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Chapter 639 The Horn of Counterattack

And what about Aoshi? They do not have the blessing of the second offensive and defensive tower, and the benefits brought to them by the virtual city are relatively low, so after these people are converted into standard combat power, one person is equivalent to 1.5 players with standard combat power, so an army of 200,000 Equivalent to 300,000 standard combat players!

This is how the 400,000 standard combat power players in Nirvana and the 300,000 standard combat power players in the world are calculated!

Therefore, we cannot simply rely on the number of players to judge who has the advantage and who has the disadvantage. The quality of the players is also very important!

Four hundred thousand versus three hundred thousand, isn't this a crushing game? And as long as Nirvana's combat effectiveness is higher than Aoshi, then Nirvana can regain control of these key areas, and Feng Yun Wuji's plan can be fully implemented!

As long as Nirvana regains control of the teleportation array and the gate, Nirvana will have the potential to shut down Aoshi and beat the dog!

After that, as long as Nirvana can stabilize the City Lord's Mansion and prevent Ao Shi from getting the City Lord's Token, then Ao Shi will definitely lose. Apart from surrendering, there is only one way to annihilate the group!

However, there is a prerequisite for Feng Yun Wuji to implement this plan, that is, all the people must obey the orders and prohibitions. If you are asked to return to the city, then return to the city. Before receiving the order to let you return to the city, you must be honest. Really find a safe place and be ready for battle! Because they have to land at the designated place at the same time, it doesn’t matter if it’s too early or too late! If it's too early, you will be defeated by Aoshi one by one. If it's too late, will your teammates delay the opportunity to wait for you alone? That's why Feng Yun Wuji gave an order to Nirvana players. Once there is a war in Nirvana City, they must not easily return to the city to assist in defense. Returning to the city prematurely to assist in defense is not necessarily a good thing. It can easily disrupt the strategic deployment of Nirvana's senior command. As well as tactics, under normal circumstances, if there is really a war in Nirvana City, Nirvana's top management will be the first to know, so after they have discussed the countermeasures, it will not take more than a few minutes for Nirvana players to return to the city, and it will not delay the war effort at all. ! After all, this situation is only once in this life, it is an exception!

"Nirvana is taking action! Nirvana's people have returned to the city to defend, everyone, look!" A neutral player watching the show was the first to discover this!

"Yes, Nirvana's people are starting to return to the city one after another, and Nirvana is starting to fight back! Awesome!"

"Holy shit, it's true, Nirvana has really returned to defense. Unfortunately, is it too late to return to defense now? All the remaining Nirvana personnel in Nirvana City have been wiped out, and now the teleportation array and the gate have been destroyed. Under control, how can Nirvana enter the city? Could it be that they have wings and can fly in?" Just as people were excitedly preparing to watch a battle of the century, suddenly, another player immediately stepped forward and poured A basin of cold water. ??

"Are you stupid enough to kill coins? Do you think that if Aoshi has occupied the teleportation array and the gate, Nirvana's people will not be able to enter the city? You are right, Nirvana really flew in!" A player pointed out Referring to the major directions, it was exactly the direction Feng Yun Wuji arranged for them to set the locator!

"That's right, it's too cool. Don't you know that locators are now popular? Your inertial thinking is too serious and you have no sense of innovation at all. No wonder you are so poor! Do you know that during the offensive and defensive battle of Nirvana City? During this period, why did Nirvana rely too much on city gates and teleportation arrays? Because the output of locators at that time was very low, and there were too few players who could make locators. It was impossible to popularize it with tens of thousands of people. But now it is very different. , the output of locators has increased, who doesn’t have one or two locators in hand? With such a convenient prop as locators, who would still rely on teleportation arrays and city gates?”

"It's just that, at first glance, he looks like a poor guy who can't even afford a locator. He's too short-sighted!"

