4. Kill the viper, obtain its tendon, and be rewarded with 100 friendship points.

Although the name Viper does not sound intimidating, if you are deceived by its name, you are bound to regret it. This boss Wei Bin had brushed the ground in his previous life. At that time, he sent out the most powerful person in the gang. One team failed in defeat, and it wasn't until the third time that they successfully killed it. This shows how difficult it is!

The viper also has a little-known title, called the underworld dragon. You can feel how powerful it is just by listening to the name! Viper has a total of four skills, two of which are active skills, and two passive skills. The two passive skills are called Nether Poison and Corrosive Appearance, and the two active skills are named Poison Attack and Viper Strike!

Nether Poison adds strong poison to the attack. The lower the current health percentage of the attacked target, the more damage it will suffer.

This is a passive output skill. The lower the target's health, the higher the damage the Viper will cause to it. Therefore, if you want to defeat the Viper, you must always maintain a safe blood volume. It is very likely that your health will be When there is about 30 remaining, Viper will kill you instantly with a critical hit! If the team cannot maintain a health volume of more than 50 at all times, then it is best for this team not to touch the viper. Otherwise, it is very likely that the team will be fighting the viper, feeling good about themselves, and feeling that it will soon. When the viper is dropped in the strategy, the number of members suddenly decreases, and the decrease in number of members is the beginning of the team’s destruction!

Corrosive Appearance: The underworld dragon's body is covered in poison. Any unit that attacks it will be corroded, its attack speed and movement speed will be reduced, and it will take poison damage. Corrosive Appearance can reduce the damage by 20.

This corrosive appearance can be said to be a passive skill with both offense and defense. If you hit it, it can reduce damage by 20, and as long as you hit it, no matter how much damage it takes, you will be corroded by its poison. You Not only will you lose blood, your attack speed and movement speed will also be greatly reduced. Therefore, if you want to defeat the viper, your output must be high. If your output is low, you may lose more blood than you did. It has more blood, what are you trying to do? It will only increase the treatment pressure on Emei disciples!

In addition to the obvious 20% damage reduction of Viper's corrosive appearance, its effect of reducing attack speed can also be regarded as damage reduction. After all, the attack speed is reduced, and the damage it takes will naturally be reduced. Got it! Even its toxins can be regarded as redirected damage reduction, because people with low output will be intimidated by its toxins and dare not attack. If they hit others themselves, they will lose more blood. Who will do it? To fight it?

The poison attack quenches poison on the underworld dragon's arrows, causing additional poison damage and reducing the target's attack speed and movement speed for two seconds with no cooldown.

It is another skill that has both offense and defense. It adds poison to the normal attack, which not only allows the player to suffer additional poison damage, but also reduces the player's attack speed and movement speed. It not only reduces the player's output, but also prevents the player from escaping. As a retreat, unless you have teleportation skills, the viper won't be able to stick to you? Coupled with its Nether Poison passive skill, you will have nowhere to run if you are running out of health!

The viper pounces and bites the target viciously, greatly reducing the target's attack speed and movement speed, causing poisonous damage! Lasts 5 seconds, cooldown time is 30 seconds.

It's another kind of toxin damage. How many toxins are there in vipers? These poisonous damage can be superimposed, and the reduced attack speed and movement speed can also be superimposed. For example, the viper gives both the poison attack and the viper surprise to the same person at the same time, and this person has attacked the viper again, triggering The viper's corrosive appearance means that this person was harmed by three poisons at the same time, and his attack speed and movement speed were reduced three times. How can he fight this? Not to mention fighting, even trying to escape is impossible. The three deceleration skills are superimposed, and basically this player cannot even move!

With four such powerful skills, you can see how difficult it must be to conquer it!

But Wei Bin still included this task in his plan to take over.


Killer weapon, the difficulty should be reduced a lot!

There are also a series of hell-level difficult tasks, but most of them are ones that Wei Bin doesn't even bother to take a look at. These tasks are too time-consuming or too energy-consuming. Wei Bin marked ten tasks from them and prepared I will pick them up one by one from Ah Zi in the future.

All of Azi's missions have one thing in common, that is, they are more or less related to poison. This is also in line with her character setting. Azi herself is from the Xingxiu sect, and she is a user. The master of poison, including the later period when she used the divine tree king cauldron to practice, is inseparable from poison!

Today, Wei Bin only accepted the first task from her, to kill the Lord of Corruption!

This mission is relatively easy compared to the ten missions Wei Bin has taken on, because its difficulties are allocated to other places, such as where it is! Another example is how to get to where it is!

The Lord of Corruption is not actually on Middle-earth, but on a continent in the dark plane called the Land of Corruption. This is the difficulty of this task. According to common sense, it is released on Middle-earth. Mission, its mission goal cannot cross the continent no matter what, right? Even if the mission target really crosses the continent, at least there should be some reminder in the mission description, right? Even if it doesn’t prompt the specific location, it should at least prompt to go to the dark plane, right?

But this mission is unusual. From the beginning to the end of the mission description, there is no mention of the dark plane at all. So where do you want players to find it? In other words, Wei Bin is well-informed. If it were anyone else, I'm afraid it would be difficult for them to complete it no matter how long they were given!

