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Chapter 70: Sell Loquats

You gain 40,000 experience points

You gain 40,000 experience points

Every time a wave of monsters fell, Wei Bin's experience bar increased by a small amount at a speed visible to the naked eye. In three hours and a half, he rose from level 26 and a half to level 27, and after nearly a day of brushing, he rose to level 28. There is no doubt about the efficiency of single brushing, but not everyone can single brush the land. You have to have a single brush baby. Otherwise, only the nanny sect of Emei can single brush. After all, it takes a long time to defeat monsters. , who can brush it alone without the ability to recover?

It's time to finish the main mission first. Wei Bin has been very busy these days. He must complete the main mission of Erhai today, otherwise the forward troops will be upgraded to level 25 in a few days!

Wei Bin came to Erhai and found the NPC Daoyao who handed over the West Lake mission.

"Hello, I have been entrusted by Su Fei of West Lake to inform you that the water ghost chaos in West Lake has been resolved, and the supply of herbal medicine to West Lake can be restored from today on!" Wei Bin said politely.

You gain 220,000 experience points

"I understand! First of all, welcome to Shangguan Village! Erhai Lake is a place rich in medicinal herbs. Dali Bazi and Tea Horse Road are covered with various medicinal herbs. We often take medicinal herbs to Dali City to do business with Dali people. But a few months ago, the werewolves from Cangshan suddenly occupied Dali Bazi and controlled the Tea Horse Road. From then on, we could only go to Yeren Mountain to collect herbs. Yeren Mountain is also very rich in herbs, but there are still many there. People who collect herbs are often attacked by spotted leopards and barefoot savages. Today, my son Langgan went to collect herbs, and my daughter Yingluo also went with him. They are both fifteen years old this year and can already help adults. , but it’s getting late now, and they should come back already. If you pass by Savage Mountain, help me find Dao Langgan and ask him to take his sister home as soon as possible!” Dao Yao replied to Wei Bin.

Wei Bin mounted his mount and came to Savage Mountain.

"Hello, I am Dao Langgan, and this is my sister Dao Yingluo."

You gain 220,000 experience points

"Hello, I'm Wei Bin!"

"Ah, you are it. We have heard from Abba a long time ago! We encountered a group of spotted leopards when we were collecting herbs. We were hiding in the grass and were not discovered by them, so we were not injured. , but my sister was frightened by them and couldn't walk. If these spotted leopards are not eliminated, more villagers will be attacked by them in the future. Hero, please help me kill 5 of them. piebald


Leopard. "Wei Bin followed Dao Langgan's instructions and eliminated the five spotted leopards. With Wei Bin's current attack, he killed all five of them at once!

You gain 220,000 experience points

"Have you killed five spotted leopards? Great, it will be much safer for us to collect herbs in the future! Your skills are really as good as dad said, but you can help me kill five more barefoots." Savage?" After saying that, Wei Bin came to the Barefoot Savage area and killed five Barefoot Savages.

The experience you gain is worth 220000

"Thank you for your help, hero! Do you know loquat? It is a very precious medicinal material. The loquat fruit is sweet and flat. It enters the lungs and stomach meridian and has the effect of moistening the lungs, relieving cough and quenching thirst. Sister Yingluo and I This time I came to Yeren Mountain mainly to pick this medicine. But now we haven't picked enough loquats. I have to take care of my sister and can no longer continue to pick medicine." A melancholy look flashed across Dao Langgan's face. , "Go and find 5 loquats for us. Dad is still waiting for us to go home!"

The main mission at this time is no longer as mindless as before. It begins to involve various common sense and skills. For example, this loquat is a third-level herbal medicine. Who will learn the skills of picking herbs at this level for most players? ? If you go back and upgrade your herbal picking skills, it will take at least three or four days to reach level three. If you don't collect herbs by yourself, you have to think of other ways, such as looking for where to buy them. Baishicheng Grocery Store does sell loquats, but they only refresh one thousand beads and one silver plant every day. The supply is simply in short supply, and Wei Bin Ivy has already arranged for someone to send people to buy them every day. As soon as 0 o'clock arrives every day, they buy them immediately. Currently, they have 9,000 plants, and the few of his men who have learned herb picking skills have already reached level three. Under Wei Bin's special care, loquats are collected first every day, followed by other herbs. So far, more than 2,000 plants have been collected.

"This brother, oh, it turns out to be the boss Wei Bin! I've admired him for a long time!" The visitor saw that it was Wei Bin who had held back what he was about to say.

"Hello, who are you?" Wei Bin asked.

"Boss Wei, have you forgotten that I interviewed you before? My name is Rock Lee!"

"Oh, it turns out it's you! You've risen in level very quickly!" Wei Bin saw that Rock Li had risen to level 25, which was definitely among the best!


