Game within game of online games

Chapter 642 Life-saving Supplies

However, just because Feng Yun Wuji can't kill a proud player instantly doesn't mean that these five Geomancer Kings can't be killed instantly either. This is a level 80 boss. He can kill a three-level player instantly with just one blow, and he can kill five players in a row with just one move. Players can be killed instantly, this is a hero!

Without the constraints of the city lord's token, the Geomancer King has completely liberated his nature. He is a hero! This is not an ordinary boss, a hero. Why is he called a hero? Because it is warlike! Heroes are born to fight! Just now, its main task was to protect the City Lord's Token. Its clone did not dare to leave the City Lord's Token too far, and could only massacre the proud players nearby. It can be said that the City Lord's Token greatly restricted the Geomancer King's battles. Talent and combat ability!

But at this moment, without the restriction of the city lord's token, the Geomancer King no longer had any scruples. He only saw the Geomancer King looking up to the sky and roaring, with a strong heart, thirty years of fame and dust, and eight thousand miles of clouds and moons. ,Don’t wait any longer, after roaring, the Geomancer King went crazy!

I saw the Geomancer King's body and clones lined up in a row. The Geomancer King closest to the holder of the City Lord's Token was running non-stop in the direction of the City Lord's Token holder, while the four Geomancers behind him The fortune teller king did not take any action, but stood there and mercilessly killed the proud players!

Soon, the Geomancer King in running state came to Feng Yun Wuji! At this moment, the Geomancer King furthest away from the holder of the City Lord's Token used a trick to teleport to the Geomancer King next to Feng Yun Wuji, instantly clearing Feng Yun Wuji. All players within twenty meters, yes! Including hidden weapon skills are unyielding players!

Heroes were known as "hidden weapon nemesis" in previous lives, perhaps because heroes are the benchmark for positive characters, and hidden weapons are the representatives of negative characters. In short, no matter what the reason is, heroes are naturally resistant to hidden weapons, and everyone's hidden weapon skills are useless in front of heroes. , the hero can ignore all hidden weapon skills, including the first two damage-increasing skills, the third unyielding and self-rewarding life-saving skill, and the fourth defensive skill that increases the blood limit and attributes! Any hidden weapon skills are useless in front of the hero! This is why Xingtian before and now Xiongba did not formulate strategies to seize the city lord's token around the skill of Unyielding, which is immune to fatal damage! If Unyielding was effective, wouldn't they just send a player with the Unyielding skill to easily take away the City Lord's token? Where is the need to go to such trouble? It is because Xingtian has tried it before that Xingtian and the current Xiongba ignored the hidden weapon skills!

"Young man, the rest is up to you!" The Geomancer King spoke in a rare voice!

The hero can speak human language, which is normal, otherwise Wei Bin would not have been able to communicate with it at first about how to defend the city lord token!

In the case of the Geomancer King, this is very obvious. The Geomancer King's frontal hard-on ability is indeed very strong, but it has a fatal weakness, and that is its movement speed!

Its movement speed is the same as that of the player. Even if the Geomancer King has been using four clones and one body to constantly clear away the surrounding players to make room for advancement, it will not help. Even if the Geomancer King can move without any hindrance. If it goes after the holder of the City Lord Token, it is impossible for it to catch up, because both sides move at the same speed, and the holder of the City Lord Token is also running away without any hindrance. How can the Geomancer King catch up?

Therefore, the Geomancer King said what he just said. It had just seen Feng Yun Wuji's fighting style. Feng Yun Wuji had acceleration skills and displacement skills. At this time, the holder of the City Lord Token was far away from them. The distance is only forty or fifty meters. It is the most effective for the Geomancer King to open the way in front and clear the obstacles for Feng Yun Wuji to move forward. Then Feng Yun Wuji, who has these skills, chases the holder of the City Lord Token. , is the most likely way to catch up with token holders!

Feng Yun Wuji understood this. He put down the weapon in his hand and began to rush forward desperately!

