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Chapter 348 Gusu Murong!

It takes him ten days to make a round trip. Even so, he can only earn 200 gold for each trip! And you have to worry about being killed at any time while hanging up to kill the knife! We also have to go outside to purchase medicines and find sources!

What now? They have gone to great lengths to bring you the medicine, and you can just sell it without having to leave the village to hang up. This kind of kindness is definitely on the level of a reborn parent! If Wei Bin hadn't been dumping equipment and needed his help, even Wei Bin himself would have wanted to send an employee to sell medicine, so that he would only have to pay one salary!

During this trip to Hongming Village, Wei Bin confiscated a total of 350 pieces of 3rd grade equipment, more than 600 pieces of 4th grade equipment, and 40 pieces of 5th grade equipment. It can be said that he has made so much money that he doesn’t even recognize his own mother! After taking out more than 600 pieces of equipment, Wei Bin left Hongming Village directly!

Returning to Nirvana City, Wei Bin directly spread the equipment in the city lord's palace, and recruited all the core group members and confidants such as Avril and Yao Shen.

"Wow, leader, which gang are you at war with again? One person robbed so much equipment?" Bing Xin saw the equipment all over the floor as soon as she entered the room, and her eyes were filled with golden light!

Let’s not talk about the full three and full four equipment. A few days ago, we only captured 70 pieces of full five equipment during the battle with the Five Gang Alliance. What about today? The gang leader actually got 30 pieces of equipment by himself. There is no other way to get so much equipment in such a short time except robbing houses, right?

"Don't be too happy too early! If you need these equipment, you can replace them, because we have a common mission next, which is to upgrade to level 60 within two months!" Wei Bin faced The core group members said.

"Two months? Upgrade to level ten? How is it possible? Brother Bin, you can't reach level sixty even if you take Viagra! Experience suppression alone is a headache!" The bug in Qian's eyes said with disdain. Regarding the pain of experience suppression, only Only people like them who upgrade quickly can appreciate it!

"It is indeed impossible, so everyone only needs to upgrade to level 59 within 59 days. I will figure out a way for the remaining levels! I have taken on a very difficult task that requires a very strong team. There is no problem with your strength, but you must reach level 60 before you can do that task. This is a hard condition and cannot be discussed. Therefore, all actions in the next two months must prioritize upgrading. If you can do it without starting a war, No war! Everyone must upgrade as soon as possible, and help me complete that task when the time comes! Wei'er, the elixir reincarnation you made will be given priority to everyone for upgrading, as well as various sect medicines and other resources with added attributes.


We must also move closer to everyone! Also, you should contact more drug dealers and provide them with free sales services. From now on, the drugs produced by our own people will not be sold to the outside world, but will all be reserved as strategic materials! Among them, 8,000 Shouwu Dan and 2,000 Qiongdan are allocated to the Medicine God every day! Then there are those of you who are level 55. You must hold down your level when you reach level 59. Never upgrade to level 60. We will upgrade together then! "Wei Bin doesn't know the true strength of Jasper Qilin. After all, he has never seen it in his previous life, so to be on the safe side, he needs as many level 60 players as possible to prepare for emergencies!

After experiencing the battle in the past few days, Wei Bin had a deeper understanding of the importance of strategic reserve materials. In that battle, it was precisely because he had stored a large amount of supplies in advance that the balance of victory gradually tilted towards their side. ! So starting today, the medicines we make will no longer be sold to outsiders, but will all be reserved. Of course, in the special scene of huge profits in Hongming Village, we can still sell some! There are more than 1,000 people in Hongming Village, and 10,000 medicines are transported every day. There is no problem if each person consumes ten medicines every day! There will be no impact on the price!

Finally, Wei Bin did not forget to remind Avril and other people who have been to Flow World not to upgrade to level 60, because a new event will be launched at level 60. In order to take advantage of the event, they must wait for them to accumulate a few experience points. After enough, let’s level up to level 60 together! Except for Wei Bin and others who have a mission and must rise to level 60 as soon as possible, it is impossible for other members of the gang to rise to level 60 so early, because the level 57 vanguard has just been opened two months ago. Who will be able to rise to level 60? With experience suppression87. . The pressure of 5 goes up to 60? Isn't that a fool? Wouldn’t it be nice to use that experience to upgrade skills and training levels?

After some replacement, Wei Bin directly handed over the remaining equipment to Feng Yun Wuji to build the main team! So far, Nirvana has 2,600 players with three or more, 60 players with four or more, and 25 players with five or more. With such combat power, Nirvana can barely be called a big gang!

Within Dali Kingdom.

