Game within game of online games

Chapter 652 Jumping into the Yellow River can’t clear your mind

"To tell you the truth, I need a witness here to prove that the video we shot of the Nirvana members returning to zero level was real and not a forgery. Brother, are you willing to prove it for me?" Camry seemed to grasp It was like the last straw. Now, only he could prove it for himself, and only he could return his innocence!

"Proof? Do you need proof? Of course the video is real. That video is where I shot it. How could it be a fake place? Why do we fake it? What are we trying to do? Brother, where are you? I'll go there right away. Prove it to you!" Q said very righteously!

"It's so good, brother, it's great to have you! I'm in the biggest tavern in White Rock City, in the biggest box of this tavern. I'm waiting for you here!" Camry said eagerly.

"Okay, wait for me!" Q replied.

Not long after, Q came to the Camry.

"Hey, brother, why are you with this killer? If it weren't for him, how could our team be broken up?" Q recognized the killer at a glance!

"Brother, this is not important now. What is important is that you have to prove to me that this video is real!" Camry quickly diverted Q's attention. So what if you recognized the identity of the killer? Can you take revenge? Hurry up and bear witness for me!

"Yes, this video was taken by me. I can prove for Camry that this video is real and not a forgery. I saw with my own eyes the Nirvana Wei Bin and more than a dozen core members, and their levels were reduced to zero. Then we walked out of the Novice Village, and a few of them almost wiped out our team. Later, we gained a memory and saw the Nirvana people coming out, so we hid to avoid being wiped out again." Q recounted that time Everything he went through.

"How about it, Leader of the Xiongba Gang, are you willing to believe what I say now? This video is absolutely real. Why should I fake it? I have a grudge against Nirvana. I wish that Nirvana would be destroyed soon. Why am I trying to fake it? Wei Bin killed me back to Novice Village, will I help the enemy?" Camry quickly explained this passionately.

"Wait a minute, you two have said so much, but he doesn't seem to be the person who appeared in the video. What's the use of what he says, no matter how extravagant it is? Shouldn't you find someone who appeared in the video to excuse you? "Xiong Ba's words were like a bolt from the blue, hitting Camry's heart hard!

Damn it! Yes, q is the photographer, and the photographer cannot appear in the camera! When have you ever seen a photographer appear on camera? What the hell! I finally found the most convincing photographer, but in the end I couldn't prove it to myself? ? ?

It can be seen that sometimes the person who can best prove your innocence cannot prove it for you because he cannot prove that he is the photographer!

"Leader of the Xiongba Gang, he is indeed the photographer. How can I prove this? If you don't believe me, ask him. He has killed Q. He should have some impression of Q, right?" Camry pointed at the killer!

Me? Pulling it on me again?

"Sorry, I can't remember. I kill so many people every day. How can I remember if I have killed him?" The killer denied Camry's words in one breath!

"What? You have killed me several times, and you still dare to say that you can't remember whether you have killed me before?"

"That's enough!!!" Xiongba was furious!

"I'm not here to ask you to quarrel. What I want is evidence, not your quarrels. I can see that you are all good actors, and your acting skills are as realistic as real ones. If it weren't for I've known the truth for a long time, and I'm afraid I've really been fooled by you! Do you two have any evidence? If not," Xiongba stopped their quarrel!

"By the way, I have the email about his murder here, look at it!" After saying this, he shared the email with several people!

"How about this?


I can prove that he killed me! "q said proudly.

"Haha, how about Xiongba Gang Leader? Now it can be proved that q was one of the people in the Novice Village at that time, right? As long as it is proved that q was one of the people in the Novice Village at that time, it can be proved that this video is real, right?" After seeing the email shared by q, Camry instantly straightened his back and became tough when he spoke!

"Well, yes, the email cannot be faked. However, the email can only prove that the killer did kill him. But how can we prove that the killer killed him at the gate of Novice Village while the group was killing you? Is there any proof? Maybe somewhere else? Killed him for other reasons?" After thinking about it for a while, Xiongba once again found the loophole in Camry's rhetoric!

Yes, just relying on an email sent by the system can indeed prove that the killer has killed him, but it cannot prove where he was killed. If it cannot be proved that he was killed when the Novice Village group destroyed the Camry team, then this The email will become meaningless!

"Are you doubting this? Just ask the killer if he killed him when he was killing us at the entrance of Novice Village? If the killer killed him somewhere else, then the killer must have an impression, right?" Camry was speechless. Don't believe it? However, this problem can be easily solved. If the killer has killed people in places other than the entrance of Novice Village, then the killer will definitely remember it. If the killer forgets again, it is because he deliberately does not want to prove it to himself!

