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Chapter 383 Destroy the Assassin’s League Gang City

In fact, he was completely thinking in the wrong direction. Wei Bin insisted on the policy of defending and not attacking just for the purpose of conquering the world in seven days. It had nothing to do with this teleportation array!

"No, gang leader, we just sent a message. For some reason, everyone's town return scrolls have been disabled. What should we do?"

"What? I want everyone to run back to the city immediately. No, everyone will join together and commit suicide nearby, leaving a place to pick up equipment. All losses will be borne by the gang! Quick! Close the door tightly and don't let the wild monsters rush into the city! "Xing Tian was calm in the face of danger. Although he was a little panicked at the first moment, he quickly calmed down and made a very wise decision. After returning to defense, he did not forget to send people to pick up the equipment dropped by those who committed suicide!

But his ominous premonition became stronger and stronger. Is this really what Nirvana used to deal with him?

"Is it only our gang that has a teleportation array at the gate of the city? Or is there one at the gate of every city?" Xing Tian then remembered to ask for information about other gangs!

"It is said that teleportation arrays have appeared in many cities. The specific location is still unknown. However, the teleportation array at our door seems to be a bit larger. The official forum has already blown up!" This kind of explosive news naturally appeared in the first chapter. It was immediately spread to the official forum by players, and during this period many players went offline to seek refuge, which suddenly made the news spread faster!

"Fortunately, there are many cities, not just ours. It seems that it is not Nirvana's fault. Let me tell you, how could Nirvana have so much energy and create such a big battle!" Putting my heart in my stomach, if even the Assassin's League can't deal with the situation at hand, then the other gangs will be even more hopeless. It's impossible for all the gangs to perish together, right? How could "Hao" do this?

However, the situation was far more serious than he imagined. A group of wild monsters were coming towards the Assassination Pavilion like a tide. Although the door was tightly closed, under the knocking of the wild monsters, the durability of the gate and city walls was visible to the naked eye. The speed is decreasing!

"Damn it, how come the attacks of these monsters are so high? Can't even the fourth-level city walls and gates withstand it? Everyone quickly got into position! The external martial arts sect blocked behind the city gate, and the internal martial arts sect stood on the wall to stop the wild monsters!" I feel more and more confused. These wild monsters are so strong that even the walls of the fourth-level gangs cannot hold them. How can other gangs survive? Also, why is the teleportation array in my city larger than the teleportation arrays in other cities? Could it be that the monsters coming from teleportation arrays in other cities are weaker than the ones here?

The League of Assassins is nothing short of a powerful gang.


Its wartime response measures were by no means comparable to those of ordinary gangs. Soon, most of the gang members committed suicide and returned to the Assassination Pavilion. Many people also took up positions on the city walls and began to fight back against wild monsters.

But obviously, all the efforts are in vain. Players with three or more levels can't lose much health when fighting these wild monsters, and ordinary players are even more hopeless. They barely break the defense and scratch the damage. The main output depends on Full four and full five players! But Mansi and Manwu together only had more than a thousand people. How could they resist such a large group of wild monsters?

"How long will it take to kill all these wild monsters?"

Not long after, the gate of the Assassination Pavilion was breached, and wild monsters rushed into the city one after another!

"Hold on, even with your body, you have to stop the wild monsters at the city gate!" Xing Tian shouted that something was wrong. Once the city gate was breached, it would be really dangerous! If the defenders at the city gate are defeated again, then the entire gang city will be doomed! By then, wild monsters will flood the entire gang city like a tide!

However, all efforts are in vain. Although there are many players of the League of Assassins who have reached the level of four or five, they are too biased. Almost 80% of the players who have reached the level of four and five are from the Tianshan sect, and there are too few internal strength sects! In a defensive battle like this, players with a minimum of five internal skills must be able to sustain a stable output. External skill sects need close attacks and will face life-threatening danger at any time. These are all elite monsters!

There is an advantage to having more players with five external strength types, that is, you can resist for a while, so that the monsters will not quickly capture the entire city, but what if you can resist for a while? The monsters are not in a hurry, they are completely consuming the Assassin's League one after another. How can the Assassin's League withstand the consumption of these endless elite monsters?

Soon, the defenders at the city gate were breached, and countless elite monsters poured into the Assassination Pavilion. It was like a gap in the dam. Water poured out from the gap, and as the water surged out, the gap became wider and wider. Get bigger and bigger until the whole dam collapses!

"It's over, it's all over!" Xing Tian sat down on the ground, where was the attitude of the leader of the gang?

It's no wonder, the incident happened so suddenly, and it only lasted ten minutes. Ten minutes ago, he was still

After being complacent about suppressing Nirvana, ten minutes later, the gang city was actually destroyed, and it was destroyed without warning. Who can bear this?

