Game within game of online games

Chapter 377 Recruitment

"Just because there are evil people in this world, you can't close yourself off and deny those who are sincere! Friends don't just exist in fantasy, they exist in the hearts of each of us. As long as you are honest with each other, I will definitely Treat you as a friend!" From what Hawkeye said just now, Wei Bin felt a kind of loneliness!

He felt that Hawkeye was a very lonely person. Although Hawkeye was usually majestic and majestic, he was actually very fragile in his heart. This fragility made him shut himself up, not trusting anyone, and thinking that everyone was just food. A bad guy who doesn’t spit out his bones! He has definitely been betrayed and betrayed by others, otherwise he would not have become a truly extreme person!

To deal with such a person, only by being moved by emotion and awakening the innocence deep in his heart can we subdue him and turn the conflict into friendship!

"Stop talking nonsense. If you win, everything you say is right. If I lose, I won't be as reasonable as you! What kind of bullshit friends? What kind of bullshit sincere people? They are just wearing the cloak of kindness. They know people but not their hearts. You are still too young. When you know what it means to do one thing in front of you and another behind your back, you won’t have such childish remarks today!" When he said one thing in front of him and another behind his back, the eagle-eyed look in his eyes He couldn't help but reveal a sense of hatred, and this scene was captured by Wei Bin!

"How about I tell you a story! There was once a man who was all-powerful in the world. He had a rich family, was carefree, and lived happily. But one day, his friends betrayed him, causing his family to be destroyed. , all the industries fell apart, but by chance, he was reincarnated with his memories. In the new life, not only did he not be disappointed in the world because of the betrayal of his friends, but he also met many new people who were trying to help each other. Friends, although they have experienced many hardships in their development, they help each other and never abandon each other until they help him get revenge!" Wei Bin told his own personal experience in the form of a story.

"You also said that it was just a story. So what if it was true? Everyone has their own way of life. You don't need to teach me how to behave!" Hawkeye was still dissatisfied.

"I really don't want to care about how you do things, but when you do things, please leave a way for those innocent people to survive. For example, right now, you can dominate the Red Name Village, and there is no problem in going out to hunt other Red Name players. That is you. Your way of survival, your source of income, but you are wrong and should not let others go out. You have fundamentally cut off other people's way of living, why not leave a way for everyone to live? If you hate this world, you can go to you You want to avenge your enemies, why bother here to embarrass these innocent people? If your enemies are really treacherous and evil people, if you are willing to let everyone live and let everyone go out of the city to hang up and kill the knife, I, Wei Bin, can help you. So what about revenge?" Wei Bin said sincerely.


Hawkeye's brain seemed to have suddenly short-circuited, and he was speechless for a long time! Even though Wei Bin was lying a lot, Hawkeye didn't even hear it in his heart. Only this last sentence moved him!

He has been playing Tianlong for a year. He has entered the game since the first time the server was launched. Along the way, he has recruited soldiers, formed gangs, met many people, and met many righteous brothers. These people are all right to Tianlong. He said that he would help him get revenge, but just when he completely regarded these brothers and friends as his own


When he told them who his enemy was, the attitude of this group of people was surprisingly consistent and they all remained silent. Some even cut off contact with him!

Because Hawkeye's enemies are so powerful that they are simply not something they can offend!

Hawkeye was not originally the person he is now. He used to be good-hearted, robbed the rich, gave to the poor, and helped the weak. However, an accident happened later, which caused his temperament to change drastically. Later, he experienced a situation where he originally promised to help him avenge, and then changed his mind. Being silent and turning away from him made him even more distrustful of others!

So when he heard Wei Bin say that he could help him take revenge, he was filled with hatred and excitement! He believed in Wei Bin's character. Since Wei Bin said he could help him, he sincerely wanted to help him, just like his previous friends. But if Wei Bin knew who his enemy was, he would definitely help him. Silent like the others, not daring to provoke his enemies! At this time, although he didn't quite believe that Wei Bin could help him in the end, he still maintained a trace of fantasy in his heart because he needed help so much!

