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Chapter 696 Public Relations Direction

He also mentioned a common public relations method, which is comparison. If we just talk about Nirvana rescuing the besieged team outside the city, it will be easy for the masses to pass by at a glance. But if Nirvana is portrayed through contrast, The impact was so strong. Just imagine, everyone chose to be indifferent and ignore when passing by these besieged teams, but Nirvana chose to stop and go when passing by these besieged teams. To rescue these besieged people, if we only rescue those teams that pass by and can be rescued easily, it is not enough to highlight the greatness of Nirvana. After all, it is easy, and it is very likely that those sunspots will take it for granted! It must be emphasized that Nirvana also devoted a lot of time to deliberately looking for other besieged teams, which is very great. Think about it, at that time when everyone was in danger and precarious, they still had the mind to rescue other strangers. How could someone without a certain mind and character do such a thing?

"Fourth point, after entering the border city, Nirvana's large forces moved forward to help the teams rescued by them escape outside the city. Then, some neutral players who originally planned to attack the Yamakimon learned about each other. After the huge gap in combat power, they wanted to quit, so they took the opportunity to join the path opened up by Nirvana and escape! And Wei Bin didn't mind helping them escape at all, even to cover the escape of this group of strange players. , he died twice and almost died three times! In this regard, there are two positions that are particularly important. Everyone must pay attention to them. First, there will be many people who want to discredit Nirvana and say that Wei Bin saved the city. The reason why those teams in the city are willing to evacuate with these failed players in the city is because Wei Bin needs some human shields. It is Wei Bin who wants them to act as human shields to absorb damage and share the attack of Yamatamon. If If only 100 of their Nirvana people evacuate, then when Yamatamon finds someone trying to escape, every blow will hurt the Nirvana people. But what if there are more human shields to attract damage? That would be different, Yamakimon The beast's attack is likely to hit these human shields, thereby protecting the 100 people in Nirvana! Regarding this point, everyone must collect evidence to prove that these are not Wei Bin's original intentions, but are used by these black men to discredit Wei. It’s just Bin’s lines! We want to prove that Wei Bin really couldn’t bear to watch the death of his compatriots and cared about the world to rescue these besieged people! The second thing that needs attention is the sunspots who are trying to discredit Nirvana. It must be said that there are some players at the back of the team who have just escaped from the Resurrection Temple. Due to time constraints, these players can only follow the escape road opened by Nirvana. Wei Bin is actually trying to protect them. He risked his life to buy time for them! But this is not the case. The 45 people who survived Wei Bin and the 55 people who died in Nirvana have already converged together. Without them, how could Nirvana start early? So the remarks made by these sunspots are simply nonsense! Nirvana personnel are at the forefront of that team. The Nirvana people have long left the border city through the teleportation array. Wei Bin died twice and even nearly died three times. For They are all covering the retreat of these strangers! We must firmly grasp this point and carry out precise attacks on the slanderers’ remarks. As long as we provide enough evidence, the slanderous remarks of the slanderers will be self-defeating!” the public relations master continued to emphasize. Focus on the key points.

"Next, there is the fifth point, which is also the most difficult part of this public relations, that is, before Wei Bin left, he said something to the Yamatamon. He said that he would definitely come back to pick up the Yamatamon in a month. Save the lives of the beasts and save the fellow players who are besieged in the Resurrection Temple! Regarding this point, those black guys will definitely say that the leader of the Wei Gang did not really leave such a sentence to save those who were besieged in the Resurrection Temple. By the way, Wei Bin's real purpose is to conquer the Yamatamon and rescue the players trapped in the Resurrection Temple. It's just a favor he sent, because as long as the Yamatamon dies, the players in the Resurrection Temple will naturally be rescued. Well, Wei Bin simply went away to defeat the Yamatamon! We must find ways to refute this, and we must let the world know that Wei Bin’s roots are


The purpose is to rescue the player, but in order to rescue the player, he must first defeat the Yamatamon. These two points are easy to confuse, and it is easy to be used by those sunspots to make a fuss, so we must be cautious. , start with more details and find evidence to prove the original intention of the leader of Wei Gang. Does everyone understand? ” explained the public relations guru.

"Last point, the video department will make a video saying that Nirvana sincerely invites heroes to rescue the trapped players, support justice and eliminate injustice!" the public relations master made the final addition!

After everything was explained, the section chiefs, vice presidents, regional heads, etc. immediately returned to their respective posts to start preparing for this public relations matter!

On the other side, inside Nirvana City.

Since the major Nirvana players have been fighting for a long time, many people have gone offline to rest. Only the Blood Sea Demon King came to the arena. Although he was also very tired, he could not rest because of what happened today. For him, the meaning is too great!

His past record was to dodge four ballistic missiles at the same time. Even he himself believed that it was impossible for anyone in the world to dodge five ballistic missiles. There has never been one in the past, not now, and never will be in the future, because it is enough to dodge four ballistic missiles at the same time. This is the limit of human beings. It is simply not possible for humans to dodge five projectiles at the same time!

