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Chapter 627 The Eve of Reconstruction

"Wei Bin!!! Do you think of me as your personal bodyguard? I swear, if the Lich King lets go one day in the future, I will kill you with my own hands, and no one will be able to use it!" The protector smashed the pillars of the palace to pieces with one palm. Even so, he couldn't relieve his anger!

Who is the Great Protector? Among the undead, he is almost a person inferior to one person and superior to ten thousand people. When has he ever suffered such humiliation? When have you ever served as a pawn for others? He has only been served by others. How could he ever do such a thing? This is so outrageous and infuriating!

However, even though the Great Protector was dissatisfied, he still left the palace without hesitation to carry out the orders of the Lich King Arthas. If he lost track of him and something happened to Wei Bin, then he would Ten lives are not enough to die!

In this way, the Great Protector once again played the role of bodyguard for Wei Bin!

That's right, Wei Bin has included these two bosses in his daily plan. After all, the Poison Resistance Potion and the Corrosion Ball are too powerful!

Just like this, a month later, Wei Bin dropped a total of four Corrosion Balls and four poison resistance potion formulas.

After Wei Bin took on a few more tasks that were not too difficult for him, he also raised his friendship with Ah Zi to 1000 and received the Rebuilding Pill.

Of course, tasks that are relatively simple for him may not be simple for others, because the tasks that Wei Bin takes are those that require relatively high levels of information, and the proportion of task difficulty tends to be more information-intensive. Take advantage! And information is precisely Wei Bin's strength. After all, he has ten years of gaming experience, but it is different for others. Others do not have so much gaming experience in their minds, so this kind of task is naturally difficult for them. Got it!

Since the difficulty of these tasks focuses on information, that is to say, as long as you master the relevant information, you can save a lot of time. Wei Bin took advantage of this and took on these tasks. , and because of this, Wei Bin can complete a task in an average of three days!

This is under the premise that there are no repeated tasks in the NC mission. If the mission can be repeated, then Wei Bin only needs to do two missions to kill the Lord of Corruption and the Viper every day. In this way, it only takes five The task can be completed in a few days!

The other core members of Nirvana also obtained the Resurrection Stone from Zhong Ling within a month, and then, with the support of Wei Bin, each spent 100,000 gold to buy 1,000 friendship points from Azile. She couldn't close her mouth. For this reason, she rented a large warehouse. Even so, the entire warehouse was filled with poisons worth half a million gold. Azi only needed 1,000 gold to use the poison every day. Judging from the quantity, these poisons are enough for her to use for 500 days!

Next, Wei Bin informed everyone about the entire reconstruction process. Under Wei Bin's arrangement, everyone removed all the gems from the equipment they were wearing, and then went to buy a set of level 30 equipment. He bought the Royal Gift Set, the Sect Set, and some other level 30 equipment, and then inlaid all the gems on them. Then, he bought a set of Level 40 Royal Gift Set and Red Refining Set, and then put them in the level 50 equipment. The equipment they were wearing was also dug out. They were all six-star suits and seven- or eight-star handmade equipment. These were necessary preliminary preparations, because after the reconstruction, the level returned to zero, and what they were wearing now were all level 60. After the equipment level reaches zero, they can no longer wear it. They can't upgrade it naked, right? Although after the reconstruction, the free attribute points obtained during the upgrade, various record-breaking points, various first-place points and training points can all be retained, but how many attributes are these? It completely fails to meet their upgrade needs!

That's why Wei Bin asked them to prepare these equipment in advance. The upgrade speed for the first thirty levels is very fast. Even without equipment, you can upgrade to level 30 very quickly. But after level 30, the upgrade speed gradually slows down. At this time, you need to start wearing equipment, and then wait until level 40, 50, and 60 to wear equipment again.


Remove the gems in front and embed them into new equipment to improve the upgrade efficiency!

