"But it's different in the game. People can be resurrected after death. Who will really be afraid of you? What's more, the entire Middle-earth continent is so big, and the number of players is as high as two to three billion. How many people do you have in one gang? Even counting the deputy gangs, how many people can you have? Want to unite two to three billion people for you to control? What are you thinking? Some people believe that the gang continues to operate in order to create a fair and just world without war. A large environment for ordinary players to survive, just like the leader of the Wei Gang! But do you think this is possible? Where there are people, there are rivers and lakes, where there are rivers and lakes, there are interests, and where there are interests, there are disputes. It can be said that as long as there are people There will be disputes and injustice in the place. This is determined by human nature and will never be changed by the will of some people! I say, in the final analysis, the gang continues to operate, and the gang leader keeps going in Throwing money has only one purpose, money! What is the purpose of the gang leader investing so much money into the game? Is there too much money to spend? Is it a charity for everyone to play games happily? How is this possible? In the final analysis Isn't it just to make money? They all invest first and then make profits. They spend money in the game first, occupy the major resource points in the game, and seize the profitable industries. When the time is right, they can make a lot of money. Let's go back and make money. Let's take maritime resources as an example. Why do the major forces spend tens of billions of federal coins to build fleets? Isn't it because someone discovered the existence of treasure mines? These treasure mines can produce continuous output every day. For gems, as long as you occupy the treasure mine, you can continuously output money, but why do you say that this treasure mine is yours? If you don’t have a powerful fleet in your hand, who will hang you? This is to invest first Build a fleet, and then use the threat of force from the fleet to occupy the treasure mines and further export profits! For another example, why do the major gangs on land build a main force group? Is it not to conquer bosses, dungeons, and obtain those rare items? , patterns, etc. Why are you Nirvana the first to have a night lamp? The first to have a material synthesizer? The first to have carving patterns? The first to make a fortune by relying on the Royal Gift Set? The first to publish various Dungeon guide? Isn’t it brought by the main force of your Nirvana? And whether it is night lanterns, carving patterns, or various guides, what did the leader of the Wei Gang use them for? Isn’t it used to make money? So, a gang, No matter what aspect of development, it is all about making money in the end. The gang itself is about making money. They also invest first and then return. If you don't build the main team, where will you get these things?" Hua Wuque explained.

"Master Hua Gang, I'm really sorry. I have to interrupt. What you just said has anything to do with me and Nirvana? As far as I know, in the aspects you mentioned, our Nirvana seems to be every They all have an advantage. When you say that, it doesn't sound like you are stating the interests to me and then poaching me to leave Nirvana. It seems like you are persuading me to stay in Nirvana. Nirvana has broader development prospects. You say that. , what meaning do you want to express?" How could he not understand the truths Hua Wuque said? In fact, many people understand these principles! However, the more the Blood Sea Demon King understood these truths, the more he was deceived. What Hua Wuque said were all the advantages of Nirvana. In many places, Hua Wuque even used Nirvana's examples to illustrate! What is he trying to do by saying that? He came here to poach himself, not to persuade him to stay in Nirvana. By saying this, wouldn't it strengthen his determination to stay in Nirvana? Hua Wuque is definitely not a fool, there is no way he would do such a thing! Hua Wuque said this, which can only mean that there is a turning point behind him. He is trying to be strong before suppressing, oh no, he is trying to suppress before being strong!

"Brother Demon Lord, don't be impatient. Let me tell you slowly! Brother Demon Lord, you only see the phenomenon on the surface. As everyone knows, the more glorious it is on the surface, the more turbulent the waves behind it are! As the saying goes, We are not afraid of thieves stealing, but we are afraid that thieves will miss us. Brother Demon King, do you know how many pairs of eyes are staring at your Nirvana City now? I have said this for today, I might as well say a little more, to be honest, Demon King Brother Jun, do you know


Do you know the truth about the invasion of Nirvana City by the coalition forces of Aoshi and the Assassin Alliance three months ago? Hua Wuque asked.

