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Chapter 342 The Eagle-Slaying Adventure Group

"Okay, it's a deal! Leader Wei, please send me all the equipment. I have fifty slots in my backpack now!" Fugui Danger quickly agreed!

"No, no, no, it's only fifty grids. This is too little. How can it be enough? In this way, you first go to the bridge guard to rent a small container, and then I will send the equipment to you! You can send the equipment temporarily Store it in the container!" Since there is only one NPC in Hongming Village, it has almost all conventional functions, such as storing warehouses and containers. The grid of the warehouse is barely enough for normal times. With so much equipment at the moment, Hongming Village The famous players from other places have not been killed yet, and equipment will be added to the account soon. The warehouse may not be enough. Moreover, when I and Fugui Insurance are docking medicines in the future, Fugui Insurance may be able to use small containers!

"Holy shit, so much top-notch equipment? Gang Leader Wei, you really got rich this time!" Seeing Wei Bin send him so much equipment, he was blinded by the wealth and risk. When had he seen so many? equipment? The last land is also studded with third-level gems, and most of them are studded with fourth-level gems. No wonder there are so many people in Hongming Village who like to kill people and buy goods. The profits are really high!

This is the reason why Wei Bin decided to give part of the profits to Fugui Insurance. There are four to five hundred people in the wild of Hongming Village who need to be killed. How much equipment will be dropped? He can indeed rent a container for storage, but how long does it take him to go back and forth? During this period, he was afraid that many of the equipment had been picked up by others, and his mission had a time limit. He and other people in Hongming Village agreed to stay in the village for six hours. Once the time limit was exceeded, people would leave the city. Then his mission will be even more impossible.

Therefore, by giving a portion of the profits to Fugui Insurance, you can not only make friends with him, but also ensure that the equipment you picked up during the cleaning of Hongming Village is accounted for. This deal is not too bad!

After more than an hour, Wei Bin finally hunted down all the red names in the wild, and seized a total of more than 300 pieces of equipment for the third level, more than 400 pieces of equipment for the fourth level, and more than 20 pieces of equipment for the fifth level!

"This Eagle Adventure Group really doesn't have a long memory!" Wei Bin looked at the dense red dots at the entrance of the Red Name Village on the crystal ball. He was undoubtedly a member of the Eagle Adventure Group!

Wei Bin quietly returned to the vicinity of Hongming Village, turned on his stealth and lurked near the Eagle Adventure Group. Along the way, he did not encounter any formation traps from the Xiaoyao Sect. In fact, this is easy to understand. The duration of the trap is limited, within 30 seconds. In one minute, it is impossible for them to set up another trap immediately after the trap disappears. In that case, if Wei Bin doesn't come, you will keep setting up the formation?


There is too little medicine in Hongming Village. How can they have so many medicines to use for formation?

"Haha, do you think I can't do anything to you if you spread out your positions?" Wei Bin quietly came to Eagle Eye and observed the positions of the members of the Eagle Adventure Group.

Obviously, the leader of Eagle is a man with brains. The two previous defeats are not to blame on Eagle Eye. It can only be said that they do not understand him. After two defeats, Eagle Eye has obviously already had countermeasures, because he put More than a dozen Man Wu players have dispersed. In this way, it is impossible for Wei Bin to kill all the Man Wu players in three consecutive rounds. As long as Wei Bin dares to show his face, the other Man Wu players will quickly react and forcefully control Stop and kill it in one fell swoop!

However, Hawkeye's Taoism is still too shallow. I am going to challenge your formation today. What can you do to me?

Just as he said, Wei Bin directly activated the third company and took away Eagle Eye and all four nearby players. Almost at the same time, the rest of the Eagle Adventure Group reacted and rushed towards Wei Bin's direction!

Wei Bin did not back down and took advantage of the duration of the transfer to kill everyone!

"Control him with force, control him with speed!" Although Eagle Eye is dead, Eagle's deputy commander is still there.

"Deputy Captain, I can't control him!"

"Deputy Captain, it seems that my strong control has been directly immune to him, and it has no effect!"

"What? Damn it, why can't you even control him by force? Hurry and focus on him!" The deputy leader was about to curse, but the next scene directly blocked his mouth, because he personally tested it. I really can’t control it!

"Deputy Captain, Wei Bin's defense and level are too high, I can't beat him!" A player who reached level 5 complained. This fight was really frustrating! When he was full of five players, he was accidentally attacked twice by Wei Bin, and he suddenly dropped four levels. Originally he was only level 49, but he suddenly dropped to level 45. Now he finally has the opportunity to deal with Wei Bin, but because of a sudden The sub-level suppressed the fifth level and directly halved the damage. This was too frustrating. When had I ever been so angry?

However, it was too easy for Wei Bin to beat him! Wei Bin has long memorized the names of these dozen full five players. As soon as they enter his 21-meter range, Wei Bin will directly kill them.

If the long-range skill "Blooming Plum Blossoms" is thrown away, at most two "Blooming Plum Blossoms" can instantly kill one for a full five! How could a dozen or so people be enough for Wei Bin to kill like this?

