Game within game of online games

Chapter 361 Donate Military Materials

Wei Bin gave an order, and all the people in the city lord's palace used the Book of Energy. They all rose to level 60 and went to their respective sects!

A player in the system has reached level 60, and the "Conquest of the World" will start in 7 days. Gangs with level 3 or above are asked to go to the thunder area outside the city lord's mansion to prepare for the war!

"Brothers, gather all the gang members and come to Kang Lei to donate military supplies. I will pay part of the money! Come on, we still have an hour!" Wei Bin was not in a hurry to return to Lingjiu Palace to do advanced tasks, but I came to an NPC named Kang Lei not far outside the city lord's palace. This matter is far more important than the advancement of the sect at the moment!

Why is it that players like Avril Lavigne and others who have lived in the Flow World can already reach level 60, but Wei Bin tells them to hold down their levels and not reach level 60 prematurely? Why did Wei Bin have to upgrade them on the last day of his mission? And it’s still stuck at 23:01? Why has Wei Bin been telling the gang members not to take the initiative and just counterattack passively over the past month?

The answer lies here. Wei Bin played a chess game that lasted for two months, and one of the players was Wei Bin!

First of all, when the first level 60 player is born in the mainland of China, the system will start a new competitive mode "Conquer the World" seven days later! Why conquer the world? It is similar to the Luoyang Territory Battle. The system will launch a series of virtual cities, including big cities and small cities. Each time the player's gang captures a city, they will receive a certain amount of military merits, which can be exchanged for things!

Wei Bin set the time point for reaching level 60 during the period of killing the Jasper Kirin, because after the Jasper Kirin dies, he can open the door from another world to the Middle-earth continent, and the gangs in the Middle-earth continent will suffer. One of the necessary conditions for participating in "Conquer the World" is a third-level gang. What if the gang city is destroyed by alien monsters during this period? How do they rebuild the gang city and upgrade it to level three in just seven days? Basically impossible! This makes them completely miss the benefits brought by "conquering the world" in the short term! Obviously in Wei Bin's plan, the Assassin's League and Ten Years are no longer qualified to participate in this "conquest of the world"! What if Avril and others reach level 60 prematurely? The "Conquer the World" will come early, and then the Assassin's League and Ten Years will be eligible to participate in the "Conquer the World"!

Of course, the Assassin's League and Ten Years are just representatives, they represent all the hostile forces of Nirvana!



"Conquer the World" is a contest between two gangs. The reason why Wei Bin asked the Nirvana members to upgrade honestly and not to take the initiative is to let them reach level 60 and transfer to the second-level profession in seven days. Use your professional advantage to seize more cities in the "Conquer the World" event and seek greater benefits! Compared with the benefits brought by "Conquer the World", what does being wronged for a month mean?

And what does the preparation for war just announced by the system mean? "Conquering the world" does not mean that you can participate as long as you upgrade to the third-level gang. The third-level gang is only one of the conditions, and the other condition is military resources! Participating in the battle for these cities requires military supplies. Where do the military supplies come from? This is what preparation is all about!

The so-called preparation for war, to put it bluntly, is a process of raising military supplies. Every member of the gang can donate gold coins to Kang Lei as military supplies for the war. After donating, there will be an extra column next to the gang funds "War for the Army." That is to say, after the player donates, the system will automatically convert the gold coins into "war resources", and the player will obtain a certain amount of military merit! Donation is one-way. It can only be converted from gold coins into military supplies for military campaigns. Military supplies for military campaigns cannot be converted back into gold coins!

Each player can donate three times a day. Each donation will receive 10 points of combat merit. The amounts of the three donations are also different. The first donation requires a donation of 1 gold, the second donation requires a donation of 2 gold, and the third donation requires You need to donate 4 gold every day, which means that the first donation every day is the most cost-effective, and then the cost-effectiveness will gradually decrease. However, if you want to occupy as many virtual cities as possible, you need to donate a large amount of military supplies. In this case No matter how low the price/performance ratio is, you still have to donate!

The number of donations and the increase in military supplies for the gang are one-to-one. That is, each player donates once, and the gang can increase the military supplies by 1 point. That is to say, each player can add up to 3 points of military supplies to the gang every day. But the cost performance of the latter two points of military supplies will be significantly reduced!