For a time, countless criticisms and curses floated over. Even if the scolded player thought he was justified, he had already become irrational. Even if he was justified, he couldn't say it out. With such a group of people surrounding him and scolding him, he Where is the chance to speak?

Although Nirvana is the entire Middle-earth continent


The gang that first appeared on the locator network, but the NPC who learned the locator, shot a gun and changed the place. After each player learned to make the locator, he would be randomly teleported to another place. Of course, it was only in the city. This It makes it difficult to track his whereabouts. If you can't find where this NPC is, the number of players who can learn to make locators will naturally be less. Fortunately, Wei Bin knows the name of this NPC, so there is a target to find him. If If you search for someone who doesn't even know what this NC is called, then you are really searching blindfolded!

Just imagine, if one hundred thousand people reach Nirvana, if locators are popularized, at least 100,000 locators will be needed. The locators are calculated as making 200 locators per person per day. It will take at least 500 days to make 100,000 locators. But daily What about consumption? Nirvana puts locators into the gang warehouse for gang members to exchange. Basically, as soon as these locators are put into the gang warehouse, someone will redeem them immediately. This thing is so convenient, and the price is only lower than the price back. The city scroll is only a little more expensive, but it can save a lot of traveling time. Who doesn't like it? How many people envied Nirvana for having locators in their gang warehouse?

According to the productivity at that time, not even Nirvana could make the entire gang have a few locators, let alone other gangs. Although the locators are not high-end goods, you can't buy them! But its price is not high, which is very contradictory!

Later, more players in Nirvana learned to make locators, and productivity improved. Finally, more than two months ago, Nirvana finally popularized locators. This locator was distributed to everyone for free by Wei Bin, and could only be used in The designated location is used as a combat preparation item for use in special periods!

In situations like Nirvana, other gangs are basically invisible. First, because of the particularity of the basic system, gangs cannot provide so many items for gang members to exchange. The most they can do is let gang members donate items themselves. Then you can exchange points from it, and then use the points to exchange for the items you want. To put it bluntly, the gang just acts as an intermediary platform, but this point system doesn't make much sense. They can put things in the auction house for consignment. , use the money you get to buy what you want to buy. The auction house is safer than the gang warehouse, right? Once the gang city is destroyed, the contents of the gang warehouse will belong to the attacker! Therefore, in a strict sense, the points system of these gangs cannot be called a points system. Only when the gang can continuously put items in it for gang members to redeem can it be called a real points system, and the points system can serve as a gang A kind of welfare!

"Gang leader, Nirvana is taking action! Their movements are so fast! The team is so neat!" Sword Fairy exclaimed.

"This is the result of Nirvana's military training. Everyone can be in uniform. I wonder if you have noticed that these groups of people who just appeared in Nirvana City landed in Nirvana City at almost the same time, and the landing locations were very concentrated. , this can make it difficult for the opponent to defeat each other! Moreover, after they landed, they did not rush forward directly. Instead, they organized the team first, as if they were looking for fixed team members. After all, they have been together for a long time, and people are familiar with each other. There is a tacit understanding between them! And after organizing the team, their formation was so perfect. Shaolin was in front, followed by other external martial arts sects, then Emei, and finally the internal martial arts sect in the rear. They arranged the array like this, and their skills It ensures that Emei is in the middle and is not easily attacked by sneak attacks. It also allows Emei to take care of the front and rear at the same time. After all, Emei's health-replenishing distance is only 15 meters, while the internal strength sect's ballistic trajectory is as high as 20 meters! Then, they are moving in different directions , it is obvious that they have a set goal for a long time! It can be seen that Nirvana has formulated all this series of operations into a corresponding tactical system, and it has been conveyed to everyone's bones! And I estimate that Nirvana must not only

With this kind of tactic, there must be many other tactics. There may be only one tactic to deal with the same emergency situation, or there may be multiple tactics! So it doesn’t matter even if Nirvana’s tactics are exposed. Nirvana has so many tactics, which one are you targeting? It seems that Nirvana City should be saved this time! " Huang Li analyzed.

