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Chapter 6 The wind blows all over the Tianshan Mountains all night

"Senior, I'm ready. Please set the most difficult assessment task for me!" The assessment tasks are divided into four levels: simple, difficult, hell, and legend. Wei Bin has ten years of experience in Tianshan, so it's true.

"Haha, you kid is crazy! But you have to think clearly. The highest difficulty is the legendary difficulty. So far, only the founding master has passed it. If you fail the test, you will have to wait another hour before you can accept the task!" Tianshan Tonglao! Obviously he is not optimistic that Wei Bin will pass.

"Senior, as an assassin, you should be determined to achieve something with the determination of life and death. If you choose a simple difficulty assessment task, what is the difference between it and salted fish? Even if you pass, what will happen? In the end, it will be nothing more than a salty fish. An inconspicuous member among all living beings? I am determined to carry forward my Tianshan sect. I have made up my mind. Please issue a legendary assessment task for me!" Wei Bin said impassionedly.

"In that case, you go in!" Although Tianshan Child Elder was not optimistic about Wei Bin's trip, she was impressed by his faith and determination and admired him greatly!

Wei Bin entered the assessment copy through the teleportation array, and Tianshan Child Elder was already waiting for him inside.

"Tianshan's weapon is a double ring. The weapon has been prepared for you. Your task is to kill all the monsters here within 5 minutes. You can use all the skills of this sect. I am waiting for your good news!" Tianshan Tongmao Explaining the assessment rules.

The easy difficulty assessment task can be completed by using all the sect skills once, the difficult level requires killing 10 monsters, the hell level needs to kill 20 monsters, and the legendary level needs to kill all 30 monsters in it, everyone The attributes when participating in the assessment tasks are exactly the same, which completely tests the understanding and operation level of the skills of the sect.

In the eyes of Tianshan Child Elder, how could a newcomer who didn't even know what Tianshan skills were like pass the legendary level difficulty assessment?

For ordinary people, they can pass the stick-making assessment at the easy level, and they can pass the difficult level test after a few more attempts! However, many people did not know that different difficulty levels have different rewards and chose the easy difficulty level. Others chose the hard difficulty level and ended up killing ten monsters without stopping the car and passed the assessment, thus missing out on the Assault on Hell difficulty level. Good opportunity. Some people are scared by the crowds in Novice Village. They feel that time is the most precious and do not want to wait an hour to re-select the difficulty. For various reasons, 80% of people passed the easy difficulty test, 19% passed the difficult difficulty test, and the 1% either failed countless times and finally passed the hell test. Or after passing the assessment of other difficulties, you find that you can give a few more assessment tasks of higher difficulty.


Those who delete their accounts and practice again after the skills are acquired will of course have to be tortured by the Novice Village for a few more days.

Wei Bin had his own reasons for choosing the legendary level difficulty. After passing the easy difficulty test, you can get 3 skills, 4 for the difficult level, 5 for the hell level, and 6 for the legendary level. You will have to rely on your own skills in the future. Go get it.

The advantage of having one more skill in the early stage is huge. Skill books are so expensive. How can you have spare money to buy skill books and learn them?

Wei Bin picked up the double ring next to him. It was a weapon similar to a half-moon scimitar. There were sharp blades in all directions. There was a hole on the side of the ring at the center of the ring. His hand could just pass through the center of the ring. Wei Bin saw Bin holds the ring in his hand, like a god of war who has been on the battlefield for a long time.

"The assessment starts at The assessment begins!"

Wei Bin activated the status skill Snow Melting Defense State, which increased the speed at which he gained anger and increased his own dodge. Because it was a defensive state skill, it could exist permanently. Then he activated the acceleration skill White Horse Gap, increased his movement speed by 50%, and rushed towards the monster group. With Wei Bin's ten years of experience, he easily judged the hatred range of each monster and attracted no more than ten monsters. Together.

"What kind of footwork is this? It's so superb, and it can control the range of wild monsters' hatred so accurately!" Tianshan Child Elder nodded. It seems that the quality of this new generation is pretty good!

Subsequently, Wei Bin activated the full anger skill Yangguan Triple Stack to increase understanding by 96 points, which lasted for 21 seconds, causing an additional normal attack to the target, and causing a 100% normal attack splash effect to 3 surrounding targets, which lasted for 21 seconds. 21 seconds later, he used his only group skill, Eagle Strike into the Sky.

Instantly, a series of critical hit damage numbers appeared above the monsters' heads. With just one skill, all monsters lost half of their health. This is the power of Tianshan's signature skill. Eagle Strike in the Sky can attack 10 targets, and each one The target will be splashed to 3 surrounding targets, which means that Eagle Strike in the Sky combined with Shifting Flowers can attack these monsters a total of 50 times at the same time, plus 96 points of knowing, which is close to 100% critical hit (the target that is splashed only receives normal attacks) damage, and no critical hits), directly knocking out half of the blood volume. Then, under the combined effect of Yihuaqiaomu and Yangguan triple stack, each attack can cause damage to 4 monsters at the same time, and the first target is due to Yangguan. The function of Guan Sandie is a critical hit, and the additional four normal

The attack will not critically hit.

