In fact, the blame for this matter does not lie in killing people without blood at all. In the final analysis, it lies in Xing Tian's wrong command. If Xiongba personally participated in this war, then there is no need to kneel in front of Xiongba to plead guilty. However, it is not that Xiongba did not participate. Well, the top commander of Aoshi side kills people without blood. Although he is the top commander of Aoshi side, in order to prevent the people below from constraining Xing Tian, ​​he handed over the command of Aoshi to Xing Tian. This matter There is nothing wrong with that. There must be only one voice in the coalition and must only obey the command of one person, otherwise it will be easy to cause big troubles! All of the above are actually no wonder that he kills people without blood. However, he has political enemies. If he doesn't come over in advance and strike first, he will probably be sued by Cai Cai. By then, if he wants to explain, it will be difficult to explain. It's clear!

With such a sincere attitude towards killing people without seeing blood, Xiong Ba stopped blaming him. After all, he was just a person doing things. The commander-in-chief must be Xing Tian. If he didn't obey Xing Tian's orders on the battlefield, the result would only be worse. But regarding the matter of color, Xiongba also didn't say much. Regardless of prestige or future, Aoshi must be stronger than Nirvana. Isn't it better for him to be his confidant than to be Nirvana's undercover? Even if he can't be said to be inferior to one person in Aoshi, he is basically above ten thousand people. Why bother to be Nirvana's undercover? So with regard to the rhetoric of killing people without blood, Xiongba ultimately goes in with one ear and out with the other! He was like a mirror in his mind as to why he framed Cai Cai without showing blood. It was obvious that this was a competition for favor. The two of them had been fighting openly and secretly for a long time. As the leader of a gang, how could he not see what he meant?

Not long after Killing Without Blood left, He Ku's video was posted to the official website, and then Cai Cai also came to Xiong Ba's private villa.

"Gang leader, we, Ao Shi and the Assassin's Alliance, have joined forces, but they haven't captured Nirvana City. If this spreads out, no one will laugh out loud!" Cai Cai complained.

"What do you mean if this spreads out? I'm afraid it has already spread out, otherwise you wouldn't come here, right?" Xiongba looked at Cai Cai.

"Gang leader, now the video of our defeat has spread all over the Internet. Although the protagonist in the video is Xing Tian, ​​we Ao Shi are also embarrassed! People in the gang have begun to discuss this war. In my opinion, no It's hard to calm down the anger in their hearts even if you deal with a few people!" Colorful said pointedly. Although he didn't say it clearly, Xiongba is so smart, how could he listen?


Not in color.

"Colorful, this matter cannot be entirely blamed on Lao Sha. Don't say that I didn't come forward. Even if I did come forward, the commander-in-chief of this battle is Xing Tian, ​​because the entire plan came from him, and we also regard him as our leader. Take the lead, just follow them for some benefits! In this case, Lao Sha can only hand over the command. In this battle, he can't intervene at all. He can only obey the orders and follow the orders. Therefore, today's defeat has nothing to do with him. It doesn't matter much! If we want to blame him, we can only blame Xing Tian for his poor planning and fell into Wei Bin's trick!" Xiong Ba excused the murder without blood.

"Gang leader, if we talk about the culprit from the perspective of war, it must be Xing Tian, ​​but if we choose a responsible person from our gang, it can only kill people without blood. Gang leader, you don't know something. The video that is now widely circulated on the Internet In fact, it is not complete, at least one scene is not in the video!" Cai Cai said maliciously.

"The entire battlefield is so big and spans such a long time. Isn't it normal that there are places that can't be photographed? If you have anything to say, just say it!" Xiongba seemed to smell something strange in Colorful's words!

"Gang leader, just after Xingtian broke through the wall of Nirvana City and the entire army rushed into Nirvana City, the gaps and city gates were originally under the control of our army, but at this moment, killing people without blood was Suddenly a suggestion was made. He suggested that Xing Tian let Nirvana's people enter the city. It was nominally to expand the results of the war, but in fact, he was doing it to gain favor in front of you and for his own personal military exploits. He was using it for private purposes and was using us. The 200,000 proud brothers went to help him make contributions! It is precisely because of this that all the people who have passed through Nirvana were put into the city. If the people who had passed through Nirvana did not enter the city, then how could the 20,000 people in their city resist it? Trampled by our army of more than 300,000 people? If we hadn't let the Nirvana people enter the city, how could we have suffered the subsequent disastrous defeat? Even if we still couldn't take Nirvana City in the end, at least there would be no problem in returning with all our bodies. All of this must be attributed to Regarding the ridiculous suggestion of killing people without blood, if it weren't for him, how could we, Aoshi, have suffered such a disastrous defeat today? Moreover, it is said that Xingtian's attitude was erratic at that time, and Xuehu also persuaded Xingtian not to let the Nirvana people enter the city, but he killed people without blood. We must insist on letting nirvana people in so that

Expand the results, what is the result? He is letting the tiger go back to the mountains! Gang leader, if this incident is not dealt with without blood, the anger in the hearts of the 200,000 brothers who died will be difficult to calm down! "Colorful added.