Soon, Wei Bin came to Hongming Village through his special teleportation prop for Hongming Village. As soon as he arrived at the entrance of Hongming Village, Wei Bin discovered a scene that shocked him!

Is this the Eagle Adventure Group becoming a good person?

"Brother, I've been out of town hanging out for ten hours. Here, here's 10 gold!" A player said to a member of the Eagle Adventure Group at the entrance of the village.

"Okay, I wish you a safe journey, brother, and leave this barren prison in Hongming Village as soon as possible!" The member of the Eagle Adventure Group said very politely.

"Haha, that's necessary. This place is really a prison. There are no resources, it's hard to fight wild monsters, and there's no place to eat, drink and have fun. Hey, after I leave, I never want to come back!" The player said with emotion.

It can be seen from their eyes that this player is willing to pay money to leave the village. How can they still have hatred for the Eagle Adventure Group in their hearts? All Wei Bin saw was admiration and admiration!

Immediately afterwards, another player came back from outside the village, but this player did not enter the city. Instead, he took the initiative to talk to the people from the Eagle Adventure Group!

"Brother, why did you come back so early? It's still more than half an hour before the time comes!" asked the member of the Eagle Adventure Group.

"Brother, I'm not going into the village, I'm here to say goodbye to you. I still have the last point of murderous energy. I will leave Hongming Village in a few minutes. Thanks to your Eagle Adventure Group for these days, Take care of me, otherwise, with my strength, I will die countless times!" The player said gratefully. He was just a three-level player. Maybe he could walk sideways outside and single-handedly fight a group of ordinary wild monsters, but in the In this famous village, his strength is at the bottom! There is no weaker person than a full three player. In the eyes of players, he is a wild monster. He can kill others if they want. He has no ability to resist. Maybe one day someone is in a bad mood and they can come and kill him at any time. Once, not only is it fun, but you can also pick up his equipment! Here, his fate is worse than that of wild monsters. After all, the wild monsters here are so difficult to defeat!

How is this going? The doubts in Wei Bin's heart became more and more heavy, and he decided to go and find out.

after all.

"Hey, you haven't paid yet. Don't you know the rules as a newcomer?" A member of the Eagle Adventure Group came forward and asked. Although his words were not very nice, his tone was still very gentle and did not sound threatening. , but rather like a reminder.

"Hey, hey, are you evil? This is Wei Bin. Do you have eyes on your butt?" Another member of the Eagle Adventure Group quickly stepped forward to stop the player!

"Oops, it turns out to be the leader of the Wei Gang. I'm sorry, I didn't recognize you! Haha!" the player said embarrassedly.

Ever since Wei Bin gave up the proceeds from the teleportation array to the Eagle Adventure Group, Wei Bin instantly became the idol in the hearts of all members of the Eagle Adventure Group. How could they, as vested interests, hand over such a huge piece of cake to others? Can you not be grateful? How dare they collect Wei Bin's money? It would be great if Wei Bin didn’t take their money!

"It's okay, but where are you singing from? Why doesn't it feel like your style?" Wei Bin's heart was full of doubts.

"Guild Leader Wei, you don't know something. Our Eagle Adventure Group has long since changed its past and changed its mental outlook! Let our Eagle Eye leader personally tell you the specific story and reasons behind the incident. Our leader, Eagle Eye, has personally given instructions that once he discovers that the leader of the Wei clan has arrived in Hongming Village, he must receive you with the highest standards of ceremony, and immediately contact the leader of Eagle Eye, who will personally come to take care of you!" This name The player explained. ??

Not long after, Captain Eagle Eye arrived at the entrance of Hongming Village and gave him a deep hug!

"Guild Leader Wei, are you okay?" Eagle Eye asked sincerely.

"It's all right. I finally understand. You really understand now. You've made a lot of money!" Wei Bin said, pointing to the group of people queuing up to leave the city at the entrance of the village.

"Haha, this is all thanks to the guidance of the leader of the Wei gang. Without the lessons learned by the leader of the Wei gang, our Eagle Adventure Group would not be the same as it is today!" Eagle Eye said very gratefully.

"Does this have anything to do with me? I really didn't know anything about it. If I hadn't come to Hongming Village today, I really wouldn't have known that Hongming Village had changed a lot today! You've put a lot of thought into it!" Wei Bin sighed.

"Hey, today is different from the past. Reform is the general trend. If our Eagle Adventure Group does not reform, we will be run over by the wheel of reform sooner or later!" Eagle Eye said very happily.

Next, Hawkeye and Wei Bin walked and talked, telling Wei Bin everything about the entire reform!

It turns out that the news that Hongming Village has the only teleportation array that can lead to the dark plane has spread throughout the streets, and the business of the Eagle Adventure Group is getting more and more prosperous. After all, the teleportation array here is in their hands. Yes, in the past half year, many large and small forces have considered the idea of ​​this teleportation array, and many forces even fought against the Eagle Adventure Group over this!

However, the Eagle Adventure Group at this time is no longer the adventure group that Wei Bin teased back then. Eagle has already dominated the Hongming Village. Are the forces that are fighting against the Eagle Adventure Group the opponents of the Eagle Adventure Group?

