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Chapter 654 Liberating the Ancient Teleportation Array

"Four-star mission? Don't trust me, little brother. Although your Nirvana has always performed very well, when other gangs have been taking the two-star expedition missions, you Nirvana have already started to challenge the three-star missions. However, a four-star crusade mission is much more difficult than a three-star crusade mission, and once the mission fails, you will not be able to collect even three stars, especially the mission you accepted to liberate the ancient teleportation position. Among the four-star missions, they are even more ceiling-level missions. This crusade mission is not that easy! You must think clearly!" A hint of surprise and expectation suddenly appeared in Leah's eyes!

Although she was not optimistic that Nirvana could complete this four-star mission, just like when she first met Wei Bin, Wei Bin chose the two-star mission for his first mission. At that time, she was not optimistic about Wei Bin either, but The results of it? Not only did Wei Bin complete the task, but he also did so in a very short time, which greatly exceeded her expectations! After that, during the monthly crusade missions, the tasks Nirvana took were one star more difficult than the tasks taken by other gangs. When other gangs started taking two-star tasks, Nirvana had already begun. Tried to take three-star missions, and now, when other gangs started to take three-star missions, Nirvana started to take four-star missions again. Although the difficulty of Nirvana selection has always been ahead of other gangs, miraculously, Nirvana actually once They have never failed, which is very rare. No gang can maintain a winning state. Of course, those gangs who choose low-difficulty tasks are not included! It is very rare for Nirvana to maintain an undefeated record. This was beyond her expectation!

So when she heard Wei Bin say that he wanted to challenge the four-star mission, her first reaction was that she was too ahead of her time. Other gangs had just started doing three-star missions, and you had already started to do four-star missions!

However, her intuition and her experiences along the way with Nirvana told her that there was still hope of being able to pass Nirvana, so she was still full of expectations for Nirvana!

"Little sister, don't worry, I'll take care of things! When has our nirvana failed?" Wei Bin said, patting his chest.

"Yes, Miss Leah, our Nirvana's strength is no longer comparable to what it used to be. If the gang leader hadn't insisted on challenging this mission, I would have thought that we were strong enough to challenge the five-star mission!" He grabbed a kitchen knife and cut the wires and came closer. He said before, obviously, he had an eagerness to try his strength after the reconstruction. Since the reconstruction, they had been hanging out in the ancient tombs day and night. In addition to upgrading in the ancient tombs, they also saw the ancient tombs on the way to the ancient tombs. They didn't know how many times they had vomited, and they had long wanted to find a boss to practice their skills on. However, time in the speed world was very precious, and they couldn't afford to waste it, so even though they had vomited many times, they still had to take the trouble to fight. Weird upgrade!

"Pfft! Little brother, this is the first time I've heard someone brag like this. You've boasted so much, right? A five-star mission? Fortunately, five stars is the limit. If there were a hundred-star mission, wouldn't you? Do you think it’s okay to challenge the 100-star mission?” He used a kitchen knife to cut the wires, which made Leah laugh!

"Tch, if you don't believe me, let's just wait and see. Sooner or later, our Nirvana will only accept five-star missions. Missions below five-star missions will definitely be looked down upon!" He said proudly while cutting the wires with a kitchen knife.

"Okay, okay, you are the best, okay!" Leah said perfunctorily.

"Wait a minute, what do you mean it's OK? Who are you trying to deal with? I'm already very good, okay?" He complained while cutting the wires with a kitchen knife.

"Okay, let's hurry up, Miss Lia. I choose the third-level Halo of Heart and the third-level Blessing of the Moon!" Wei Bin said.

Why did Nirvana increase the difficulty of the mission from two stars to three stars in the past after becoming familiar with the crusade mission mode? Because the crusade mission has its own unique mode, its mode is different from the mode experienced by players in Middle-earth. During the crusade mission, medicines that restore blood and energy cannot be used, and even the baby's rations cannot be used. ! That is to say, in


During the crusade mission, you can only rely on Emei to restore your health, and you can only rely on blood stains to restore your energy!

It is precisely because this mode is very demanding that the halo system emerged. In order to reduce the difficulty of the crusade mission, players can choose to spend technology points to purchase halo assistance. The halo is only effective during the mission. After the mission succeeds or fails, the halo system The effects will disappear!

Halos are divided into three levels: 1, 2, and 3. Players who want to purchase level 2 halo have a prerequisite, that is, they must purchase level 1 halo five times before they are eligible to purchase level 2 halo. Similarly, players who want to purchase level 3 halo , you must purchase the second-level halo five times before you are eligible to purchase the third-level halo! In other words, if you want to purchase a third-level halo, you must complete at least ten expedition missions!

