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Chapter 622 The Corruption Land

Otherwise, Wei Bin will really lose a lot, this is 20,000 gold!

"Oh, don't worry, Chief Wei. If you need dark crystals in the future, you can come and get them from me at any time. I won't charge you any money!" Hawkeye said politely.

"I'm so sorry. You paid for this dark crystal. If I didn't give you the money, what would I become?" Wei Bin said with a smile.

"Haha, what are you talking about, Leader of the Wei Gang? My teleportation array was given to me by the Leader of the Wei Gang. Without this teleportation array, where would I have gotten so many dark crystals? This is at best a return to the original owner. If you give me money, where will you put me? Not only will our Eagle Adventure Group not take any penny from the leader of the Guardian Gang, but any Nirvana member who wants to enter the dark plane from this teleportation array in the future, our Eagle Adventure Group will not take any penny. Each person will be given a dark crystal to use as a scroll to return to the city!" Eagle Eye said very generously!

It’s just 1,000 dark crystals, but you still want to give me money? Brother, are you laughing at me? Aren't you slapping me in the face? You still have to pay for it when you come to my territory. If word spreads about this, what will others think of me? How much does a mere 1,000 dark crystals cost? At most, it’s just the income of this teleportation array for one day! He has been running this teleportation array for half a year. If he had to ask Wei Bin for even a day's income, then Hawkeye himself would feel shameless!

As for Nirvana members passing through here without tolls, he originally operates this teleportation array at zero cost. Nirvana passing through here will not cause any loss to him, nor will the teleportation array depreciate. What does he have? What's the reason for asking for money? So what if each person is given a dark crystal? According to his observation, there are very few Nirvana players who have developed into the dark plane. Even if he sends one per person, he can't give away many! Nirvana and the Eagle Adventure Group are allies. Such a free + gift of dark crystals can greatly promote the friendship between the two parties, but the cost is not much. How to choose, how can Eagle Eye not count?

"I'm so sorry, you are in business." Wei Bin was about to persuade Eagle Eye, but was interrupted by Eagle Eye!

"Guild Leader Wei, I am indeed in business, but we are also allies. You gave me all this, Leader Wei. What does a few dark crystals mean? Don't be polite!" said Hawkeye. Pushing Wei Bin towards the direction of the teleportation array, Wei Bin finally couldn't defeat Eagle Eye and was forced to enter the teleportation array!

Dark plane.

Wei Bin was teleported to the default dark plane city - Meng Zhongtu City.

After half a year, Alliance Chongtu City has also changed drastically! There was already a sea of ​​people here, with all kinds of vendors setting up stalls and shouting, and the entire safe area was packed.

"Boss, you're new here. Buy a dark crystal. This is the key to going home. With it, you can return to Middle-earth anytime and anywhere. If you don't plan to go back for the time being, boss, you can keep it. As a backup, if there is an emergency in Middle-earth one day and the boss needs you to rush back, is it possible to get another one now? That would be such a delay!" A hawker was selling to Wei Bin.

"Boss, buy mine. They all sell it for 20 gold. I only sell it here for 19 gold. This thing is not so easy to get. Only the boss will drop this dark crystal. This dark plane faces Our players are suppressed, and the boss is not that easy to mess with!" Seeing Wei Bin walking out of the teleportation array, another vendor surrounded him!

This vendor was right to the point. In the dark plane, only when the boss is killed will the dark crystals drop. Like elite monsters or boss monsters, don’t even think about it!

Basically, every player who comes to the dark plane will first buy a dark crystal at the teleportation array in the League's Chongtu City or Hongming Village, just in case they need it in case there is an emergency at home and they cannot return. What to do with the city?

There are two ways to return to Middle-earth. The first is to use dark crystals to return directly to Middle-earth. The second is to die and return! But the players who come to the dark plane are all famous players, and their murderous aura values ​​are still around 200. Who wants to die? Not only will you lose two levels when you die, you will also lose one piece of equipment, 5


There is a 0 chance of losing two pieces. Not everyone can accept this price! Therefore, keeping dark crystals on hand has become a basic operation for the majority of dark plane players!

There are indeed teleportation arrays between cities in the dark plane. The teleportation currency of these teleportation arrays is not the gold coins of Middle-earth, but dark crystals. However, even if you use dark crystals to teleport, you cannot teleport to any destination. The rules of other dark cities and dark planes are very unfriendly. There is a prerequisite for teleporting from the Allied Earth City to other dark cities, that is, you must first explore that city, which means you must run there first. When you want to go to that city again in the future, you can use the dark crystal to teleport there through the teleportation array. This is the same as returning to Middle-earth. If you want to return to Middle-earth, you must also pass through any place in the dark plane. A teleportation array, but the entire Middle-earth continent defaults to cities that players have explored. You can directly use dark crystals to go back through the teleportation array in the dark plane!