"I did not kill anyone except at the entrance of Novice Village. I looked at the time period when I sent the email. That time period was indeed the time when I destroyed the Camry team. This one called q should be when I destroyed the Camry team. Killed, I can prove it!" The killer readily admitted this. This is a sure thing and cannot be faked. If he were to be vague about this, it would only arouse the resentment of Xiong Ba! It's okay to admit this, and he won't get into trouble for it, because he is indeed destroying the Camry team during this time! There is nothing to quibble about!

"Master Xiongba, how are you? Even the killer admitted that q was a member of our team and that q was killed by the killer group together with us. Can you believe what I say now?" Camry said proudly, finally It's not easy to prove your innocence, isn't it?

"Wait! When did I say that q was a member of your team? Don't throw dirty water on me! What I said is that I can prove that q was indeed in the geographical location when I killed q. He is in the position your team was in at that time, but that does not mean that I can prove that he is a member of your team! These are two different things, don't confuse them! Hey, I found that you are really cunning, and you are almost fooled by thirty-six tactics. Have you used it all over the place? Isn't this trick you just called a fish-eye trick?" The killer secretly thought that something was wrong. His previous premonition had indeed come true. This player named Camry was really cunning. He was really dragging himself into the water. I'm just trying to speak based on the facts, but I'm still being fooled by Camry? It seems that what you think is safe may not actually be safe. In other words, these words were originally safe, but under Camry's malicious misinterpretation, they will become unsafe! Nothing I can say can help him prove this, even if what Camry says is true!

At this moment, the killer realized the seriousness of the matter again. Why did Camry try every possible means to drag him into trouble? Isn't it because he has something in his heart and wants to form a united front with himself by dragging him down, so that he can prove his so-called "innocence" for him? But I don’t understand this matter at all. It seems that I have to be cautious and cautious when answering anything in the future! Don’t say things you shouldn’t say, and don’t say things you can’t say! Misfortune comes from the mouth, don't end up not getting the commission, and even getting yourself involved!

"The killer has a point, he does

It can be proven that q was with your team when he killed q, but how to prove that q was one of your team members? What if he is just a passerby who is being charged a toll by you? Unfortunately, we just happened to catch up with the arrival of the killer, although this possibility is not high! But even if he is indeed one of your team members, you still can't prove that he is the shooter of this video. You must know that the time when the killer group killed you is not the time when you shot the video. There has been a gap of many days. What if q joined your team later? You want him to prove to you that your video is authentic, either by proving that he is the shooter or that he appears in the video. Now you can neither prove that he is the shooter nor that he appears in the video, even if He just said, what about the people in your team? What if he was not online during the video shooting? How can he prove that the video is real? Camry, I have already given in. I will not argue with you whether he is really a member of your team. I will assume that he is a member of your team. But you still can't prove the authenticity of the video, right? "Xiong Ba's words once again extinguished the hope in Camry's heart!

Yes, even if it is proved that q is a member of his team, he still cannot prove that this video was shot by him. If he cannot prove that he is the photographer, he cannot prove the authenticity of the video. Thinking of this, Camry's face changed again. I was livid, I didn't expect the facts to be so complicated!

"How's it going? You have nothing to say, right?" Seeing that Camry didn't speak for a long time, Xiongba mocked proudly again!

"Okay, let's talk about the next doubt! Can you explain why Wei Bin was able to raise his level from level 0 to level 66 on the third day after the incident?" Xiong Ba continued to question.

"How do I know this? You should ask Wei Bin this question. If I knew there was any way to quickly upgrade, would I still be here? I would have become famous a long time ago and stepped on everyone's head!" Camry deliberately concealed it. He has thoroughly seen through Xiong Ba's own conjecture. Even if he told his conjecture that Wei Bin's level was temporarily reset to zero due to the mission, Xiong Ba would not agree. He has no evidence. Xiong Ba only depends on the evidence. Yes, if he tells his conjecture in order to help Xiongba solve the case, the result will most likely be the same as this incident. Instead of doing anything good, he will cause trouble for himself!

"How do you know? Of course you know, you just can't explain it to me, because this video itself was forged by you. The levels of Wei Bin and others have not been reset to zero at all. Naturally, there is no way to rise to the level in two days. Level 66! Am I right?" Xiongba asked.

"Leader Xiongba, this is just your conjecture. After saying so much, you just don't believe me. If you don't believe me, then what's the use of saying more?" Camry said helplessly, what should he say? No matter what he says, it's all in vain, he can't prove that this video is real! Xiong Ba has already determined that this is a forgery. No matter how extravagant his words are, what's the use?