"Gang leader, although my first reaction when I saw Nirvana's actions was that Nirvana City was defended, this was only based on the inertial thinking brought about by Nirvana's previous city defense battles. I have defended myself in every situation, and I should be able to do so this time! However, in fact, each battle is independent of each other. Whether I could defend it before has nothing to do with whether I can defend it this time. This must depend on the actual situation. !" Said the Sword Fairy.

"Haha, I didn't expect you to see so clearly!" Huang Li praised.

"Gang leader, this all depends on your daily teachings to me. I have been with you for half a year. If I don't even make such a little progress, then I am discrediting you! Although the impact of Nirvana's return this time has been It is quite strong, but the key to whether it can successfully defend Nirvana City is whether it can keep the city lord's mansion! Whether it can keep the city lord's token! Judging from the current form, Aoshi has eliminated all the previous players who stayed in Nirvana City. Now they have reached the vicinity of the City Lord's Mansion, and just after Nirvana landed, Aoshi seemed to be aware of Nirvana's intentions, surrounded the City Lord's Mansion, and sent people to stop Nirvana, trying to drag the battle line away from the City Lord's Mansion. In this way, Aoshi will have enough time to destroy the gate of the City Lord's Mansion and obtain the City Lord's Token! And according to my observation, those people sent by Aoshi to attack the City Lord's Mansion are all the most advanced players of Aoshi. Nirvana wants to break through Aoshi's. Defense is not an easy task! As long as Ao Shi destroys the gate of the City Lord's Mansion and then uses methods against the Geomancer King, wouldn't the City Lord's Token be easily obtained? As long as he gets the City Lord's Token, Ao Shi can completely use the City Lord's Token Moved to the hinterland of Aoshi, by then, Nirvana will really be unable to make a comeback!" Sword Fairy analyzed.

"What you said makes sense, and I think so too. At least judging from the current situation, Nirvana's chance of winning is indeed far inferior to that of Aoshi, and Nirvana's response is too slow! However, I vaguely feel that things should It's not that simple. Nirvana has the blessing of the two offensive and defensive towers. If a commander is sent out as soon as possible, the current situation can be completely avoided! You know, since Aoshi dares to make a comeback, it means that they must have something to deal with. Nirvana's senior management should be aware of the Master King's methods! But why didn't they come out early to prevent this from happening? I really can't figure this out. Do they already have the means to counter Aoshi and deal with the Geomancer King? Aoshi The means to deal with the Geomancer King are absolutely highly confidential, and this kind of thing cannot be leaked! If Nirvana did not have the means to counter Aoshi, why did it wait for so long to wait until they attacked the city lord's mansion before returning support? Or maybe Is Nirvana trying to hold back its ultimate move like it did when it dealt with the Proud World + Assassin Alliance forces last time?" Huang Li really couldn't figure it out. How did he know that it wasn't that Nirvana didn't want to return reinforcements as soon as possible, but that the entire Nirvana top management was in a state of flow? The world was over, and Nirvana's intelligence agents couldn't contact even one of them. In the end, they had to contact Wei Bin through offline calls. Wei Bin organized a temporary meeting, and the back and forth was naturally delayed. Less time!

It's not that Nirvana is holding back its ultimate move, or that Nirvana has a way to counter the Aoshi group's strong control skills. It's just that Aoshi was too precise in timing!

"Gang leader, judging from the current situation, Nirvana City will definitely change its owner. Congratulations to the gang leader!" He flattered the leader without showing any blood.

"Remember, don't take it lightly. Although we have controlled the general situation, whether we can take down Nirvana City depends on whether we can successfully control the Geomancer King and seize food from it. The only way is to take the City Lord's Token. Once you have it, everything is finally settled! Go ahead and let the relevant personnel get to their places.