As soon as the control-free effects of grafting and super dispersing ended, the gods came down to earth and immediately covered their bodies, dealing large-scale splash damage. The Eagle Adventure Group had no temper!

After the gods descended to earth, the Eagle Adventure Group finally controlled Wei Bin in place, but at this time there were less than half of them. Under Wei Bin's attack, there were only three Tianlong faction players left! Three Tianlongs can control Wei Bin for at most fifteen seconds, and that's only if the control skills hit!

So what if they all hit? Among the suit attributes of Wei Bin's Chonglou suit, in addition to the explosion protection rate increased by 50, there is also a suit attribute of immunity control +20, that is, a 20 chance of immunity control!

Even if all three control skills are in effect, do you want to kill Wei Bin within fifteen seconds? Give me a break! Among the remaining players, because they had just died twice, their levels were generally low. The damage suppressed by Wei Bin was about 50, and they also lost two or three pieces of equipment, which could not cause much damage at all!

"Retreat, brothers, retreat!" Hawkeye rushed over as soon as he was resurrected. He wouldn't have known it until he came. He was startled when he came. Everyone in the Eagle Adventure Group was working hard, and there was no one who didn't work. There are signs of effort, this is obviously because Wei Bin is too strong! It took a volley of fire to kill Wei Bin with 10,000 to 20,000 health, and with this amount of health, Wei Bin only needed to trigger the blood soaking skill once to absorb the health back. How could they be ambushing Wei Bin? It was clearly them. Got caught in Wei Bin's ambush!

How could Wei Bin easily let go of the fat sheep in front of him? Every time someone is killed, at least one piece of equipment worth four will be dropped, which is nine hundred gold. What kind of business can make more money than this?

When the Eagle Adventure Group ambushed Wei Bin, they considered that if they were too close to the entrance of Hongming Village, Wei Bin would most likely escape back to Hongming Village if they were not careful, so they set up a location about a hundred meters away from the entrance of Hongming Village. An ambush was set up at Duomi's position. The one hundred meters that were originally meant to cut off Wei Bin's escape path now became a chasm for their own escape! Under Wei Bin's relentless pursuit, only a few members of the Eagle Adventure Group escaped back to Hongming Village.

"Don't, don't squeeze me. Damn it, who pushed me out of Hongming Village!" A player suddenly found that his invincible state had disappeared. When he looked at his position again, he was actually squeezed out of the entrance of Hongming Village. , Is this a good thing? Wei Bin is chasing the Eagle Adventure Group right in front of him


, he suddenly stepped out of Hongming Village. Didn't this make it clear that he was going to confront Wei Bin?

In this battle, Wei Bin has long been equated with the murderous maniac in the hearts of the players in Hongming Village, and he will clean up the huge Hongming Village on his own. Who will believe this? Who are the people in Hongming Village? The players with the lowest equipment are also players with 3 or more equipment. How can players with 3 or less equipment kill 100 or 200 people? There were more players with four or more, and a few players with five or more, but Wei Bin was alone, and he actually killed them so much that they dared not leave the city. If this was spread, how could others believe it? But this happened for real!

"Haha!" Wei Bin didn't have a chance, he just looked at the scene in front of him which was a little funny! This scene of Wei Bin fighting against the Eagle Adventure Group has already attracted countless people to watch, surrounding the entire entrance of Hongming Village, indirectly helping Wei Bin kill a few more people! Because their wall of people was too dense, it seriously affected the escape route of the Eagle Adventure Group. When the members of the Eagle Adventure Group squeezed into Hongming Village, they squeezed out a bystander player. The funny scene just now happened!

Wei Bin is not a murderer, how can he clean up people when they see them leaving the village? Obviously that player didn't leave the village on purpose, and the blood in his bottle of villain was already full, so why bother adding more killings!

In this battle, an additional 120 pieces of equipment reaching level 4 and 18 pieces of equipment reaching level 5 were added, which can be said to be a fruitful harvest!

After cleaning the battlefield, Wei Bin returned to Hongming Village and found the bridge guard.

"Uncle, I'm back, and there are no red dots on the crystal ball anymore!"

"Haha, I didn't think you could really do it. You are really an incredible young man. Well, I will leave that task to you and let you do it. I am very relieved!"

System player Wei Bin accepts the follow-up mission of the Bridge Keeper - to kill the gatekeeper beast with the health of 10 participants. The time limit is one hour. If the mission fails, the gatekeeper beast will pursue him endlessly!

"If you fail, you will be endlessly hunted by the gatekeeper?" Wei Bin suddenly felt a chill in his heart!

This is the first hidden mission with a failure penalty that Wei Bin has come into contact with since his rebirth. Generally, only missions that are extremely rare, have extremely generous rewards, or have a great impact on Tianlong will have a failure penalty, because the effort and reward are directly proportional. , the things that are rewarded to players after completing this kind of task are too valuable, so if they fail, they will naturally be punished!

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