Of course, Wei Bin is an exception. He has an amulet and can leave here at any time. Naturally, he doesn't need low-level things like dark crystals! The amulet itself is a private teleportation array, and he can teleport anytime and anywhere. However, the teleportation rules remain unchanged. You must teleport to a city that has already been explored. To put it bluntly, the amulet is equivalent to the dark teleportation array + dark crystal in terms of teleportation. Wei Bin directly used the amulet to reach the closest place to the Lord of Corruption. In a city in , when Wei Bin came to the dark plane last time, he had already explored all the dark cities around all monsters below level 70, including the dark city he came to now - Corrosion place!

The Dark Plane is actually divided into races. Among them, the larger group is called the Undead. The power of the Undead in the Dark Plane is extremely huge. Even if it does not unify the entire Dark Plane, it is almost the same. Like the previous During the Dark Plane's invasion of Middle-earth, not a single undead monster passed away, but only some miscellaneous wild monsters. These wild monsters have no status in the Dark Plane and are simply cannon fodder driven by the Undead!

And the city Wei Bin is stepping on is the capital of the undead - the Corruption Land!

All dark creatures, including the undead, will not live in the city, because the city defaults to the place where the player walks. If the undead or other wild monsters also go, it cannot be called a city. Simply Just define it as wild!

However, the Corruption Land is an exception. It is the base camp of the undead and the only city in the entire Tianlong where there are a large number of dark creatures. Why are the undead so awesome? Why are there so many dark creatures in the dark plane of Nuoda, but only one undead has its own city?

The reason is simple, the undead are not ordinary wild monsters, they are intelligent!

The words "they" are used here, not "them", because the undead and the human race belong to the same level of creatures, both are higher life and intelligent life. The undead also have life, wisdom, and language. To put it bluntly, in addition to being similar to the human race, Apart from their different worldviews, they are not much different from the human race. Is it not too much for such a race to have its own capital?

Wei Bin cautiously marched towards the city gate, hiding here and there, avoiding members of the undead. Although he was not necessarily afraid of them, this was their capital, and he might be able to defeat an undead. Creatures, but what if a fight actually breaks out and more undead creatures are attracted during the fight? Then isn't he about to finish playing? After all, this is their capital city, which is no better than in the wild. Even if he is as strong as Wei Bin, he has to keep a low profile for fear of provoking undead creatures!

"Master Divine Envoy, are you sure you won't take action against Wei Bin? He actually dares to come to this place of corrosion. I really don't know how to write the word "death". Master Divine Envoy, this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to kill Wei Bin. I promise, as long as you An order

There is no chance that Wei Bin will survive! When the time comes, you can steal the information in his mind and complete the tasks assigned above! "A NPC named Lich King Arthas said very respectfully.

If someone is familiar with the history of the undead, he will definitely find that Arthas is the leader of the entire undead! But in front of him, the leader of the entire undead tribe was bowing his head to another person he called the envoy of God!

"Haha, don't worry, the great envoy has already changed his strategy. In a short time, we will no longer hunt Wei Bin!" A man in black robes with a word "kill" painted on his left chest said expressionlessly.

If Wei Bin saw this scene at this time, he would definitely recognize this person's identity and be scared to death! The word "kill" on this man's chest is the same assassin who hunted Wei Bin and Ruofeng back then! And judging from the quality of his clothing, he is still a leader with a high official rank. Is this kind of person weak? With Wei Bin's current strength, which is over 60 level 2 players, how could he defeat the boss in front of him?

"Why? Lord God Envoy, isn't it your mission to kill the reborn? Isn't the meaning of your God's existence to hunt down the reborn? In the previous generations of reborns, no matter what level they were, you spared no effort. Go search for him, go after him, why do you want to let Wei Bin go when he comes to your door? If you miss this opportunity, it will not be so easy to find him again!" Arthas asked.

"Haha, do you really want to know why the Great Envoy has such an extreme change? Considering that you have served me for many generations, I might as well tell you the reason! Because Wei Bin still knows too little at this time , he is our last hope to eliminate the aliens. We cannot kill him easily. On the contrary, you have to do one thing for me. You have to help him grow. Help him secretly at all costs. Only if he grows up Now that I have more information, I can kill him and search his mind for the information I need. If I fail to find the information I need because I kill him too early, then what will happen to me? All the envoy's plans will be over, and your world will also be destroyed. Do you know this?" The envoy said solemnly, and his serious expression told Arthas that this was an unknown secret. ??

"Master God Envoy, I understand that I will definitely not disappoint your expectations. I will help him grow as soon as possible, so that he can obtain more information as soon as possible and obtain the inheritance left by the previous generation of reborn people! And I promise you , I am the only one who knows about this matter, and absolutely no other person will know about it!" Arthas expressed his sincerity respectfully!

