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Chapter 571 Counterattack?

But in fact, the most embarrassing thing is killing people without blood. Xiong Ba has not been released from prison today, so he has become the commander-in-chief. It would be okay if he wins today's battle, but what if he loses? Today's battle involves all the high-competition players in Aoshi. If he loses, will he be sprayed to death?

However, he can't even deal with Wei Bin, so how can he win? Why can't he deal with Wei Bin? Why is Wei Bin so strong? Among the hundred people he brought, which one is not brave and good at fighting, and one can be equal to ten? Who is not the master who kills gods when God blocks him or kills Buddha when Buddha blocks Buddha? But why, this group of devil-like people on weekdays, seemed to be like little chickens who were ready to be slaughtered in front of Wei Bin? Originally, he could kill this and that person instantly, but when he got in front of Wei Bin, he could only be killed instantly?

This is too outrageous!

Killing people without blood can react quickly, let them retreat, stop losses in time, and avoid unnecessary sacrifices. It doesn't mean that he has a way to attack Wei Bin! Because he was only temporarily stopping his losses, the cooling time of the trick was only 107 seconds. By the time they gathered together and arrived at Wei Bin's side, Wei Bin's trick had long been restored. By then it would be the same as before, and they still couldn't beat Wei Bin!

After a period of thinking, suddenly the idea of ​​​​killing without blood came to me!

"All combatants listen to my order and send a team of people over first to draw out Wei Bin's Yihuaqiaomu. If he uses Yihuaqiaomu, the others will temporarily retreat first and wait until his Yihuaqiaomu is over before killing him. If he thinks that the number of people is If there are too few and it's not worth his efforts, then control him and everyone will swarm him!" He ordered the killing without blood.

Yes, this was exactly how Xing Tian of the Assassin League dealt with Wei Bin at the time. He sent a team of people as bait to seduce Wei Bin. If Wei Bin was reluctant to use it, then they could take advantage of the situation to control Wei Bin, and then others would follow. With the control of 30 people, 100 can control Wei Bin to death! And if Wei Bin uses grafting, then Ao Shi can temporarily avoid its edge and wait until Wei Bin's grafting is over before attacking again! However, this group of people must definitely die, because they are using their bodies to test whether Wei Bin has moved away. When their control skills are thrown at Wei Bin, Wei Bin must have also flown to them in Lingshen style. The six of them were surrounded by Wei Bin. How could they run away?

The plan was carried out according to the idea of ​​​​killing without blood. When Wei Bin saw it, hey! Isn't this the method Xing Tian used to deal with me back then? I know this script well! Unexpectedly, the murderer disappeared


Xue came up with this method so quickly. Xingtian only thought of this method after the group was destroyed several times!

Now that Wei Bin knows the plan to kill without blood, it will be easier for Wei Bin to deal with it. Don't you want me to replace it with others? Then I’ll give it to you!

Wei Bin made a decisive move and killed the six people on the spot. However, since the others had already moved away from Wei Bin, Wei Bin did not pursue them, but retreated away from them!

"He retreated? All the collectors stepped forward to submit resources! The combatants stepped forward to pursue Wei Bin!" Wei Bin was overjoyed that the killing was not bloody. Wei Bin must have known that he had no way to replace others and was no match for the opponent, so he retreated and hid. Get up and delay the cooling time of grafting!

So he quickly asked the collectors who were waiting on the side but did not dare to step forward to submit resources without losing blood. At the same time, he did not forget to order the combatants to pursue Wei Bin. Without Wei Bin, who had to replace others with others, what was there to be afraid of? They must take this opportunity to kill Wei Bin, otherwise when Wei Bin's cooldown time is restored, he will come back to harass their own collectors! And as long as Wei Bin is killed once, it will take at least ten minutes for Wei Bin to come back again, and Aoshi can win up to ten minutes of safe collection time!

When he saw that the proud collectors were halfway through the journey, Wei Bin decisively turned around and ran towards the quartermaster again!

"Okay, Wei Bin is back again, brothers, come on, kill him for me!" He ordered the murderer without blood.

The more than twenty combatants rushed forward, but the collectors were a little embarrassed. The distance between them and the quartermaster was about the same as the distance between Wei Bin and the quartermaster. In other words, , if they insist on going to the quartermaster to hand over resources, then most of them will be killed by Wei Bin, if Wei Bin is determined to attack them!

"What should we do? Should we hand over the resources?" asked a hesitant collector.

"All collectors come forward to submit resources. Don't worry, our fighters will protect you!" he said, killing without blood.

