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Chapter 255 The ultimate hidden weapon plum blossom dart

plum blossom dart


Grade perfect

Basic attack +500??

Strength +400 (original strength 400)

Aura +400 (Original Aura 400)

Physical strength +400 (original physical strength 400)

Concentration +400 (Original Concentration 400)

Kung Fu +400 (Original Kung Fu 400)

Ice: Increases ice damage by 30 to targets with HP greater than 70.

Angry Slash: The damage caused to the target whose hole is sealed is increased by 30.

Bathed in Blood: When attacking, there is a 50 chance to convert 15 of the damage caused into your own blood.

Qi and blood enhancement: the upper limit of blood is increased by 12, and the upper limit of qi is increased by 8.

powerful! This piece of equipment is definitely second only to the Chonglou Artifact at the moment. This piece of equipment is so advanced that it is not something that should appear at this level at all. This is a Plum Blossom Dart! It is a hidden weapon that only gradually appears in people's sight at level 50 or 60, let alone a plum blossom dart with perfect grade, skill type, skill level, color) that completely fits the Tianshan sect! If there is some fly in the ointment, it is the third skill, Bathing in Blood. Bathing in Blood is a late-stage skill. In order to realize the perfection of this Plum Blossom Dart, it is naturally equipped with Bathing in Blood instead of Unyielding or Self-Admiration, which are the two most popular skills at the moment. The only flaw is that Because the times are different, in the future, these four skills will definitely be the most perfect!

The Plum Blossom Dart is a hidden weapon after the Locust Stone is upgraded. Under normal circumstances, after the hidden weapon is upgraded from the Locust Stone to the Plum Blossom Dart, the skills of the hidden weapon remain unchanged, and the basic attack is increased from 100 to 500. At the same time, the all attributes of the hidden weapon are increased by 5 for each level. Points increased to 10 points, how terrifying is this increase? Take high-level hidden weapons as an example. Both are perfect-level hidden weapons. The Plum Blossom Dart gives players 200 more attributes than the Locust Stone! And the higher the level, the greater the gap. One of your concealed weapons is worth two of others' concealed weapons. This is only the difference between two 40 concealed weapons that are both perfect grades. In fact, most people do not have the money to launder concealed weapons. They brought ordinary-grade locust stones from the mission, and could only get 20 of the initial attributes of the hidden weapon, which was 40 points of full attributes, which was suddenly 360 points less than this perfect plum blossom dart! The difference is obvious after such a comparison! I'm afraid this player only has three to four hundred attributes in total! A perfect plum blossom dart completes your equipment!

Let’s talk about skills. When Wei Bin made his own hidden weapon, the locust stone, he used the skill to wash it.


The method of washing 1,000 Oblivion Stones requires 3,000 gold for each wash. You can specify the types of the first three skills, but the levels of the skills cannot be specified. They can only be random. Even so, it took more than 20,000 gold to wash out one. Orange skills, one can imagine how low the chance of the three most desired skills appearing at the same time, all orange, is very low, and how valuable this hidden weapon is!

As soon as the properties of this plum blossom dart were revealed, everyone took a breath of cold air. This hidden weapon was so good! My main land reclamation team is now blessed!

"I'll pay 20,000 gold!" Wei Bin was the first to quote the price!

"It's you again, haha, I didn't fight with you for the first three items because we have no demand for those three items. This hidden weapon will not be given to you under any circumstances! I will pay 25,000 gold!" Old rival Bing Shui After making his position clear, since he was promoted to the third level, Jian Yu Jiuzhou has developed at an unprecedented speed. Various technologies have been improved immediately. Bing Shui's heart has also begun to agitate, and a mentality of "I am invincible" has arisen!

"Just you? Haha? 30,000 gold!" Wei Bin increased the price.

"31,000 gold, you are all fools, right? This concealed weapon is indeed top-notch, but there has to be a limit, right? I think this price is the bottom line. If the price increases again, you will lose money! Please show your support!" At that time, the Assassin's Alliance got involved. The Assassin's Alliance is famous for assassinations. The demand for this top-notch hidden weapon far exceeds that of other gangs. If there is such a top-notch hidden weapon, whoever wants to assassinate can be easily picked?

Seeing the Assassin Alliance gang leader Xing Tian start bidding, Bing Shui and other major gangs consciously stopped bidding. Who doesn't know the importance of this hidden weapon to the Assassin Alliance? This is a hidden weapon specially built for Tianshan, and Tianshan, who is good at assassination, is the job of the Assassin League. At this time, if you bid with the Assassin League, aren't you clearly targeting them?

"35,000 gold!" At this time, Wei Bin quoted the price. He was in a box and was not afraid of the Assassin's League.

"36,000 gold!" Assassin League Xing Tian increased the price.

"40,000 gold! If you want, keep adding more!" Wei Bin looked like he had a lot of money. He spent more than 20,000 gold in materials just to create the Locust Stone. In terms of skills, he only had an orange Unyielding, and this one The three orange skills of Plum Blossom Dart are far more than 30,000 gold, not to mention the advanced nature of Plum Blossom Dart. It can be several times ahead of others.

Equipped with Plum Blossom Darts every month, it would have to increase by several thousand gold. Therefore, Wei Bin's limit price is 50,000 gold. No matter how expensive it is, the gain will really outweigh the loss! Even if I slowly improve my skills in the future, it may not cost me 50,000 gold!