"The truth? The truth is right in front of us. Is it possible that Ao Shi can still be wronged? Is there someone who puts a knife on their necks and forces them to attack Nirvana City?" Blood Sea Demon Lord asked, even Xiong Ba and Xing Tian Even if they don’t deny their bad behavior of invading Nirvana City, can anyone else clean them up? These are all things that have been put on the table, and any explanation is redundant!

"No! No one has wronged them. The fact that Ao Shi and the Assassin Alliance invaded Nirvana City is an ironclad fact. No one can lie about it. They were not forced. They just took a fancy to the interests of Nirvana City and they wanted to take it for themselves. , so the war was launched! But Brother Demon King, do you know how many unknown things are hidden in this? Ao Shi and the Assassin Alliance are both a big gang, with a big gang of self-esteem and self-confidence, how could they both Get it together? How could they be willing to carve up Nirvana City with others? Don’t they want to enjoy Nirvana City to themselves? No, they want to! However, just the day before the Assassin Alliance took action, Aoshi contacted the Assassin Alliance and said that he would They went to carve up Nirvana City together. The reason was that Aoshi also had his own plan to attack Nirvana City. In order to avoid future disputes with the Assassin Alliance, Aoshi went to discuss with the Assassin Alliance to attack Nirvana City together. The Assassin Alliance also Seeing that Aoshi did not want to have any disputes with him, he agreed to Aoshi's request to divide Nirvana City. In this way, the two gangs reached an alliance. In the final result, the Assassin Alliance accounted for a larger proportion than Aoshi! Speaking of which , maybe the situation of Nirvana is not clear enough, but once I finish what I want to say next, you will immediately understand how dangerous Nirvana's situation is at this moment!" Hua Wuque paused!

"Actually, what you see is just the tip of the iceberg. On the surface, you only see Aoshi and the Assassin Alliance plotting Nirvana City. But in fact, there are many enemies who are eyeing Nirvana City, but their plans Slightly slower than Aoshi and the Assassin's League, they were the first to get in. I can tell you responsibly that even if there was no Aoshi and no Assassin's League, there would still be people who would come forward to invade Nirvana City, just with a different name! Nirvana already has many enemies on the surface, but compared with its potential enemies, there are still too few enemies on the surface! Do you know how many people have been coveting Nirvana City? As far as I know, in When Ao Shi and the Assassin Alliance invaded Nirvana City three months ago, ten gangs also had the intention of invading Nirvana. If it were not for Ao Shi and the Assassin Alliance, one of their ten gangs would definitely invade Nirvana City. However, Ao Shi and the Assassin's Alliance saved their lives, because they forced out Nirvana City's trump card - the Geomancer King. If it weren't for Ao Shi and the Assassin's Alliance, one of the ten of them would be injured in the end! The Diviner King is a level 80 boss. In other words, Nirvana City can only be strong until the majority of players reach level 70, because players at level 71 can break through the Diviner King's defense. By then, People have plenty of ways to conquer the Geomancer King! Even Nirvana City couldn't even survive that time. You also saw the invasion of Nirvana City by Aoshi a few days ago. If it weren't for the dominance at the last moment, it would have been too much. To ridicule Feng Yun Wuji, Nirvana City has changed hands a long time ago! In other words, Aoshi actually has the strength to conquer Nirvana City! Even with the protection of the Geomancer King, Nirvana City still cannot be said to be impregnable! In fact, Nirvana City has always been in danger! Even if Nirvana City is defended before the majority of players reach level 71, how long will it take? In another two months at most, players will gradually reach level 70, that is Said that Nirvana City can still survive