Among them, purchasing the first-level halo requires 10,000 technology points, purchasing the second-level halo requires 100,000 technology points, and purchasing the third-level halo requires 1,000,000 technology points. The multiples are ten times the previous ones. Although the cost is high, its boost is also It is very obvious, and all gangs that are eligible to purchase the third-level halo are not short of technology points, because only the third-level gangs and above are eligible to receive the gang crusade mission, and the third-level gangs will not be able to receive it after ten months. , must have been promoted to the fourth-level gang long ago. After the fourth-level gang, technology points are not particularly scarce. In other words, the main factor that restricts the promotion of the fifth-level gang has changed from the number of technology points to the number of stars. Relatively speaking, technology points It is not very scarce anymore, so in this case, there are still some gangs who can afford the third-level halo. At least Nirvana does not have any pressure. As for other gangs, there may be some physical pain, but it is better to endure it. Affordable, after all, I only buy this once a month!

Although the price has doubled, its gain effect has indeed been significantly improved.

Durability Aura: Increases the movement speed of team members by 10 skill levels and the attack speed by 5 skill levels. The maximum aura is level 3.

Blessing of the Moon: Increases team members' internal and external attacks with a skill level of 3000 and attribute attacks of their own sect with a skill level of 500. At the same time, they have day vision at night, and the aura is up to level 3.

Heart-breaking aura: Enemies within 10 meters around the team members will lose a maximum health value of 0 per second. The damage is 1 skill level, and the aura is up to level 3.

Aura of Thorns: Allows team members to feedback 10 skill levels of the damage caused by melee to the opponent. The maximum aura is level 3.

Vampiric Aura: Every time a melee unit in the team attacks, 15 skill levels of the damage caused will be converted into its own blood volume. The maximum aura is level 3.

Evil Aura: Increases the movement speed of team members by 10 skill levels and restores 1000 skill level blood per second. The maximum aura is level 3.

Brilliant Aura: Team members recover 100 skill level Qi every second, and the highest level of the aura is level 3.

Assault Aura: Increases the damage of long-range units among team members by 10 skill levels. The maximum aura is level 3.

Concentration Aura: Increases the internal and external defense and resistance of team members by 10 skill levels. The maximum aura is level 3.

Command Aura: Increases the damage of team members by 5 skill levels. The maximum aura is level 3.

The ten major haloes are all extremely powerful and are indispensable aids for players when doing crusade missions, especially the third-level halo. It can be said that having a third-level halo can completely make a team that can only challenge two-star missions have the ability to In order to challenge the strength of the three-star mission, the huge gain is definitely obvious to all! Because you can purchase two halos for each mission. For example, if you choose a strong attack aura and a command aura at the same time, the strong attack aura can increase the output of remote players by 30.

The command aura can increase the output by 15 for all players. If you choose these two third-level auras at the same time, the output will definitely be upgraded to a higher level. Why not challenge the level?

Among these top ten halos, if you observe carefully, there are still some differences. For example, some halos purely increase output, such as the power aura, the command halo, the thorn halo and the heart-breaking halo!

There are also halos that increase survivability, such as concentration halo and blood-sucking aura!

There are also halos that are purely auxiliary and enhance the team's recovery ability, such as the brilliant halo!

Furthermore, there are some halos that have multiple functions. For example, the durability halo not only increases movement speed, but also increases attack speed. Attack speed can increase output, and movement speed can increase mobility. In fact, mobility is not a thing like this. It can be regarded as auxiliary. For example, the current dodge is divided into physical dodge and attribute dodge. Obviously, the movement speed is faster, which can increase the ability of physical dodge. If the opponent's projectile cannot hit you, it will naturally be considered as dodge! Furthermore, the mission scene must have a certain scope. Just running will take a certain amount of time. If you move faster, you can naturally shorten the time spent on the road. If you spend less time, the final reward will naturally be more generous. Yes, the final reward of the crusade mission is linked to the time it takes to clear the mission. The shorter the time spent, the higher the reward!

Another example is the Blessing of the Moon, which can not only provide output to the player, but also provide auxiliary help to the player, such as vision! Some tasks are performed under dark vision conditions, such as the first task that Wei Bin took on to conquer the Dark Outpost, and another example is the task that Wei Bin just took on to liberate the ancient teleportation array. When performing such tasks During this period, the player's field of vision is suppressed to the field of vision in the dark, which is the so-called field of vision halved! But this kind of visual field suppression is not simply night suppression, because the night light does not work here. Even if you use the night light, the field of vision is still suppressed by half. If you want to obtain a normal daytime vision, you must You have to choose this blessing of the moon. The function of the blessing of the moon is to expel darkness and allow players to gain daytime vision!

Another example is the evil aura, which can not only increase the movement speed, but also restore a certain amount of blood every second. The meaning of movement speed has been mentioned before. It can restore a certain amount of blood every second, which can not only greatly improve the player's survivability, but also alleviate the problem. Emei's pressure allowed Emei to retain his energy. After all, medicines cannot be used during the crusade mission!