At the same time, the Geomancer King that had just come to Feng Yun Wuji's side through deception also started running. When it ran to the proud human wall and surrounded it again, the Geomancer King behind it took a similar approach. It used the same trick as before, and with one trick, it came to the running Geomancer King.


At the same time, the running Geomancer King stopped and started looking for the proud player to kill. It handed the baton to the Geomancer King who had just teleported over. The Geomancer King that moved over took the baton and began to move non-stop in the direction of the holder of the City Lord's Token...

The cycle starts again and again, and continues until 90 seconds later, Feng Yun Wuji's skills such as hitting the dog's head with a stick, chasing cicadas in eight steps, and sweeping the world have all cooled down.

"It's time!" Feng Yun Wuji thought to himself.

I saw Feng Yun Wuji hitting the dog's head with a stick and flying twenty meters before. Then Wugou in the World instantly cleared the screen, clearing the way for him to move forward. But at this time, he was still twenty meters away from the holder of the City Lord's Token. There is a distance of several meters, so the holder of the City Lord Token is not affected by his No Dog in the World!

Immediately afterwards, Feng Yun Wuji activated the eight-step cicada acceleration skill, and at the same time, Sweeping the Universe took action, and he started this endless killing mode again.

While moving at high speed, Feng Yun Wuji quickly entered within 20 meters of the holder of the City Lord Token. However, he was now in the state of sweeping the universe and could not use other skills at all, so even if he had the skills to stay Even the holder of this City Lord Token cannot do it! But he can't stop sweeping the world. Once this skill is used, it must be used up before it can be stopped. Moreover, he can't use it. If he doesn't use it, he won't be able to clear the road, and he will be hit by a human wall. Obstruction, this is a very contradictory thing!

Moving at high speed, Feng Yun Wuji quickly approached the holder of the City Lord Token, but he was only within five meters of him. At this time, his acceleration time was up, that is to say, Without the acceleration and displacement skills of Feng Yun Wuji, it may still be difficult to kill this player!

Fortunately, Feng Yun Wuji swept across the world and swept out this player. He was swept out of Unyielding in just one encounter. The player quickly used Ladder Cloud to teleport twenty meters away. At this time, Feng Yun Wuji was afraid I can no longer catch up with this City Lord Token holder!

People affected by Sweeping the Universe will have their movement speed reduced by 50 for three seconds. Because of this, although the City Lord Token holder was able to escape, his movement speed was also reduced!

It lasts until the duration of Sweeping the Universe ends.

"You losers, what are you doing? Why haven't you been able to control Feng Yun Wuji for so long?" Xiong Ba's curse came from the voice!

"Gang leader, he is always on the move. It is difficult for us to hit him. We are controlling him all the time!"

"Yes, Gang Leader, it's too difficult to control him..."

"Control him now, he has no control-free environment now!" Xiong Ba continued to order.

Xiong Ba admitted that it was indeed difficult to control Feng Yun Wuji during his movement, but now that Feng Yun Wuji no longer had the control-free environment to sweep the world, and was blocked by a wall of people in front of him, it was now easy to control him. !

The moment Feng Yun Wuji's wheel of sweeping the world stopped turning, countless projectiles flew up, most of which were control skills. Seeing this scene, Feng Yun Wuji's heart dropped! He does have the means to retain the holder of the City Lord Token, but at the same time, he is bound to be arrested. He knows very well that as long as he is arrested, it will be almost impossible for him to wake up again!

At this critical moment! Fengyun Wuji’s email rang!

"It's finally here, what a timely rain!" Feng Yun Wuji smiled knowingly!

This email was exactly the supplies that Avril sent to him. These supplies not only contained medicines for restoring blood and Qi, but also contained various medicines for resisting control!


He immediately chose to receive these items, and then used various items instantly. Then, these projectiles finally landed on Feng Yun Wuji!