If you want to avoid five projectiles, you must meet two conditions. The first condition is to be able to observe and predict the movement trajectories of these five projectiles at the same time. You must know that when these five projectiles reach you, they will At what angle and position will they contact you, and the order in which these five projectiles will arrive at you? Any miscalculation of these factors will result in evasion failure! This tests one's thinking agility. The airborne time of a ballistic trajectory is only 0.5 seconds. Within 0.5 seconds, it is easy to judge the trajectory of one or two projectiles. It is very easy to judge the trajectory of three missiles. Difficult, judging the trajectories of four missiles is close to impossible. As for judging five missiles, unless you are a computer, it is impossible to do it. The running speed of the human brain is limited after all. Four missiles are already The limit of human beings!

The second necessary condition is muscle reaction speed. Even if you can predict the trajectories of five projectiles at the same time, it is useless if your muscle reaction speed cannot keep up. It is not enough to have a sufficient brain, the muscle reaction speed must also be able to keep up. It only requires your brain's reaction speed. When your brain determines the trajectory of the ballistic movement, your body must be able to match the evasive actions simulated by your brain. If your brain's reaction speed is not enough, your body But fundamentally speaking, the following situation will occur. You clearly know when and where these projectiles will arrive around you, and you also know how to avoid them, but in fact your body cannot do it. The evasive action is the result of too slow muscle reaction!

If you want to avoid ballistics, you must meet the above two conditions at the same time. One is indispensable. The brain reaction speed and muscle reaction speed required to avoid five ballistics at the same time have exceeded human limits, so blood Sea Demon Lord believes that it is impossible for anyone to be able to do this!

But in fact, he did it himself, which even he found incredible! At first, when he dodged the first round of missiles from Yamakimon, he thought that he was hit by mistake. He was lucky enough to avoid five projectiles. This is indeed very possible, if a person is good at it. If he has the ability to dodge four projectiles, then he is lucky. It is completely normal to accidentally dodge one more projectile. After all, luck is a mysterious thing in itself. If you can't catch it once, what about twice? What about three times? always have luck

Therefore, when you are allowed to dodge five projectiles, being able to dodge five projectiles at the same time does not mean that you have the ability to dodge five projectiles at the same time. If you want to have that kind of strength, you must at least increase the evasion rate to above 80. That's it, that is to say, you have to dodge five times and succeed four times before you have such strength. The Blood Sea Demon Lord naturally does not think that he has such strength. He immediately attributed this to coincidence. Got it!

However, when he dodged the second round of attacks from Yamakimon, he suddenly realized that it wasn't that simple, because in the second round of attacks, he dodged five projectiles again, which was incredible. Dodging five projectiles twice in a row can already explain a lot of problems. At least it is definitely not due to luck. Luck cannot allow him to avoid five projectiles two times in a row. If this is understood as luck, then his luck How good does it have to be? How low is the probability of dodging five projectiles twice in a row? The kind that can win 100 million with just one finger of the lottery ticket!

So when he dodged five projectiles twice in a row, he realized that it was not impossible to dodge five projectiles at the same time. If anyone thought it was impossible, it only meant that the person's physical fitness was not up to standard. That's it, just like the current player who can dodge three projectiles at the same time thinks that it is impossible for anyone in the world to dodge four projectiles. His own physical fitness is not up to standard, so of course he thinks it is impossible, but in fact? He has long been able to dodge four projectiles at the same time. Can this be called impossible?

He previously thought that it was impossible for anyone to be able to dodge five projectiles at the same time, and it was also because his physical fitness was not up to standard, whether it was the reaction speed of the brain or the reaction speed of the muscles!

And when he dodged the third round of attacks from Yamakimon, he dodged five more projectiles, which made him suddenly become more confident. He became more and more convinced that humans can actually dodge five projectiles at the same time. , and he himself already has, or is about to have, such an ability! ??

When he dodged the fourth round of attacks from Yamakimon, he knew that he had made progress. He had broken through the confinement of dodging four projectiles at the same time, and had entered the threshold of dodging five projectiles at the same time. He had dodged four times in a row. , no one missed, and all five projectiles were dodged. This evasion rate can already be said to be 100!

At this moment, he deeply realized that in fact, human physical fitness can be continuously improved, or human potential can be continuously explored. For example, the limit value of human physical fitness is 100 development degrees. His past development The speed was 60. At this moment, he thought he had developed his potential to about 70. It was precisely because of this that he broke through the limit of four projectiles and managed to dodge five at the same time! Moreover, he also believes that all of this is inseparable from his unremitting practice. On weekdays, in order to pursue progress, he has been practicing his body skills, practicing his brain reaction ability and muscle reaction ability. It is because of his diligent practice that he has made great progress!