After hearing the words of killing without blood, everyone put their hearts in their stomachs and rushed to the quartermaster without stopping! And just now

At this time, Wei Bin's Lingshen Style recovery was completed, and he flew into the crowd with a Lingshen Style move, but he was immediately accused of living in the same place. Wei Bin did not panic and immediately activated the God's Descendance. , the control effect was dispelled, and at the same time, a move to break the sky was launched!

This is very embarrassing. Killing people without blood is because of Wei Bin's transformation skills. In this transformation state, Wei Bin's attack range is up to five meters and has a splashing effect. In addition, Wei Bin himself has With blood-sucking skills, it is impossible for them to kill Wei Bin in this state! The embarrassing part is that he has already ordered the collectors to come over and submit resources. Seeing that these collectors are only a few meters away from the quartermaster, and even those a little further away are only twenty meters away. It's just a meter, it can be said that it's coming in a blink of an eye. At this juncture, what can he do? We can only bite the bullet and buy time for the collectors to submit resources!

But Wei Bin refused to kill without blood. He specially selected those collectors to kill. Wasn't his original intention to intercept the collectors? What's the use of killing more of these combatants? Death here only loses 10 experience points, which does not affect the overall situation at all!

In this way, under Wei Bin's indiscriminate bombardment, most of the collectors were hunted down in just ten seconds! Only a small number of collectors submitted resources! This is the power of the gods descending to the earth + breaking the sky. If you add in the cross-fertilization, it will be even stronger, because they can cooperate with each other. Breaking the sky can attack up to ten people, and the one who is attacked Ten people will be under the influence of the gods descending to earth, sputtering to more people around them. These three skills can be said to be the kings of team battles!

Although these collectors have no resources in their hands, Wei Bin does not intend to let them go, because the ground around him is full of resources dropped by the dead collectors. If he does not destroy these collectors, , they will pick up the resources dropped on the ground nearby and hand them directly to the quartermaster!

On the proud side, seeing that Wei Bin was no longer in the state of being a god, he killed people without blood and ordered again, "Brothers, control Wei Bin, don't attack him, go forward to pick up resources, and hand over the resources!"

What is more important right now than handing over the resources of this place? This is a resource at your doorstep!

"Captain, I still can't seem to control him! Isn't his transformation over?"

"Yeah, that's weird


, why can't you control him! His transformation effect is obviously over, why can't he still be controlled? "

Soon, the news that they could not control Wei Bin reached the murderous ears again!

"I understand, all combatants retreat to the resurrection point, and the surviving collectors continue to go out to collect!" He ordered the killing without blood.

This is very confusing. Why does Wei Bin have so many control-free skills? However, except for the last control-free skill, it can be said that everything is still expected to kill without blood!

"Don't panic, everyone. We have forced out Wei Bin's transformation skill. As far as I know, his transformation skill has a very long cooldown. He can only use it once in Zhengtianxia. Next, we will It's easy to fight! We will execute the tactics just now, and he will definitely die! This time, ten gatherers will come and follow our combatants. After we drive Wei Bin away or kill him, you quickly pick up the supplies on the ground and hand them over to the military supplies. Officer!" He ordered to kill people without seeing blood.

Afterwards, he imitated the tactics just now and approached Wei Bin again without any blood. The team he sent to die successfully seduced Wei Bin again. After that, Wei Bin stayed near the quartermaster. As time went by, As time went on, he deduced that Wei Bin's trickery had disappeared, so he led the army to pounce directly. However, after killing people but not showing blood, players who reached the limit of five and so on rushed forward. Wei Bin did not evacuate like last time, but waited. Waiting for their arrival!

"Okay! Wei Bin did not retreat. The last time he retreated, he was actually seducing our collectors to submit resources. This time we have no collectors here, so he did not retreat again. Brothers, kill him!" He ordered to kill without showing blood.

Seeing the proud man rushing forward, Wei Bin rushed forward decisively. After turning on his strength, he plunged into the crowd. What happened next was so eye-catching!

Wherever Wei Bin passed, each projectile flew towards Wei Bin. Soon, Wei Bin was controlled in place. However, looking in the opposite direction along the trajectory, he found that the players who came from the projectile fell one after another. On the ground!

"Stop, stop quickly, this is Wei Bin's anti-injury skill!" He usually does Wei Bin's homework to kill people without blood. Through various Wei Bin's battle videos, he discovered a secret that kills people without blood. There is a high probability that there is a skill similar to counter-injury!

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