"Colorful, where did you hear about this?" Xiongba asked.

"The leader of the gang was told by our spy in the Assassin's League. He was the one who told us a few days ago that the Assassin's League was going to attack Nirvana City recently. The information was absolutely accurate! Although he told me this matter in private, But many people were there at the time, and I believe the news will come out soon. This matter is absolutely true!" Cai Cai said, patting his chest.

"Lao Sha also wanted to expand the results. Under the circumstances at that time, victory was already a certainty. It was a normal reaction for him to do this. He can't be entirely blamed. If we were to blame, we could only blame Wei Bin for being too cunning. Xing Tian underestimated the enemy! What's more, Lao Sha also came up with this strategy to relieve my anger and to wipe out Nirvana. Let's leave it like this for now. You can pass on my order and give double the amount to those brothers who died. Pensions! To appease people's hearts!" Xiong Ba justified killing people without seeing blood.

"If that's the case, then okay!" Cai Cai seemed to want to continue to defend, but in the end he swallowed his words! He knew in his heart that Xiong Ba wanted to kill people without blood. Xiong Ba's attitude was so clear. If he continued to kill people without blood, he would not give Xiong Ba a chance. In the end, he would be the one who got hurt!

The most important thing is that Xiong Ba didn't blame him for proposing to attack Nirvana City with the Assassin League. You know, it was his idea to attack Nirvana City with the Assassin League. Xiong Ba didn't blame him. If he went against Xiong Ba's idea again, If you slander and kill people without blood, the tyrant might be furious!

After Cai Cai left, Xiongba sat on the big sofa worth more than one million and thought for a long time. He knew what the purpose of these two people came today. It was obvious that the first was to excuse himself. Killing without blood is execution after all. The commander was the proud and supreme commander on that battlefield at that time. Even if this matter had little to do with him, he was still the one in charge. After the defeat, he would naturally not be able to escape his involvement, so the main purpose of finding him was to kill without blood. It is to put aside the relationship to avoid being punished! The same is true for Cai Cai. Although he is not an executor, he will attack with the Assassin League.


After all, he came up with the strategy to attack Nirvana City. If the responsibilities really had to be divided, he wouldn't be able to escape! Therefore, the main purpose of his trip is to exonerate himself!

The second purpose, in fact, we can also talk about the purpose derived from the first purpose, or the means adopted to achieve the first purpose, which is to pour all the dirty water on one's mortal enemy and smear him. To distance yourself from your mortal enemy, like blaming Cai Cai for killing without blood, you shouldn't have come up with a plan to attack Nirvana City with the Assassin's League! But Cai Cai blamed improper command for killing people without seeing blood, and made wrong suggestions, which led to the annihilation of the entire army!

Xiong Ba has long seen through the minds of the two of them. In fact, the two of them fought openly and secretly to compete for favor in front of Xiong Ba. These Xiong Ba saw it, but Xiong Ba was helpless. He couldn't stop these two at all. He didn't want to stop the fight between two big celebrities! Because he needs checks and balances!

What are checks and balances? That is to balance the forces of the two parties for his own use. Yes, he is indeed the boss of the gang, but the boss cannot do everything by himself. Just like the emperor in ancient times, it is impossible to do everything by himself and cover everything. The boss definitely needs hands. Go down to do things for him and give orders for him. If there is only one person below to do things for him, then this person will become the spokesperson of the hegemony, and the people below will fawn over this spokesperson, and slowly, a faction will be formed. That the military camp only knows the general and not the emperor? Because any orders are issued to them by the generals, and any benefits are also issued to them by the generals. In the same way, over time, people will think that all the spokesperson's words represent the meaning of Xiong Ba, and slowly Xiong Ba's rights will be It will be ignored. For example, the order given by Xiongba is a, but the spokesperson changes it to b. Xiongba thinks that the person below is executing a, but in fact, the person below is executing b. This is an illusion!

But it’s different with checks and balances. The two factions fight against each other, and everyone wants to be favored by themselves, so no one dares to deceive themselves or stand up to themselves, because they are both eye-catchers. For example, Bai himself changed the order Became b. Now that he knows that killing without blood, he will definitely complain to Xiongba, and vice versa. The so-called checks and balances mean that one of them should not be too weak or one of them should be too strong. By using these two factions Fight between each other to manage the people below!

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