Xing Tian couldn't help but change his expression. This was clearly aimed at himself. How could he bear this?

"41,000 gold!" Xing Tian continued to bid. After all, such a top-notch hidden weapon is too important to the Assassin's League!

"Fifty thousand gold!" Wei Bin directly persuaded him to quit at a high price!

"You!!!" At this time, Xing Tian felt the deep hatred coming from the box where Wei Bin was sitting. At the same time, he was also full of hatred for the box where Wei Bin was sitting. His gold suddenly increased by 9,000, which clearly showed his contempt for himself!

"Who is this person? Fifty thousand gold to buy a hidden weapon, right? No matter how much money you have, you can't waste it like this! Doesn't he want to fight for the items behind?"

"No one can say otherwise, but I think this man is quite smart. He actually doesn't have much money in his hand. It is precisely because he has no money and knows that he is not qualified to compete for the following items that he takes the opportunity to take pictures of the first few items. , this is indeed a smart approach!”

"Haha! I'll give it to you, but you'd better be careful when walking at night in the future!" He was angry. As the leader of a gang, Xing Tian finally calmed down. It's not worth buying a hidden weapon with 50,000 gold! At worst, it won't cost 50,000 gold to buy Wangwu Stone to wash the skills. Now the output of Wangwu Stone is much higher than before!

In this way, the Plum Blossom Dart was acquired by Wei Bin at the price of 50,000 gold!

"Next, the fifth auction item can be regarded as some compensation for those who did not grab the hidden weapon. It is the special product of Da Piaoli - Thousand Tempering Divine Jade and Ice Essence. Thousand Tempering Divine Jade has a higher There is a chance of washing out a high-grade hidden weapon, 20 gold! Bosses who have not grabbed the Plum Blossom Dart before can personally build the hidden weapon they want, which will give them a greater sense of accomplishment! Cold Jade Essence is the only prop that can punch the fourth hole in the equipment, 50 Gold, 200 of each are packaged and auctioned, I believe everyone knows their value! The starting price is 14,000 gold!" As soon as the host finished speaking, the major gangs became interested again, but Wei Bin didn't even bother to take a look!

Wei Bin has not sold Da Piao's strategy to Tianji Pavilion before, so currently there are definitely only a handful of teams that can beat Da Piao, or even none. Its characteristic product, Thousand Tempered Divine Jade, is naturally not available.


Maybe it has leaked out to the market and there is not enough for my own use. Who would sell it to others at the expense of others? Although the Thousand-Tempering Divine Jade is nearly ten times more expensive than the Hundred-Quenching Divine Jade, it is really difficult to wash out a perfect grade hidden weapon with the Hundred-Quenching Divine Jade. People's desire for the Thousand-Quenching Divine Jade is like the people in the desert longing for a piece of it. Same as Muquan! The Ice Essence is even more popular. There are many people who have a minimum minimum limit of five, but due to various reasons, they are unable to get through Da Piao and buy the Ice Essence. They clearly have the fourth hole gem, but because there is no hole punched It would be embarrassing if one’s financial resources cannot be fully utilized due to props! Although Cold Jade Essence is also dropped in Xiaopiao, it only has a poor chance of 1. There are not many teams in your gang that can clear Xiaopiao. If you are lucky, one will drop every ten days, but each person will have 11 pieces of equipment. , you need 11 Cold Jade Essences, do you have to wait until the Year of the Monkey and the Horse Month? And it’s not available outside, so why don’t they want it?

Therefore, everyone’s desire for the above two props is too deep!

But Wei Bin is different. If he wants to farm Da Piao, one of the necessary elements is to have level 5 poison resistance gems or jasper suits. He has already obtained many jasper suits. Now Nirvana has three teams that can farm Da Piao. The three teams can get 108 Cold Jade Essence and 126 Thousand Tempering Divine Jade just by farming Da Piao every day. He doesn't lack this at all!

In this way, Wei Bin gave up this link.

"As the saying goes, it is better to teach a man to fish than to teach him to fish! We will sell you the Cold Jade Essence and the Thousand Tempering Divine Jade. Sooner or later you will run out of them. I still have six sets of jasper sets here, and the set attributes are Poison resistance +180. What is the most important factor that currently prevents us from getting through Da Piao? Poison resistance! Just imagine, you have enough money to inlay fifth-level poison resistance gems, but you have no way to obtain high-level gem synthesis talismans. Without high-level gem synthesis talismans, it is impossible to embed level 5 poison resistance gems. One of the main ways to drop high-level gem synthesis talismans is Da Piao. However, if you only have level 4 poison resistance gems, you cannot get through Da Piao. If you cannot get through, you must Without the advanced gem synthesis talisman, you cannot inlay the fifth level poison resistance without the synthesis talisman. You seem to be trapped in an infinite loop! And now, your breakthrough point has come! If you wear the jasper suit, you only need to inlay a few more A level 4 poison resistance gem can meet the rigid standard of Da Piao! When the time comes to get through Da Piao, the high-level gem synthesis talisman will not come out? The essence of cold jade and the thousand-tempered divine jade will come out? Break it. The time has come for the endless cycle. Six sets of jasper suits can be used to arm a team. The starting price is 20,000 gold!" As soon as the host finished speaking, the venue once again started a frenzy of discussion!

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