But as time goes by, people will gradually realize that this reputation is not so easy to earn. Their output is very low. It is too difficult to rely on this to earn reputation. You must be a person with great perseverance and keep doing it non-stop. , even if ordinary players can get a dozen or so points of reputation every day, there are definitely only a handful of places that can really do this. How long can you persist in grinding monsters boringly? Chatting and bragging can greatly reduce the fatigue caused by killing monsters, but when doing these things, you must spend extra time!

"He's right. Reputation is a matter for those high-combat players. Your combat power is still very low. It's not cost-effective to fight these monsters. Instead of wasting time on them, it's better to go to dungeons for higher returns!" Wei Bin enlightened. road.

"It's really cool to hear you say that. This thing is really not as beautiful as it looks! I'm just following the trend! Haha!"

In this way, Wei Bin led the Nirvana members all the way back to Baishi City. Since the road had been occupied by the regular army of Baishi City, it didn't take them long!

Another hour later.

The attack of the dark forces in the system has been initially contained. In order to relieve the suppression of the dark forces on the transmission methods of Middle-earth, a batch of materials is urgently needed. We hope that heroes from all walks of life can help!

100 cinnabar, 1 cinnabar 10 prestige in any city

100 peach wood, 1 peach wood 20 prestige in any city

"Wow, Middle-earth is still awesome. It only took three hours to push back the dark forces, 6666."

"Who says it's not the case? At first, when I saw the vast numbers of dark creatures invading Middle-earth, they destroyed many gang cities. I thought there would never be a peaceful life from now on! I didn't expect that I would be able to go out again so soon. Got it!"

"What are you happy about? It's just that the gang cities close to the system cities have received assistance from the system's regular army. Those cities far away are still in dire straits. When the regular army kills them, they won't even think about it for a day and a half!"

"That's right, I don't know why you are happy. Just like Erhai, Dunhuang, and Yannan, the first- and second-level maps that are close to system cities have been liberated. The third-level maps and higher-level maps are still in darkness. Creatures have made it impossible for me, a three-level player, to even go to the ancient tomb! Hey!"

"Just live on. It's good to be alive these days. I would like to advise those gangs to avoid disaster, but on weekdays, they should treat their own gangs


Comrades who are dissatisfied with welfare, do you know how happy you are? Nowadays, there are no more gangs in the city. I won’t say much else, you can understand it yourself! "

"After this disaster, I don't know how many gang cities have been destroyed, and how many new gangs have risen and are turbulent. This is the world!"

The major kingdoms in Middle-earth also reacted quickly. In just three hours, they achieved the counterattack against the dark forces. Although it was limited to first-level and second-level maps, and the third-level and above maps had not yet been liberated, this was already considered a success. It's so fast, such a large-scale dark invasion, it is impossible to liberate the entire territory without a day!

At the same time that Middle-earth has achieved reverse push, they have already begun to lift the ban on teleportation. However, the officials of the major kingdoms are not omnipotent. They do not have all the materials, so this requires the support of the majority of players. assistance! And all the players who have these materials will definitely not be stingy, and they will also feel uncomfortable if the teleportation is banned! Secondly, they have no other use for these materials at this stage. Instead of keeping them in their hands, they might as well give them to the officials in exchange for some reputation points!

Under Wei Bin's call, all the ordinary members of Nirvana with relatively low combat power gave up their fight against the dark forces. Only the players who were at least three years old and above stayed. They followed Wei Bin and turned back in the direction of the teleportation array. Pushing, Wei Bin needs to destroy these teleportation arrays one by one to prevent others from gaining reputation!

Another three hours passed.

"Strange, why did they stop!" Bing Xin said curiously.

"There will be a dark curse within a range of 500 meters around the teleportation array. Anyone entering that area who is below level 3 will lose blood based on a percentage. These mercenaries are only level 2 NPCs and cannot resist the teleportation array at all. erosion, so even they can only maintain the front here!" Wei Bin explained.

"Doesn't that mean this will be a protracted war? When will the third-level NPCs be dispatched, or when will players rise to the third level to completely destroy these teleportation arrays and end this dark invasion?" Bing Xin asked with a slight worry. , she didn’t know that Wei Bin wanted to destroy the teleportation array. If it was true as Wei Bin said, then unless the system kingdom dispatched third-level NPCs, otherwise, these dark creatures would trouble them for at least a year, because

Only at level 80 are you eligible for level three job transfer. Due to the suppression of level vanguard, it will take at least a year to upgrade from level 60 to level 80!