"Haha, don't talk so wildly. This is just a delaying tactic. You will pretend to be friendly and ask who my enemy is. On the surface, you promise to avenge me. In fact, you will delay it again and again. You can't help me for a long time. You Is that what you think?" Hawkeye took advantage of the situation and directly used provoking methods to force Wei Bin, hoping to really get Wei Bin's help!

He has higher expectations for Wei Bin's help than anyone else in the past, because as far as he knows, Wei Bin also has a grudge against his enemies. As long as he operates properly, he may not be able to form an alliance with Wei Bin and take revenge together! It's a long shot, but it's always good to have an ally!

"I, Wei Bin, always keep my word, but if you want me to help you take revenge, you need to agree to a condition. As long as you agree, no matter who the opponent is, I will destroy his whole family!" Wei Bin saw through Eagle Eye at a glance. Hawkeye provokes him like this, which shows that his enemy is very powerful. He is in urgent need of help, and Wei Bin simply uses his trick. Since you need me so much, let's make a deal!

It is too easy to deal with such a person with urgent needs. As long as you grasp his needs, he can be at your mercy!

"Deal? Let's hear it!" Eagle Eye secretly thought that Wei Bin was a mortal after all, or he was succeeded by his own provocation!

As everyone knows, the two are just using each other. Hawkeye uses Wei Bin's power to help him get revenge, while Wei Bin uses his need for himself to seek benefits. The drug market in Hongming Village is a piece of meat, with a daily net income of up to 3,000 gold, where can I find a second business with such a high profit?

Moreover, Wei Bin has another use for Eagle Eye and his Eagle Adventure Group!

"There are a lot of people here, why don't we take a step to talk? By the way, the equipment you dropped is still there just now. My people are guarding it for you. You can arrange for someone to retrieve it first! The missing piece is mine. !" Wei Bin said with a smile.

"You" Hawkeye's heart suddenly beat violently. This was an emotional heartbeat.


He has not felt this way for a long time. He thinks that his heart is dead and no one or any action can move him! But just now, Wei Bin actually returned the equipment to himself twice, and threatened that if the quantity was not replenished, he would be responsible for it. How kind of a righteous person is he? Is it true that such people still exist in this world? !

In Wei Bin's view, since the cooperation has been negotiated, he must not take advantage of the equipment of the Eagle Adventure Group. Although the equipment is worth hundreds of thousands of gold in total, if he takes possession of these equipment, it is likely that he will If the cooperation can break down or leave hidden dangers to the cooperation, if these equipment can be exchanged for the help of the Eagle Adventure Group, then he will make a lot of money, and the road ahead will be much easier!

It is rare to see a high-end adventure group like Eagle. It is composed of more than 200 players with a minimum of four and fifty or sixty players with a minimum of five. This kind of scale is not available even for the most powerful gangs at present, because the adventure group The nature of a group is different from that of a gang. The equipment in a gang is basically financed by the gang leader, and the dropped items also belong to the gang leader!

But the adventure group is different. The items dropped by the adventure group are all equally divided. The leader and deputy leader may get a little more, but not too much. Therefore, the average battle of a high-end adventure group is The power is much higher than that of gangs! Of course, this is just a common situation. Some adventure groups are different, that is, the leader takes the big head, and the other group members share the small head equally. This situation is common in maritime adventure groups, because most people cannot afford a boat. The ships are all owned by the group leader, so the group leader will naturally get the lion's share of the spoils, such as Wei Bin's Dusk Adventure Group!

"Okay!" Then the two of them came to a place where there was no one, and the people from the Eagle Adventure Group went to pick up the equipment. Under the guard of the Nirvana members, no single person dared to step forward to mislead the equipment. But everyone has seen it. Only twelve people can fight against more than three hundred people. Who dares to risk his life to steal equipment? Not to mention, who are the Nirvana members fighting Eagle for? Isn't it just to help these scattered people go out? If they steal equipment again under such circumstances, they would be very inhumane!