As the level increases, the competition for various resources in Middle-earth has catalyzed the emergence of a large number of red-name players. The red-name players in the red-name village have long been overcrowded, and the Eagle Adventure Group, which dominates the red-name village, has changed its previous Development strategy, they no longer hunt these red-named players, but changed their profit ideas. They charge exit fees. Players in Hongming Village have only two ways to leave Hongming Village. The first is to play in the Bridge Keeper There, you can directly spend money to eliminate the murderous intent. The other way is to leave the village and go to the outside of the village to kill the knife.

Most people choose the second option. After all, it is too expensive to spend money to eliminate a knife. 10 gold can eliminate a little murderous intent! Anyone who comes to Hongming Village must have at least 100 murderous aura points, because 100 murderous aura points are one of the necessary conditions for entering Hongming Village. As long as the murderous aura value exceeds 100 points and dies, he will be in Hongming Village. The village is resurrected! most of the people


Their murderous aura value is above 200. When the murderous aura value reaches above 200, they will be forcibly sent to Hongming Village! After arriving at Hongming Village, for example, when you go out to hang up and kill swords, someone attacks you, but you kill him, you will still increase your murderous intent. This is not considered legitimate defense, because you are a Red player, this is the game mechanism! This is the origin of players with murderous aura values ​​over 200 points!

Basically, the people who come here have a murderous aura value of 200 points and are forcibly sent in. After all, it is extremely difficult for people with this kind of strength to be killed and resurrected in Hongming Village!

To eliminate 200 murderous aura points, you need 2,000 gold, which is 20 million federal coins! Who is willing to spend this money? Wouldn’t it be nice to use this money to strengthen my strength after I go out? Isn’t it just hanging on for 200 hours? After working hard, he went out in ten days, not to mention that there are wild monsters in Hongming Village, but they are just very difficult to fight. But who among the people who come here is not a person of superior strength? Are you afraid of fighting wild monsters?

The Eagle Adventure Group takes advantage of this mentality of the majority of Hongming players. If you want to kill the sword, you have to leave the village, because the murderous spirit in Hongming Village will not diminish! Moreover, the Eagle Adventure Group charges based on time, 1 gold per hour. When the red-named player leaves the village, there will be a dedicated Eagle Adventure Group member to register. The red-named player must report the length of time he left the village, for example, 10 hours, you You can leave after paying 10 gold. You must return to the village after 10 hours, and then register with the registration staff of the Eagle Adventure Group, indicating that you are back. If you haven't come to register when the time is up, I'm sorry. , the Eagle Adventure Group will send a killer to send you back and ban you from leaving the village forever!

It is through this mechanism that the Eagle Adventure Group has firmly controlled the players in Hongming Village. This mechanism has also been touted by the majority of Hongming players, and many experts have even begun to follow the Eagle Adventure Group and begin to provide services for them. The Eagle Adventure Group works!

Why, despite being suppressed and exploited by others, why instead of hating the Eagle Adventure Group, the vast number of famous players began to follow and praise the Eagle Adventure Group?

Because in addition to this mechanism, the Eagle Adventure Group also promulgated another rule, that is, Hongming Village is not a place outside the law. The Eagle Adventure Group wants to establish order here. The outside of Hongming Village is a place for everyone to kill swords. It is forbidden to If anyone dares to commit murder, the email of the murdered person will be submitted as evidence to the Eagle Adventure Group. The Eagle Adventure Group will send someone to "send" the murderer back to the city and ban him from leaving the city forever! However, it is useless to just formulate rules. Someone must maintain these rules, and the Eagle Adventure Group has become the executor. However, the Eagle Adventure Group cannot waste time and energy here to maintain order for the vast number of famous players. , it has to be profitable, right? That’s why Eagle Adventure Group decided on this charging mechanism!

This price is definitely not expensive. At least most people can accept this price. 1 gold per hour can reduce the murderous aura value by a little. In other words, you only need to spend one gold to eliminate a little murderous aura. The bridge guard needs 10 gold to eliminate a little murderous intent. This comparison shows that it is cheap!

What are the most popular players worried about? It was because I was sneak attacked by others when I left the village during the elimination period. The phenomenon of sneak attacks in Hongming Village was too serious. Before the Eagle Adventure Group released this mechanism and rules, many sneak attacks occurred every day. After all, everyone was red. Players will lose their equipment when they die. Anyone who comes to Hongming Village will definitely have many very powerful players. Killing people and stealing goods is a very fast way to make a fortune. Otherwise, the Eagle Adventure Group would not have done this before. Activity!

However, the most worrying thing in the minds of the majority of famous players has been perfectly solved by the Eagle Adventure Group. How can they not pursue the Eagle Adventure Group? In their eyes, the fee is only 1 gold per hour. Even the protection fee is not that low! Where do you think this is? This is a famous village, and the protection fee of 1 gold is simply too cheap! In their eyes, Hongming Village is not a place for people to stay at all. As long as they can leave Hongming Village as soon as possible, let alone 1 gold, it is 2 gold per hour. Most people can accept it!

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