The city lord's mansion is about to fall apart! "Xiong Ba warned, be careful when sailing the ten-thousand-year boat. He suffered several losses in Wei Bin's hands, and each time the boat capsized in the ditch at the most critical moment, so Xiong Ba was very careful this time, even if success was already in sight. Also be extra careful to avoid making the same mistakes again!

"Don't worry, Gang Leader, the people involved in the plan to seize the City Lord's Token are all in place. Under my deliberate arrangement, when we just broke through the defense line of Nirvana's remaining personnel, these people were hiding in the rear of the team and did not participate in the battle at all, so The combat power has been perfectly preserved, and we are just waiting to deal with the Geomancer King later!" Killing without blood came forward to ask for credit.

Soon, the city lord's mansion was destroyed.

"Team 1, enter the City Lord's Mansion, crush the core, and seize the City Lord's token!" Xiongba ordered.

At the same time, Feng Yun Wuji received a system prompt that the City Lord's Mansion was breached. Then, Feng Yun Wuji opened the gang's virtual operation page and summoned the Geomancer King! In the entire gang, only the three gang leaders, Fengyun Wuji, Xuanyuan Aai and Wei Bin, can summon the Earth Diviner King. This is why Wei Bin, when he heard Feng Yun Wuji offered to come back for help, had the slightest intention of keeping him to continue. The reason why he had no intention of upgrading, but readily agreed to him, was that only three of them in the entire gang could summon the Geomancer King. Xuanyuan Aai had no commanding ability, and he himself could not leave this fast world easily. The only one left is Feng Yun Wuji. In other words, no one can leave. Feng Yun Wuji must leave the flow world!

At this time, the No. 1 team sent by Xiongba had just arrived in front of the city core. One of them shattered the city core with one blow, and the city lord's token was exposed naked in front of everyone!

However, at the moment when the core of the city was shattered, a star formation appeared at the feet of everyone. Suddenly, a geomancer king who appeared in the form of deception officially appeared on the scene. He just met them and killed them instantly. Just a small team!

The team he sent was wiped out in just one encounter. Xiong Ba was not angry but was happy. This team was originally a cannon fodder team specially used to lure out the Geomancer King. Only after their team was wiped out, Xiong Ba's next plan would be revealed. Can be implemented! And if the Geomancer King did not show up to instantly kill this team, Xiongba would be worried, because in that case, it would be beyond Xiongba's control, and there would be some conspiracy that he didn't know if Nirvana was not guaranteed. He was not willing to see things that were out of Xiongba's control. arrived, and now, he has successfully seduced the Geomancer King with just a cannon fodder team and brought the battle situation under his control. It has to be said that Xiongba is really profitable!

"Team No. 2 steps forward to seize the City Lord's Token! Teams No. 3 and 4 are ready to listen to my orders. The Tianshan Group is ready to pick up the brothers who have obtained the City Lord's Token!" Xiongba began the second step of his plan to seize the City Lord's Token!

I saw Xiong Ba give an order, and then, a team composed of all Wudang instantly used Tiyun Zong to teleport to the side of the city lord's token!

That's right, all Wudang and Tiyunzong in this team have chosen points that can teleport back to the original point again. This is exactly the tactic used by the Assassin's League before!

And just when one of the players was about to touch the city lord's token, the geomancer king had already made his move! The result was obvious. None of the six Wu-Tang Clan players in this team were spared, and they were immediately killed on the spot!

"Team 4 adds Li Daitao to Team 3, and Team 3 steps forward to seize the city lord's token!" Seeing that Team 2 was wiped out, Xiongba was even more happy, because all this was planned by him, and the Geomancer was Follow his plan and walk step by step into the trap he has set!

As soon as Xiong Ba finished speaking, Mingjiao from Team 4 hit each of the corresponding Wudang Clan players in Team 3 with a Li Daitao Zombie! Immediately afterwards, the Wu-Tang Clan players from Team 3 immediately teleported to the side of the City Lord Token!

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