, because he still has attribute damage, but in fact the damage he causes is halved, so there should be damage suppression. !

"Let's retreat!" The Blood Sea Demon Lord wisely chose to retreat, and then used the ambush from all sides to make the group invisible, and the wild monsters all lost their hatred!


"Wait a minute! Why don't they seem to be suppressing it?" The Blood Sea Demon Lord was about to turn around and leave the ancient tomb, but he saw the main force of Nirvana still in the ancient tomb, killing monsters and leveling up with relish.

The Blood Sea Demon Lord observed the health bars of both sides for a while. It seemed that the damage they suffered did not increase, and the output did not decrease, which made him a little strange.

"Let's go! Go back to the city first to see if others have encountered similar situations!" However, the invisibility time is coming, and they have to retreat. He is Tianshan and has nothing to fear, but his teammates will not become invisible! Normally, Man San could barely hang out in the ancient tomb. Now that he was suppressed, if he didn't leave, he would be destroying himself!

"Look, the team next door is gone. Now there is no one to grab monsters. You can kill them with all your heart, haha!" said a member of Nirvana's main team.

"Who says it's not? This thing that the gang leader sent us really works, haha, it's so cool!" Wei Bin's luminous lantern pattern has been put into production. As long as a team uses one luminous lantern, it will It allows the entire team to enjoy daytime treatment for one hour. Although the quantity is not enough, this is Wei Bin's intention. Use the night light as soon as the night comes to let other gang members see that Nirvana is there. This kind of thing!

Obviously, Wei Bin's goal has been initially achieved!

At the same time, 90% of all leveling teams on all major maps were wiped out, losing one level in vain. Only some people with quick reactions escaped from the battle and returned to the city in time to save their lives!

What was incompatible with everyone's hasty escape was Nirvana. Every team of the God-Slaying Army was fighting monsters without any panic, and even laughed. This scene was seen by the teams next to them. .

"What on earth is going on? Why does it become like this at night? From now on, won't everyone be allowed to upgrade at night?"

"What's going on with Nirvana? Why aren't they affected?"

"Who says it's not? Why is Nirvana so special? I have a friend whose friend is in Nirvana, but he doesn't have any equipment. He doesn't even have a full three. He is still happily fighting monsters and leveling up outside. And my friend has a full three. The top players were all killed and returned to the city!"

“What is the secret of Nirvana?”

for a while

There was a lot of discussion in the room, and every city was crowded with people. Some gang cities that were originally less popular also exceeded the upper limit. The gang leader was very happy!

"I know why! Because someone has opened the Darkness Fall expansion pack. This will happen every day from now on. At night, our vision will be reduced by 50, our damage will be reduced by 50 when we fight monsters, and our damage will be increased by 50 when monsters hit us. But there is one problem A prop called a luminous lantern can make a group of people look like they are in the daytime at night. It is sold at Tiantian Baobao Shop and the Blacksmith Shop in Nirvana City. Each person is limited to one purchase per day, and it only sells for 50 silver!" At this time, a player Standing up, he had just bought one at the Baibao Store, so he was not worried that he would not be able to grab it!

"These two stores do sell them, but Nirvana is better. We have them in the gang warehouse! If you want, just redeem them with points!" At this time, Nirvana's spies appeared in every corner of major cities.

"What are points? Why don't we have any?" ??

"What? There are luminous lanterns in Nirvana's gang warehouse? Damn it, what the hell kind of welfare is this? Brother, I have a gold here. If you can get me to join the gang, this gold will be yours!"

"I also have gold here, brother, is Nirvana still recruiting people?"

Nirvana City is recruiting new locations.

Wei Bin personally checked, because this night lantern incident will definitely prompt some famous people to join the banner of Nirvana. Wei Bin will obviously not let these people go!

"We are only recruiting a thousand people this time, so don't miss this opportunity!" Wei Bin said. These thousand positions are for people who did not participate in the city defense battle when Nirvana defended the city. Nirvana's recruitment purpose is to receive a call and must be ten Minutes are up, Nirvana is a fighting gang, if you can't fight for the gang in time, then you are not a gangster? So in every gang war, those who do not meet the standards will be kicked out of the gang.

"Hello, I am the Blood Sea Demon King, the leader of the Blood Fiend adventure group. Our adventure group wants to join Nirvana collectively. Can I do that?" After recruiting hundreds of people, it was the Blood Sea Demon Lord's turn.

"Master!!!" Wei Bin was shocked.

The Demon Lord of the Blood Sea was a legend in his previous life. No one knew how many people he had killed, not even himself. As a famous man, he was naturally indispensable for his pursuers. But what is surprising is that, Everyone who went to assassinate him did not come back alive! Do we still need to question this level of strength?



Come on, the Blood Sea Demon Lord has changed, and people have gradually reached a consensus, that is, not to talk about the Blood Sea Demon Lord, no matter good or bad, as long as he knows who has talked about him, even if it is to praise him, that person will definitely It's doomed! Therefore, the four words "Blood Sea Demon Lord" have become a taboo in everyone's mouth, and no one dares to mention it!

In the eyes of outsiders, the Blood Sea Demon Lord has turned into a lunatic and kills innocent people indiscriminately. If people say bad things about you, just kill them. If people admire you and say good things about you, you also kill them. This is too much! Isn't this a perversion?

But the people in the Blood Fiend Adventure Group know that the Blood Sea Demon Lord was not like this at first. The Blood Sea Demon Lord was initially a person who hated evil and hated evil. He rewarded good and punished evil, and would never kill innocent people indiscriminately! He is a man who loves his girlfriend very much and is also a very filial man to his parents. However, God is so unfair and has given him a tragic life. His parents cut off the relationship with him for no reason, and his girlfriend even dislikes him. Incompetent, he cheated with a rich second-generation man. The Blood Sea Demon Lord did not get depressed because of this. Under the heavy blow, the Blood Sea Demon Lord worked harder because he wanted to prove himself and he wanted to complete it through his own efforts. The transformation from a slum to a rich area, wanting his parents to see his achievements, and wanting his girlfriend to regret leaving him!

Finally one day, the incident happened and the truth came out!

Due to some problems in his parents' company, the bank no longer gave them loans, and the company was in urgent need of emergency funds. In desperation, his parents had to borrow a loan shark, but such a loan loan could be repaid within a month. Fortunately, as time went by, they couldn't afford to pay back the high interest alone. The loan sharking made their already sluggish company worse, and it was eventually difficult to repay. In order not to implicate their son, the Blood Sea Demon King's parents severed ties with him. , and committed suicide by jumping off the building! They knew that if the Blood Sea Demon Lord knew the truth, he would definitely stand up and bear the debt with them, and would not accept severing ties to escape the debt, so his parents kept the truth hidden!

As for his girlfriend Xuesha, because she grew up in a poor family, she naturally had to make do with what she had when it came to eating. In addition, her family had a history of gastric cancer, so she unfortunately got gastric cancer. In order not to delay the death of the Blood Sea Demon King, Throughout her life, in order to prevent the Blood Sea Demon Lord from being sad, Xuesha deliberately took the blame for cheating on her, and her kindness was rare in the world!

Perhaps we can only see the above scenes in TV series, but TV series also come from life, and the Blood Sea Demon Lord is the protagonist of this real-life TV series!

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