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Chapter 555 Counterattack against the Assassin League

At that time, we will bid for their remaining large virtual cities and giant virtual cities! I have to say that Wei Bin is indeed very thoughtful, and he actually thought of this tactic of transferring risks! "Xing Tian seems to have seen through Wei Bin's plan!

In fact, although the two deputy gangs of Nirvana do not have much military resources, there is still no problem in taking over two large virtual cities! Wei Bin asked each of them to donate land at least once. Although these two deputy gangs had just been promoted to the fourth level, even at the third level, the gang member capacity was as high as 50,000. Each person donated twice a day, every day. You can get 50,000 military resources, which is 3 million military resources a month!

During the last Earth Conquest, the bidding price for a large virtual city rose to 500,000 military assets. With an assistant's 3 million military assets, what does it matter if two large virtual cities are auctioned? The reason why Xing Tian had such an illusion was that he did not require the assistant gang members of the Assassin League to donate once a day!

The reason why Xing Tian does not force his deputy gang to donate daily is because he does not even have a virtual city in the hands of the main gang. The deputy gang is far less powerful than the main gang and has no hope of winning the virtual city, unless the Assassin's League develops like Nirvana in the future. Now, you have several virtual cities. In order to avoid being attacked by hostile forces, you can transfer them to the deputy gang! It’s the same as Wei Bin’s current operation!

But Wei Bin is different. He needs to always be on guard against hostile forces. If someone is determined to attack his virtual city, if the deputy assistant does not have enough military resources at that time, if the hostile forces fail to bid, then The right to attack the Nirvana virtual city was photographed by hostile forces. This is not a good thing! So in order to prevent this scene from happening, Nirvana's deputy gang must now accumulate more military resources to prepare for emergencies!

"What about the two virtual cities in the hands of Nirvana's two assistants?" Qian Nian asked knowingly.

"The original large-scale virtual city in their hands will naturally be returned to Nirvana. In this way, it will be equivalent to starting from this World Conquest. In each subsequent term, they will exchange two large-scale virtual cities. , in order to keep their own virtual city! In other words, the existing five large virtual cities and giant virtual cities are already their limit. Their virtual cities will only become fewer in the future, and it is impossible to increase them! More They won't be able to defend it!" Xing Tian explained.

Xing Tian was right about one thing, but he was wrong about another thing!


What Xing Tian guessed wrong was that Wei Bin did not plan to exchange virtual cities with the two deputy gangs all the time. What he wanted was that in every subsequent battle in the world, Nirvana would capture at least two large virtual cities from other forces. Then at the same time, he transferred Nirvana's existing large-scale virtual city to two deputy gangs, and sold the virtual cities of the two deputy gangs to allies such as Game Life. As for what will happen to the virtual cities in the hands of his allies, it will be with It doesn't matter to him! In this way, Nirvana only needs to defend another large virtual city and one giant virtual city, and the defensive pressure will be less! The difference between him doing this and Xing Tian's idea is that he can get the profits from the two large virtual cities he sold, but he needs to take the risk of not being able to capture other people's virtual cities, but once they capture them, they will It can greatly weaken the strength of hostile forces! Xing Tian's idea is not wrong. At least there is no risk of not being able to capture other people's virtual cities. He can concentrate his forces to defend a large virtual city and a giant virtual city. This is safer!

What Xing Tian guessed right was that because of Wei Bin's limited strength, it was indeed impossible to occupy more virtual cities. The other major forces had no experience in the first two sessions. Starting from the third session, their experience would be Gradually it becomes richer, and by then the hard power will be what you fight for! In terms of the gang's cutting-edge combat power, Nirvana is no less than other major forces. However, when it comes to conquering the world, it has always been easier to attack a city than to defend it. Even if Wei Bin conquered someone else's virtual city, there is a high probability that he himself A virtual city will be lost, unless Wei Bin deploys all his cutting-edge combat power on defense. But in that case, the offensive combat power will be insufficient, and he may not be able to capture other people's virtual cities. Comprehensive It seems that after Nirvana, even if you want to maintain the existing three large virtual cities and one giant virtual city, you will have to open four battlefields at the same time and divide your troops into four groups. This is almost impossible! It’s difficult to maintain the status quo, so how is it possible to occupy more virtual cities? So regarding this point, Xing Tian was not wrong at all!

"That's right, then they will only need to defend two virtual cities in the future. In this way, the defensive pressure will be much less! So gang leader, what will our future policy be?" Qian Nian asked.

"Let's withdraw people first, and find out the details of Nirvana first.

