Game within game of online games

Chapter 292 Isn’t Wei Bin too crazy?

If you want to completely destroy a big gang, you must start from all aspects, and ruining their reputation is one of the strategies. Once you do this kind of thing, many people with lofty ideals will stop looking at them, and it will fundamentally block them. Their way to recruit talents!

To synthesize high-level gems from low-level gems, three to five low-level gems + gem synthesis talismans are needed. If three low-level gems are used in the synthesis, the success rate is only 50%. If four low-level gems are used in the synthesis, the success rate is 100%. Seventy-five, if five gems are involved in the synthesis, the success rate is 100%.

When a first-level gem is combined into a second-level gem, it must be five in one, that is, five first-level gems are combined into one second-level gem. Why do you do this? Because compared to the price of synthetic talismans, gems are too cheap. A single gem synthesis talisman requires hundreds of first-level gems. When the second-level and third-level gems are combined, there is a sense of choice. Players who like adventure You can choose four-in-one or three-in-one. When level 3 gems are synthesized into level 4 or higher gems, there will basically be no players who want to take risks. It will all be five-in-one, because once it fails, all the gems will disappear, and the price will be too high!

The current market price of a low-level gem synthesis talisman is ten gold, which means that a third-level gem is about sixty gold, and a set of gems requires thirty-three. To create a three-level player requires nearly two thousand gold, and redeem the value of the equipment on one person. A player with two thousand gold only needs a ransom of one hundred gold. Is it expensive? Obviously not expensive! It takes nearly 10,000 gold to create a four-player player, and the ransom only costs 500 gold, which is even less expensive! It takes 50,000 gold to create a full five player, and the ransom is only 2,500 gold, which is just a drop in the bucket!

Only these players who are below level 3 are equipped with gems and other equipment with a total value ranging from ten gold to one or two hundred gold at most. A ransom of ten gold may not seem much at first glance, but at this stage of the group But the number is the largest. Do you want to save it or not? If you save them all, you must save them all, because there is no difference between saving half of them and not saving them. Those who have not been saved will still scold you and smear you. If you save them all, it will cost more than 200,000 gold. It is more expensive than the ransoms of all players with three or above combined. This is a bit embarrassing. Those who are useless-it is tasteless to eat and it is a pity to abandon it!

There is no fool here, who wouldn’t understand these truths?

"Wei Bin, don't bully others too much!" Xiongba's eyes burst with desire. He had thought about transferring those from Aoshi's deputy gang, but the current situation could not be solved by numbers. Nirvana had already suppressed the two people who entered the city. channel


——The gate and the teleportation array are surrounded. No matter how many people there are, it will not help. We can only follow the example of Nirvana before and rely on cutting-edge combat power to force a breakout and clear out the surroundings of the teleportation array. Only then will the follow-up troops have a chance to enter Nirvana City, but Aoshi There is no army like Nirvana that has thousands of ancient group skill babies. For a breakout mission like this, it is impossible to successfully break through without a group attack. Relying on five players? Nirvana's arrow tower is staring at five or more players. After five or more players die, they are trapped in the Resurrection Temple! Once it gets to that point, the situation becomes even more tense!

Now it seems that Nirvana is really lucky to have accumulated so many ancient group skill books!

What if the resurrection point is temporarily changed? Set the resurrection point to White Rock City, and if five players die, they will be teleported from White Rock City to Nirvana City to continue fighting? As far as changing the resurrection point itself is concerned, it is not impossible. There is no charge for changing the resurrection point within the city. Only setting up a resurrection point between different cities requires a settlement fee. But this tactic will cause great obstacles to personnel scheduling. For example, if ten full-five players die, ten positions will be freed up around the teleportation array. Who do you want to teleport to in these ten positions? Or should I keep it for Man Wu? Assume that it takes half a minute for five or more players to run from the White Rock City Resurrection Temple to the White Rock City teleportation array. How many people will die around your teleportation array within this half minute? How much space will be freed up? In other words, there is no need to specifically leave an open space for the five or more players, but if there is no open space, as long as there is an open space, let your own people teleport or use the return scroll to come over, and then the five or more players who will arrive at the White Rock City teleportation array will What should I do if I want to teleport but the teleportation fails because there is no open space? You know, there are tens of thousands of players waiting to be teleported into Nirvana City. How come you, the five or five players, are so lucky to be teleported in? Does it depend on fate? Therefore, there are great difficulties in scheduling. This is why, in any siege battle, the attacking party must settle in the city in advance and set up a resurrection point, and the defender must also set up a resurrection point in the city. !

Many seemingly feasible tactics have been blocked, and Xiong Ba and the others suddenly felt that they were unable to use them! Siege warfare is different from field warfare. Field warfare does not have the above constraints. Only field warfare can fully unleash the true strength of a gang!