It has been more than two months. After more than two months, Nirvana City will be lost. As long as Nirvana City is lost, Nirvana will lose its base on land and can only fight at sea. In that case, it will lose a lot of land resources! Even if Nirvana can rebuild a gang city, it will take a lot of time to develop. Before it develops, Nirvana may not even be considered a second-rate gang! In fact, this is not the end. After all, Nirvana still has two water cities. The huge number of gang members can provide the gang with a lot of gang funds and technology points. The gang city after Nirvana will definitely be much faster than before, but there is a rule. But we can't forget, that is to push down the wall! You know better than anyone how many enemies Nirvana has. The loss of Nirvana City is a trigger and a signal for major forces to prepare to take action against Nirvana. Therefore, when Nirvana City is lost, Nirvana's other two floating gang cities cannot be saved. , even if Nirvana has an invincible maritime fleet! The Nirvana Fleet is indeed invincible, but it is only invincible within this sea area. If other major forces are planning to attack Nirvana's City of Peace and Qinglu City, they will definitely assemble their fleets first and destroy the Nirvana Fleet, and then If the City of Peace and the City of Qinglu are divided again, then it will be the end of Nirvana, and Nirvana will no longer exist! "Hua Wuque slowly revealed some secrets to the Blood Sea Demon Lord!

Why is it said to be secret? Because many things Hua Wuque said were unknown to anyone in Nirvana. For example, why was Aoshi able to cooperate with the Assassin Alliance to carve up Nirvana City together? The Assassin Alliance actually wanted to attack Nirvana City alone. The Assassin Alliance also believed that it had the strength. However, Ao Shi did have a plan to attack Nirvana City at that time. Since Ao Shi came to the door, the Assassin Alliance wanted to avoid a stalemate with Ao Shi. That's why I sold Ao Shi as a favor. Otherwise, how could Ao Shi get on the Assassin's League's fast ship? You know, Aoshi's plan was not yet completed at that time, it was only halfway through! How can Nirvana know such a secret?

For another example, in addition to Ao Shi and the Assassin Alliance, there were about a dozen gangs preparing to attack Nirvana City. If Hua Wuque didn't tell them, how could Nirvana know that it had so many potential enemies? ? It's easy to guard against enemies on the surface, but it's even more difficult to guard against enemies hidden in the dark. Do you know who your opponent is? You don’t even know who your opponent is, how can you protect yourself that day? At most, just take some basic preventive measures!

After listening to Hua Wuque's words, the Blood Sea Demon's face began to become extremely solemn. It was obvious that Hua Wuque was explaining to him that Nirvana was almost over, and wanted him to assess the situation and change jobs as soon as possible, but the Blood Sea Demon Jun's face is solemn, not because Nirvana is about to die and his future is dark. He is not worried about his future at all. The reason why the Blood Sea Demon Lord is so nervous is because he feels the crisis for Nirvana. He He is nervous and worried about Nirvana, because he has already regarded Nirvana as his eternal home, and Nirvana is his root!

Why does the Blood Sea Demon Lord have such a strong sense of belonging to Nirvana? It can be said that among all the people in Nirvana, his sense of belonging to Nirvana can be ranked in the top five, even surpassing Bingyue Hanxin, Little Milk Rabbit, Bull Demon King and others who first followed Wei Bin! He has tied himself to Nirvana. When necessary, if he can save Nirvana by sacrificing himself, then he will definitely sacrifice himself without hesitation, sacrifice his small self, and achieve his greater self!

Why? Why does he have such strong emotions about Nirvana? Why does his emotion even exceed that of the earliest people in Nirvana?

It's very simple. The experience of the Blood Sea Demon Lord has destined him to do this. If it were you, if you went through his experience, you would make the same choice as him!

What is the experience of Blood Sea Demon King? He was originally the leader of the Blood Demon Adventure Group.