A bunch of immune words floated above Feng Yun Wuji's head. Of course, these words were invisible to outsiders, only Feng Yun Wuji himself could see them!

Seeing these words, Feng Yun Wuji's heart instantly rekindled hope!

I saw him throw the Wrath of the God of War in the direction of the holder of the City Lord Token. Wrath of the God of War is an active control skill of the artifact. Its effect is to seal up to 10 targets in the designated area within 20 meters for 5 seconds. , 20 meters means that the casting distance is 20 meters, but the range of action is not 20 meters. After testing, the radius of the range of action is only five meters. In other words, Feng Yun Wuji can specify which area to release, but after release, It can only take effect within the selected area with a radius of five meters!

At this time, the holder of the City Lord Token was only 24 to 5 meters away from Feng Yun Wuji, and Feng Yun Wuji threw the skill in his direction. This directly resulted in that when this control skill arrived on the battlefield, The holder of the City Lord Token was just on the edge of his skills, and he was able to control him exactly where he was!

Theoretically, as long as there is a player in the team who holds the Molten Sunset Knife, the entire team will be immune to the attacks of the enemy's artifact skills, that is, immune to the Wrath of the God of War and the Scorching Sun Storm! But this City Lord Token holder is a Wudang Clan player, and his teammates are all Wudang. This is a strategic team deliberately arranged by the Xiongba. Even if the Wudang Clan creates a magical weapon, it is the Qiu Shui Traceless Sword. It might be the Molten Gold Sunset Knife, so it is impossible for a player holding a Molten Gold Sunset Knife to appear in his team to help him become immune to this control!

Seeing that he had been sealed, the City Lord Token holder did not panic!

"Block me? Hahahaha, you really laughed me to death. You idiot actually used the hole sealing skill on a Wudang? What a fool!" The City Lord Token holder who had his hole sealed laughed at Feng Yunwu. avoid!

Then, the holder of the City Lord's Token struck out with a flawless move!

"Strange, why can't the hole sealing be unlocked? Is his hole sealing skill level so high? Damn it, he is a beggar gang, where did he get the hole sealing skill? It must be the hole sealing skill of his Molten Gold Sunset Knife, damn it! "The holder of the City Lord's Token instantly felt something was wrong!

Why did this Wudang man dare to laugh at Feng Yun Wuji in the first place? It is precisely because the Wu-Tang Clan's invulnerability, a half-wrath skill, can unlock sealed acupoints, but there is a prerequisite: it can only unlock sealed acupoints whose skill level is lower than his invulnerability skill level, if the opponent's skill level is higher than his invulnerability. , then he can't open the sealed acupoint!

And this Wudang's skill level is very high. He usually competes with others. He can unlock the acupoint sealing effects of almost everyone. This is the source of his confidence! He is confident that he can unlock Feng Yun Wuji's acupoint sealing skills!

But when he used Invulnerability and found that the acupoint-sealing effect was not unlocked, he suddenly realized that Feng Yun Wuji was a beggar gang, where did he get the acupoint-sealing skill? It must be the hole-sealing skill of the molten gold sunset knife in Fengyun Wuji's hand. This is embarrassing. His invulnerability can only unlock the hole-sealing skill in the sect's skills. It cannot unlock equipment and is universal. Acupoint sealing skills!

Seeing that the holder of the City Lord's Token was sealed in place, Feng Yun Wuji regained his confidence again. Five seconds was enough for him to get there!

I saw that Feng Yun Wuji used a move to hide the dragon, blinding the surrounding players collectively. In the blind state, the players would run around without their control, and Feng Yun Wuji took advantage of the gaps they missed while running around. He kept moving forward until he could no longer move forward. Feng Yun Wuji used another move of "Walking on Frost and Ice" + Thousand Miles Away, instantly clearing away the players around him. Feng Yun Wuji continued to move forward.


r\u003e  When he got within five meters of the holder of the City Lord Token, the hole sealing effect of the City Lord Token holder finally ended. However, just as he was about to escape again, Feng Yun Wuji took advantage of the six dragons with one move. He made a decisive move and pulled the player in front of him. With the help of the increased damage caused by traveling thousands of miles ahead, the unbridled Shi Cheng Liulong instantly killed the player and directly obtained the City Lord Token. !