Soon, elite monsters covered every corner of the Assassination Pavilion like a tide, and countless players suffered as a result. They all moved into the Resurrection Temple. The city walls were destroyed, various buildings were attacked, and the City Lord's Mansion was in pieces. There is only a trace of durability left!

"Everyone listens to the order and shows up to clean up the elite monsters at the entrance of the City Lord's Mansion. I will destroy their City Lord's Token!" After saying that, the Blood Sea Demon King was the first to show up. They had already ambush near the City Lord's Mansion in the Assassination Pavilion. For a long time!

Just now, the Assassin's Alliance was defeated on all fronts, and everyone was sent to the Resurrection Temple! But here comes the problem. All this seems to be a little different from what the Blood Sea Demon Lord imagined. In his expectation, they need to use elite monsters to deal with the main force of the Assassin Alliance. After a fierce battle with the Assassin Alliance near the city lord's palace, , and then destroy the gate of the City Lord's Mansion!

The results of it? These elite monsters are so powerful that the entire defense line at the Assassin League's city gate collapsed immediately after it was breached! Before they could sneak into the city lord's mansion, the elite monsters attacked the city lord's mansion. In this case, they naturally couldn't show up, otherwise they would definitely be attacked by the elite monsters, causing the mission to fail!

Although they were spared the process of wearing down the durability of the City Lord's Mansion, the question came, why did Wei Bin send them to sneak attack the Assassin Alliance's City Lord's Token? Wei Bin made it clear before he came that the Assassin's Alliance would not be able to defend the city. So why would the Assassin's Alliance send him here if they couldn't defend it? Isn't it just for the reward when destroying the city lord's token? But now the elite monster is about to break through the gate of the city lord's mansion. Once the elite monster destroys the city lord's token in the back hall of the city lord's mansion, Nirvana will not be able to get the reward! Your mission is considered a failure!

Therefore, just when the gate of the Assassination Pavilion's City Lord's Mansion is about to collapse, the Blood Sea Demon Lord and others must appear. The Tianshan Group is responsible for attracting the hatred of the elite monsters, and he is responsible for breaking through the City Lord's Mansion and entering the back hall. Destroy the city lord's token!

Relying on his high attack power, the Blood Sea Demon Lord easily completed the final blow to the gate of the City Lord's Mansion, and then arrived at the back hall of the City Lord's Mansion with ease, and shattered the City Lord's Token with one blow.

System, you destroyed the Assassination Pavilion City Lord Token, and Nirvana obtained 500,000 gang funds and 50,000 technology points.



When outside gang members touch the city lord token of another city, they will receive two prompts. One is to destroy it, and then they will get the resources needed to upgrade to the city lord's mansion. For example, upgrading the third-level city lord's mansion to the fourth level requires 500,000 gang members. With funds and 500,000 technology points, the gang to which the destroyer belongs will receive the above rewards.

"Everyone, retreat in stealth! Go and pick up the equipment dropped from all over the world. Remember, don't ask for equipment below 3 or more! The Assassin's League just returned to the city by committing suicide. If they left behind someone who specializes in picking up equipment. Players, kill them too!" The Blood Sea Demon King received the system reminder and knew that he had completed the task, but he not only wanted to complete the task, he also wanted to overcomplete the task and let his master Wei Bin deal with it. He was impressed!

"What? Nirvana? It is indeed Nirvana. You and I are at odds with each other!" Xing Tian finally confirmed his suspicion. The teleportation array at the door was definitely created by Nirvana. Otherwise, why would they appear in his city lord's mansion by such a coincidence? This is definitely a long-planned conspiracy!

Ten years of gang city.

"Emperor, there are too many wild monsters. If this continues, the city gate will be breached by them sooner or later. By then, the gang city will be in danger!" Bing Shui worriedly said. Ten years after Bing Shui led the group to join, he Became deputy gang leader for ten years!

This time, ten years later, the same suicide tactic was used to return to the city. If one did not commit suicide and return to the city, there would be no time to help defend the city. If you lose one level, it will be small, but if you lose the gang, the city will be big! Why did the entire Jian Yu Jiuzhou disband after Bing Shui lost the gang city? Because the foundation of a gang in Gang City is where all the benefits of the gang lie!

Take technology for example. Technology itself is a kind of welfare. A gang with level four meditation technology. After the gang city is destroyed, this meditation technology will disappear, because all technologies are based on the military aircraft pavilion. If the gang city is destroyed, the military aircraft pavilion will naturally disappear, and the military aircraft pavilion will disappear. The pavilions have disappeared, and the technology has naturally disappeared!

Let's take another example of a bank. The higher the level of the bank, the more gold coins the players can get by helping the public to do business. If the bank is destroyed, how can the players continue to do business?

Buildings such as the Forging Platform Liquor and Medical Club can be exchanged for various patterns, formulas and other props. These props are one of the ways to make a fortune. The faster the gang develops, the higher the level of these buildings, and the sooner players can redeem them. The sooner you can get rich!

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