Game within game of online games

Chapter 252 The advantages and disadvantages of multiple gang cities

In his previous life, Wei Bin at this stage had just experienced the pain of seizing his wife and was at the lowest point in his life. He entered Tianlong when he was depressed. It was at this time that he met the Demon Lord of the Blood Sea, who was the blood sea demon. The Demon Lord took him in and took care of and guided him in every possible way.

You took me in when I was the most immature and helpless. In this life, I will teach you everything I have learned in my life without any reservation, in order to repay the kindness of the teachings in my previous life!

Later, Wei Bin went offline and dialed the phone number of a bank president.

"Oh, it turns out to be Mr. Wang, hello! What can I do for you?" the president asked cautiously. Wang Bin is his big customer, and Wang Bin's bank card belongs to this bank. Since Tianlong After the server was launched, whether it was selling guides or setting off fireworks, there were already hundreds of millions in this bank card. How could he not take care of it? These are all his achievements. When Wang Bin got married, he personally went there and gave him a big gift!

"President Tian, ​​my friend has a company that is facing a bit of an economic crisis now. He wants to borrow some loans, but for some reason, all the major banks no longer lend to them. Can you see if we have the same problem here? Okay." Wei Bin told the president everything.

"Mr. Wang, don't worry. I'm familiar with the loan qualifications. Even if their company really has any problems, I can still help them solve it. Then they can apply for a loan. When the time comes, they will get a loan from our bank. I will personally help you." My friend handled it! However, you have so many employees, and you have to spend more than 100 million federal coins every month. You see, the balance in your account is not much, isn't it?" the bank president hinted.

Can Wei Bin not understand what this means?

"I'll enter the game and withdraw one billion!" Wei Bin said richly. The Dusk gold betting group under Tranquility is composed of 10,000 people, distributed in various countries. Each person's monthly salary is 10,000 federal coins. Just playing The gold package is a big expense! Adding in the monthly expenses of a dozen or so members of the core group, which is 1 million, it’s still over 10,000,000!

"Okay, don't worry, just ask your friend to come to me. I promise to handle everything for you! Your friend's company can't fail even if it wants to!" The bank president accompanied him with a smile. , this is a rich man, he can withdraw one billion in cash at every turn, how much commission will he get? As for the loan, it is simply too simple for a president. There are so many people applying for loans to him every day. What situation has he not encountered before? As a professional within the system, if you even have this


If you can't handle even the smallest of things, then why should you be a bank president?

"Hey, wife, stop cooking. I'll take you out for a big dinner tonight." The president dialed his wife's phone number...

After withdrawing 100,000 gold, Wei Bin still had 500,000 gold left in his total assets.

The Dusk Fleet has only ruled the port for seven days and has already received supplies worth 140,000 gold, most of which are medicines, gems, new mang talismans and equipment. The profit margin is simply inhumane! In addition to the materials robbed by various gangs in previous naval battles, and several high-end treasure mines mined by the Twilight Fleet in the mysterious sea, Nirvana's main group currently has 2,000 people who have built the warehouses of Man San Gem, Nirvana and the major auxiliary gangs. It has been full for a long time, and the points ratio has reached 10, which is unprecedentedly low. The points ratio is the percentage of the total points held by Nirvana players to the total points worth of the gang warehouse materials. Naturally, the smaller the ratio, the safer it is. , that is to say, even if the Nirvana people use all their strength, they still can't exchange all the things in the warehouse, because there are too many things!

While other gangs have nothing to put in their warehouses, Nirvana is worried about having nowhere to put their things! This was so sad that Wei Bin had no choice but to take out a large amount of equipment, medicines and other supplies and rent a container in Baishi City to store it!

Since there are two guild cities, the guild funds and technology points of the two guild cities are combined together, which means they are universal. With the help of two third-level banks, Nirvana's daily income from gang funds through business operations has doubled, up to 60,000. The increase in technology points is far less than the gang funds, because the 50,000 people in the Maritime Kingdom have many Most of them need to go to sea and have no chance to do gang tasks. Therefore, Nirvana's daily technology points have only increased from the original 42,000 to 60,000 per day!

As the players gradually reached level 39 and came into contact with the training system, not only the Nirvana players, but also people from all other gangs began to pay attention to gang tasks. Without tribute points, you cannot reach level 40! These level 39 people basically complete 10-ring gang tasks every day. The major gangs finally ushered in the long-lost spring!