Relatively speaking, Wei Bin is better, because half of Wei Bin's equipment has no level restrictions and can be worn no matter what level it is, such as Chonglou Armor, Chonglou Ring, Chonglou Chain, Chonglou The seven pieces of equipment are the shoulder, the heavy tower wrist, the golden belt of the leader, and the seal!

Among the other equipment, there are level-restricted equipment that must reach the corresponding level before they can be worn. Among them, there is one piece of equipment that is quite special, that is, the hidden weapon. As the player upgrades by killing monsters, the hidden weapon will also gain experience. In other words, The level of the hidden weapon is almost the same as the owner's level, which means that after they rebuild, they must upgrade their level back to the current level before they can wear the hidden weapon. Before that, their hidden weapon is considered useless. , don’t count on hidden weapon skills either!

In addition to losing the hidden weapon equipment, the possession of rare beasts also became invalid, because the first formation of possession of rare beasts was only activated when the player reached level 55, and the second formation was activated at level 60. That is to say, the formation will not take effect again until they reach level 55 again, and only then will they gain the attribute of being possessed by precious beasts again!

Next, the reconstruction ceremony officially begins!

Wei Bin first changed into a level 60 Shaolin martial arts suit, which increased the blood limit by 20. However, since the level 60 Shaolin martial arts suit was a five-piece set, one weapon, two pieces of armor, and two pieces of offensive equipment, it was unfortunate. Yes, among the defensive equipment, the two pieces of equipment in the Shaolin suit just replaced the two pieces of equipment of Chonglou. The equipment of Chonglou adds much more health than other equipment, so it is definitely a bad idea to replace the equipment of Chonglou. Good news! But there's nothing you can do about it. You can't have your cake and eat it too. If you want to get the 20 blood limit, you have to give up the blood limit on these two heavy building equipment. Generally speaking, the 20 blood limit brings The amount of blood that comes is far more than the upper limit of blood brought by two pieces of Chonglou equipment!

Originally, before Wei Bin equipped the Shaolin suit and the Resurrection Stone, he only had 620,000 health. After equipping the Resurrection Stone. His blood volume soared directly to 1.23 million blood. Although the Resurrection Stone itself only increased the blood limit by 500,000, it was increased by the blood limit of the hidden weapon and Chonglou Armor. The fourth skill of Wei Bin's hidden weapon, Qi and Blood Strengthening, can increase the blood limit. The blood limit is 12, and the skills of Chongloujia can increase the blood limit by 10! So after the addition is completed, the blood volume carried by the resurrection stone directly becomes 5000001. 11. 12616000!

After replacing the level 60 Shaolin suit, the blood limit increased by 20, and the blood limit changed from 1.23 million to 1.42 million!

Next, Wei Bin directly sacrificed the eight level-9 rubies he synthesized. Just as these eight level-9 rubies were sacrificed, they shone brightly in an instant, as if they wanted to compete with the sun and the moon, and they were so arrogant!

This is a top-level gem. In this special period, someone may be able to synthesize it. If it weren't for reconstruction, who would be stupid enough to synthesize a ninth-level gem?

Next, Wei Bin replaced all the rubies on all the armor with level 9 rubies. As soon as the level 9 rubies were successfully inlaid, the entire equipment seemed to have spirituality. The stars shone brightly. You could tell it was top quality just by looking at the appearance!

A level 6 ruby ​​adds 240 points of physical strength, a level 7 ruby ​​adds 480 points of physical strength, a level 8 ruby ​​adds 960 points of physical strength, and a level 9 ruby ​​adds 1920 points of physical strength! Eight level nine rubies increase physical strength by 15,360 points. Wei Bin has been playing for two years, and the strongest moment with a set of top-notch equipment and level six rubies is only 9,500 physical strength. But what about now? Just 8 level 9 rubies gave Wei Bin 15,360 points of physical strength. The gems were really too powerful!

The Murong faction's physical growth is limited to 1 physical strength and 30 blood.