"Feng Yun Wuji!!! You deserve to die! Everyone, focus on Feng Yun Wuji, I'm going to kill him!" Xiongba ordered fiercely. At this time, his eyes were blood red and cracked. He had already been attacked by Feng Yun Wuji. This behavior completely angered me!

Xiongba is making his final death struggle!

The Geomancer King is on his way, and will arrive at the battlefield in half a minute at most. If Xiongba cannot kill Feng Yun Wuji within half a minute, then Aoshi's plan today will be considered a complete failure! If Ao Shi can kill Feng Yun Wuji, everything will turn around. Judging from the combat power of the group of people brought by Feng Yun Wuji, apart from Feng Yun Wuji, there is absolutely no other person who can do this. In such a situation, as long as Feng Yun Wuji dies, Nao Shi can get the city lord token again, and then escape to avoid the pursuit of the Geomancer King. As soon as ten minutes pass, Nirvana City will inevitably change its owner!

And all this depends on whether they can kill Feng Yun Wuji within half a minute!

At this time, all Gao Zhan from Ao Shi have arrived at Feng Yun Wuji. In Xiong Ba's eyes, Feng Yun Wuji is no matter how awesome he is. He is just a player with a maximum limit of five. Even if people can't control him, it's always too late to kill him, right? I have 30 players with the maximum limit of five. Is it possible that even Feng Yun Wuji can't focus fire within half a minute? How is that possible? And as long as Feng Yun Wuji is killed, the tyrant will be completely at ease! There will never be another Feng Yun Wuji!

Moreover, the Resurrection Temple is currently under the control of Ao Shi. After Feng Yun Wuji is resurrected, he will not even be able to get out of the door of the Resurrection Temple, let alone command the battle! Thinking of this, Xiongba couldn't help but feel some comfort. It seemed that the scene in front of him would be better. In this way, he could not only get the city lord's token, but also be able to send Feng Yun Wuji, the commander-in-chief of Nirvana, back to the Resurrection Temple. This was simply It’s killing two birds with one stone! Unexpectedly, I actually made such a wonderful move by mistake!

Xiong Ba was so pleased with himself!

However, just when Xiongba was feeling proud, another battle report came in...

"Gang Leader, something is not right about Fengyun Wuji! His defense is too high. Among our level 3 and 4 players, only the internal strength sect can break through his defense and cause some internal damage to him. As for the The attribute damage, as well as the damage from the external skill sect, is almost 0. He must have a very high external defense, and all four resistances can withstand players at level 4 or above! Only players like us who have reached the limit of level 5 can barely hurt him, but The damage is also not high. The external skills of our players with the maximum limit of five are still unable to break through his defense, and they can only rely on attribute attacks to deal output! The output of players from the internal skills sect is slightly higher, but, for some reason, our players from the internal skills sect clearly A skill knocked out tens of thousands of his blood, but his blood bar was almost motionless, and it dropped too slowly!" A player with a limit of five or more came to report!

"What? How is this possible? Has he set the limit to full six? Damn it!" Xiong Ba cursed.

"The gang leader, it shouldn't be the reason for the level 6 gems. If he was inlaid with level 6 gems, then he should be able to resist most of our level 5 players, but in fact he didn't. Our output of level 5 is still considered Okay, it doesn’t look like he’s resisting us to death! Moreover, even if he is embedded with the ultimate six, his health bar should not move at all. He has obviously lost tens of thousands of blood, but his health bar has not dropped. This is obvious. Some method was used to significantly increase the blood limit!" analyzed the player who had reached the limit of five.

After he said this, Xiongba immediately woke up. Yes, even if the limit is six, it is impossible to have such a high blood limit!

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