"The release sequence of this skill is also standard for the Tianshan sect. This newcomer's level is pretty good. He can use my Tianshan sect's skills so skillfully for the first time. It can be said that he is a rare genius in ten years!" Tianshan Tong Grandma was even more impressed by Wei Bin!

During the transition period, Wei Bin did not use other attack skills, but kept attacking with normal attacks, because any skill has a casting forward and backward swing time, which is longer than the attack interval of continuous basic attacks, and the skill damage cannot be splashed. For other units, it is better to use normal attacks to cause higher damage. After all, the interval between normal attacks is short! Therefore, after using the trick to farm a group of monsters, try not to use other attack skills except the group attack skill Eagle Strike into the Sky. You can use skills when there are only one or two targets, because there are fewer targets being splashed. This awareness is what distinguishes the masters. An important watershed between the Tianshan Mountains and ordinary Tianshan Mountains.

After the transfer, with the cooperation of other attack skills, the battle ended in half a minute. At the same time, the anger returned to the full value. Regardless of attacking the opponent or being attacked by the opponent, the anger value will be accumulated.

At the end, Wei Bin did not rush to lure the next wave of monsters, but sat down and waited for the skill CD. He was too anxious to eat hot tofu. If he continued to fight monsters without good skills, it would indeed save time, but his blood volume was not enough to last. Accomplishing tasks is crucial and can easily be overlooked!

The cooldown time of "Transferring Flowers and Trees" is 108 seconds, and the cooldown time of "Eagle Strike in the Sky" is 73 seconds. When there are ten seconds left to refresh, Wei Bin uses the same routine to attract ten monsters.

"I didn't expect that he even perfectly avoided the disadvantages of forward and backward attacks, and he didn't wait for the skills to cool down and recover before attacking monsters because of time constraints. I'm afraid that if I look at the entire history of the Tianshan sect, I have such computing power. , only the founder of the sect can do it!" Tianshan Child Elder praised Wei Bin as always. If you are a person who has joined the Tianshan sect for a period of time, you may be able to discover the skills Wei Bin just showed, but Wei Bin is just a You are a newcomer who has just come into contact with Tianshan Sect! Why isn’t Tianshan Child Elder surprised?

After Wei Bin repeatedly cited and brushed it three times, as the last monster fell to the ground, Wei Bin heard the sound of the system in his ears.

Congratulations to the player for passing the Tianshan Sect legendary difficulty assessment copy, which lasted 246 seconds, broke the record, and obtained 6 sect skills!

Wei Bin opens the skill bar

The Yannan Feitian Mountain Sect's normal attack method causes external attack damage to it.


Yangge Tianjun's single-target melee attack will cause an additional 100 points of direct damage to the target. It requires half an anger and a cooldown time of 15 seconds.

The golden cicada sheds its shell and makes itself invisible. It will appear immediately after being damaged or actively releasing skills. The casting time is 1 second and the cooling time is 120 seconds.

Snowflake launches six single-target melee attacks, causing 50 points of damage to the target, and has a chance to increase his understanding by 1 point, which lasts for ten seconds and has a cooldown time of 15 seconds.

After being used, Eagle Strike can cause 100 points of ice damage to up to 10 enemies within 5 meters, with a cooldown time of 73 seconds.

The white horse passing through the gap increases the movement speed by 50%, lasting for 5 seconds, and the cooling time is 30 seconds.

If you just pass the easy difficulty, you can only get the first three skills, the hard difficulty can get the first four skills, and the hell difficulty can get the first five skills.

After learning Yan Nanfei, you can only cause external attack damage to the enemy. No matter how high the internal attack is, the internal damage will be 0. All sects have similar skills.

The 50 points of damage caused by Snowflake Six Out to the target refers to the damage caused to the opponent after adding 50 points to its own attack power. It is affected by the opponent's defense. If the opponent's defense is 50 points higher than your attack power, then this skill will cause 0 damage.

Different from this, Yangge Tianjun adds additional "direct damage". This damage ignores defense. Even if the opponent's defense is higher than your attack, it can still cause 100 points of damage, and this skill requires anger. Unlike other skills that consume energy, anger will slowly increase as you attack and are attacked.

The Tianshan Child Elder was speechless and did not come back to her senses for a long time. It was already a miracle that a newcomer could pass the legendary difficulty test in one go! But the key is that it broke the record? One second less than the record? Although that is just a record that the founder of the mountain challenged at will, it is a record set by the founder of the mountain after all! Who is the founder? Is there anyone who knows the skills he created better than him? It seems that Tianshan is really going to rise!

"I didn't expect you to have such talent at such a young age. How long will it take you to join my Tianshan sect!" The Tianshan child's elder admired Wei Bin extremely. How could such a fighting genius be left behind by him?

"Congratulations, you have passed the mission assessment of legendary difficulty. In the future, you must carry forward our Tianshan lineage and let everyone in the world fear our Tianshan! Since you are the first newcomer to join our Tianshan sect, these sets of suits will serve as Your reward!" Tianshan Child Elder said proudly.

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