Therefore, these 8 level nine rubies directly brought 15360301.11.121.2681246 to Wei Bin, of which 1.1 is the 10 blood limit bonus of Chonglou Armor, 1.12 is the 12 blood limit increased by hidden weapons, 1. 2 is the gain brought by the level 60 martial arts suit!

However, since the original 8 level 6 rubies on Wei Bin were replaced, the blood volume brought by these 8 level 6 rubies had to be subtracted. At this point, Wei Bin's blood volume soared to 2036575!

Next, Wei Bin carved physical carvings on these eight pieces of armor and upgraded them to level 7. Of course, to be precise, there are only five pieces of armor, and the other three pieces, belts, hidden weapons and seals are universal types. Equipment, offensive gems and defensive gems can all be embedded!

Originally, the physical carving pattern was the most expensive pattern on the market, but no matter how expensive it was, Wei Bin still had to buy it. After all, he had already paid too much for the reconstruction! In this way, after Wei Bin spent one million gold, Wei Bin finally gathered eight pieces of physical glyph patterns. He originally had four physical glyph patterns and had already taught them to his lifestyle players. !

The benefits brought by glyphs are the same as those of gems. The level of glyphs corresponds to the level of gems. In other words, if 8 pieces of equipment are engraved with level 7 physical glyphs, it is equivalent to 8 more seven pieces. Super ruby, this is another 160,000 blood volume, and Wei Bin's blood limit has soared to 2.2 million!

Next is the upper blood limit brought by the seal!

When granting a seal, there are three places where you can increase your blood limit. The first is the grade, the second is the orb, and the third is the engraving!

First, the grade. The initial seal is the white grade, which only increases the upper limit of blood by 10,000 and 100 attribute attacks. As the grade increases, the green grade can increase the owner's blood limit by 20,000 and 200 attribute attacks. The blue grade can increase the owner's blood limit by 20,000 and 200 attribute attacks. It can increase 30,000 blood and 300 attribute attacks. The purple grade can increase 40,000 blood and 400 attribute attacks. The orange grade can increase 50,000 blood and 500 attribute attacks. In other words, after being upgraded to the orange grade, Wei Bin's sealing ratio will be higher. Previously, there were 40,000 extra health points, but after various bonuses, it became 59,000!

At this point, Wei Bin's blood limit has become 2255378!

The second is the orb. A level 1 orb adds 5 points of physical strength. Within the first ten levels, each orb level can increase by 5 points of physical strength. At level 10, it will increase by 50 points of physical strength!

In addition, when the orb is first unlocked, it defaults to level 1. After that, you can use Jade Mood to upgrade the level of the orb. For the first 10 levels of orbs, each time you increase the level of the orb, you need to consume 1 Jade Mood! When it comes to the 10th to 20th level orb, 2 jade moods need to be consumed for each level of the orb that is upgraded! In the same way, when it comes to the 20th to 30th level orb, 3 jade moods need to be consumed for each level of the orb to increase, and so on.

When the level 1020 orb increases its level, although the jade mood props consumed are more than doubled compared to the previous ten levels, the attributes added at this stage are also doubled. In other words, the jade mood of the unit corresponds to the increase of the unit. Properties are the same! At level 2030, although the jade mood consumed by the orb when upgrading has doubled compared to the previous ten levels, the added attributes have also doubled. In fact, the price/performance ratio has not changed at all! However, as the orb level increases, the total consumption of jade mood increases, so correspondingly, the difficulty of upgrading has indeed increased! After all, the number of battle merit is limited. For example, the attributes brought by 100 points of battle merit in the past are the same as the attributes brought by 100 points of battle merit in the future. However, the jade mood you purchased with 100 points of battle merit in the future cannot upgrade the orb at all. You may need to spend 200 battle merit to continue to upgrade your orb level. Although the price/performance ratio after upgrading is the same as in the past, you can upgrade the orb level once a week after acquiring it.