"Wei Bin

, I can agree to your request, and I will also redeem all the brothers in my Resurrection Temple, as long as you agree to me one condition! "Before Wei Bin could say anything, Bing Shui suddenly jumped out. As soon as he said this, not only Wei Bin, but also the other four gang leaders looked at Bing Shui as if they were fools.

Is this old man Bing Shui crazy? Driven crazy after losing your gang city?

"Oh? Say it!"

"You are just relying on the two offensive and defensive towers and six arrow towers in Nirvana City to be qualified to challenge us. In terms of the true strength of the gang, you are afraid that you are not even qualified to carry our shoes. The true strength of a gang is reflected in the wild. Where you are, let me ask you, do you dare to fight us in the wild? If you dare to accept it, we will not give you a single word of the compensation you ask for. If you don’t dare, it doesn’t matter, I don’t believe in your nirvana. If we don't go out, there will be a battle in the wild sooner or later!" As soon as Bing Shui said these words, everyone was shocked!

You are so desperate that you have lost all your money. Does winning or losing in the field battle matter? The top priority is how to lower the compensation! How did this Bingshui old man grow up? Did the jar break? Why did Wei Bin agree to you? They have already won! Do you think Wei Bin is as stupid as you?

"Yes, but we have to pay compensation first, and then we'll have a fight!" Before anyone could stop him, Wei Bin agreed without hesitation!


What's going on with this horse riding? The wild lost the blessing of the two offensive and defensive towers, and lost the arrow tower's restriction on five players. How could Nirvana win? Unless the sow climbs a tree! In the wild, it is impossible for Nirvana to win just by suppressing numbers! Wei Bin's brains can actually win the defense battle of Nirvana City? What a miracle. Does Wei Bin deserve to win? God is unfair! Wei Bin doesn't deserve to win!

"Okay! We can pay compensation first, but if your Nirvana field battle fails, you have to return our compensation in full!" Bing Shui looked like his conspiracy had succeeded.

Xiong Ba and others were shocked again. Isn't Bing Shui mentally retarded? How could a person like this be the leader of a gang as big as Jian Yu Jiuzhou? Are all the players in White Rock City fools? If you randomly pick anyone in our gang, their IQ will definitely be higher than that of old man Bing Shui! Wei Bin has unexpectedly agreed to fight in the field, and the condition he proposed is to pay compensation first before fighting. At this time, you should offer to pay half of the compensation first, and the other half will be given to you after you win the field battle. If


If you lose in the field battle, you won't get half of it. Wei Bin may still have a chance of agreeing to this condition.

But what about you, you actually put forward such harsh conditions that if I win, you will return the money intact to us? If you mention it like this, will Wei Bin still be willing to come out and fight? Are you too greedy? Could it be that after the siege of Nirvana City was defeated, you still imagined that you would not pay a penny? I wouldn’t have been able to meet your conditions without having cerebral thrombosis for thirty years! If you want Wei Bin to agree to you, unless he has a history of cerebral thrombosis for a hundred years!

"Yes, I promise you!" However, before everyone could scold Bing Shui for being an idiot, Wei Bin readily agreed!

Xiongba:? ? ?

Ji Wuming:? ? ?

Huang Li:? ? ?

Only the Emperor and Ice Water were slightly normal, which seemed a bit expected.

Which mental hospital did this Tama escape from? Is this a condition that a normal person can agree to? Although the dazzling nirvana is about to come to an end, it has risen rapidly and brilliantly. Is it certain that it rose under the leadership of such a reckless man? Then if it were me, I would be able to rise! When did the rise of a gang become so easy? Have times changed? How can such a brain stall be worthy of Nirvana City? If the brain stall also has a boundary, then Wei Bin can undoubtedly be called the originator of the brain stall world and the pioneering leader in the brain stall world! Just like that, he was actually hit by the ice water? Sure enough, there is a way of communication between the brain stalls, because they think the same!

Fighting with five big gangs in the wild, I'm afraid you don't know how to write the word "death"! Even if you still have a trump card, so what? Field battles are different from siege battles. So what if you summon 10,000 bosses in the wild? If I can't fight or run, can't I run? Do you know what it means to avoid its edge? The summoned boss cannot exist forever, right? Can't I just wait until they disappear and come back to hit you? Not to mention that we can still call people from our hometown. With the existing 260,000 people, we can beat your 200,000 people. We have 10,000 members of the main force studded with third-level gems. ,what about you? The two gangs together are only three thousand, right? Let alone those with four or five levels of cutting-edge combat power, I really can’t imagine that your Nirvana has even a slight chance of winning!

"Guild Leader Wei, you..." Luo Wuji hurriedly stepped forward to persuade Wei Bin, but it was obviously in vain. Wei Bin had already made up his mind, and more than a few words could stop him!

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