To be more specific, if Nirvana really became so strong because of the virtual city, then next month, we will also obtain the resources of the virtual city, and it will not be too late to harass them after we become stronger! "Xing Tian said, since he can't beat others, why bother asking for trouble and going head-to-head with others? He really wants to save some face by harassing Nirvana for leveling, but if he can't even beat others, then what else is there to do? Go? That's not saving face. Not only can't you save face, but you will lose face even more. Xing Tian still understands this truth!

"Haha, this is so cool. I never noticed it usually, but today I realized that I am already so strong!" A Nirvana player who had been harassed by the Assassin League said excitedly.

"Who says it's not the case? When I first saw the people from the Assassin's League, I thought I was going to live the same life as I had in the past few months. I had to worry about leveling up at any time. I didn't expect that as soon as I started to fight, the two of them actually... Not my opponent, haha, let’s see who dares to harass me for leveling in the future!”

"Who says it's not true? I was shocked when Tianshan from the League of Assassins showed up and beat me. I was already ready to ask Po Meng for soup, but I didn't know that his output was too low and I couldn't beat him at all. Me, I killed him instantly with two backhand moves, haha, this made me laugh to death!"

"Now I finally understand the painstaking efforts of the gang leader! When the Assassin League harassed us for leveling up, the gang leader told us to focus on defense and not to quarrel with them too much. Upgrading is more important. At that time, I was still angry. White Rock City It's obviously our territory, why can't we organize to encircle and suppress them several times! Now I finally understand that if we encircle and suppress them, it will delay our upgrade, and there will also be the danger of escalating the battle. Once the scale of the battle escalates, then Instead of not being able to upgrade, we will actually be downgraded. In this way, we may have won the battle, relieved ourselves, and feel comfortable now, but in the long run, it is not good for us! And what if we upgrade quickly? ? You can upgrade to level 60 as soon as possible and use the advantages of the second-level profession to occupy more virtual cities. With virtual cities, we will get more military exploits for free every day, and we will become stronger bit by bit. , we have the courage to no longer be afraid of harassment by the Assassin League today, the gang leader really has good intentions!"

"Yes, the gang leader puts the overall situation first, does not stick to trivial matters, and does not care about immediate gains and losses. The gang leader's vision is too long-term.


Our strength is indeed enhanced by the props in the war merit store. It would be better if we could shoot one or two more large virtual cities tomorrow, haha! "

"What are you thinking about? Do you think large-scale virtual cities are just cabbage? You can have it if you want it? Our Nirvana now has four virtual cities. Even if tomorrow's battle for the world is the same as last week, each of our two assistant gangs will shoot one , then we still need two virtual cities to defend, and now everyone who is qualified to participate in the World War is a four-year-old player. Based on the fact that only 100 people can participate in the battle on a battlefield, we only have 300 four-year-old players. , we can capture at most one virtual city. If there are more, I’m afraid it will be difficult to win due to combat power issues!”

“But in that case, wouldn’t we lose a large virtual city?”

"Haha, who knows? I just made a wild guess. The gang leader is so talented and strategic. Who knows what the gang leader will do!"

"Guild Leader, news just came that the people from the Assassin Alliance have retreated. It is estimated that they will not harass us for an upgrade in a short time!" Feng Yun Wuji sent a congratulatory message to Wei Bin!

"Okay! Just retreat when you face difficulties. I want to see how the world will view the Assassin's Alliance after they return without success. This battle will greatly weaken the prestige of the Assassin's Alliance and will be a great influence on our destruction of the Assassin's Alliance." It will be of great benefit!" Wei Bin said. Regarding the complete destruction of the Assassin Alliance, Wei Bin has his own plan. If he wants to break up such a large gang, it will definitely not be done in one or two large-scale battles. It must be done in one or two large-scale battles. They want to consume their economy, weaken their prestige, and undermine their confidence. The three go hand in hand. When the progress reaches a certain level, someone will rise up and resist the Assassin League together!

If you want to say which gang in Middle-earth currently has the highest hatred value, it is undoubtedly the Assassin's League. The Assassin's League has many more enemies than Ao Shi and Meng Hui Luoyang. You know, one of the ways for the Assassin's League to make money is Assassination, some bosses in need will contact the Assassin's League and buy breasts to kill people for hire. Although the employer has other people, the people are killed by the Assassin's League after all, and all characters who need the Assassin's League to take action either have My own power? Or they are extremely well-equipped individual people. These people are scattered all over the world and cannot be twisted into a rope to take revenge on the Assassin League!

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