"Tell me, who are your enemies? I have so many enemies, I don't mind your family! As long as he is not my ally, no matter who he is, I can help you get revenge, even if my strength does not allow it now , I will do it in the future!" Wei Bin said categorically, his dream is to unify Tianlong, how to unify? That is to defeat all forces, and all forces are naturally enemies including Hawkeye!

"Speaking of which, you should hate them more than I do, and Nirvana's strength seems to be far away from them at present. If you are willing, we can form an offensive and defensive alliance to fight them together and destroy them!" Eagle! Yan still has some doubts about Wei Bin's promise. He is not doubting Wei Bin's sincerity, he is doubting Nirvana's strength. At least for now, in his eyes, Nirvana is far from his enemy's opponent!

"Haha, many things are not as you imagine. Nirvana is currently hiding its power and biding its time. Nirvana needs to develop in a low-key manner and hide its power. When it is really needed, it can be killed with one strike! Tell me, who is your enemy? ?" Wei Bin felt relieved when he heard Eagle Eye say that he hated them more than Eagle Eye. At least he was no longer an ally of Nirvana.


Otherwise it would really be a head-scratcher!

"Assassin's League!" Eagle Eyes stared sharply at Wei Bin, as if checking his reaction!

"Hahahahaha, is it the Assassin's League? Hahahaha!" Wei Bin was stunned for a long time, and then suddenly burst out laughing for no reason!

God helps me! These are the arms God wants to give me!

"What? What's your reaction?" Hawkeye was a little confused by Wei Bin's sudden laughter. In his expectation, Wei Bin should be silent with a very serious expression. Even if he was not silent, he would still find ways to find excuses. The best thing to do is to hold yourself back first. What kind of reaction is his laughter? Even if I give him six walnuts, he can't think of a reason!

Could it be that he was afraid of being beaten by the League of Assassins? Why did Hawkeye say that Wei Bin hated them more than he did? Because Hawkeye knows how the Assassin League has bullied Nirvana members in the past month or so, and he also knows how Nirvana responds, that is, it does not dare to take the initiative and can only defend passively!

That's right, although Nirvana has risen quickly and is a new star in Tianlong, Nirvana's background is still too shallow. If you want to fight a protracted war with a gang like the Assassin Alliance, it is almost impossible to win! Maybe Wei Bin was really scared by the Assassin's League!

Big revenge is hard to avenge!

Hawkeye, who had a glimmer of hope in his heart, immediately fell into despair again!

Hawkeye is actually a very sad person. It turns out that he is not like this!

Hawkeye was the second in command of the League of Assassins at first. It was he and the gang leaders of the League of Assassins who developed the League of Assassins from scratch to where it is today. They have played in many games together, and you can see them in every game. shadow! However, in Tianlong's previous game "God's Domain", the leader of the Assassin's League used ruthless means to exclude Hawkeye from the Assassin's League, and took the fruits of the Assassin's League into his own belly!

Who can bear this? We started the gang from scratch together and built it up. Now that it has developed, you just turn around and kick me out of the gang? What do I do? What do you think I am again? Do you think I'm working for you? Is this how you treat good brothers who work together?

So since then, Hawkeye has changed. He has become distrustful of everyone, has become hateful to everyone, and has become profit-oriented. Nothing is more important than profit. Isn't his good brother the leader of the Assassin League just for Did he abandon him because of his own interests? And if he wants revenge, he must have money, which is profit!

"No, no, no! I think you have misunderstood! Then listen to my terms! I can help you destroy the Assassin's League, but in return, you have to lead everyone to join Nirvana and develop Nirvana with me. Let's do it together How about destroying the League of Assassins?" Wei Bin extended an olive branch to Hawkeye!

That's more than 200 full four players and fifty or sixty full five players. If it absorbs so many masters, how powerful will Nirvana be?

"Want to incorporate us? No, it's absolutely impossible! I will not accept anyone's leadership. There is no problem for me to cooperate with your actions, but I must be independent of you!" Hawkeye said very firmly.

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