In other words, the ability to avoid ballistics can be improved through acquired efforts. How explosive news is this? If he tells all the Nirvana members about his discovery, how powerful will the Nirvana players be in the future? How strong is Nirvana?

It wasn't until he faced the fifth round of attacks from Yaqimon that the Blood Sea Demon Lord failed once and only dodged four projectiles. But even so, the 80 evasion rate was enough to convince him of his ability!

After leaving the border city, the Blood Sea Demon Lord did not go offline to rest because of fatigue. He wanted to strike while the iron was hot, consolidate his achievements while his hand feeling was still there, recall his feelings at that time, and strive for Make it normal so that he can dodge five projectiles every time in the future! So the Blood Sea Demon Lord quickly contacted a few friends and accompanied him to the arena to practice!

"Damn it, devil


Jun, your movement skills are really awesome. You can dodge five projectiles at the same time. Then you will be worthy of the honor even if you face five players with the same combat power in the future! "

"Look at what you said, it's like the Demon Lord treated five players who couldn't afford the same combat power before!"

"What do I mean by that? If the Demon Lord is fully equipped and can use any skills, then of course there will be no problem in challenging five players with the same combat power! What I mean is that if neither party uses any skills, If it were all based on normal attacks, the Demon Lord's body skills could hit five of them with one attack!"

"Okay, stop flattering each other in business, you guys come and practice with me quickly. I want to strike while the iron is hot and consolidate my body skills while the feeling is still there!" The Blood Sea Demon Lord really couldn't stand this group of people anymore. However, At this moment, the address book of Blood Sea Demon Lord rang.

"Hello, brother Blood Sea Demon Lord, I am Hua Wuque, the deputy gang leader from Huajiling!" Blood Sea Demon Lord answered the other party's video call request.

"Hello, what do you want from me?" The Blood Sea Demon Lord didn't seem to know this person!

"Brother Demon King, it's like this. In the battle in the border city just now, your performance was too good! To be honest, our gang leader took a fancy to you at a glance, and he sent me here to recruit you. The gang leader has said that as long as you, Brother Demon Lord, are willing to join the Flower Sacrifice Spirit, the gang leader will never treat you badly, and the Flower Sacrifice Spirit will definitely value you more than Nirvana. You will get better room to perform on the Flower Sacrifice Spirit platform! What do you think, Brother Demon Lord?" Hua Wuque said with a smile.

"Flower sacrifice to the spirit? I'm sorry, I'm fine staying in Nirvana. I can only express my deep regret for your invitation!" The Blood Sea Demon Lord decisively rejected Hua Wuque, and he didn't even ask for any benefits or treatment. I didn’t ask any questions. This is loyalty, unshakable loyalty. No matter what conditions you offer, I will never accept your invitation!

"Brother Demon Lord, don't you want to hear the benefits proposed by our Flower Sacrifice Spirit? Brother Demon Lord, our gang leader said that as long as you are willing to come, the benefits are just a number, and it will be whatever you say! As for the position, You directly serve as the leader of the main force of the Flower Sacrifice Spirit. Brother Demon Lord, to be honest, this is the first time I have seen a gang leader recruit someone so generously. The gang leader really values ​​you very much!" Hua Wuque said with a look on his face. He said with envy, the envy he showed was definitely not pretending, but real envy. A person who even the deputy gang leader of Hua Ji Ling envied was enough to prove how much the leader of Hua Ji Ling valued the Blood Sea Demon Lord!

First of all, in terms of benefits, also known as salary, Hua Ji Ling obviously took a fancy to the reputation of the Blood Sea Demon Lord. The unique skills he just showed in the border city were enough to gain a large number of loyal fans. , especially those high-combat players. The equipment of high-combat players has basically reached the limit, and the gems do not have much significance in improving them. Everything must be cost-effective! In this case, if they want to improve their combat effectiveness, they can only seek breakthroughs in combat skills. And the set of top-notch body skills just demonstrated by the Blood Sea Demon Lord is not a way to improve combat skills. ? How can those high-combat players who are looking for breakthroughs not pursue the Blood Sea Demon Lord? After this battle, a large number of players will definitely change their appearance and join the gang of the Blood Sea Demon Lord, trying to improve their combat skills by learning from him! Even if some people don't jump to join the blood sea demon lord's gang, at least they will make friends with the blood sea demon lord. Once they get to know the blood sea demon lord, they can naturally ask for advice from the blood sea demon lord. With such a relationship, if the Blood Sea Demon Lord is in trouble, how can they not help? The gang is in trouble, can the Blood Sea Demon Lord not help? Therefore, even if some high-ranking people don’t jump to the Blood Sea Demon Lord’s gang, as long as the Blood Sea Demon Lord says a word, there will definitely be a lot of people willing to sell the Blood Sea Demon Lord a favor and help the Blood Sea Demon at a critical moment. Come forward!

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