"Haha, are you running out of words? You're not speechless because I don't believe you. You're speechless because you can't explain why Wei Bin and others were able to reach level 66 in just two days. ! In this world, it is simply impossible for someone to upgrade from level zero to level 66 in one or two days. Do you think this is possible? If there is such an upgrade method, then what else is interesting about this game? Then wouldn’t it? Has it become a rubbish game? If there was this way of upgrading, would people’s levels be only over 60? I’m afraid they would already be at level 70 or 80? If someone sells this way of upgrading, wouldn’t it? Already rich and rich, he has become the richest man in the world? Moreover, even if only Nirvana has this upgrade method, then everyone in Nirvana should have collectively occupied the first place in the level rankings, but in fact? ?The average level of Nirvana is only 64. Why don’t they use this method to upgrade? Because


Because there is no such fast upgrade method, all this is just made up by you! In other words, it was just made up by Wei Bin and you two! Am I right? "Xiong Ba said arrogantly, as if his pair of penetrating eyes had already seen through it all!

"Haha, hahahaha! Leader of the Xiongba Gang, you still say that we are actors? I think you look like an actor. The drama in your heart is so rich. Thank you for coming up with this script, haha!" Camry laughed unbridled stand up!

"Haha, you are speechless. You can only rely on this pale laugh to cover up your dilemma after being exposed by me, right?" Xiongba said.

"I, Camry, have nothing to hide. I am just laughing at your dominance. Forget it if you can't beat Nirvana. Not only can you not beat Nirvana, but you can't afford to lose! It doesn't matter if you can't beat Nirvana. After the war, you don't sum up your own internal situation. Instead, you are eager to shirk the blame and blame me for the defeat! In fact, you know very well that the reason for the defeat lies with you. It’s just that as the leader of a gang, you are unwilling to admit your mistakes. ! So you need a scapegoat, and just at this time, Wei Bin and others appeared. Their level gave you a reason to scapegoat, and the person who scapegoated was naturally me! What I said is not wrong. Right?" Camry seems to understand the fundamental purpose of Xiongba! No matter how you look at this matter, it has nothing to do with you. What reason do you have to collude with Wei Bin to plot to be proud of the world? This is obviously Xiongba who lost the battle and is looking for the scapegoat to take the blame! After all, he is the leader of a gang, how can he admit his mistake so easily? As the ancients said, if you know your mistakes and correct them but don't admit them, this is the management experience of being the boss!

If someone could look at this from God's perspective, they would laugh so hard that they wouldn't be able to eat for three days! Isn't this too funny? The two of them were suspicious of each other in the wrong direction, because they did not know the existence of the speed world, but even if they were wrong in the direction, they had very good reasons to doubt each other. As players in the game, they would not be able to Knowing the truth, it is very reasonable to have the current thoughts. Anyone would think so, because only this is the most reasonable!

Take Xiongba as an example. It is impossible for Wei Bin and others to reach level 66 in two days. Not only Xiongba will not believe it, but everyone will not believe it. Since it is impossible, it means that Camry What came here is fake. If the video sent by Camry is fake, it means that Camry and Wei Bin colluded. Next, Camry cannot prove that the video is genuine. Everyone involved in the video will have their accounts deleted. After practicing, how could there be such a coincidence? This is clearly Camry using a killer to kill all his team and delete their accounts to practice again. They just forced the names in the video to be associated with this matter. The people in the video don't exist at all. They were all made into videos. Made up at the time! What's wrong with Xiongba being so suspicious? What are the flaws in Xiong Ba’s reasoning?

Looking back at Camry's thoughts, he knew that he was innocent, but why did Xiongba repay kindness with hatred and forcefully put the shit basin on his head? This is so abnormal. Is this something a normal person can do? Obviously, there must be a lot of truth in this, prompting Xiongba to repay kindness with hatred! The source that prompted Xiongba to do this was Aoshi's defeat! Camry firmly believes that if Aoshi wins Nirvana City, then Xiongba will never embarrass himself. It is precisely because Aoshi was defeated and paid a lot of money, so Xiongba will not be affected by this matter either for the family, for the people below, or for They all need to give an explanation. This explanation is naturally to find the reason for their defeat, and what really caused Aoshi's defeat? It’s this video. It can be said that without the evidence of this video, Xiongba would not believe that the collective level of Nirvana’s core members has returned to zero, and he would not be so impatient to attack Nirvana City! It was precisely because this video proved that the core members of Nirvana had all reached zero levels that it gave him the confidence to attack Nirvana City and prompted him to attack Nirvana City!

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