"Well, very good! I'm very happy that you have this realization! This is a big matter, and only you and I know it. If others find out about it, you have to remember that no matter who it is, they will be killed without mercy! They will not die. , you have to die! But don't worry, what I promised you will definitely come true. After it is accomplished, you can go to the upper plane to live, and you don't have to suffer the pain of reincarnation!" This god's envoy is both kind and powerful, and he can't tolerate it. People refuse!

"Master God Envoy, I will definitely work for you with all my heart, help Master God Envoy eliminate the aliens as soon as possible, and report to the higher level!" Arthas said very respectfully.

"Well, as long as you understand, it's up to you to arrange the next thing. This is your territory after all!" After saying that, the envoy turned and left!

"Damn it! Why did the Lord God Envoy come so early? Is there something wrong above? Or is the world's binding force on them getting weaker and weaker?" Arthas slapped the table hard, and then , the table made of a whole piece of marble instantly turned into powder, as if this table had never existed! The extent of his anger is evident!

Who is Arthas? What kind of person could anger him? What is the relationship between them? Why is Arthas loyal to this divine envoy? What has Alsace experienced? Why does he know so much about Wei Bin, about the reborn person, and even he is suffering from reincarnation?


This starts with the birth of Alsace!

Arthas is the most tragic hero in the dark plane in the world of dragons. He was originally the prince of the Kingdom of Lordaeron and a heroic and selfless paladin of the Knights of the Silver Hand.

He is strong, confident, righteous, brave, and tenacious. He fears the Holy Light very much and wants nothing but to protect his beloved people from harm!

Until one day, the orc tribe in the southern Kingdom of Lordaeron rioted, and the king sent him and another outstanding paladin to suppress the riot!

However, Arthas did not know that it was precisely because of his outstanding performance in this battle that he was involved in a huge conspiracy...

This conspiracy will start from another person, this person is the previous Lich King-Ner'zhul!

The Lich King is just a title and a position. It is the leader of the Scourge. Anyone can be the Lich King. Of course, the premise is that you have the strength!

Ner'zhul is the leader of the orc shamans. One day, Kil'jaeden, one of the leaders of the Burning Legion, disguised himself as the ancestral soul that the orc shaman believed in to achieve his own plot and deceived Ner'zhul. A'zhul fought for his own conspiracy, but Ner'zhul thought it was the appearance of his ancestors and believed Kil'jaeden's words, so he led the orcs to launch a war, which also affected Lordan where Arthas was. The orc uprising in the Kingdom of Lun and the southern part of the Kingdom of Lordaeron was caused by Ner'zhul!

However, later, Ner'zhul realized that he was leading the orcs to a path of no return, so he began to refuse to carry out Kil'jaeden's orders, and thus offended Kil'jaeden! Ner'zhul stopped the invasion war, and was naturally considered defeated. The forces he invaded launched a counterattack against Ner'zhul. Ner'zhul panicked and opened the portal to escape, but even he himself could not Know where this portal will lead.

The so-called karma, Ner'zhul just happened to teleport himself in front of Kil'jaeden. I have to say that this teleportation gate is really cheating! Kil'jaeden imprisoned Ner'zhul and tortured him. He destroyed Ner'zhul's body and kept only his soul alive, and sealed his soul in the Frozen Throne!

Later, Kil'jaeden changed his mind and decided to give Ner'zhul another chance. As long as Ner'zhul obeyed his orders and went to fight for himself, Kil'jaeden could give him a more perfect body!

Ner'zhul promised Kil'jaeden on the surface, but he knew in his heart that the treacherous Kil'jaeden would never fulfill his promise. Ner'zhul knew that once he completed the task, he would lose his use value. , will be abandoned by the Burning Legion, so he has been looking for a suitable body - a victim wandering between light and darkness. As long as he can occupy that body, he can escape from the confinement of the Frozen Throne.

So Ner'zhul openly agreed to Kil'jaeden, but in fact, Ner'zhul had his own plan. The candidate Ner'zhul finally chose was young and energetic, and his soul was filled with a sense of honor and justice. Prince Arthas, Arthas was favored by Ner'zhul for his outstanding performance in that counter-rebellion battle!

So Ner'zhul began his own plan. Although he was sealed in the Frozen Throne, as the Lich King, he still had abilities. He used his powerful abilities to bewitch a man named Kel'Thuzad. Necromancer!

Kel'Thuzad began to serve Ner'zhul in pursuit of powerful power. He used magic to cause a large-scale plague to occur in the south of the Kingdom of Lordaeron. The place where the plague broke out was in a place named Andorhal near the orc uprising. place, and Arthas happened to put down the orc uprising in the south of the kingdom at this time, and then discovered the existence of the plague!

Later, Arthas hurried to the Andorhal region, and the event that affected Arthas's life finally happened. Arthas began to study this deadly plague!

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