However, in the previous life, these teleportation arrays only existed for half a year before being completely destroyed by the players! It's not that the players who destroyed these teleportation arrays are strong, I can only say that these players are too smart!

"No, today I will destroy the teleportation array in White Rock City, and destroy all teleportation arrays within seven days, but I need your help!" Wei Bin looked at Bing Xin and others.

"Okay, then let's find a place where there is no one, and then find a Tianshan that can ambush from all sides to help us hide there. Now people are enthusiastically building their reputation. If we are discovered at this time, we will destroy it. Teleportation array, then we will offend too many people!" Bingyue Hanxin reminded, his thoughts are indeed delicate and he considers the facts very carefully!

"That's what I meant, but you don't need all of you to accompany me. Just the seven people with the amulet can accompany me!" After saying that, Wei Bin led the people to an uninhabited corner and found another Tianshan mountain. Help them become invisible and escape towards the teleportation array! In fact, Wei Bin has a better candidate for the task of destroying the teleportation array, but the amulet is bound, so only eight of them can do it together!

"Strange, how come this teleportation array is invincible? How can we dismantle it if it is invincible? This is unreasonable!" Little Milk Rabbit asked curiously.

"The teleportation array is indeed invincible! Because it cannot be broken from the outside. If you want to destroy it, you must start from the inside! Come with me and choose the maze adventure together!" After saying that, Wei Bin took the lead and entered the teleportation array.

The moment he entered the teleportation array, two options appeared in front of him, one was to enter the floating city, and the other was to enter the maze to explore!

The floating city is a city in the dark plane, and it is also the city that everyone enters by default after entering the dark plane. Another maze adventure is what Wei Bin said!

The eight people entered the maze exploration mode together. With a flash of white light, the eight people descended into a map called "Dark Maze".

"Dark maze? Brother Bin, what should we do specifically? The name sounds like a maze!" The bug in Qian's eyes looked at Wei Bin!

"Yes, this is indeed a maze, and teleportation methods are prohibited just like outside. The prohibition here is not what the system just said.


That is the suppression of Middle-earth by the dark forces! The ban here is really banned. Even if the major kingdoms outside collect materials and lift the ban, teleportation is still not possible here! At the same time, this is a one-way road. Once you come in, there are only three ways out. The first is to hold amulets like the eight of us to resist the teleportation suppression of the dark forces! Second, he was killed by dark creatures and returned to Middle-earth to be resurrected! Third, go to the end of the maze, and there is the exit at the end! There is also the core of this teleportation array at the end point. You only need to destroy it with one blow to destroy this teleportation array from the inside! The purpose of our trip is to reach the end of the maze! "Wei Bin said with confidence.

When the dark maze first appeared in the player's field of vision, it attracted a large number of players. A large group of players rushed to enter the dark maze to explore, because there were a large number of treasure chests in the dark maze, and most of them were silver treasure chests. , there are also a small amount of gold treasure chests mixed in, and any silver treasure chest can yield treasures worth hundreds of gold at the most. Is this really good?

So since the news about the treasure chest in the dark maze spread, it attracted the favor of countless players. Until one day, a player arrived at the end of the maze and destroyed the core of the teleportation array, and the entire maze dissipated! After the maze dissipated, the player felt extremely regretful because he had drawn most of the maze map, opened many treasure chests, and obtained a large number of priceless treasures!

There is still a small half of the maze that he has not been to. Although he has not been there and does not know whether there is a treasure chest there, based on his understanding of the maze, he firmly believes that in the area that he has not been to, There are definitely many more treasure chests, but it’s unknown whether they have been opened by others!

Later, he went to the dark teleportation array in another city, and entered the dark maze from the teleportation array there. As a result, from the moment he entered, he found that the maze was different from the maze he entered before. Later, he After entering many mazes, he finally concluded that the mazes in each teleportation array are different, and the locations of the treasure chests are also different!

But this man has great potential for maze exploration. What he loves most on weekdays is maze exploration. After his unremitting efforts, he finally drew a complete maze exploration map, which records the second world he just destroyed. Every detail of the maze in the teleportation array!

Then he drew the maze map of the third teleportation array, but this time, he was not in a hurry to destroy the teleportation array!

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