The reason why Wei Bin was stuck at almost 12 o'clock in the morning and summoned the whole gang to donate military supplies was because he wanted to donate one more day than other forces, so that the gang could have one more day of military supplies for the war than other gangs! Because with the emergence of new activities like this, most people will have

It was a process of understanding it. By the time they understood it thoroughly and wanted to gather people to donate, it was already past twelve o'clock. After all, Wei Bin was a reborn person and had the advantage of foresight!

"Gang leader, what is this donation for? Is there any use for us to spend money to donate?" A gang member questioned. This is the first time that Nirvana has asked gang members to pay for the gang themselves. It is inevitable that they have some doubts in their hearts. of!

"Brothers, let me explain this matter! In seven days, the system will start the Conquer the World event. This event can bring us huge benefits. This benefit is absolutely unmatched in the past! Do you want to participate in this event? To carry out activities, you must have enough military resources for war. Military resources for war cannot be easily obtained by one or two people. It requires the joint efforts of all of us. At the same time, it will reward us indiscriminately in the future. So for the sake of fairness, the number of gold coins we donate every day must be consistent, so as not to make some people feel unfair to themselves! The specific donation rules are as follows. I will list them in the gang rules. I want to continue to stay in this gang. , we must implement the following donation system! In the next eight days, everyone must donate three times a day, of which the first two times require one gold and two gold respectively. You must pay these three golds yourself, and the third donation requires four I will provide the money. After these eight days have passed, that is, starting from the second week, everyone only needs to donate twice a day, and I will provide the two funds required for the second donation. Starting from the third week, everyone can only donate once a day! Of course, this number is the minimum, the more the better!" Wei Bin patiently explained to the crowd with kindness and power.

Regarding this donation system, Wei Bin has carefully considered it. First of all, if you want to attack a virtual city, you need to bid for it first. The one with the highest bid can attack it! For example, if Ten Years takes a fancy to a city and bids 100,000 for military supplies, and Nirvana bids for 120,000 for military supplies, then Ten Years will not be eligible to attack the city, and the bidding time is the day before the "Conquest of the World" starts.

Seven days from today, that is, on the eighth day, the first "Conquer the World" will officially begin. At this time, all cities are unowned and only some monsters occupy them. As long as the major gangs destroy the monsters , you can naturally occupy this city! No matter how powerful the monster is, it will never


It is the player's opponent, so basically as long as the gang's strength is not particularly weak, they can defeat it! So at this stage, the more cities you capture, the better! This is why Wei Bin would rather donate money himself than let all the members of the gang make the maximum number of donations every day!

The second "Conquer the World" event will be held every other week after the first one, that is, the second week. Starting from the second event, it will be a conquest among the major gangs. At this stage, there are basically no monsters to occupy it. The city is empty! The conquest between players is not as easy as fighting monsters. Players are intelligent and tactical. In this case, the more military resources the better, for example, in the first game, Nirvana occupied a total of There are 10 cities. Based on Nirvana's hatred value, in the second round, it is very likely that five of them will be spotted by other gangs and come to attack them after bidding. In this case, it will be too late for Nirvana to defend the city. How can you spare the energy to attack other gangs’ virtual cities? Naturally, collecting military supplies is not as important as it was in the first week!

The timing starts after the end of the second "Conquer the World", and the third "Conquer the World" starts one month later, and each subsequent session is a one-month interval! Due to the large span, even if each person only donates once a day, the help of 100,000 people can accumulate 3 million military supplies in a month. Donating three times a day in the first seven days is not more than 2 million?

In fact, for players at level 50 or 60, there is no problem in receiving three taels of gold every day. Let them take out one or two gold every day. Although it will be very distressing, it can still be done! But while donating, you can get 10 points of military merit, which can be used to purchase things in the Zhengzhantianxia virtual store in the future! And this is an investment, and there is a chance of getting high returns, especially for big gangs. The more cities the gangs occupy, the dividends for each player will also increase!

"Gang Leader, is it really as magical as you say? What do you mean by this huge benefit? Is there any evidence?" Another player questioned, but his tone was already very disgusting, then It was a tone of suspicion and distrust!

"I have no evidence, because it hasn't reached that stage yet, but I guarantee you that in half a month, you will be grateful for the hard work you have done in the past half month!" How can Wei Bin explain? Even if I tell you that I am a reborn person, you still won’t believe me!

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