Dare to compete with Boss Wei in speed! By the way, boss, are you still hiring? I've been waiting for your news for a long time! "Wei Bin looked at this man with a very sincere look. He is still thinking about him after so many days. He was removed because Avril Lavigne had already decided to follow him, so he had no choice but to do it. Unexpectedly, this man not only does not hold grudges, but also keeps thinking about him. I am working for myself!

"I do still need manpower here. You don't need to interview, but you have to pass my assessment before you can pass!"

"That's great! I wonder what the assessment is, boss!" Locke Li said excitedly.

"I'll give you a hundred herbs. You can sell them for 10 silver plants within three days. At the same time, you can't let others know that you are related to me and Tiantian Pharmacy. After you sell them, you will pass the assessment!" "Wei Bin was using him to sell medicine while assessing his character. Because he didn't sign a contract, he couldn't do anything even if he turned the herbs into money and didn't give them to him, but if he gave them ten pieces of gold to him, It means that he has good character and is trustworthy!

"Boss, what herb is so valuable? What? It's loquat! Boss, where did you get so many loquats? This is a mission item here. I've been looking for it for a long time but I haven't found it yet. Boss, you actually have so many!" Locke Li thought more and more. The more frightened I was, the boss had already started hoarding goods and preparing to sell them for money before anyone else could use the herb! What a far-sighted boss!

"Avril, you can arrange for someone to sell loquats at Tiantian Drug Store. The price is 5 silver each. There are also people at the grocery store keeping an eye on the loquats. As soon as they are refreshed, they will buy them out immediately!" The reason why Wei Bin asked Locke Li to sell them for ten Silver, in fact, just wants to advertise Tiantian Drug Store, giving people the impression that Tiantian Drug Store is high-quality and low-priced. It is passed from person to person, and it becomes more and more popular as it is passed on! If there are players who are too lazy to go back to the city and queue up to buy, you can earn more by buying from Locke Li!

Wei Bin continued to start his unfinished task and handed the loquat to Dao Langgan.

The experience you gain is worth 220000

"Thank you very much for helping us find the herbal medicine, but my father said that a real man must complete the task by himself. I will use my own strength to collect enough loquats." Dao Langgan looked at Dao Yingluo, and then looked at it again Looking at Wei Bin, he thought for a while: "Can you help me send my sister back to Shangguan Village? This way my father can rest assured. I will rush back as soon as possible after collecting enough herbs. You must take good care of me." Take care of her, I only have a younger sister, Yingluo!"


r\u003e  After accepting the mission, Wei Bin began the escort journey. The little girl walked too slowly and stopped and had some fun from time to time. It took more than ten minutes to deal with a few tailing animals along the way. The werewolf finally escorted her to the end. This type of escort mission cannot be too far away from the nc, otherwise the mission will be declared failed. At the same time, the nc will return. Since there is only one mission nc, only the person who did the task in front succeeded or failed in the back. This task is not exactly the same as the Li Chonggui task in Dunhuang. It can be said that this task has been greatly optimized, because although people later also need to queue up, the escort task can be carried out by multiple people at the same time, as long as you After accepting this escort mission, even if a hundred people follow the nc to the end, they can still complete the mission. The reason why you need to queue up means that latecomers need to queue up. For example, when you arrive at the mission location, the nc has already led a group of players. , then you naturally need to wait for the nc to arrive at the end before returning here to do this escort mission, because there is only one nc. If you are lucky, you may just arrive here in time for the departure. If you are unlucky, you may also arrive here when you arrive. NC has just left, so naturally we have to wait another ten minutes!

You gain 220,000 experience points

"What do you want from me? Ah, thank you for bringing Yingluo back. Langgan, this little devil, is really not simple! This is my son, Daoyao! We can't always back down from the werewolf's aggression. " Dao Yao looked at Wei Bin, his eyes full of hope: "When we lost Dali Bazi, we retreated, and we lost the Tea Horse Road; when we lost the Tea Horse Road, we retreated again, and we lost the magnet mine. , more and more land is falling into the hands of werewolves. Now if we choose to retreat again, we will lose Shangguan Village, where we have survived for many years, and all the villagers will be enslaved by those ferocious werewolves! We must expel the ferocious invasion The leader, recover the Magnetite Mine, recover the Tea Horse Road, and recover the Dali Bazi. When we get your help, these things will become extremely simple. The Magnetite Mine is currently occupied by wolf spies, kill 10 wolves. Spies, completely eliminate the werewolf forces from the magnet mine."

OK! Wei Bin's favorite thing to do is the monster-killing mission, because he has high attack power. The last thing he wants to do is the running mission, which takes too long!

Not long after, Wei Bin killed ten wolf spies, and after turning in the mission, he got a pair of "mud-free boots," two-star shoes with no practical value, from an auction house.

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