But as we all know, spring is very short and will pass quickly. After everyone reaches level 40,

It is not certain whether you will continue to do gang tasks. Some people pay attention to their own attributes, so they will do gang tasks and use tribute to improve their cultivation level. Some people pay attention to level, so naturally they will not waste their time. When it comes to doing gang tasks, it depends on the gang's policy. For example, Nirvana requires you to do 60 gang tasks every week. Some gangs don't dare to force their members to do gang tasks because the benefits are different, and the gang leader Naturally, the right to speak is different!

From half a month ago to now, Nirvana has reserved 1.01 million gang funds and 960,000 technology points. This number is definitely beyond the reach of any gang!

In the second city of the gang, all the buildings are at level 1. Because Qinglu City in Nirvana belongs to the Maritime Kingdom, the city lord’s mansion has inherited the grade of the highest level city lord’s mansion in the gang, which is the level of Nirvana City. In other words, Qinglu City is currently at level 1. In Lu City, only the city lord's palace and the bank specially upgraded by Wei Bin are level 3, and the other buildings are still level 0 buildings.

There are advantages and disadvantages to establishing a second or even third gang city. The advantage is that the number of gang members increases significantly. When there are more gang members, the fighting becomes more powerful, and the strength of the gang will naturally become stronger! And if the second gang city is built in a more attractive area, it can become a money-attracting artifact, such as Qinglu City. But the disadvantage is also obvious, that is, the level of the city lord's mansion in all guild cities must be equally high before the city lord's mansion can be upgraded. In other words, when the city lord's mansion in Qinglu City needs to be upgraded to level three like Nirvana City, the city lord's mansion must be upgraded to the same level as Nirvana City. Only the mansion is qualified to upgrade the fourth-level city lord mansion, which is equivalent to spending double the gang funds and technology points! Moreover, at this time, the Qinglu City Lord's Mansion no longer inherits the level of Nirvana City. The inheritance level is only inherited when it is first established, and then each will be promoted!

The shortcoming of double resource consumption is so fatal that most forces would rather develop only one gang city! Doubling the guild funds and technology points will greatly delay the level of your guild. You could have been promoted to level 4 a long time ago, but you were held back by other low-level guild cities!

The situation in Nirvana's Qinglu City is relatively better, because it directly inherits the level of the city lord's mansion from Nirvana City, and the upper limit of gang members is increased to 50,000. Unlike if a second gang city is established in other areas, there is only one level. The City Lord's Mansion has increased the maximum number of gang members by 5,000. Compared with the third-level City Lord's Mansion in Qinglu City, the more people there are, the faster the development will be.


! But in essence, the fact that Qinglu City delayed Nirvana's gang level has not changed!

In addition, the best time to establish a second gang city is when the main gang city has been upgraded to level 3 or above, because the level 3 gang is a qualitative change point, and the gang members will change from 10,000 in the second level gang to 50,000. In these five years With the efforts of thousands of people, the second gang can develop faster! This is why all gangs would rather establish a sub-gang or sub-gang that has nothing to do with their own gang, rather than establish a second gang city, because it will slow down the pace and hinder the pace!

Nirvana is currently facing such a dilemma. After some upgrades, Wei Bin upgraded all the buildings in Nirvana City to level 3. The remaining gang funds are 50,000 and the technology points are 640,000. If there is no Qinglu City, then as long as When the gang has enough funds, it can be upgraded to a fourth-level gang. However, because of the existence of Qinglu City, Qinglu City is still an infant. The building level is generally level 0. If you want to upgrade all the buildings in Qinglu City, It will take a month to reach level 3. What if there is no Qinglu City? Nirvana City will be able to upgrade to level four in 20 days at most! Although as the number of members increases, the speed at which the gang acquires funds and technology points also increases, the increased development speed of the second gang city is far less than the slowdown it brings to the overall level of the gang! Because it does more harm than good!

Therefore, unless it is some strategically important place or an extremely profitable place where a second gang city can be built, most people will not build a second gang city!

"Hey, I finally reached level 40. I wasted a lot of experience!" A player in Qinglu City complained.

"What's wrong, brother? Can experience be wasted?" asked a Nirvana player.

"Yeah, I didn't know before that you need to practice at level 39. Players can only upgrade to level 40 after all the training points are at level 40! But I don't have any tribute at all. I need 400 points of tribute to be enough! But even if it's every day Completing the Ten Rings Guild Mission will only give me 10 points of tribute. During the more than a month of collecting tribute, my experience points have already reached the upper limit. I can't just hang up and wait to die after completing the Ten Rings Gang mission every day. Right? Do you think my time of more than a month has been wasted? I have been banned for a month at level 39! Originally, I was the highest level in our circle, but now I am the lowest! Hey! "It can be seen that this player is very frustrated. His originally promising future has been delayed by these tributes!

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