The word "sha" is the homophone of his girlfriend Xuesha, which shows how deep his feelings for Xuesha are! At that time, it was Wei Bin who told him that his girlfriend had some health problems and suggested that he take Xue Sha to the hospital for a checkup. Sure enough, the Blood Sea Demon Lord took Xue Sha to the hospital and found out that the cancer was in the early stage. With the medical technology, cancer detected at an early stage is not cancer at all. Even if it cannot be completely cured like an ordinary person, as long as she takes medicine daily, it can be completely suppressed and her body will be like a normal person. , just need to take medicine for a long time! In comparison, this ending was perfect. From then on, the Blood Sea Demon Lord regarded Wei Bin as his benefactor. It was Wei Bin who saved the Blood Demon and him! He didn't know how he could continue to live if he lost Xuesha...

When Wei Bin told him that there was something wrong with Xue Sha's body, Wei Bin also reminded him of another thing, that is, his parents' company had a problem and was on the verge of bankruptcy. The Blood Sea Demon Lord verified that his parents' company had indeed gone into trouble. The big problem is that all the major banks have cut off the loans from his parents' company. The company will not be able to survive for long! The company is the hard work of his parents and is owned by his parents. If the company goes bankrupt, it is difficult for him to imagine how his parents will be hit. It was Wei Bin's reminder that made him discover this, and Wei Bin He used personal connections to get a bank to lend money to his parents' company, which allowed his parents' company to survive the crisis!

After experiencing these two things, everyone must be grateful to Wei Bin, right? Everyone would willingly contribute to the nirvana of Wei Bin's gang, right? If the above help was not enough to make him sacrifice himself to save Nirvana, then what happened next was enough to make the Blood Sea Demon King give everything he had for Nirvana!

After the Blood Sea Demon Lord led his blood evil adventure group to join Nirvana, Wei Bin named the Blood Sea Demon Lord as his disciple, because in the previous life, Wei Bin was the Blood Sea Demon Lord's apprentice and a member of the Blood Sea Demon Lord. The Demon Lord taught Wei Bin how to play Tianlong and how to play Tianshan. It was the Blood Sea Demon Lord who taught Wei Bin all kinds of knowledge and skills. In order to repay his kindness and feed him back, Wei Bin turned to the Blood Sea Demon Lord. After accepting him as his disciple, Wei Bin taught the Blood Sea Demon Lord all he had to teach him without reservation. It can be said that the Blood Sea Demon Lord has inherited Wei Bin's mantle, and a large part of the knowledge in this mantle actually comes from It was Wei Bin who was taught by the Blood Sea Demon Lord! In this way, Blood Sea Demon Lord quickly transformed from a newbie who was very unfamiliar with this game to an experienced veteran driver. Wei Bin's teachings helped him avoid many detours, and it was precisely because of this that he became an experienced driver. Wei Bin's tireless teachings to him made him have strong feelings for Wei Bin!

He wanted to repay his kindness by being a teacher for one day and a father for life. Wei Bin gave him everything he had now. Without Wei Bin, he would have been ruined long ago! This makes it understandable why his sense of belonging to Nirvana ranks among the top five Nirvana players!

Wei Bin had such a deep kindness to him, how could he not repay Wei Bin? So in his eyes, if one day he could sacrifice himself to preserve Nirvana, then he would have no problem with it!

Therefore, when Hua Wuque revealed Nirvana's precarious situation, the Blood Sea Demon Lord's first thought was not his own future, but Nirvana's safety. Compared to his own future, Nirvana's safety was more important!

Seeing the serious expression on the Blood Sea Demon Lord's face, Hua Wuque thought that the Blood Sea Demon Lord had realized that his current situation of glory was actually a crisis-ridden situation. Therefore, Hua Wuque hurriedly struck while the iron was hot: "Brother Demon Lord, you are a smart man, you should understand What I just said are all facts, and they are all things that will definitely happen in two or three months. So, according to me, Brother Demon Lord, it is better for you to leave Nirvana earlier. If you leave Nirvana now, you will definitely be able to escape unscathed. You won’t fall into anyone’s trap!”

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