"Prince Yanqing, this is the blood of evildoers that you need. I have collected all of it!" After saying that, Wei Bin handed the bottle of evildoers to Duan Yanqing!

"Okay! Young hero, you really helped me a lot. I really didn't misjudge the person."

, Young hero, you are truly a contemporary hero! But, young hero, why don’t you join me in our great cause? Now is the time to employ people. If you can act with me and help me take back the throne, I will share the glory and wealth with you in the future! "Duan Yanqing looked at Wei Bin with hope.

Please, you failed in the original work. Is the throne so easy to get back? I was willing to help you do those things before because I was in the dark. Even so, I have already offended Duan Zhengchun. Now you actually ask me to jump back and help you do it openly?

How is that possible? Your attempt to seize power will most likely fail. I have even written the script for you. In the original work, Duan Yu is immune to the poison of sorrow. On the day of your attempt to seize power, Duan Yu was beside Duan Zhengming, and then a People just picked you all!

Although I'm not sure whether Duan Yu's strength has reached that level, but what if he has? Once you fail to seize power, you will definitely die without a burial place, and I will not be much better. There will definitely be no place for me in Dali. What if the Duan family pursues me all the way to Baishi City? Can I afford to offend these people?

"Prince Yanqing, I am weak and my strength is even worse. How can I participate in such an important plan? I think we should forget it! I don't know how long it will take to refine this sad breeze poison. Was it successful?" Wei Bin quickly changed the subject. He would never dare to go into this muddy water!

"Hey, young hero, what do a few bottles of Sad Breeze Poison mean? As long as you can help me regain the throne, I am willing to make you a general. What do you think?" For some unknown reason, Duan Yanqing became more and more convinced. Wei Bin!


What a tempting position this is. Who doesn’t want to be a general of a country? Even if it’s just a small country!

What is a general?

The general is the supreme commander of a country and has the same status as the prime minister. However, the actual power of the general is actually higher than that of the prime minister. Because one is a civilian official and the other is a military attache, the general has the right to mobilize the army. You think he is awesome or not? force? If you become a general, you won't even need to take action when fighting gang wars in the future. You can directly send an army over and kill the enemy without leaving a single piece of armor behind! The combat effectiveness of the NC army is overwhelming for players!

Although the penalty for failing the mission is very severe, if you succeed, the reward is also extremely generous!



This makes Wei Bin feel very uncomfortable. He should accept the task, but he is very worried. He should refuse the task. He feels so itchy and can't bear to part with this generous reward. What should he do?

Why not explore his tone first? What exactly does he need to do for this task? If he can get help, he can probably bring more people!

"I would like to ask, if I join, what exactly do I need to do? Go and confront the guards? Then even if I have ten lives, it won't be enough for me to die!" Wei Bin tried.

"Haha, the young hero is indeed courageous! Wealth and wealth can be found in danger. If you want to make a difference, you must give something. It is impossible to make a difference in a comfortable life! I once said that my plan is divided into three parts. Step, the first step is to destroy their fleet, attack their strength, and weaken their morale! The second step is to prepare this sorrowful clear wind poison, and when the time is right, launch a battle to seize the throne, which is the third step!" Duan! The more Yanqing talked, the happier he became, as if he could regain the throne soon!

"This third step is also the most critical and important step. That is to gather people to rush into the palace and force Duan Zhengming to abdicate. If he does not retreat, I will kill him! In order for the operation to be successful, we cannot be too ostentatious. , so we can’t go with too many people. If you have a capable helper, there can’t be more than twenty people at most! My people will be responsible for opening the way and entering the palace, and you will be responsible for guarding the entrance of the palace for me. If you can resist the palace's reinforcements for half an hour at most, the overall situation can be decided!" Duan Yanqing looked extremely confident!

"Half an hour? With my current strength, I'm afraid I'll be killed instantly in half a minute. Prince Yanqing, let me see this." Wei Bin was about to shirk the blame, but was interrupted by Duan Yanqing.

"Don't worry, young hero. I know your concerns. This is my own business after all. I naturally know that you can't hold on for such a long time. How could there be such an obvious flaw in my plan? You still have time. Go improve your own strength and have time to build your team, because I also have one last thing to complete! We will take action again in three months, what do you think?" Duan Yanqing looked at Wei Bin with hope.

"Prince Yanqing, I thought of a foreign aid. I wonder if Prince Yanqing can hire him?" Wei Bin suddenly remembered a powerful foreign aid. If he joins, the plan will be foolproof!

"Oh? Who is it?" When Duan Yanqing heard this, he was immediately interested!

"Gusu Murong!"

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