Some of these auras are very strong in the early stage, but very weak in the later stage, such as Moon Blessing. This is obviously an early stage skill. Even if it is only one level, it can increase the damage by 6000. This 6000 damage will be added when everyone has just upgraded. When it comes to level three gangs, the damage is pretty good! However, even a level 3 aura can only increase the damage by 18,000. This seems a little insignificant if everyone is basically at level 4, and everyone is generally in their 60s or 70s. Who would spend 100? Spend 10,000 technology points to buy such a useless skill?

On the other hand, Halo of Heart, as the opposite of Blessing of the Moon, is a purely late-stage skill. At level one, it can only cause damage with a maximum health value of 0.1 per second. This is placed in the early stage to deal with some one-star and two-star crusade missions. , its damage is obviously less than 6000! But in the later stage, the maximum health value per second is 0.3, which is abnormal. It is definitely a boss killer. In the later stage, the health of any boss is not measured in hundreds of millions! ? Even if there are only 100 million, the damage per second can reach 300,000! Obviously much more powerful than Moon Blessing!

There are also some skills that are useful in the early, middle and late stages, and are not partial to science.

And Wei Bin chose the third-level Heart-Ending Halo and the third-level Moon Blessing Halo. This choice is actually very particular. All of this starts with Wei Bin's plan when he first accepted the crusade mission!

Wei Bin was the first one to pick up


The crusade mission was to crusade against Dark Outpost. At that time, these two halos were chosen. During the subsequent crusade missions, Nirvana chose these two skills many times, so that now Nirvana can purchase the third-level halo! And why did Wei Bin choose to practice these two auras? It is understandable that the Halo of Endeavor brings a small increase in the early stage, but it is very powerful in the later stage. It is a skill worth cultivating, but the Blessing of the Moon is different. The increased output of the Blessing of the Moon in the later stage is really huge. It's so small that it's not worth the 1 million technology points. So why does Wei Bin insist on cultivating this aura? Is Wei Bin stupid?

No, on the contrary, it is precisely because Wei Bin is too shrewd, because Wei Bin knows that although the output of Moon Blessing in the later stage is very average, its daytime vision is very valuable. The reason why he chose to cultivate this skill aura , starting from the first crusade mission he accepted!

Crusade against Dark Outpost is actually the first skill in a task chain. Only after completing the quest against Dark Outpost can one accept its follow-up tasks. In the series of crusade missions, crusade missions in the form of a task chain like this are rare. ! The reason why Wei Bin chose this task chain was actually for the last link of the task chain!

The reward for the last task in this task chain is really too rich. How rich is it? It's rich enough to be worth Wei Bin's expense to cultivate a halo like Blessing of the Moon, which has no effect in the later stage! Because the entire mission chain is in a dark and oppressive environment, without the vision of the Moon Blessing Station, it will be particularly difficult to conquer this mission chain!

The last link of this task chain is almost approaching. There are 10 links in this task chain. Nirvana has already completed eight links. Today’s liberation of the ancient teleportation array is the ninth link. As long as today’s task is passed, you can go tomorrow. It’s time to do the tenth ring mission, because today is the end of the month, and the number of crusade missions has been refreshed!

Afterwards, everyone was teleported to the end point of the previous task chain. The location of this task chain is actually very particular. For example, the second task chain is the end point of the first task chain. Similarly, the second task chain is the end point of the first task chain. The end point of the ring task is also the third ring task. They are interlocking with each other! To put it bluntly, the purpose of the entire task chain is actually only one, and that is the last link. But if you want to complete the last link of the task, you must do some preparations. For example, the last link asks you to rescue someone. But the place where he is imprisoned must be tightly guarded. It is impossible to teleport you in directly. You need to start from the outside and slowly attack inside bit by bit. This is the origin of the first round of the crusade against Dark Sentry. Sentry , is the outermost area where this person is detained. It belongs to a patrol-type organization. If you want to break in, you have to start here! The link they want to attack today is to liberate the ancient teleportation array. Its end point is here. There is a boss guarding it. As long as it is taken down, the teleportation array will be liberated, and then wait until the tenth ring mission. , they will pass through this teleportation array and enter another place, where they will complete the final mission!

In fact, before Wei Bin and others rebuilt it, Nirvana's ability to complete the eighth ring was already Nirvana's limit. The eighth ring mission is a three-star mission, but as the number of rings increases, the difficulty will definitely increase. So the ninth ring mission jumps directly to a four-star mission, and the tenth ring mission is even more outrageous, jumping directly to a five-star mission. After all, it is the last link in the mission chain, and it must reach a five-star difficulty!

In Wei Bin's eyes, before they rebuilt, completing the eighth ring mission was indeed their limit, but after the rebuild, they had a slight chance of completing the tenth ring mission, let alone the ninth ring mission. , their reconstruction is by no means comparable to ordinary people's reconstruction, the improvement brought by their reconstruction is too huge, this huge attribute has made Wei Bin's self-confidence unprecedentedly expanded!

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