After that, it may take half a month to upgrade once. There will be no attribute improvement within this half month!

According to this rule, the first ten level orbs can increase physical strength by 50 points, the 1120th level orb can increase 100 physical points, the 2130th level orb can increase 150 physical points, the 3140th level orb can increase 200 physical points, and the 4150th level orb can increase 250 points of physical strength. The 5160th level orb can increase 300 points of physical strength. Upgrading all four physical orbs to level 60 was Wei Bin's original plan!

Since Wei Bin originally chose the knowing defense for the defense orb, Wei Bin had to buy an additional Tianhuang spar to change the properties of the orb into physical strength. If Wei Bin still loves knowing defense, etc. After the reconstruction is completed, just wash the orb attributes back to the knowing defense, and each one only requires one Tianhuang Crystal. The Tianhuang Crystal can change the attributes of the orb to the specified attributes!

After all four stamina orbs were upgraded to level 60, Wei Bin's blood limit was increased by 186,278. At this point, Wei Bin's blood limit soared to 2,441,656!

The last place in the seal that increases the blood limit is the engraving!

One thing must be emphasized repeatedly. It is very easy to confuse carvings and carvings. Carvings are carved on equipment. Each piece of equipment can be engraved with a carving. Carvings require props such as paintings! The engraving is an attribute of the seal itself, and the two cannot be confused!

There are many types of engravings, and the attributes added by different engravings are also different. Even if it is the same engraving, it will be different according to the grade of the engraving. Of course, Wei Bin only inlaid it with increased blood limit and increased physical strength. The engraving!

Take the engraving that increases the upper blood limit as an example. The white engraving that increases the upper blood limit can only increase the upper blood limit by 2,000 points, while the green engraving that increases the upper blood limit can increase the upper blood limit by 4,000 points, and the blue engraving can increase the upper blood limit by 8,000 points. , the purple engraving can increase the upper limit of blood by 16,000 points, and the orange engraving is the strongest, which can increase the upper limit of blood by 32,000 points. Of course, the price will also increase accordingly, but this is not a problem at all for Wei Bin! !

Let’s take a look at the engravings that increase physical strength. White physical engravings can increase physical strength by 66 points, green physical engravings can increase physical strength by 133 points, blue physical engravings can increase physical strength by 266 points, and purple physical engravings can increase physical strength by 266 points. 533 points of physical strength. Similarly, the orange physical engraving is the strongest and can increase 1067 points of physical strength!

The blood limit engraving is very fair to all sects. Everyone increases their blood volume, but their physical strength is different. The physical growth rate of each sect is different. For example, the Shaolin sect, a little Physical strength can increase the blood limit by 35 points, but what about the Wu-Tang Clan? A little physical strength can only increase the blood limit by 22 points! The physical growth of the Shaolin sect is half as high as that of the Wudang sect!

Ranked second in terms of physical strength growth are the Beggar Clan and Murong. Both of these two sects increase their blood limit by 30 points for one point of physical strength! Among the ten sects, these are the three sects whose physical strength has increased by 30! In other words, only when these three sects choose physical engraving, the effect brought by physical engraving is not weaker than the upper blood limit engraving. Except for these three sects, all other sects have no choice when choosing physical engraving. The benefits of blood cap engraving are huge! Because the design mechanism of physical strength engraving is calculated based on the growth rate of 30. For example, white physical strength engraving can increase physical strength by 66 points. Calculated based on the fact that one physical strength can increase the upper limit of blood by 30 points. 66 physical strength points is exactly 2000 blood! And the 1067 points of physical strength of the orange physical engraving are exactly 32,000 blood!

Fortunately, Wei Bin is from the Murong faction, so he happens to be stuck on this line, so he won’t lose anything!

Of course, the blood limit engraving and the physical strength engraving can exist at the same time. There is no conflict between the two. After the player has carved the blood limit engraving, he can still engrave the physical engraving!

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